If you are interested in providing volunteer help for the Ruetschles, please send email to steve.volunteer@gmail.com. Let us know what you’d like to provide, and please include your contact info. We are compiling a database of resources to draw from as needed, and while we may not be able to respond to every offer we’ll use this database as a local resource network.
If you aren’t able to volunteer due to location or time-constraints, there are additional ways you can support Steve & Michelle through the coming weeks and months of rehab.
- Contribute to Steve. Click here to learn more.
- Continue to visit this site and share your thoughts and prayers in the comments for Steve, Michelle and the family. It provides more sustenance and encouragement than you can imagine.
- Send an encouraging letter or card to:
Harborview Medical Center
Attn: Steve Ruetschle / Rm 457
325 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104