Author Archives: Michelle


From Michelle.  September 18, 2013. Dear friends and family, It is September again, and my Facebook stream has been full of first day of school pictures, and wistful reflections on the fleetingness of those long and languid hours of summer.  … Continue reading

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From Michelle.  August 2nd, 2013. Dear friends and family, After two months on the road, we are settling back into our lives in Manila.  Although we had an amazing time with dearly missed friends and family, I confess that it … Continue reading

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From Michelle.  May 11, 2013. Dear friends and family, Three months have passed since my last update.  It is commonly said of the early years with children that the days are long but the years are short, and I find … Continue reading

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In him, it is always Yes.

From Michelle.  8 February, 2013. Dear friends and family, We are now approaching three years since Steve’s accident.  I wish I could say that we have settled into a routine, into acceptance, into a familiarity with the new parameters of … Continue reading

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Christmas Letter 2012

From Michelle.  23 December, 2012 Dearest friends and family, There has been much loss surrounding this Advent.  The usual rush of Christmas parties were equally scattered with farewell parties.  Steve helped facilitate the memorial services of two dear members of … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving

From Michelle.  November 22, 2012. Dear friends and family, My soul has lightened in recent days.  I cannot explain why.  Our circumstances have not changed, nor is there any particular movement on the horizon.  Nevertheless, my soul looks up, expectant, … Continue reading

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Perseverance beyond the finish line.

From Michelle.  September 27, 2012. Dear friends and family, Each time I sit down to write to you, I wonder how to put more words to the same thing.  The landscape looks the same as it did last month and … Continue reading

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Trusting him.

From Michelle.  August 23, 2012. Dear friends and family, Much time has passed.  We spent eight long weeks in the United States (Steve joined us for five), across five states, and in six different homes.  We had countless conversations, engaged … Continue reading

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The good desert.

From Michelle.  12 June, 2011. Dear friends and family, Today is a good day, my birthday.  Greetings have arrived from around the world.  I feel loved.  Tomorrow we celebrate my son and my brother.  The week will be capped off … Continue reading

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From Michelle.  11 May, 2012. Dear friends and family, You may have noticed that I have been at a loss for words.  Sometimes, the journey offers little that seems remarkable.  One merely sets one’s face forward and keeps walking.  My … Continue reading

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