
Steve and Michelle cherish your messages. Take a moment to write a note or read entries from others in their community. (Note: If you’ve already left a note on CaringBridge or in the previous version of the guest book, those have been preserved and we are working on a way to move them over to this site permanently.)

» Click here to enter your well-wishes for Steve in the Guestbook
  • Barry

    Please know that the prayer team and the entire staff of Christ United Methodist Church has been praying for Steve – and the rest of the family. We know this must be an exrtremely difficult time for all of you. but we also know that God is in it with you. Please let us know if there is anything we can do in addition to our prayers here in Dayton/Kettering. Barry DeShetler, Senior Pastor

  • Richard Power

    Dear Steve and Michelle, We are praying for all of you! Richard, Gabriele, and Anya Power. (Dear Steve, We met at UPC, just before you went to your new church. I directed the Cathedral choir in 2005-2006, as the interim. You and I talked about it with your two son's at that time. We follow all of your ministry progress as a family. We were heartsick to hear of your accident. May the grace and healing poswer of our Lord be with all of you!)

  • George Hinman

    06.22.10 – George Hinman ( said:

    I have been in prayer for you, Steve and Michelle, this morning. Our family has been praying for you, UPC is praying for you, and we will all continue. Healing, grace, and peace from Jesus…

  • Sandra Kieras

    06.22.10 – Sandra Kieras ( said:

    I don't know Steve or his family. My co-worker Stephanie Sevilla came to me to pray for Steve and directed me to this website. As a believer, I know miracles to medical miracles to happen. I am a personal witness to the miracles God performs (been through brain surgeries, a major stroke, paralyzed for 3 months with full recovery!). I've seen the awesome miracles He performs (a friend of the family woke up after being in a coma for 5 months from a hit-and-run bicycle accident and has suffered no physical or mental injuries).

    You and your family are all in my prayers. Hang in there. Keep the faith…God is Great!

    Sandra Kieras

  • Angela

    Michelle, I worked with Steve at BPC in 1998-1999. I am praying for you and your family! Love Angela (Phay) Anderson

  • seandimond

    Hi, Michelle – just popping in again to let you know you are still foremost in our prayers and thoughts. Love you both tremendously, and we are doing as best we can in our own 'fight' on our knees. Have 2 churches in Auckland praying for you guys. We were thrilled to hear that Steve was coughing, even a laugh, and that he's got two names out.
    A little window of hope, shining God's goodness through.
    Lots of love,
    Joanna & Nigel

  • seandimond

    Steve & Michelle:

    You are both in our thoughts and prayers! We pray for God's perspective and his healing power.

    W e love you both. We are available to help in whatever way we can.

    Joe is not teaching this summer and is available to come to help in any way he can.

    Joe & Dianne

    “And the Peace of God that transends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds, in Christ Jesus.” Phillipines 4:7

  • seandimond

    Dear Pastor Steve,

    We are a Union Church family who loves you very much. We look forward to church because of you. We discuss your sermons in the car and over lunch… and in those times we need to make peace with each other and the world around. No other pastor or priest has inspired us to see the world through gospel-colored glasses as much as you.

    All our love now pours out into all the prayers we are saying for you now. Know that before we sleep and when we wake, we are asking God for your healing… “Please heal Pastor Steve, please, please, please!” This is our cry and surely the cry of thousands of others who love you.

    Our 13-year old daughter, Zoe, has made a deal with God that she would wake up early on her own everyday for school as a sacrifice offered for your healing. Believe us, that is a big deal for her. She's also told us that every time they pray in school–and in her Catholic school they pray before each subject–each of those prayers are for Pastor Steve. That's a prayer every 50 minutes.

    We pray too for strength and peace for Michelle and for your boys. We believe that with faith, you will be a whole Papa for them again.

    With much love and prayer,

    Kat Gomez-Limchoc, Joel Limchoc, Zoe Gomez and Liv Limchoc

  • seandimond

    My heart aches for all of you. I am praying for Steve and his family, friends, and loved ones. I honestly haven't seen Steve in over 20 years, but remember his kindness when I first moved to Dayton in High School. He was so kind then, and seems to have become an amazing man, husband, father, son, sibling, and Pastor.

    God bless all of you,

  • Aawolfden

    I read this this morning…”I have told you these things , so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
    He will overcome the trouble in your life.

    Our hearts, love, and prayers, go out to you. It is a stange mix of emotions upon hearing what has happened to you, Steve, and being so grief striken and then so joyful and thankful for the memories and significance you and your family had in my life when we were teenagers. I will always thank God for you and your wonderful family.

    Our Love and Prayers are with you.
    Amy Lehman Wolf (for Alan, Sara,& Sean too)

  • Jimboceel

    I do not know you personally but certainly knew of your wonderful presence at UPC. You are in my prayers daily – many times a day and know that God's faithfulness will shine thru. Blessings and prayers, Celia Anderson

  • Panos Datskos

    t was nice meeting you Steve. Please get well soon. You have our best wishes and we keep you in our thoughts and pray for you.

  • sue economides

    Continuing our heartfelt prayers for ALL of you and especially for Steve……………

  • Betta Silverio

    Hi Michele,
    It is times like this that I find myself without words to express my deep concern and feelings for Steve, the children and yourself. Janine, Trekker and I have been praying unceasingly for all of you. It is only God's Word that brings light, comfort and peace that surpasses human understanding during such trying times.
    As I read the updates, I praise God that He made Steve call your name and say his name as well with humor so characteristic of his person. I praise God that Steve is breathing on his own and is able to move his hands. It brings to mind His Word in 2 Cor 12:9 “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.”
    As I read your letter, I also praise God for clothing you in His strength. Pro 31:25. Praise the Lord for your steadfast obedience
    to His Word to “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1Thes. 5:16-18. I see that the Lord is with you always. You will not be shaken, for He is right beside you. No wonder your heart is glad andyour tongue shouts His praises! Your body rests in hope. Psa 16:8-9
    We continue to pray for Steve's speedy recovery in the name of Jesus Christ to whom we give all the glory.
    With much love,

  • Flordeliz_canlas

    I worked with Pastor Steve for Union Church as an Artist. A wonderful artist and a dedicated pastor. I know our Heavenly Father is right by his side . With his awesome faith, his loving family and people all over the world praying for him God will heal him.
    ' Life's clouds..behind the clouds God is still present, and even use them to water our souls with unexpected blessing.' words of wisdom by Billy Graham

  • Kintea

    Michelle, I am thinking of and praying for you, Steve, and the boys. May God surround you with is loving presence, and give you peace.

    Kintea, Seattle,WA

  • Julie Cruz

    How awesome! Nothing is impossible with God! We will continuously pray and plead for God's mercy.

    We love you Pastor Steve, Michelle and the little boys!

  • Lynn Johnson

    To the entire Ruetschle family…

    My heart just breaks for you all in what you are enduring, and especially for Steve, a wonderful man that has dedicated his life to sharing God's love with others. I know that God is with him now, and has him wrapped tightly in the palm of his hand. The outcome of all of this is not yet known, but I know that in it all, God has big and mighty plans for Steve, and whether they are what we are all hoping for or not, it will all turn out the way it is supposed to, and that Steve will continue to touch lives as no one else can.

    Love, Peace & Blessings to you all!
    Lynn Johnson
    Laura's Cousin

  • Pat

    I just read a prayer request posted thru our prayer ministry at Clearwater Baptist Church in Athens, TN. Thank you for allowing us to pray and to see into your lives as your familly in Christ. God has all the titles of Great Physican, Almighty One, Begining and the end, and on and on. We trust Steve to Him and look for great things to happen. God is still in control and knows exactly were Steve is. God does not misplace any of His children!!!! I pray you will find comfort and that Steve will wake up renewed and strong. Have a blessed day! Pat K

  • Dessy Francisca

    my prayer for Pastor Steve, Michelle, the boys and family.

  • Einar

    Hi Pastor Steve and Michelle
    I'am praying for the quick recovery and successful procedure in the hospital. all of us at UCM at very concern about pastor steve and continue to pray for him.

  • Roliver9


    Thank you for your beautiful testimony and the greater scope of life's dark moments. Truly, the truth becomes known and strength is derived from our deep love and trust in the Lord Jesus, The peace that overcomes our darkest moments and the strength and love that encompasses us, even as we are shattered and broken, physically and even spiritually; is the grace we are given because of our relationship with God, the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ..

  • Shelley

    Hi Michelle and family of Steve,

    I'm another sister you've not yet met. My family is serving here in Manila, but we attend another church, so we've not had the privilege of meeting you. But I can tell you that it seems like all the believers here in the Philippines, no matter which fellowship they attend, are uniting in prayer for Steve. I can see that you all are a very special couple and are greatly loved. I can also see that the Lord is carrying you Himself…carrying you on His wings and also covering you with His wings. I pray He will continue to give you strength, rest, courage, hope, and mercy. We are checking in often during this time…and lifting you up. There is a great crowd around you…though you cannot see us nor the angels who also surround you.

    much love in Christ,


  • Jabieber95

    Steve and Michelle –
    The Bieber families in Kettering and Cincinnati are praying for you all. We are sending you lots of love, hugs, prayers & support. Keep living in hope, be present to how you feel at this moment, acknowledge your true emotions, and keep placing your faith & trust in the Lord. Steve – you were my 2nd brother growing up, along with Bob Householder. I have so many wonderful memories of you bringing me McDonalds at Fairmont, being at our home to videotape “B.S.” for Mrs. Rab's English class yes, I'm the sister in the closet, and just hanging out on Winding Way. Michelle – we've never met, but you must be pretty incredible if you're a member of the Ruetschle family. We love you all! Jenny Bieber Barlow and family

  • Daisymquintos

    our prayers and love always. we keep on praying with a renewed hope each day for you and the children as well.
    Love, Daisy and Ivy and Ira

  • Rhonda Vandeworp

    Michelle, our thoughts and prayers are with you, Steve and the boys.

  • Wendyransom

    What a shocking event for sure. I grew up in Christ Church Kettering where Steve and his family attended for years. Steve also knew my sister Lori very well. My whole family is surely praying for Steve's healing and for peace and grace for the family too.
    Blessings to all those involved in Steve's care and support.
    Wendy Warner Ransom

  • Jstrent

    Ruetschle Family,
    Since Jim is out of town, I will write on behalf of the Trent family Kettering, Ohio. Our prayers and thoughts will be with you as you go through this journey. We shared a similar tragedy a few months ago not nearly as bad and we found that the power of prayer is an awesome gift. The brain is the most durable organ in the body and , even though Jim's brain shut down for 22 days, as the brain re-programmed, he has had a complete recovery. A 100% recovery was never mentioned to me by his doctors, so I attribute all of this as being a miraculous gift from God. I believe it was due to all of the petitions of prayer from his many friends. It is our hope that, as healing takes place, Steve will be able to return to his jobs as minister, husband, father, son, brother and friend.
    Sincere best wishes!!
    Jim and Pat Trent

  • Wadeandkate

    Dearest Ruetschle Family,
    I was a former Young Life student of Steve's, and because of HIS life, and Christ's life lived through him, I am today a missionary in Guinea Bissau, West Africa. I will be fervently praying for your family and for Steve's healing. My Husband and i have seen many many hundreds of miraculous healings, including people getting out of wheelchairs and walking again, and i know God is able to do this. I also know the character of Steve. He was the most Christlike person I ever met when I was a non Christian. I know you will need every bit of reserve strength to draw upon for the days ahead..I will be crying out for you all for God's grace to shower down upon you like never before and to fill you up for what needs to be done. Michelle, though you don't know me, I know you must be an absolutely amazing person to have married Steve, and know that you are not forgotten, you are being prayed for…

    Katie McHargue

  • Vhfamily

    06.22.10 – Connie Van'tHof said:

    Michelle you are the beacon by which GOD speaks to us through this tragedy. YOU are the bouy keeping us afloat on the HOPE and promises of GOD through your thoughts, concerns, questions, and even fears. You remind us that HE is here for us to lean on and claim HIS promises. I thank you for that. We are merely vessels to carry HIS word. Through ALL circumstances, Be thankful, we are told. Thankful, that we have HIM to hold us up in all situations all the while bringing us together in prayer and glorifying HIS goodness. You are impacting others in mighty ways and GOD is watching. We are praying for your strength, wisdom, peace, and of course, Steve's full recovery, expecting miracles…
    United in HIS LOVE and HOPE…
    Mark, Connie Christina, Stephanie & Lindsey Van'tHof
    Sue & Jim Economides daughter and family

  • Paowz

    06.22.10 – paolo baron said:

    get well soon pastor steve! we love you! i will always pray for you…

  • Dbdelm

    06.22.10 – Divine said:

    Noel, and our son are praying….. for healing and complete recovery
    we love you very much !!! hugs

  • Griffithsjune

    06.22.10 – June Griffiths said:

    I have just heard the news of Steve's accident, and now read your message Michelle. I am so shocked and sad to have this news … but I know God is in charge and I thank Him that you are finding Him a very present help at this time of great need and distress. I pray for you to know His GRACE and help each day, and of course I am praying with you for Steve's healing and recovery.
    I was the Pastora of the Japanese Church at UCM and retired last August. Presently in Swansea, Wales, U.K. Steve was always so very helpful to our small church meeting there at UCM. I really thank God for him.
    So be sure of my constant prayers for Steve and for you all. In God's great love and mercy ….. June.

  • Mabel

    06.22.10 – Mabel Anne said:

    Hi Michelle

    You wouldn't know me personally. I go to Brett Hilliard's church in Hong Kong and am writing to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. Members from prayer ministry will be praying too! We're grateful to have a loving and almighty God who loves to answer prayers!

    Thanks for the update in your blog! I'll keep myself abreast of the progress!

    Warmest regards
    Mabel Anne

  • Stbbautista

    06.22.10 – sophia olga bautista said:

    To my dearest Michelle,
    First I would like you to know that I am constantly pleading to God for His healing hand to be upon Pastor Steve. God, days before the accident, lead me to Luke and I He let me focus on Jesus' miracles. The stories of healing and raising up of the dead. Now I know why He did that. I am always reminding our Good Lord that these miracles can happen today. I am grateful to God for the small miracles that are happening to Pastor Steve and I know that He will use this incident for a higher purpose and that He will be glorified in this. Michelle I also am praying to God to give you and the boys strength, hope and trust in Him. I know you are not just holding on to God but I know you are already clinging to Him. We are storming heaven for Pastor Steve's complete recovery and that our Faithful God will provide for all your needs according to His riches and glory. I am constantly in prayer for your whole family and I know that God honors all the sacrifices and all the work that Pastor Steve, you and your whole family have done for His glory. Have heart my dear the Lord is near and He kn ows what is best for all of you. He loves you more than you can ever imagine.
    People were crying in church last Sunday, the whole church prayed for all of you. Even people not from our church are praying. Miracles still do happen.

    Olga Bautista

  • Barbpodmore

    06.22.10 – Barb Podmore said:

    Continuing to pray in and with GREAT hope. Barb and Larry

  • Josephinetango

    06.22.10 – J. Go said:

    Our family has been praying for Pastor Steve's recovery and for strength and courage for you since hearing the news of the accident. Pastor Steve is such an inspirational person. His passion for the word of God is awesome. We pray that he will have a full recovery and be able to continue his inspiring ministry. 3 nights ago, our family's nightly devotional was “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” I have experienced this personally in so many ways. I believe in my heart that the combined prayers of all who love you and Pastor Steve will be answered in His perfect time.

  • Annvanwijgerden

    06.22.10 – Ann van Wijgerden said:

    Praying for all of you with much love. May God's love and peace so cushion and cover you, protecting you from all fear.

  • Cheryl_mlcpa

    06.22.10 – Cheryl Cordova said:

    Dear Michelle,

    We are members of UCM, you may not know us but just want you to know that we are in PRAYERS with you and Pastor Steve. God be with with always.

    Love and prayers,

    Cheryl and Roderick Cordova

  • Florence

    06.22.10 – Florence said:

    Dear Michelle,

    Thank you for keeping us posted.

    One step at a time. I prayed for Pastor Steve's lungs health, medicine will work and his psychological state when he awakes. I remember his preaching about HOPE and remembering Christ in a few incidents WAITED before action. I can feel your struggle, in my prayers too, I know His will is better and it does not always come out the way I want it to be… nonetheless, I pray for Pastor Steve's healing in the name of our Lord to a God who is merciful and full of compassion. The fact that he is alive in this tragic accident and show signs of improvement is hope, something more glorious is yet to come. I will not lose heart. My faith is never as strong to place my trust in Him alone. The hours before dawn is the darkest. Many Christians all over who know you directly and indirectly are praying. I pray that you and those who love Pastor Steve will find REST, physically, emotionally and spiritually in Christ, peace and comfort be with you all. Amen

  • Mangayayam

    06.22.10 – Jean Mangayayam said:

    Dear Michelle,
    We are with you in prayers: This Psalm 73;23-26 has comforted me many times and I'm very sure you are very familiar with these verses..'He is yours forever! How Great is our God!'…”Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand;you guide me with your counsel;leading me to a glorious destiny. Whom have I in heaven but You? I desire You more than anything on earth. My health may fall and my sight may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine forever.”
    Michelle… God is with you and He will keep you strong. We love you. We are continously praying for Pastor Steve and you.
    Prayers….Rod and Jean

  • Shirley2809

    06.22.10 – Shirley Go said:

    We love you and will continuing to pray for God's complete healing for our beloved Pastor Steve.

  • Rainier_uplb

    06.22.10 – Rainier said:

    Hi Michelle! Station One is happening tonight, and we will devote a special time of intercession for you, Pastor Steve, and the boys during the service. We love you!

  • Heather

    06.22.10 – Heather Balent said:


    You are an amazing young woman, and you are lifting all of us up through your updates, and prayers. The wisdom from your dad's friend, the Rabbi, is so comforting. I just lift you up this evening, and ask God to continue to comfort and strengthen you for what lies ahead. Hope springs eternal, and we will all continue to pray and hope for Steve's recovery. Many hugs, and much love to you and the whole family there. God's love and care is all around you there, and He will never leave you, for He is carrying you all right now.


  • Missioncaresvc

    06.22.10 – sharon braga said:

    I may not know you personally, but I will say my hearfelt prayer for Steve for recovery maybe not right away but even in a small way that we know God is in control of everything even our breathing.

  • Karenrme

    06.22.10 – Karen Meckstroth said:

    After having the privilege of experiencing Steve's open heart and deep kindness to all years ago, I am not surprised to know that there are 10,000 others out there who are also praying and sending love his way. I will pray for you all and send love and energy to Steve with hopes he can rejoin his family at home soon. With deepest sympathy, Karen Meckstroth

  • Sp_pakprime

    06.22.10 – Primavera Family said:


  • Nate Bunting

    06.22.10 – Nate Bunting said:

    Steve and Michelle,

    I'm praying for you continually through out the day, everyday. I feel as thought I never cease praying. May a full recovery and full health be restored!

  • Keenare

    06.22.10 – R'keen Renato Angelo V. Rojas said:

    God is sovereign!

  • Mandi

    06.22.10 – Mandi said:

    Dear Steve, Michelle, Precious Family and Friends

    “The Lord hath heard my supplication; the Lord will receive my prayer” – Psalm 6:9

    In very wonderful ways God has answered prayers of his servants many and many a time! Yes, and he is hearing our present supplication, and he is not turning his ear from us. Blessed be His holy name. The Lord will receive all the prayers that is rising up from earthly soil unto heaven's portals. He will accept it, think of it, and grant it in the way and time which his loving wisdom judges best…

    I need to share with you, that this morning I met two other ladies at the American Women's bazaar and they each have been woken up by the Holy Spirit at exactly 3:45 am Manila time just like me to pray for Steve. I did not realise it at the time, but the one friend commented that it was exactly around the time they were attmepting to remove the breathing equipment from Steve.

    This encouraged all three of us as we realized that before any of the updates are posted, God will rally all of us in different ways and times to pray for Steve. I am sure this is happening to many other friends and prayer warriors around the globe interceding for Steve.

    I hope it encourages you as it did all of us.

    We love you, we miss you dearly and wish so much we could be there next to you to just give you a million hugs and never let go!

    In Prayer


  • john dettoni

    Michelle, we are praying. My wife's sister was in a coma (induced) for many weeks. The family kept music that she liked playing in the background — music that she enjoyed, in her case, classical. Knowing Steve's musical background, you might be able to find an ipod and player that can keep him company night and day.
    We look forward to continuing good reports, but we also realize that given his experience, downs will also occur, but hopefully just small downs with lots of big UPS!!! (That's not United Parcel Service!)
    our love to you all,
    John Dettoni

  • Kristine

    06.22.10 – Kristine & Glen Braden said:

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,

    We are praying for you both, that God would encircle you with his loving arms as you walk this road together. May you be lifted up and comforted in this time of trial. He is with you and we are with you. We may be offline for the next few days as we travel again but know we're thinking about you constantly and you're in our prayers. Much love, Kristine on behalf of the Bradens

    To him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine… we pray for Steve's complete healing!

  • Dktbpb

    06.22.10 – David and Kathy Smith said:

    We lift you up in our prayers daily!

  • Sean

    06.22.10 – Sean Nix said:

    My prayers are with you and your family! Keep your faith and continue to pray. Do not let doctors speak anything onto you, our lord and savior works miracles!

    Sean Nix

  • Judy88ph

    06.22.10 – Judy & Dickson said:

    Dear Michelle,

    We are praying for a miraculous healing for Steve. We know God continues to hold you all in His loving arms and carry you through this difficult situation.

    You remain in our fervent thoughts and prayers.

  • Heather

    06.22.10 – Heather yoakamBalent said:

    Aunt Darlene, Uncle John, Michelle, and entire family,

    I have been thinking of you all continuously since the phone call Laura got last Thursday. I find myself wanting to cry and then needing to pray, wanting to get sick, and then wanting to stay positive for all of you.

    It is through God's strength and unending love, that you are all getting through this, and I love you all so much. I am so sad by what has happened, but I am so thankful for the love, support and prayers you are all receiving. It is because you have always been such a loving, giving, and Beautiful family, with God ever present at the center of it. So many love you all, and the prayers are so powerful. We are so hopeful that Steve will gain strength, and feel God's love surrounding him. Thank you for keeping all of us updated, as we feel so helpless, yet want so much to do something to help all of you. There is no greater gift than prayer right now, and that you will continue to have.

    Many hugs and so much love to you all. Please be strong, and lift eachother up moment by moment through this. I worry about you all and I hope you are hanging in there.



  • Pigeonhole2002

    06.22.10 – Stanley Chua-Unsu said:

    We regularly attend Pastor Steve's 830am service at UCM Manila and got to talk and know him better a few months back at the wedding of a cousin he officiated. My heart and prayers are with him, Michelle, and the Ruetschle family. Be strengthened in knowing that God will allow a situation, no matter how adverse or difficult, only because he knows you have the inner strength for it. As He said, “you do not have to go through it alone.” God bless!

  • Canna

    06.22.10 – Billy Cannarozzi said:

    Finding myself consumed by thinking about the situation and praying. I'm comforted by Rom 8:26, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.” I'm struggling to find the right words to comfort all involved. Can any words actually accomplish this? I think not. Just know that I am in prayer and support. I hope to help in the future if not now in any way I can as a resource or otherwise.

    God's peace now and in the future!

    Billy Cannarozzi

  • Andrew Ruetschle

    06.22.10 – Andrew Ruetschle said:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time and the days ahead.

  • Roca Belive

    06.22.10 – roca said:

    been praying for you guys..

  • Jody

    06.22.10 – Jody Samala said:

    Dear Michele,

    My prayers are with Pastor Steve, you, your sons and everybody who loves and cares for him. While reading the updates, I couldn't help but feel for you. I went through the same roller coaster of emotions that you probably are feeling now, when my beloved Dad was in the ICU in California 3 years ago. I flew to the US that time and what kept me going were emails of friends and UCM church goers. Pastor Steve sent me words of encouragement and prayed for my acceptance and peace in my heart when my Dad passed away. I pray for strength for you most specially. Everything is in God's hands. I pray that our Abba Father will guide the doctors' hands and give them wisdom. I pray for Pastor Steve to be touched by God's miraculous healing hands for a 100% recovery. I pray for you to always remember Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plan I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you, not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.” God bless you.


  • Bruce

    06.22.10 – Bruce Henderson said:

    Hi Steve, Michele and Family,

    It's been many years since I've seen you; but please know I am fervently praying for you as if I had seen you yesterday – because, I did see you yesterday in my heart when I heard the news. My children, Ryan and Sarah, wanted me to let you know they too are praying for you. We trust our God to continue caressing you in his arms! Love you very much, Bruce

  • Jean

    06.22.10 – Jean Mangayayam said:

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    We continue to lift you up in our prayers. May God's unfailing love give you both the courage and the strength to face this tragedy. We know that God never fails us. Be strong in the Lord. Rest in the hope that all will go well.
    We love you and we will continue to be with you in prayers.
    Rod and Jean

  • Jason

    06.22.10 – Jason Lee said:

    Praying for Steve and his family.

  • Cheryl

    06.21.10 – Cheryl Williams Johnson said:

    We are sending prayers your way that Steve's fever continues to go down and the surgery stays on schedule!! Stay stong – we are here with you every step!! Love the Johnson Family – Boston, MA.

  • Randy

    06.21.10 – Randy Working said:

    Dear Steve & Michelle,
    We are shocked and grieved to hear about the accident, and want you to know we are with you in prayer. May the Lord hold you and minister his healing at the deepest level.

    All our love in Christ,
    Randy and Evelyne

    “So he said to me, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the LORD Almighty.' Zechariah 4:6

  • Renee_sundberg

    06.21.10 – Renee Sundberg said:

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,
    You all are continually on hearts and minds as we join a multitude of others who love you fiercely in prayer. We are grateful for the updates…each movement made and breath taken is a mini-milestone. And we know there will be many more ahead.

    Precious Lord, may your sweetness enfold Steve, Michelle and their family. Grant wholeness, peace, endurance, grace and deep awareness of your love. Hold them in their pain, tears, and uncertainty; raise them on eagle's wings. Encourage them through the many that ache with them. And help us to trust that you are the light of the world and no darkness is too great for you. Amen.

    We love so much-

    Justin and Renee

  • Elaine Lois

    06.21.10 – Elaine Burnett said:

    It is an honor to lift Steve in prayer, and to trust God to heal him.

  • Sean

    06.21.10 – Sean Sheridan said:


  • Nash and Kora

    06.21.10 – Nash & Kora Martinez said:

    Thanks for making us aware so we can join you all in praying for Steve, Michelle and their family.

    Michelle, thanks for your encouraging words “God is GOOD” & “Him be Glorified”. It's inspiring considering your circumstances.


  • Shelah

    06.21.10 – shelah norman said:

    I am Carole Misenko's sister and a friend of Darlene and John, Mary Kay and Alan Feller and a student of BSF. You have my prayers for both Steve and all of his family. I have two sons who ride also.
    May God strengthen all of you through this accident and that our prayers for him for recovery are answered.

  • Deb Talley

    06.21.10 – Deb Tallley Thompson said:

    Thanks so much for the updates. Haven't stopped praying for all of you. Blessings of rest and peace in the midst of this devastation.

  • Sue Dryer

    06.21.10 – Sue Dryer, UPC Librarian said:

    Words escape me. I pray in images: white blood cell soldiers destroy invading microorganisms; spared connections awake and chain messages from the brain to the diaphragm telling it to breathe; the touch of a hand on the forehead opens a conduit through which pass beads of peace, love, and courage traveling back and forth to and from Steve; a near complete break in a spinal cord knits back together. My mind' pictures for you hourly.

  • Oliver

    06.21.10 – Oliver Tionglico said:

    Get well soon Pastor Steve. Praying for your immediate & speedy recovery.

  • Rudy

    06.21.10 – rudy ruetschle said:

    Ruetschle Family
    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
    Please let us know if we can assist in any way possible.
    Love Phyllis and Rudy

  • Kellie

    06.21.10 – Kellie Ledford said:

    My prayers are with the family and the medical staff as they care for him.

  • Rico_m_hernandez

    06.21.10 – Rico Hernandez said:

    We are all praying for you and your family here in Manila. We know that you and your family will overcome this very tragic trial and will see light at the end of this dark tunnel. We are all here for you as you are all these years.

    Rico Hernandez and Family

  • Bill Davis

    06.21.10 – Bill Davis said:

    We are praying for Steve and all of the family. The psalmist says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. We can certainly rest in that in Steve's seemingly tragic situation.

  • Martinez-shannon

    06.21.10 – Shannon Martinez said:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you all!

  • Pat patterson

    06.21.10 – Pat Patterson said:

    My family's thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for any of you.

  • Debbie_biowish

    06.21.10 – Debbie Simsuangco said:

    Dear Ruestchles,
    Our family has been attending UCM for over 10 years already, but I must say that it is during Pastor Steve's time with UCM that we have experienced tremendous growth in our faith as a family, and as individuals. This is clearly the Lord's doing, coursed through the hands, words and thoughts of a very dynamic preacher who leaves us waiting with bated breath for the next in a series of sermons. At this very trying time, know that you. Michelle and the boys are loved and prayed for by your UCM family.

  • Bill

    06.21.10 – Bill Hazel said:

    Our family is praying everyday for Steve's recovery. If there is anything we can do please let us help.

  • Karyn

    06.21.10 – Karyn Cordova said:

    Dear Pastor Steve, Michelle and to the kids… please know that a lot of people all over the world love you and will be praying for you. May God give you all the strength to endure. love…

  • Borgar Bjorkas

    06.21.10 – Borgar Bjorkas said:

    Dear Ruetschle family;
    Our family has been attending UCM since the mid-late 1970s. We want to extend to your whole family, especially to Steve, our prayers, wellwishes and hopes for a safe recovery. We are so sorry to hear of his accident, and can not even begin to imagine what your family must be going through. Please know that Steve and all of you will be in our prayers from this day forward. May God place His healing hand on Steve, and give you all some sense of calm. We are truly sorry to hear the news.

  • Itunu

    06.21.10 – Itunu 'K' Kuku said:

    I love you Pastor Steve and you are in my prayers every moment. I pray God will miraculously heal you and be with your family during this trying time.

  • Patricia harris

    06.21.10 – Patti Harris said:

    What a testimony to God's love and sovereignty as I worshipped in our calling home church in Grand Rapids, MI yesterday, my first Sunday in the USA and since Steve's accident. I held you and your family up, Michelle, as we sang songs like, “God Himself is with us,” “If you but trust in God to guide you,” “Faith begins by letting go,” and “Joyful, joyful we adore Thee.” God moved through pain and praise and spoke pointedly through Hebrews 11:27, “By faith . . . he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.” I'm praying with you that God may be seen in this dark time and his light will break forth like the dawn. . . and we – and Steve – will leap for joy! My love to all of you; I hope to visit soon.

  • Becky Bates

    06.21.10 – Becky Bates said:

    I have been thinking of you all since I first heard from Tiffany. Steve and the family are on the “removal of obstacles” list at Odsal Ling Temple in Sao Paulo where I was living this past year. Steve's name will be read every day. I'll be keeping you all in my prayers as well, that your decisions will be wise and that paths will be obvious.
    Much love,

  • Jolly

    06.21.10 – Jolly A. Morata said:

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, My love and prayers for you both and your kids as you go through this very difficult time. God be your strong refuge! Hugs :- Jolly

  • Barry M

    06.21.10 – Barry Marshall said:

    Steve and Michelle – you have meant more to us than words can express. I stand in awe of the power of your prayers for us – HIS hand has moved in our lives because of your prayers! Thank you for being HIS instruments in our lives. We now join thousands, and growing, to pray for you and trust that we too will see HIS hand move in amazing ways in your lives as well. May God's mercy and blessings and peace and awesome healing power envelope you!

  • Ucmlibrary

    06.21.10 – ucmlibrary said:

    We are praying for you P. Steve and your family.

    -Students and staff

  • Mon and Eunice

    06.21.10 – Mon and Eunice Espia said:

    We pray Phil 1:6-He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Chrislink and our family continue to intercede for complete healing and recovery. We bless you Michelle and the children that you are refreshed everyday on the goodness that God pours out to you. In Jesus' most precious Name. Amen.
    Espia Family:
    Mon, Caleb, Hannah, Sarah and Eunice
    Chrislink Family:
    Racquel Henson, Eunice Espia,Amie Garin, Jam Lustan, Cherrie Garcia, Allan Bernabe, Hector De Guzman, James Concha, Anny Ignacio, Sherry Lou Pereyra, Eric Intong, Emma Verdejo, Judith Codera,Joanne De Vera, Pauline Sison and Jose Gede.

  • Lorrie and Joke

    06.21.10 – Joke and Lorrie said:

    Hi dearest Steve, Michelle, Aiden, Jude and Zephyr – our love, hearts and prayers are with you in this very difficult time….please be assured of our prayers without ceasing….the children and Precious Jewels Ministry team in Manila are also standing with you in love and prayer. We keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as He leads you moment by moment, as we continue to watch for His glory to be revealed in and through this situation.

  • Michelle

    06.21.10 – Michelle Marshall said:

    If I could give you a million hugs right now, I would!

  • Rmangay-ayam

    06.21.10 – Riezl and Anne said:

    Dear Michelle,
    Our family, and sdg have pastor Steve's healing and care for you and the kids constantly in our prayers… would you believe even one of the members in our small group who normally declines to pray has been praying for all of you… that is how much your family has influenced us all and we will walk alongside you through this ordeal Michelle.

    The past two nights since Saturday, as we knelt in prayer Anne and I have been sobbing in pain in prayer, but last night i felt the assurance of the Lord fill me and lift my spirits up,.
    May the Lord's loving arms embrace you, pastor Steve, Aidan, Jude, Zephyr and your families always and most specially at this point in time.

    Love and prayers,

    Riezl and Anne

  • Claire

    06.21.10 – Claire Skeggs said:

    Our Candle of Prayer is lit at this time at home … while the surgery is going on… as we storm the Gates of Heaven for God to answer our pleas for hope and healing for our beloved Pastor Steve. Praise God that He is in complete control! We love you and pray with you, Michelle and your three boys. Hugs from Claire Skeggs

  • Harry and Geri

    06.21.10 – Harry & Geri said:

    Dear Michelle, Steve, children and family,

    We prayed for you a number of times during the church service at Union yesterday and have not stopped praying for you. May you feel and know God's peace, His strength and great love for you. We are praying for healing and trusting God that what He allows in your lives will be from His good hand.

  • Claire

    06.21.10 – Claire Skeggs said:

    The Lord is my light and my salvation–
    whom shall I fear?
    The Lord is the stronghold of my life–
    of whom shall I be afraid?
    One thing I ask of the Lord,
    this is what I seek
    that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life.
    Hear my voice when I call, O Lord;
    be merciful to me and answer me.
    My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
    Your face Lord, I will seek.
    Do not hide your face from me,
    do not turn your servant away in anger;
    you have been my helper
    Do not reject me or forsake me,
    O God my Savior.
    I am still confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
    Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.
    Psalm 27 parts

  • Dan

    06.21.10 – dan and emy reventar said:

    Dearest Michelle,
    We are hanging in there with you in prayer and in our faith to the Mighty God of Israel. Nothing is impossible with Him! He is the God of miracles! For whatever reason He has allowed this to happen, we are certain that it is for His glory and honor! And we are sure, He will prove Himself to us as the only God of the universe. Yeshua's shalom surround you all at this time.

    Love, Emy and Dan Reventar

  • Bon, Iris, Sam, Kiersten Moya

    06.21.10 – Bon, Iris, Sam & Kiersten Moya said:

    All our love and prayers are with you.

  • Scott and Wendy

    06.21.10 – Wendy and Scott Weston said:

    We just recently heard the news. We are saddened to hear about Steve's accident. We thought and prayers are with you all during this trying time. If we know anything, it is that we serve an awesome, loving God and He will see you all though this time. I also know there is a wonderful prayer community lifting Steven, Michelle, the boys and family during this time. You all are a beautiful, loving Christian family and are in God's caring arms. Our prayers and thoughts are with you. We are an email away at the moment and always willing to help in any way possible. Peace be with you all!
    The Westons
    Scott, Wendy, Drew and Caleb

  • Sevilla Morata

    06.21.10 – SevillaMorata Family said:

    Both in Manila and the US, we are all praying for a successful surgery tomorrow. Michelle and the rest of your family – you have immense strength and please know that you're not alone as 10,000 people will atttest!

  • Peterdanielsamuel

    06.21.10 – Daniel Samuel said:


  • Violet

    06.21.10 – violet said:

    Praying for Pastor Steve and your family.

  • Roce Anog

    06.21.10 – roce anog said:

    The Reutschle family is in our prayers. God's peace and mercy continue to abound in your hearts and lives.

  • Sale Family

    06.20.10 – The Sale Family said:

    We continue to keep Steve and your family in our prayers!

  • Sue and Jim Economides

    06.20.10 – sue and jim economides said:

    Our “prayer candle” is lit and our prayers are for Steve and Michele and your entire family……may you feel the Love of God and find the strength and courage you need. We pray for His miracle………..sue and jim economides

  • Leah Harding

    Michelle, My husband and I heard about your terrible tragedy through mutual Seattle friends. Our family lived in Seattle for quite awhile. We are now living in Asheville. Please let us know if there is anything, anything at all, that we can do for you all during this time. We live within a stone's throw of Mission Hospital. I don't know exactly what to offer, as I don't know what your needs are, but please email if you think of anything. We will be going out of town this Friday through Monday. If anyone needs a place to stay, our home is yours. We are praying for Steve and your family daily. Leah and Chad Harding –
    Leah and Chad Harding

  • Carol M. Dettoni

    I've watched your reports carefully and have a couple of comments from my experience with a sister who was in induced coma several times, and intubated and on a trach at various times. The confusion sometimes is caused by the sedative and I encourage you to be hopeful in that respect, and keep on being normal as you talk to Steve. You mentioned pain control has lessened and there must be a medical reason for that I don't know about. But I have always been told that the body does not heal as quickly if pain is not being controlled. I pray that Steve will be comfortable. The pneumonia — praying that will go away quickly, but yes, it is normal. These are my personal experiences, not as a medical person, but ones that might give some insights as you stand (sometimes feeling helpless!) and watch your loved one suffer. My heart is aching for you and family, and I pray that God will restore Steve fully, for His glory! We love you both and continue in fervent prayer — that God will hold Steve in His strong hands through this ordeal! and you, too!

  • Aynslie Morrison

    Michelle and Family,
    From my little corner of the world I am praying for you all.
    Woodstock, NB

  • Caroline Cliff

    Just wanted to share something Steve said in a sermon on John 10:1-16 -The Good Shepherd
    “God is at work around you every minute if you'd just open your eyes and see”
    He was asking the question. The Good Shepherd knows your name but do you know His voice?
    Steve Michelle and their family know His voice because they spend time with Him.
    I am so thankful to our God for their witness and may our Almighty- Eternal- Never Failing God Bless You all Abundantly.

  • Susan Bruggeman

    Dear Michelle,
    I am a friend of Kim's here in Cincinnati, and I learned of Steve's accident through another mutual friend. You are all in my prayers. I am part of a healing touch ministry at a local catholic church, and we all prayed together for Steve last night before we did healings. I will continue to follow your entries, and pray for Steve and your family until he has recovered.
    Susan Bruggeman and family

  • Julie Johnson

    Thank you for sharing the peaks and the valleys with us! Sharing your tears of joy and continuing to pray for you all!

    Love and hugs,

  • Rev. Brent Anderson

    Dear Steve (Michelle and family),

    I am so, so sorry to hear about your accident. I have posted your picture on my wall and will remember you and your family in my prayers daily. Heal well my friend!

    God's blessings be upon you,
    Rev. Brent Anderson, Steel Lake Presbyterian Church
    (aka Iago from Camp Firwood)

  • Nancy A.

    Steve and Family–My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. I pray for your complete recovery–be strong and know many people are supporting you. Nancy A.

  • Peter Daniel and Salvy Samuel

    Praise G0d f0r the g00d news.We are praying, praying, praying, t1ll Baal Peraz1m, 0ur G0d 0f breacthr0ughs and G0d t0 be Gl0r1f1ed .

  • Helen Bartholomew

    My husband (Roger) was awakened this morning when he heard my cry and sniffs as I read the update post of Miche “Riding High” . That is really good news. This experience of Pastor Steve has drawn us closer as couple, cherishing each moment together and celebrating life and praising God for ALL his goodness. I have no doubt in my mind that this life changing experience of Pastor Steve will bring lots and lots of good fruit to the people who will be touched by God's love and the miracles He will unfold before us. The seeds of God's gift/salvation will bear fruit. I can't wait to read the next miracle of God.
    Helen Bartholomew

  • Cumm-Henry Family

    Steve, you and Michelle and your 3 beautiful boys are in our constant prayers. May all the goodness you've given be given back to you. All our love, all our hope, all our prayers… Allison, Mark, Kaden and Kirian… Cumm Henry family…

  • Deb_chua

    Both Jerick and I are praying for Pastor Steve's speedy recovery. Pastor Steve has been a very inspirational person to both of us. Although, we get to see him more often on UCM's Wednesday mid-week service, he really spends time praying with both of us after the service. We continue to pray for strength for Ptr. Steve, Michelle and the kids.

  • Nansoe

    Dear Pastor Steve and family, I am prayer for you and God will be at your side. I am from Myanmar and used to attend Union Church of Manila before. I am quite shoke to read your news. But God loves and plan never be late. Love and prayer always…


  • Vilano

    Dear Michelle,
    I am one of those many people who has been touched by Steve and his ministry. Just the other day I was listening to a CD he made while he was at 1st Pres Bellevue – singing at the top of my lungs in my car as I listened to his music. (Of course, he had many fine musicians with him.) I am a sacred choral music fan, a choir member etc., BUT I LOVE Steve's music. His CD witnesses to me regularly. You and your family following God's call across the globe has been a witness to me. Your courageous struggle and honest doubts expressed on this website have also witnessed to me.
    Just know that I am one of the “several unknowns” who is praying for you, for Steve, and for his family and friends. With love in Christ, Susan W.

  • Kara Bernsen

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We wanted you to know we are praying foryou daily that God will lift you up and give you his peace and strength. We pray that you andyour family will be surrounded by his encouragment.
    Love in Christ, The Bernsen Family- Kara(Huff), Ken, Joe and Sophie

  • Tara Martenson

    Michelle, Thank you so much for all the postings. Chris and I have spent time talking, trying to make sense of this all and in the midst of it encouraged by your faith in it all. I have cried and prayed for you daily asking God to pour out His mercy and healing on Steve and to carry you with strength and peace. At the same time God seems to be bringing fruit out of this already, putting my life in perspective. Reminding me that each day is precious, that we are not guaranteed anything and that all we have is Him and our relationships with others, those we love. To pour out love on others and to realize that God is loving even in the midst of tragedy. Things that are hard to “know” when tragedy hits the ones you love, and yet you have shown such trust and faith in God's character through this all. I am encouraged and I am in awe. Chris and I deeply love you and Steve and your boys, even though we have been far away from each other for years, you are etched in our hearts, and deeply significant to us. We love you all and will continue to pray…

  • Yu Delia

    Pastor Steve,
    The Lord will protect you from all harm. He will watch over your life. Ps. 121:7
    Get well fast, Pastor Steve! I always look forward to your inspiring messages at Union Church so I know that you will come back to us. God's plan for you in Union Church isn't finished yet. Just focus on His healing touch on your body and remember that He is not finished with you yet.
    Michelle and relatives,
    Be strong and courageous. God is at your side. He will be your strength at this time of difficulties. May you feel His embrace and love as you face this “Goliath” at this time.
    Delia L. Yu
    8:30 a.m. service

  • Jineric2004

    The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You! Ps.9:9-10

    Pastor Steve and Michelle, we join the whole UCM community in praying for you and your whole family.

    Eric & Jin Babao

  • Sonia Andraous

    Dearest Michelle and Steve,

    Have been in the air/flights to LA for the last 24 hours, so haven't been able to read your updates.I had more time on the plane 9hrs and 11 hrs flight to read the word and pray pray pray for you and Steve,and felt the peace and comfort that out of all this,goodness will come ….
    WOW WOW,I just read your updates now…..OUR GOD IS AWSOME…..I am grateful and thankful for all the small things you mentioned…..I am grateful for the power of prayer and the love.
    Will stay praying for the operation and wisdom for descions to come.
    Love you, wish was there next to you both.

  • Noeldelmundo

    Our dearest Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    Our family – Divine, Yuel, and I, claim the promise of Romans 8:28 for both of you, as we continue to trust our sovereign Lord that He works for the good in all circumstances. Both of you are very dear to us, as I'm sure most in the UCM feel the same way too. Please know that we always keep you in our prayers, night and day! We love you both.

  • Mandiels

    “When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I” – Psalm 61:2

    Dear Brave Michelle, Beloved Steve, Faithful Family and Precious Friends

    Most of us know what it is to be overwhelmed in heart; emptied out when submerged and thrown in our earthly vessels by the storms of life. Blessed be God at such times and seasons as we are not alone or without an all-sufficient solace, our God is in the harbour directing safe passage to all His pilgrims. He is our Rock, our Refuge. If we get under the shelter of this lofty Rock we may defy the hurricane and climb the towering cliffs of adversity.

    We are so grateful for the LARGE step forward in Steve's recovery, for the precious time you could spend with him, we remain vigilant in prayer knowing that we are clinging to the Rock of all ages and upon Him there is a strong, unshakable and immovable foundation, no matter how fierce the storm.

    BIG Hug and a Million Kisses to you all.

    The Els Family

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Dear Miche and Steve… though I spent much time today praising God for the improvements… for recognition, voice, and spirit being present in Steve, I also ache at the thought of you Miche hearing his groans of pain and anxiety and for Steve himself wakening more and more to realize what is happening. It is so painful to imagine… for both of you. I keep coming back in my mind to thoughts of Steve from the time when I was in theology school and he so graciously worked as my mentor. Inspiring me as I was weaving my way through the “Artist's Way” and other soul searching. He was and always has been full of warmth and love. He is so present that you feel special when you're with him. It heartens me to think of Steve, his warmth and presence and how much he has allowed God to guide and shape who he is for others. The Spirit is there in him now, I'm sure at times it is almost palpable. As we all busy ourselves with various aspects of trying to help… please know that at the heart of that is our ongoing prayers… Vigilant, for our beloved friend.

  • S. Coyle

    Hurrah for the right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!
    S. Coyle

  • Joy Virata

    Dear Michelle,
    You don't know me. I am relatively new to UCM. And he probably doesn't know this but I just want you to know that Pastor Steve brought me back to the church after 30 years and through his words, week by week, I have finally found the peace that comes from trusting in God and his love for us in all our imperfections, and in the power of prayer. I pray daily for his recovery — yes, of body, mind and spirit. And I pray for you and your family. Thank you for sharing. Joy Virata
    you for sharing. Joy

  • Alecia Kleiner

    Thank you Jesus for all of this beautiful news! You are continually on our hearts and in our prayers. My little 3 year old Joey, said Steve's name and prayed “Help Steve Jesus” every time he saw a motorcycle today. We will continue to pray and ask for wisdom, peace and healing.

  • Naomi Diaz

    Dearest Michelle, you could never imagine how inspired many many people are because of your strength to confront this crisis. Thank you very very much for SHARING Pastor Steve with all of us. Your desire to keep the “public” informed is truly how Pastor Steve would have wanted it. Just read your most recent update…YES, your being with your love today gives many of us so much joy and we PRAISE GOD for all the miracles, big & small. May the outpouring of blessings be upon you all.

  • liz and dale whitney

    Such a powerful verse to cling to, Michelle! Deep prayers…

  • Mtstevenson2005

    Hi Michelle and Steve
    Thanks for creating this website so good to keep up to date with news, fantastic to hear of Steve's awareness and his feeling in his right foot. Prayers are powerful and corporate prayers even more so. We are praying for you!
    Mark and Trudi Stevenson

  • Carlac

    Dearest Michelle and Pastor Steve, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good News”, Praise God for a right and left foot! Our hearts jump. Then I read from Joy Virata below, who has recently come back to Jesus through the direction and words of Pastor Steve. Those same beautiful feet carry a heart for Jesus and a hand in yours, Michelle. All of you in the fold of the Shepherd. You write of such strength Michelle. In much prayer, Carla

  • Cheryl Cordova

    Dear Michelle,

    Praise to God for Pastor Steve's recent recovery! My husband and I are with you in PRAYERS. Please accept our deepest love and care for your family….May God be with you always.

    Roderick and Cheryl Cordova

  • Toby and Chie Gatchalian

    The Lord is faithful and He loves you guys. I am just grateful to hear such positive news today. Love from all of us in Manila.
    Toby, Chie, Andy and Luis Gatchalian

  • Carolyn Kaleel

    We are friends of Mike and Heather. We are fervently praying for Steve and all involved. Praying for peace and joy and healing. Our God is able. Love from Portland, Oregon – The Kaleel family

  • Wendy Simpson

    Hi Michelle,
    Thank you for your faithfulness with these updates. I have definitely been following them closely– tearing up, laughing, grieving, rejoicing and definitely praying.

    May God's peace that passes understanding surround you.


  • Scott Burnett

    Dear Steve,

    Words fail. The Spirit intercedes wordlessly on our behalf, translating our stumbling prayers into the perfect poetry of deep groanings. (Romans 8:26-27)

    Scott & Hilary

  • Shaun Junggren

    Dear Steve,

    You are and have always been one of my favorite people in the world. This news saddens me but I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that if anyone can find beauty in a painful circumstance it is you. This is what you do- you bring beauty to the world causing us to praise Jesus and help us to remember that God is Good (di-di-doo-doo). I love you dearly and of course will be praying constantly for you and you're lovely family.

    Shaun Junggren

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Miche- I have forgotten to mention, you are all on the prayer list at St Ts now. And after observing Mommy and all my emotions (on my sleeve) over these past days, my girls seem to really understanding the gravity of the situation… and the peaks and valleys thus far. Tonight they asked if they could say the prayers they had for all of you just quietly to themselves. Usually they like to pray loudly and often even a bit silly, since they so often are giving prayers of thanks. Tonight they quietly bowed their heads and prayed for you all… it really moved me. They send their love to the boys.
    In continued prayer and love-Tiffany

  • Deborahannegustafson

    Michelle and Steve,

    So happy to hear that you shouted out Right and Left. I started crying afresh with Joy at such lovely news.

    How Steve to know the perfect words that you needed to hear Michelle. Steve caring in and through his pain.

    Continuing to pray for complete healing.

    deborah,darren,aubrey,auden, and bernadette

  • Kikomnl

    michelle, we rejoice with you at the developments/progress of steve!! praise and thank god!!!
    i know it is still a long road ahead, and want to assure you of our prayers. how i wish we were close by.
    thank you so much for keeping us informed, we weep with you, we rejoice with you, and we continue to hope!!

  • Aimee Stark

    Dear Michelle,
    I was 14 and a camper at Camp Firwood the summer of 1994. I remember 'El Guapo' leading worship at Center Stage every night and being so touched by his sincere love for Jesus. The internet has made the world so small, I found out about the accident through a friend on Facebook. Though I don't know either one of you, I want to tell you that I am praying for you as often as you come to mind. We are all united through Christ and all of us desire to lift you and your family up in prayer.
    I pray for healing for Steve. I also pray for you as his dear wife that you will have renewed strength day by day. I couldn't help but get choked up as I read about his words telling of you being the most beautiful woman in the world. My heart leapt for you! I have been married for 6 years and have 3 children as well, I know the magnitude of a deep relationship with your husband. And for him to utter those words, even in the midst of his confusion, must have been amazing.
    Know that friends, family, and strangers alike are rallying behind you both. Trusting in Jesus Christ to comfort and carry you through this difficult season.

    Love in Christ,

    Aimee Stark
    Portland OR

  • Laurie Wheeler

    Praying for Steve and all of you from Paris — love, Laurie

  • Grace

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, Please know that Caleb and I are praying for you and your family. I just learned about the blogs and read the messages posted. They are very helpful for us to get updated information that we would know how to pray. May God grant you His joy and hope even at these times of uncertainty, and may He bestow His special wisdom to the doctors. Best wishes, Grace Koo

  • may

    Dear Sir Steve, we heard about what happened and we feel sad about it. I know you will be fully recovered and be back here in manila soon. We miss all of you and we are looking forward to see you all in august. Give my regards to mam michelle and kisses to the kids. Take care always and we are here to pray for your immediate recovery. GOD BLESS


  • A Passerby

    We've all been praying for you; praying and praying and praying for you. I've been thinking about you and your family ever since I heard about the accident and have been reading the updates since.

    I'm so glad to see that there are signs of healing in Pastor Steve and that he is slowly recovering.

    I pray that he comes back home to the Philippines better than ever and he will be able to change more lives, as he had mine.

    We all love you Pastor Steve, we're all praying, stay strong.

  • tricia

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, Praying for you and the rest of your family. With the updates that you have been sharing, I believe that God is using this situation to teach everyone of us something. He never promised smooth sailing, but He promised a safe arrival. We just have to hold fast to Him.

    Let His will be done and not ours!!! — love, Tricia

  • Bjorkas family

    Our family continues to pray for all of you, keeping in mind all of your prayer requests and concerns. We are overjoyed and relieved to hear of Steve having moved around and having uttered phrases. We pray that his pain and agitation will fade away. We look forward to seeing you all again. Lots of love and greetings to your whole family.
    Psalm 121

  • Kimtanlimco

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, me and my husband was really shocked upon hearing Pastor Matt's annoucement last Sunday about the accident. We're really praying for you everyday. God will always be there for your whole family! Praying for a speedy recovery for you Pastor Steve.

  • Paddy

    Your love for him is blessing me.
    There is an ancient prayer which I am sure you have heard

    “All will be well” “All WIll Be Well Michelle”

    From an Anglican priest who fequents the 12.30 services and loves the apssion of your man :)

  • Lisa Gustafson

    Steve and Michelle:

    I started weeping when I read that Steve said that Michelle, the most beautiful woman in the world, was by his side. What joy! And as I read the update out loud to Lars a few moments ago that he felt his right and left foot, my voice got louder and louder with joy! We know there is much uncertainty ahead, yet we are so amazed by all these steps of progress. And we continue to pray…moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day…each one of us…for wisdom, patience, peace, love, healing, joy, insight and the courage and knowledge from God for the decisions about the rehab location. I am so grateful that you are one who listens to Jesus…may His direction be clear…and may you as a family be able to find the right place and time. We love you deeply.

    Lisa, Craig, Lauren and Lars Gustafson

  • Debbie Priest

    Hi, Michelle. I live in Dayton and know and respect and enjoy Steve's parents. Thank you for your precious and God-honoring updates on Steve. I commit to you that I will pray every day specifically concerning the rehab location decision and all that entails. Starting right now. Holding on to HIM.

  • Primavera Family

    Hi Michelle! We are inspired by your daily blogs. We claim to God, the Divine Healer that Pastor Steve shall be there in front of the pulpit at UCM mouthing the words of God and giving inspiration to each and every one in the community. We are persisting in our prayers that Pastor Steve, you and the children will be constantly covered by God's healing grace. God is Good All the TIME…..Primavera Family

  • Itunu k kuku

    Thanking God for the miracles He''s performed already and believing that what He has begun, he will bring to completion. God is truly trustworthy.

  • Jon Russell

    I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.

  • A J J Vanimpelen

    Lieve Michelle & Steve,

    ik bid ook voor jullie


  • Rowena

    Hi Steve and Michelle, you have been so important to God since you have imparted more of Christ' love to us. God owns your body and Im sure He holds you firmly with all His love and power. I believe He wants to show His power in us in a very unique way until we all say Hallelujah for your total healing. We never stop praying for you. We love you. Rowena & Reagan

  • Tracy Montelibano-Aquino

    Dearest Pastor Steve, My heart aches and I am tearful when I read of your suffering. The way your loved ones write about you and the whole experience is so vivid that it is like I am there. And we are thankful for that because not knowing makes us more anxious. I am also thankful because although tragic, the accounts are also full of love, and faith in God, and hope. Even in suffering you and your loved ones truly continue to preach to us about God's love and love for each other. I pray that you heal quickly and steadily.

    Dearest Michelle, Thank you for sharing with us the pain, joys, intimate moments, and progress of this whole ordeal. I marvel at your writing! You chose the most appropriate verse for Pastor Steve and for all of us – it gave me much comfort. You also have many friends and family who are wonderful testimonies to us of the love of God. I only wish we could do more for you. You are such a loving, faithful and strong Christian woman. No wonder Pastor Steve gushes at the mere mention of your name. Take care. – Tracy Montelibano-Aquino

  • Lynn & Lori Crockett

    We are praying for the perfect peace that passes all understanding for Michelle and the entire Ruetschle family that God gave our family during my Brain Tumor ordeal. Many people don't understand it but true believers do.

    Thank you for the updates.

    Lynn & Lori Crockett
    Young Life leaders from long ago '88 & '89

  • Schmidda

    We are praying for Steve and the entire family. We put our trust in the LORD and hope for the best for all.

    DAvid Schmidt and family – Kettering Ohio

  • Kimberly Speaker

    I heard about Steve through his cousin Rhonda….. I just want you to know that I am praying for your recovery and for strength for your family. Just remember “If HE is for me, who can be against me” I use this everyday. The Lord is great and he is with you.
    Kimberly Speaker- Louisville KY

  • Elena & Sonia

    Since the day we heard about the accident, we and the “Grace Christian Prayer Partner” have not stopped praying for you and asking God for complete healing. God is so good. He hears our sincere and simple prayer.

    I've learned that when I can't pray, I just praise God not only in times of calm and peace but especially in times of turmoil and suffering. I just lift up my head in the most difficult situation and say, “Lord, I praise you.”

    I want to share this Bible verse to you: “He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.” Psalm 112:7

    Warmest regards,
    Elena & Sonia

  • Carolyn Ngo

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, I felt very, very sad upon learning of the accident. You are in my prayers…The Lord knows everything and we at UCM trust that the Lord our God will take care of Pastor Steve, Michelle, the 3 children and all your relatives. Michelle, we pray that the Lord will strengthen you mentally, physically and spiritually. i admire your strength…keep it up…We will always include you in our prayers…..Carolyn Ngo (your small group member during our retreat.

  • Donna Baumgartner et. al

    Christ Church Schenectady on board with prayer!

  • Paige

    God's blessings to you Steve and Michelle!! We are a clergy family in Greenville, SC and have mutual friends, through a friend of a friend!! lol! But God's plans are mighty as we have learned of your need for prayers and healing!! And, as God would have it, we have joined the many prayer warriors!!! We pray for your continued healing and enormous miracles each day! Thank you for sharing your story!!
    In God's peace and love! Paige Grimball

  • alismith

    Oh Michelle, my heart goes out to you my dear friend and sister and of course to Steve, as I imagine the pain he has and is suffering. No words seem to suffice…just wanted you to know I am on my knees praying and pleading and crying out for His mercies that are new every morning to be upon Steve….for His legion of angels to be with you, watching over you and Steve and the boys, even as you sleep…and that you may be anxious for nothing, as you lift your requests to our Father for complete and total healing, in His perfect time.

    And may “the God of HOPE fill you will all peace and joy as you trust in Him, so that you may be filled with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

    I look forward to more updates and praise reports. You write beautifully Michelle – thank you for keeping us all informed.

    With Love, Hugs, Prayers and HOPE,
    Ali Smith (in Singapore)

  • Dale Knutson

    Psalms 25
    To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
    2 O my God, in you I trust;
    let me not be put to shame;
    let not my enemies exult over me.
    3 Indeed, none who wait for you shall be put to shame;
    they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.
    4 Make me to know your ways, O Lord;
    teach me your paths.
    5 Lead me in your truth and teach me,
    for you are the God of my salvation;
    for you I wait all the day long.
    Psalms 25 speaks of being taught the ways that God has for us. Lessons often are learned from our personal experiences. It also seems that every so often are active servant of Christ is sidelined to teach the watching world the unfathomable depth of Christ love in the middle of great pain and heartache. As we see how God sustains you and your family through the pain and agony of great sorrow, your tenacious clinging to Christ allows us to have a visible example of the depths of Christ mercy and grace towards all of us. Allow the Psalms in particular to be your lightening rod as it allows you to express the depth of great sorrow and the exhilaration of great joy in hardship and difficult circumstances. God created us. God provides for us and He will sustain us through the love of Christ.

  • Sean Sheridan


  • Foxallisone

    I've been reading your posts each day and within sentences, I'm so deeply touched with your absolute reliance on God, love for one another and honesty about the future. I am praying for your family in every way. May you know His comfort, peace and love every moment!

    Allison Fox
    Seattle, Wa

  • Lindsayroberts4

    Dear Steve and Michelle – I am a friend of your friend Heather M who had asked us to join her in praying for you and we have been doing that often. As I was praying and tearing up as I felt the Holy Spirit join me in prayer my 2 year old asked me about it. I told her we were asking Jesus to heal our friend Steve. She now prays “God bless Steve!” with such passion I know it touches the Father's heart. I believe our prays availith much and we will all continue to pray on this journey and look forward to hearing about what God is doing.
    With love,
    Lindsay Roberts

  • Rebekka. Park

    I heard your accident last Sunday.
    Everyday, my family praying for your healthy and your family.
    I hope you'll get well soon and I wish to meet you again in UCM Worship service.
    God's blessings to you Steve and Michelle!!

    Mr.Park's family.

  • Fred Davis

    Michelle and Steve,
    I am reliving all this with you as i pray for you daily. I as ASIA B and ultimately progressed to D. I live an amazingly normal life considering with some neural weakness in the arms and most of the weakness in the leg is limited to the ability to lift the feet or toes. Today I pray for the lungs and the infection to dissipate, for a good balance of medication to control the pain and the delirium, and for surgery to be scheduled when Steve is well enough to sustain it. Judy and I pray for peace and comfort and rest for you as you walk your path through this journey. Fred and Judy Davis, Enumclaw, Washington

  •!/AnthonyErickTotanes Erick Totañes

    Hi Michelle,
    I'm a friend of Pastor Rainier, i sometimes lead worship at UCM for the Young Adult service. i was introduced to Pastor Steve several months back one Tuesday evening before the service started.
    i'm looking forward on the day that i will again shake Pastor Steve's hands and see him with his very encouraging presence.
    i'm also a father and my youngest son is 3 y/o, and im in tears reading your second blog entry.
    your family is a blessing to so many :) me and my wife always pray for Pastor Steve's speedy recovery, prayer goes out to you and your wonderful children as well.
    thanks for keeping us posted.
    God bless you always!
    in Christ,
    Erick Totañes, Manila, Philippines

  • Stephanie_e_baxter

    Am continuing to pray for you and Steve & family, for doctors & caregivers wisdom & practice, for healing of Steve's body, for decisions that need to be made, and for peace…

  • Enrique Panganiban

    i will always pray for you Michelle and for complete healing of pastor Steve

  • Ttripp

    Michelle – my already broken heart is aching ever more deeply since hearing of Steve's accident. I have wanted to tell John and then remember he's not here to tell – yet believe that somehow he joins the thousands here and the uncountable in heaven who are coming before our God on yours and Steve's behalf – I hardly know how to pray, but trust also that the Spirit is praying in and through us all in groans too deep for words. The waiting and not knowing puts you directly in line to fall helplessly into Jesus' arms. I love you both and hold you in my heart – Terry Tripp

  • Kristie Feldmann

    I am John Feldmann's wife, John and Steve initially met in New York and then reconnected when John moved back to Seattle. While I have never met Steve or yourself, I feel as if I know your family from the wonderful things that John has said of Steve and the loving remarks I have read from you and your family/friends .
    John and I are praying daily for Steve's recovery and for you and your family. Chad and Leah Harding are very dear friends of ours who live in Asheville, and I know that they would be willing to help with anything you may need. I believe that Leah left a message for you with her contact information at the nurses station earlier this week.
    We are also praying that God will lead you in the decision regarding Steve's rehabilitation. If God brings you to Seattle, please know that our door and hearts are open to you, your family, and your friends.
    May God's grace and mercy be upon Steve in the coming days, and may God wrap you in His love and give you continued strength. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.
    Kristie and John Feldmann, Seattle, WA

  • Happyshan14

    It has made me very sad and sorry to hear about Steve's accident. Please know that my thoughts and prayers go out to Steve, Michelle, their children, Ruetschle family and to Michelle's family. With each day that passes there is more hope and unbelieveable strength will come upon you. Faith makes all things possible “not easy”.

    God's Grace
    Love, Shanda Cridlin

  • Deb (Talley) Thompson

    What wonderful news! So glad that Michelle is able to be with Steve for longer periods and that Steve has been able to be with Michelle and communicate his love and appreciation for her! What a blessed relief from the past week! I continue to pray for everyone and everything involved, and for wisdom and peace with all of these decisions. May the presence of the Holy Spirit continue to hold you.

  • martha johaningsmeir

    Steve & Michelle~

    You may not remember me as it has been a number of years since we have even seen each other. But, I knew you when you were at First Pres Bellevue and we went on that great mission trip to mexico with the youth. Great fun! You are such a great person with so much life and energy and really do pray that you will have a full recovery from this horrible accident! That is the good thing about Facebook….I got a friend request from Lauren Enkema and then I saw something about Steve and concerns/prayers so I had to keep investigating to see what happened! So, you will all be in my prayers! I wish you still lived here so I could come & visit. But I will visit you in my heart. :) Blessings & much prayers & love & hugs, Martha Johaningsmeir (Washington state —

  • Melissa Nichols

    Our prayers are with you and your family!
    John & Melissa Nichols

  • anderson and wendy

    Hey my friend,
    I have been sending you notes to your yahoo email…Anderson will be here friday and I will call you. We are thrilled at you having some precious moments with Steve!!! Praise God for His goodness!
    Hang in there, girl!! Hope to see you soon!!!
    much love.wendy

  • Nancy Crutchfield

    Mel and I are praying for you, Michelle, for Steve, your family, the doctors and for the many decisions that will come. Steve holds a special spot in our hearts from way back in his “Oasis” single days. He is a precious man of God. I'm part of a huge group of prayer warriors here in Portland, OR and they are now all praying for you as well.
    Nancy Crutchfield

  • Andria & Russell Rice

    Dear Steve and Michelle – We consider it a blessing to pray for you and your sweet boys. It has been a few years since we had the privilege of attending Union Church of Manila under Steve's leadership; we recall fondly the evenings you hosted us at your home, playing games, eating, talking of literature and the oddities of international transitions. We join with others in prayer. Much love – Andria and Russell Rice, Olympia, WA

  • Tenoevja

    I work with Kim Fessel at Jewish Hospital. My boyfriend Al & I put Steve and the family on our prayer list at the church we attend , Point Pleasant Church of Christ, Hebron, Kentucky. Prayer does work and you will continually be in ours. Judy Tenoever

  • Chalen Cloos

    Hi Michelle,
    My name is Chalen. I am the Filipina who visited you this afternoon. I just want you to know that my family will be praying for Steve's quick recovery. But most importantly, we will be praying that you will remain strong in the Lord. Keep trusting and never doubt His love. He is Good and He is faithful!
    In Christ, Chalen Cloos

  • Amber

    Michelle and Steve —
    I do not know you, but heard of your situation through the MHGS prayer newsletter. My heart absolutely aches and cries out to God for you. Just wanted you to know that I am praying. I wish there was something I could do to take your pain away. Praying that you feel God's loving, strong arms around you holding you very close right now.

  • Erlynn Campos


    I feel Steve's pain and yours. I leave today for a planned vacation with my family, but I will keep on praying that Steve's surgery will go well and that God will complete his recovery. He is already doing wonderful things!


  • Erlynn Campos

    The leaders of the Men's BSF Class being held at Union Church are also praying for Steve.


  • Molly McCue

    Miche: This morning I was ruminating over something-or-other stressful issue, then paused, breathed in, and thought, “Remember the holy spirit.” Several minutes of this calm repetition and my spirit was so much more at ease. Then it occured to me that Steve had shared that exercise with a group of us many years ago. I remember the holy spirit when I pray for you.

  • Quilterscreek

    Lord, in Your mercy, hear our prayers.


  • Karen Schmitt Nelson

    We are all praying for you, on our knees that God will come through for you in ways more beautiful and healing than any of us can even begin to imagine. Love, love, love, we send you love. Karen and Jon Nelson

  • Ron

    Michele – I am clinging with great joy and hope to the very nacient signs of good recovery for Steve and as we await the second surgery, prayerful that God's goodness will prevail above all. All my love is with you and the boys….

  • liz and dale whitney

    Yes!! 20 minutes — wow. Here's to a new mix of painkillers. But 20 minutes!! Prayers continue…

  • Jessica Hexter

    My husband and I had attended UCM from 2003-2005, before Pastor Steve came on aboard, and right now we're at Union Church in HK. I just wanted you to know that you are in many of our prayers and petitions here in HK. May Christ's Light shine through with each step of surgeries, treatments, therapies, and recoveries. May He remain ever so strongly as your Rock and Fortress!

  • Barbara & Bill Brown

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you go through this ordeal. It is all very well to say “be strong and take courage”, but right where you are that may seem like a platitude. You are amazing Michelle! Steve not only brought the scriptures alive for me, but also put them in perfect context, such a revelation! We have been truly blessed by his ministry. Barbara and Bill Brown, Manila.

  • Gretchen Valentine

    Hooray for the 20 minutes! What an encouragement. Praying for continued healing and that the pain will subside for Steve. Praying for you, Michelle, imagining how weary you must be. May you find rest as you need it. Praying also for wisdom about where you will be for short and long term rehab. Love you, dear ones.

  • Emy and Dan Reventar

    Dear Michelle,

    We shed tears of joy and tears of hope daily for each wonderful detailed account of God's loving faithfulness and mighty power working in Pastor Steve and in you. What a loving and mighty God we have! Emy and Dan Reventar, UCM Manila

  • Pattyellis

    Paul and I have not written, though we have been following the sites carefully, praying often. Our hearts are still processing as we know yours are. Even before you left I was led of the Lord to pray that God would use this time in the US to accomplish His purposes in you (Phil 1:6). I am now praying that nothing will block that.

    There is an 1950 hymn that comes to mind for you…

    I don't know abut tomorrow,
    I just live from day to day;
    I don't borrow from its sunshine,
    For its skies may turn to gray.
    I don't worry o'er the future,
    For I know what Jesus said;
    And today I'll walk beside Him,
    For He knows what is ahead.

    I don't know about tomorrow,
    It may bring me poverty;
    But the one who feeds the sparrow
    Is the one who stands by me.
    And the path that be my portion
    May be through the flame or flood;
    But His presence goes before me
    And I'm covered with His blood.

    Many things about tomorrow
    I don't seem to understand;
    But I know who holds tomorrow,
    And I know who holds my hand.

    Love and hugs,
    Patty Ellis

  • Sue Dryer

    Steve and Michelle,
    Brian, Brad and I continue to send our prayers–for fluffy white clouds to block the pain, for peace like a river to soothe your aching hearts. We are grateful for surgeons and their precision. May our Father work through their hands. We lift up your parents, siblings, darling children–all your family. We simply pray for a miracle.

  • Sharon Black

    Miche, your latest post is WONDERFUL news!! Am overjoyed to hear it, with many tears. Will pray re pain and everything else. Be well, dear friend, and know we are all “with you.” Sharon

  • Dale1

    We are praising God here at the Roth house for the progress Steve showed today and for the time you had with him! We will pray you through the surgery tomorrow and we continue to look for miracles in Steve's body. May the peace of Christ, which surpassess all comprehension, guard your hearts and your minds tonight and in the coming days.

    Dale and Annie Roth

  • Kari Medina

    Steve and Michelle,

    All day long Isaiah 35:10 has been ringing through my heart in prayer, and now this incredible news. We are rejoicing!

    1 The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus 2 it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the LORD, the majesty of our God. 3 Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. 4 Say to those who are of a fearful heart, “Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” 5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; 6 then shall the lame man leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy. For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; 7 the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp, the grass shall become reeds and rushes. 8 And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not pass over it, and fools shall not err therein. 9 No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there. 10 And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

    We continue to pray for clarity of mind, for relief of pain, for rest for both Steve and you, Michelle, for divine wisdom and skill on the part of the doctors as they operate, and for peace as you wait for the surgery. May God’s amazing grace and love continue to break forth like streams in the desert….

    Can you hear the shouts of joy all the way from Seattle?
    Much love,
    Kari and John

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Steve and Miche… praise be the Lord. Steve– can you imagine all the amazing and inspiring patients I have worked with in *18* years at Harborview? Well you, my friend, top the list! All of what you did and fought through today is miraculous and I am so proud of you and humbled by God's work through you… You are amazing and God is great! THANK you Miche for describing this so beautifully. I am also selfishly so excited about the Harborview news. I am very thrilled that Dr Esselman (Peter) has taken personal involvement in Steve's case… this is so great! I about flipped when we got the email from him today telling the family to call him directly if they wanted to. Yeah. ;-) OK— I will be fasting and praying at 8:45 (11:45 EST) and onwards… God steady the hands of the surgeon, guide him to do the very best job for Steve. Ease Steve pain Lord, please and heal him. I love you both-Tiff

  • Theron

    praying with you at 8:45a tomorrow morn. Steve – you 'da man. So inspiring to all of us. So grateful for all that you are and will become. loving you and praying for you all through the day. May you have rest and comfort and peace tonight. May the doctors' work bring healing and resurrection in your body. See you soon, BFAM

  • liz and dale whitney

    Steve will not be alone — in the powerful Name of Jesus, so many of us are praying in Seattle. Your community and then some will receive you with open arms… long-term. Thank you for your updates — they do mean a lot to us. And for your continued trust in the Lord,

    Amen, Lord Jesus.

  • Cindyclapper

    Michelle and Steve,
    We have been praying without ceasing since the news Jonathan gave us about Steve's accident. Our heart aches for this incredible, difficult valley that you are walking through. In the middle of complete sorrow, there is joy how God is being glorified. Michelle, thank you for so articulately shaing your thoughts, prayers and hopes with us. Of course those nurses will let you stay in the ICU… are a blessing to everyone! We pray for wisdom of the physicians and healing from the surgery. We pray especially for a pain mamagement that will allow Steve more comfort but at the same time to think clearly. We have so many fond memories of seeing Steve, standing tall behind the pulpit at University Presbytarian Church, delivering his first sermon, and then standing there dedicating Amelie. John and I were so blessed to be able to spend time with Aiden and Jude for those couple days that you entrusted them to us. They were such a joy. We are so thrilled to hear that you may come to Seattle. We can't wait to meet Zephyr and I hope I can help with your wonderful boys again! There are not any words that seem fitting, becuase we are just so sorry for what you are going through…but God is good and you are truly giving Him the glory and that brings joy in this sorrow.
    Michelle, we pray that God will continue to pour out His amazing grace that you need every moment of the day as you walk beside Steve in this difficult time. God is faithful and His mercies are new every morning. The light of Christ is shinning brightly through both of you. Thank you for blessing us and teaching us more about prayer.
    Much love,
    John and Cindy Clapper

  • Helen Rutstein

    Very dearest Steve and Michelle,
    How do I describe the intense wave of shock and disbelief when I found out this morning about the accident. we extend our prayers, our love and our thoughts to you from China . You are both lights on this earth and I know that your light will assist you and guide you in the days ahead. We envelop you with all the love we have in our hearts. We will be praying for you daily……Helen and Dale Rutstein

  • Mandiels

    Dear and Precious Michelle, Steve, Family and Friends

    Words fail us completely as we are speechless about the latest news. We are grateful, tearful (but tears of joy) and in fervent prayer for the surgery, the pain medication adaptability to Steve's sensitivity, peace and inner strength for everyone in the OR and the journey ahead. Moment by moment, we will walk alongside of you in prayer and continue to shake the heavenlies with our intercession …

    In Prayer and Deeply Grateful


  • Cecille Espiritu

    Hi Pastor Steve and Michell,

    You are right. Who can separate us from the love of God. And who are we that He is mindful of us, yet He is mindful and interested in seeing His glory made manifest in Steve's condition. This too shall pass. That is Steve's inheritance. Jesus came to give us life and life in His fullness. I speak well being to Steve, I speal healing to Steve's spirit soul and body.

    Love, Red and Cecille Espiritu

  • Elena & Sonia

    For Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    With God behind you and His arms around you, you can face whatever is ahead of you… May God's loving arms carry you always near His heart.

    From Elena & Sonia (we are sisters)

  • Shyle Matteus Diaz – 5 yrs old


    From: Shyle Matteus Diaz – 5 years old
    Union Church of Manila Sunday Schooler

  • Linda

    Praise the Lord! Pastor Steve's progress is truly amazing! I pray for that raving success in his surgery. While the road to recovery is long, I know that God will be there, carrying Steve through his pain. I pray that Pastor Steve will get that much needed sleep to fortify his body as it prepares for the surgery. And I thank you, Michelle, for continuing to bless us with your journal entries, so that we can finetune our prayers, so we can be there with you and Steve.
    Much, much love,

  • Carey and Colin Bell

    Dear Michelle and Steve
    Please know how much you two and the boys are in our thoughts throughout each day. We continue to pray with you and cry with you and to cheer with you in the positive moments. We pray for courage and strength each day, peace and deep rest at night for all of you.
    From Colin, Carey, Dominic, Sebastian, Nicolas and Teresa Bell

  • Connie VantHof

    …and GOD IS GLORIFIED for all this. Steve's determination to win the battle, His awesome strength, Michelle's grace, patience, true love, endurance, beautiful words and commitment to us, and HIS ability to bring us all together binding us in prayer for this beautiful man who dedicated his life to bring us to GOD! How amazing is that? I am so filled with emotion and love and awe with this journey and how it has moved me. Michelle, I don't even know you and only knew Steve when he was a young boy. Our family grew up with the Reutschle family for years until we moved to Michigan. But somehow I am so drawn to this story and hang on to every word and verse as if it were MY life. GOD has brought us here to show us how powerful prayer is and the miracles HE can do through us coming together. I see now how HE is working thru each and everyone of us because of YOU AND STEVE. You are the beacon of light and vessel of hope from GOD. I thank you for that. And I am praying every time you appear in my head from the Holy Spirit's prompting for strength, wisdom, pain management, healing, doctor's wisdom and care, your children and extended family.
    Lastly, gather comfort from HIS word:

    “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
    He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress,
    I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6)

    “My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    with singing lips my mouth will praise you.
    My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” (Psalm 63:5&8)

    BIG HUGS from our family to yours…
    Mark, Connie, Christina, Stephanie, & Lindsey VantHof (Jim & Sue Economides daughter and family)

    • Druetschle

      Your message is so comforting to us and we are all being lifted up by all the prayers. We feel your arms around us.
      Love, John and Darlene

  • Liz and Brian Coon

    We're praying throughout the day for pain relief and for peace, praying that the worst of the paranoia is behind him, and praying for a successful surgery.

    I can't express how thrilled we were to read about Steve's progress today. The optimism from the physical therapist must have been a beautiful thing! We'll keep praying for courage and strength for all 5 of you as you walk through this.
    much love,
    The Coons

  • Joel and Kari Ogden

    We are friends of Mike and Heather in Dayton, OH. Praying for you and your family. God is more than able!

  • Phil and Sue Burns

    Prayer is lifted to God from here in Maine. As you ministered to us in Manila so we will minister to you before our Father's throne.

  • Carminda

    Dearest Michelle,

    It's 10:30 PM here in Manila. I have been in deep prayer for Steve, who I imagine, is now in the operating room, being prepared for surgery. He has probably been given anesthesia and is now asleep. These verses from Psalm 139 come to mind as I picture in my mind's eye our Lord being there with him right now even as he sinks into a deep level of unconsciousness:

    7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?
    8 If I go up to the heavens, You are there; If I make my bed in the depths, You are there.
    9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of the sea
    10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

    His hand is holding Steve fast right now; and He is also holding you close in His arms, telling you:
    ” Be Still, my child, for I am with you”.

    Love you,

  • Matthew Braun

    It's kind of embarrassing to be caught crying at work, staring at the computer, but I am overjoyed at the news from yesterday…WONDERFUL NEWS! I give thanks to Him…

  • Brad Hurte

    Steve, I've been through this, one year ago. The doctors told my wife some terrible things. I have mere flashes of memory from those early weeks of intense pain, some bad, some humorous. I knew that my wife was there and I knew that God had something good to bring of my accident. I can't tell you all the miracles that God has worked in my life and through my circumstances in others. Today I stand healed because of the love, prayer, and support of family, friends, and people I've not yet met, and have the blessed assurance that God has a purpose for me that He had not yet worked to completion. I've often told friends that I don't wish my method on anyone of figuring out just how much God completes us through trials, but I know that I am truly blessed through my accident. You will be too. I pray for that same comforting assurance for you and for your complete healing and strength during the long rehab months ahead.

    Michelle, bless you for your strength. Even in his most delirious moments, Steve will sense you're there for him. You're God's tangible presence of comfort, strength, and assurance that Steve will feel and one day remember. He'll have some guilt to deal with that his worst feelings of pain and sorrow over the accident are not for himself but for what you and your children, family, and friends are going through. It's OK. God will get you through the hard times because He has a purpose for good in all of this. It'll come through someone being encouraged by Steve's determination and faith, through a child maturing in their prayer for him, in someone coming to Christ through the power of Steve's and your stories. You have blessed me by reminding me of the love and support of my wife in the most difficult of circumstances that strengthened me and drove me on. My prayer for you is for your strength and comfort in your long months ahead of being there for Steve and for your children, that they will understand that God loves their father and sometimes uses bad things in a powerfully good way.

    You are both in God's healing hands.

  • Tom Diederich

    Steve and family,

    My thoughts and prayers (as are Noriko's) are with you. Steve, this is but another adventure — so hurry and conquer it and share your glorious tale with the world. That's an order, mister.

    Matthew 17:19-20 “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

  • Ingrid Mijnals

    Ik las net in een mail about the accident. Is dat schrikken! Ik heb geen woorden.
    Stil. ..denk aan je ….. hou je niet groot, druk geen emoties weg……. Dit is erg. Wat ik kan zeggen is dat ik altijd dwars door alle levensverwachtingspatronen heen zeg……… het komt goed…hoe irreëel ook.
    Ik heb het dan niet over zeker weten maat wel iets wat erop lijkt.
    Listen to your hart……….your coach. 4 nu ..elk stukje herstel is een stukje herstel.
    Puzzelstukjes ….de puzzel kun je nog niet helemaal zien.
    Arm om je heen en troost, kus, lof van Ingrid Mijnals

  • Dorothy Parnell

    Dear Michelle:- May God hold you and Steve in the palm of his hand as you both go through this terrifying experience. With love and many prayers, Dorothy Parnell [Heather's grandmother]

    London, Ontario

  • Liz and Bill

    Dear Michelle,

    Margot posted a note about Steve's accident on the MADS group with the link to this site. I'm so glad she did. You can add many many more thoughts and prayers from Manila to the incredible network you already have.

    I am so moved and inspired by the grace and strength and hope and appreciation you can manage to show through this trauma. You are such an amazing person. I pray for an end to the extreme pain, that you may both concentrate on the healing, and praying for both of your continued strength. Reading what you have written so far, I am very hopeful for Steve's recovery. Have you ever read the book or seen the movie Touching the Void? It's about a mountaineering accident, but relevant because it's one of those fighting and surviving stories that makes it clear how much sheer mental determination can influence the outcome in such a daunting challenge.

    We will be going to Seattle in late July, and hope we can support you in any way that is helpful.

    Much love,
    Liz and Bill Fischelis

  • HeatherRichardsMann

    Mich & Steve,

    Such a piercing clarity about where Steve's rehab should be, and a relief to have Steve's agreement and blessing.

    I can't imagine a community more capable of pouring into you, loving you, and riding the ups & downs with you. What a privilege it will be for you, for them, and for all of you together. Incredible to think of the way the Lord has been knitting you together, despite distance, all these years.

    I think I speak on behalf of everyone witnessing this journey that we eagerly and expectantly look forward to your continued sharing and reflection. One cannot help but be transformed.

    May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance. (2 Thes 3v5)

    loving you,
    Heath xxx

  • Glenn Mitsui

    Dear Lord,
    Please knit a beautiful blanket of protection for Steve this afternoon, each thread being a prayer of love from all of his friends and family.

  • Allison Henry

    Steve is in my heart and prayers for success with his surgery. Your words are incredible and so honest – I feel priviledged to be allowed into this most terrifying experiece. Steve will be in my heart forever.!!!!!

  • Anne Richards

    Miche and Steve:

    I am overwhelmed by your courage and strength; with each posting my eyes are filled with tears.
    God in his wisdom, power and love is so apparent in all you are experiencing. I know that he will continue to be a part of this incredible healing process moment by moment.

    You are both loved and prayed for continually …

    Much Love,
    Anne Richards Kingston, Canada

  • Genesis Karis Diaz


    In Christ,
    Genesis Karis Diaz

  • Spunkymar

    The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

  • Wendy Lock

    Thank you for the up to date reports. It really helps to know how to pray and what to pray. My heart is so burdened for your guys, and I'm praying right now (as Steve is in surgery) that God's presence would be with him in even a tangible way. I'm praying for wisdom and strength for the surgeons.
    With much love and prayers for you guys,
    Wendy Lock

  • Myra Burr

    Michelle & Steve,
    I work with your Aunt Linda and know your mom and dad. My thoughts & prayers are with your lovely family at this time. Like you, I am going to continue to be optimistic and pray that Steve will simply amaze his doctors and all of us with his spirit and determination to make the best recovery he can!
    May God help to sustain all of you in this battle!
    With love, Myra Burr

  • Hornungjulie

    Hello … I just wandomly stumbled on this website. My haerts breaks for Steve and the pain he and his family are in. Steve was my first counselor at Mars Hill. I took every ill – every pain – every hurt against the men who have disappointed me out on him … He held every one. He was the first man to restore my hurt … to name my struggles … and to offer me a picture of what a true man of compassion and strength is … He forever changed the person I am and I am grateful … Steve, you will be in my prayers.

  • Linda Enkema

    Dear Steve, Michelle, and family,
    Although you probably don't remember us, we are from First Pres. Bellevue and were here when you led our Modern Worship. We wanted you to know that even those of us who don't know you well are praying for you. Your are being prayed for in meetings, in small prayer groups, in personal prayers, in blessings at meals, and in worship by those who know you and don't know you. We are all rooting for you and will be faithful in prayer, just as God is faithful in answering those prayers. You are well-loved in all corners of the earth!
    May our gracious God hold you and heal you-
    Jeff and Linda Enkema

  • Greg Lewis

    Fight on Steve and Michelle! Fight on! your strength is inspiring and beautiful…

  • Quilterscreek

    Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
    Praise Him all creatures here below!
    Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

    All love, Flavia

  • Andwesale

    our prayers are with you!! thank you for the updates on Steve's progress. Michelle, We will continue to lift you up in prayer!! God is good!
    wendy and anderson

  • Dean & Sue Loomis

    Our thoughts & prayers are with you & Steve & your families. You both are amazing, & we eagerly await your posting after Steve's most successful surgery today. May God answer your prayers & watch over you & Steve always!! Your Global visitors to your site show all the love & prayers that are coming your way.
    We know Darlene & John from Shiloh Church in Dayton & were so glad that we could visit with them briefly last evening on our way from Dayton to our current home in Greenville, SC.

  • Caroline_cliff

    Just arived in London en route from Manila to Edinburgh and have read the wonderful news of the last 24hrs -Praaise God indeed!! Have noted the prayer requests for the next flight. So happy for you all ad will follow your [because it is all of you] progress carefully. love Caroline

  • Cori

    Pastor Kevin Ball let us at Antioch know how Steve is doing. We are praying and anticipating great things as God brings healing.

    Cori Belle

  • Sandra


  • Jireh Grobler

    Dear Steve and Michelle, we were so happy to hear that the surgery went well. May God continue to hear all our prayers for complete healing. Gene and Jireh Gobler

  • Greg and Holly Anderson

    We continue to cheer and pray for you! Your reflections are profound, as we pray will be Steve's recovery.

  • Jessbartlett

    Steve and Michelle,
    I am praying and believing in the Lord's Victorious and powerful healing for Steve's body in all aspects of his recovery. I know already there have been several small blessings, answered prayers, and miracles at each step of his process from the time of the accident to the his time now in the hospital post surgery. It is evident that you are a very special family, and faithful servants to the Lord. I continue to pray that you may feel God's presence throughout all your decisions and through the pain management, -the spiritual journey and the physical and mental journey that lay ahead. For we know the Lord is merciful and just and I believe he is doing a good work in your lives amidst this very difficult time.
    I will continue to pray for lifted spirits, and for the Holy Spirit to protect Steve as he pushes through this. You guys are amazing, we wish you well, and are so glad to see that you have a wonderful support system. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
    The Figueroa family.
    (Jessica Figueroa-good friend of Heather R. in Seattle WA)

  • Jdonaldson

    I don't know you personally, but as a fellow human who has become aware of your struggles please know I hold your family in the light of God's healing force, and the compassion of His Spirit is watching for you all. I know for me and my family in times like this it is the GRACE that will find you, and give you peace and healing.

    I continue to pray and see only the best of possible outcomes for you all.
    Julia Donaldson

  • Gwynne Dalseg


    I'm a friend of Mike & Heather's and live in Seattle. I had met Steve a long, long time ago. Please know I am praying for Steve and you all daily. The Lord will sometimes wake me in the middle of the night to pray. Thank you for your amazing updates. I cannot imagine how hard this is for you.

    I'm so glad to hear Steve will be heading to Seattle for continued care. Please know you are welcome here. We want to be able to serve your family anyway we can.

    Gwynne (Barthels) Dalseg

  • Naomi Diaz


  • beachrose_422

    Dear Michelle and Steve,

    Via Emmanuel Baptist Church in Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA, praying that Father will heal miraculously, remove pain, encourage your hearts, be powerfully present in your spirits. My heart is grateful, with yours, for the intervention of the Great Physician in the affairs of men. May His Love, Grace, Mercy and Peace abound unto you continuously.

    Praising Him for the love and support of the family of God, as well.

    Love and hugs,
    In His Praise,
    Carol Leach

  • Paul & Joanna Yoder

    Steve & Michelle and family -
    We love you, are pulling for you, and pray for you constantly. Keep hope.
    Paul & Joanna Yoder

  • Tedkt

    Let me know if there is anything you need. I am in Asheville, NC. I to suffered a spinal cord injury by way of motorcycle. My prayers are with you! — >

  • Chitvillegas_ctv

    We at Door of Hope are rejoicing with you Michelle. We will continue to uphold you in prayers….we look forward to your reunion with Pastor Steve in his full conscious capacity and the kids enjoying him again.


    chit villegas
    Door of Hope

  • Jerry and Alice Pamin

    It's 5:30am in Manila, woke up and prayed for you and Pastor Steve. Praise God for the success of his operation. Be encouraged that the entire congregation in Union Church is praying for his healing. As God promise in Psalm 73 . . .Nevertheless I am continually with You, You hold me by my right hand.

    Praise God for His faithfulness. You are always in our prayers.

  • Sempowicz

    Wishing and praying that all will turn out well. The signs have been positive so far and we ask for a full recovery.
    Rest assured the prayers go a lot further than just the philippines. Thinking of all of you as you go through these very tough times.

    Paul Tracey Criza Christian and Liezel “Australia” (little childrens home connection)

  • Joke Bergink

    Oh, dear Michelle and Steve – our hearts are leaping with joy as we praise God for ALL that He is doing in and through this journey of healing. Truly, God is present in His sanctuary (hospital :)) let us praise the Lord!!! We continue to pray with love and faith for complete and radical healing. Joke, Lorrie and the Precious Jewels ministry team in Manila.

  • Dahliaspillera

    Yey Pastor Steve, my prayers are with you and your family. So looking forward to your being up and about as we want you back here at UCM soonest. God bless you. Dahlia Aspillera

  • Marilynjpascual

    GOOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!! we thank Abba even now for the comfort and complete healing of Pastor Steve, and for His peace and grace that He will lavish on you and the whole family.
    “Now to Him who is able to do EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY BEYOND ALL that we ask or think according to the power that works within us, to HIM BE THE GLORY in the church and in CHRIST JESUS to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”

  • Dave Hackett

    Have been praying for Steve. As I leave in a day or so for Manila for other ministry business, I'll say special prayers from PH soil, and if I get a chance, I hope to visit the Union Church office to say hello. (I'll be at the SIL Center all week next week.)

  • Shirley Go

    God is Good! God is Great! God is Almighty! Thank you Lord!!!

  • Eileentell

    Wow, Steve. are defying the laws of nature with the love of your family and friends. Keep up the good work. We are all pulling for you. Many prayers are coming your way. Love to all, Eileen Tellefson

  • julia fontana

    Hi Michelle,
    This is Julia Fontana writing, Akiko's sister. What a shock it has been to hear the news of Steve…it has been tugging at all of hearts and we pray so much for you all. We know God is watching over you closely. With much love from all the Thomsons and Fontanas….Julia

  • Mary Jean Keeler

    Love and prayers from Bob and Mary Jean Keeler

  • Wayne Kenney

    Steve- Your struggles with the side effects of pain meds and anesthesia touch me especially, for, I too, have horrific nighmares following surgery. I pray specifically for this issue, that your caregivers will search all the options and truly customize your doses to YOUR needs!
    Michelle – Praise to the LOrd for your courage and devotion in staying with Steve through all these painful minutes and hours. Pain is more easily faced with someone's loving presence and touch alongside. Being alone can opens the way for greater pain and emotional distress. You are indeed a sweetheart! Even in this you are a witness of grace!
    Love and peace to you both! Wayne

  • Elizabeth Chua

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    I have been praying for both of you and your children. I pray for God' healing hand upon Pastor Steve. To heal whatever is broken, to heal the nerves, to give strength through this trying times. To ease the pain. To Michelle, I pray for courage and wisdom in making any decisions. Courage to take care of children and Pastor Steve as well. May the Lord look kindly upon your family. The Lord is the best physician. What man can't do He can. Nothing is impossible with. The Lord is our immediate help in time of trouble. God be with you. from Elizabeth Chua

  • Deb (Talley) Thompson

    Speechless with the abundance of peace, joy, and loving kindness being showered upon you and emanating from you! To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb belong praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever. Amen!

  • Lhorie

    Me and my family will continuously pray for Pastor Steve's fast recovery. We miss you Pastor Steve.


  • carol ngo

    You are always in our prayers. … Lord we pray for Steve's smooth and successful operation. And we pray that his recovery will also be very smooth. Please take care also of Michelle and the 3 boys, Sean and all their love ones. Keep them strong mentality, physically and emotionally. this we pray in Jesus name. Amen.

  • Deb (Talley) Thompson

    P.S. Michelle – What an amazing woman you are! Your strength, courage, constancy, faith, hope, love and the resources of your intellect in the worst of circumstances…. know that in the depths of your vulnerability YOU are a gift of God and a testimony to every life that you touch. When you are weak, He is strong. Blessings on your head, Deb.

  • Metzgar

    Know of the prayers of Ann and Dick Metzgdar. Recovery and strengh for all the family. We especially lift up Darlene and John, our good friends. We are only less than 2 hours away. If anyone can think of a way we can help 24/7, please call @ 706-212-2064. We will be on our way.

    Dick and Ann Metzgar

  • Ginia Brocka

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    We are constantly praying for you and your family. For healing and comfort, for peace, strength and courage. You are both an extraordinary couple, even through the entries in this blog, we see your strong faith and your immense love for God and for each other. We are rejoicing with you with the latest news about the surgery. We will continue to keep you in our prayers for complete healing, understanding of His purpose, and peace.

    Ginia and Daniel Brocka

  • Reads4

    Our dearest and beloved Michelle and Pr. Steve,
    Please know of our love and concern for you as we wait and hope and pray with you. Please know our every moment of breathe prayers are lifted for you before the Throne of Grace. Job 23:10-14

    Together with you in His grip of Shalom,
    Rita, Steve, Stephen and Shannon Read

  • Tracy

    Dear Michelle and Steve
    Terribly sorry to be reading about what you guys have been going through over the past month. We are thinking of you and really truly wish Steve a good, fast recovery.
    Tracy, Jeremy, India and Annique (Hong Kong)

  • Shannon

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you. I just found this verse that I thought you might be encouraged by:
    “And the Lord will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make you bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.”
    Isaiah 58:11, ESV
    In His everlasting love,
    Shannon Read (a Union Church 13 year old sheep)

  • millie

    Pastor Steve, Michelle
    Praise God for this wonderful news! Even as you are physically absent from UCM, still you speak to us through your moments of pain and agony; through Michelle's untiring sharing of every step of your progress. As millions uphold you in prayers and claim them all answered by our merciful God, after all our tears, we know there will be JOY in the morning.
    We love you,
    Mer & Millie Meneses

  • art

    Pastor Steve, you can do it…hang on there, just sing in your heart, God will heal you….

  • Bonnie Stalter

    Thy God in the midst of thee is mighty. you are mature beyond your years Michelle.
    praying music in Steve's mind to reach his musical self and nourish and sustain him.

    Rest dear family as others care for him.

  • Dick Leon

    Dear Michelle, Carolyn and I are thrilled with your report today after surgery. Your devotion to Steve and Steve's fighting spirit are inspiring and reassuring. We continue with our prayers for you both and send our love along with the confidence that there is nothing in this life that is larger than the grace and healing power of the Lord. God bless you both, every hard day that lies ahead: Carolyn and Dick Leon.

  • Ken and Marcia Tank

    Dear Michelle…God is using you in such a mighty way to build all of us up in our faith as you demonstrate your faith in our loving and merciful God. Thank you for ministering to all of us as you love and care for your dear husband who is so very special to all of us. We are with in prayer and it sounds like we will be seeing you in Seattle. Our love…through Him. Ken and Marcia Tank

  • Keith Hooker

    It's great to hear about Steve's strength and determination to get well – keep focusing on the One who gives us hope;

    Dr. McNair Wilson, a famous American cardiologist wrote in his autobiography, “Hope is the medicine I use more than any other. Hope can cure nearly everything.” “There is an increasing body of medical evidence to support that idea that hope fosters health both physically and emotionally. But as soon as we lose hope there is not much chance things will change for the better.”

  • Squant

    We serve an AWESOME Lord! I sit here amazed at tonight’s report – my heart it full of joy and my eyes full of tears.

    Thank you Father for hearing our prayers – please keep your hand on our brother Steve. We beg you to take away his pain and continue the miracle of healing that you have begun in him. Father we also thank you for the amazing peace that you have brought to Michelle and the family, please remain very real and close to them as well. We know that you are in the center of this Lord and again we thank you for your grace and blessings on our beloved servant Steve. We love you Lord and pray all of this in your matchless name, Amen!

    Steve Quant

  • Karen Bergevin

    Steve and Michelle,
    I have started a post several times but have yet to finish one. I am so grateful for so many things – that the surgery went well, that Michelle has been able to be with Steve so much (even all night last night! God at work in delirium); for Michelle's posts – such a testament to her faith and your love, so tender, authentic, and articulate; for the immense family of believers praying with me for Steve and the entire family (I love that there is a GLOBAL community praying for Steve! When I am asleep someone half way around the world is in prayer for him. It speaks volumes to me about our God and about how many lives the Ruetschle's have touched and continue to touch); for sensation in feet and baby barbells lifted high; I could go on and on. Thank you for the specific prayer requests and for the constant updates. I continue to pray (with so many others) for your entire family. Right now I can hear Steve singing as he always closed worship (when he was the modern worship leader here at First Pres Bellevue) “My friends may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior! My friends may you grow in grace, and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ! To God be the glory, now and forever; Now and forever Amen! To God be the glory, NOW and FOREVER – AMEN!” I wait expectantly to see how 'this crazy God story' unfolds. Love to you both, Karen

  • Fred Davis

    Steve, Michelle, family, congratulations on successful surgery on your neck. I was moved to hear of your positive attitude and your desire to help others around you heal emotionally even as you heal physically.

    On my 28th day in ICU after I finally had my neck fusion surgery, a nurse reminded me to stop trying to be pastor to others and concentrate on the things I needed to do to get well. It was good advice even though it ran so contrary to my desire to try and make others feel better about what had happened.

    I know you don't need to hear about my story except to say that the reason I feel so compelled to pray for you and do whatever I can is that I have been where you are at and am reliving so much of it as I pray for you with each successive news post we get. When and if you do come to Seattle, if you are willing, I would be honored to be of whatever help I can in your rehab.

    You are so correct that being positive and doing everything you can is key to getting back as much function as possible. And you are also correct in seeing what comes from this as a God thing. I was reading EPhesians 3 today and my prayer for you today is that you would know the amazing, height, depth, width and power of God's love at work in your body and your spirit.

    I feel confident that today it is rolled up wash cloths – tomorrow, or the next day or soon, it may be a real bar bell of 1/2 pound. Prize and cherish and work for each small step of accomplishment. God is at work in miraculous ways it sounds and from this all, God will be glorified in your story and in your faith.

    A friend told me one day in the rehab hospital, Fred, you must have great faith. My reply – no, I don't have great faith but I have faith in a great God. May your faith and confidence and love be strongly anchored in a mighty and merciful God, a loving wife and family, and thousands of people – many of whom you don't know – who are assaulting the throne room of heaven on your behalf.

    In his strength

    Fred Davis
    Calvary Presbyterian
    Enumclaw, WA

  • Alan and Anne Ferguson

    Steve and Michelle – we are from New Zealand and have been worshipping at UCM since coming to Manila last January. Truly we all “weep when another weeps and rejoice when another rejoices”. Our prayers are joined and will faithfully remain with the thousands of others praying for healing, peace, wisdom and strength for you both and your families.

    Alan and Anne Ferguson

  • Rob and eli

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you, I still am trying to get my head around Pastor Steve on a motorcycle! Then again I never thought he would start rapping mid sermon either. He has been an amazing pastor here in Manila, it only took one service there at UCM for my wife and I to feel at home.

    Our prayers and love to you Michelle and the kids! You will come out of this and show the whole world what a miracle really is.

    Rob & Elinore Nygaard

  • Diana Rackers

    Thank you for the updates. It has been a long time since Steve was at Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, WA, but I can hear his personality coming through in what is written. I'm praying for him and for Michelle tonight. God bless each of you on this journey…! What grace was in his words to you, Mike… What a fighter he is, too! Keep pressing on! In Christ, Diana

  • Chad & Melissa Yoakam

    Steve and Michelle and all of your family….
    A hole bunch of God's children in Bozeman and Livingston, Montana are praying for your healing, comfort and God's overwhelming peace.
    I know that God will use your situation to His glory! Though many years and lots of distance have separated us, please know you are loved and cared for! You are in my prayers!
    Chad, Melissa, Samantha and Jeremy Yoakam

  • Theron

    Your on the road, Bro! Looking forward to receiving you in Seattle. Looking forward to walking this recovery journey with you. Love, Love and Love…

  • Sergi Musni and Family

    Hi Pastor and wedding godfather Steve, Michlle and all his friend and family over there at the other side of the earth. When I heard about the accident last Sunday I was felt sad and afraid. Sad for the reason that we may loose Pastor Steve, I didn't even had the chance to say thank you for the suppoer he gave me and my family when I was recovering from my drug addiction. I also felt afraid for him, just imagining the news that there is a little chance of walking again. But since I've been reading the posts, God really works. I don't know how I can help but everynight you're in my mind Pastor Steve preying for you, for Michelle and the kids. I also want to take this chance to thank you because I have also celebrated my 1 year in recovery, and you made an impact in my recovery. Were here for you Pastor Steve and Family and we love you!

  • Nan

    Praying for your whole family, knowing that God is doing a good work in all of you through this. He who is in you is great! Love, Nan for the Van Zwols (FPCB).

  • Wendy Simpson

    Wow! Praise God! Rejoicing with you on the success of the surgery. Will pray for continued grace, peace and rest in the healing process.


  • Helen Bartholomew

    From Helen Bartholomew
    Union Church of Manila

    The message Mike Ruetschle posted so moved us (my husband and I during our lunch time prayer). I am borrowing from Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby’s ‘Experiencing God Day by Day’ devotional today – 25 June

    “ Furthering the Gospel” “But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which have happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel” –(Philippians 1:12)
    There are 2 ways to look at every situation: How it will affect you, and how it will affect God’s kingdom. When we face a crisis, we can become angry and fearful for our own well-being, rather than looking to see what God intends to do through our circumstances. If we remain self-centered, we will miss so much of what God could do through our experiences, both for us and for those around us.

    What happened to Pastor Steve is a painful and tragic experience — but out of it all, as each day unfolds, is a revelation of God’s power, glory, love, mercy and grace — all for the furthering of the gospel.

  • Nanettemorata

    Type your comment here.
    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle, I am so grateful to God for your leaps and bounds healing. Only a week ago it was so bleak, and now, we know your mind is fine, you can move your neck, you can talk, and you have feeling in your extremities. God is so so good, really. I have told M Montelibano, and she , too is praying for you. I anticipate your postings in your website. Wonderful Pastor Steve, you try so hard, and exemplary wife Michelle. It is a pleasure to read your blogs: so much love for each other. To God be all the glory. Nanette Morata

  • Drew

    Miche and Steve – All that you have given has multiplied, and now returns to envelope you, to care for you, to support you. So much light, so much love. We pray for you. Love, Drew and Steve

  • liz and dale whitney

    Yeah, God! And kudos to all of you who are so very present in each other's lives right now. Prayer does surround you — even at the oddest hours. We have an aging Beagle who makes middle-of-the-night bathroom trips with one of us by his side. So we do offer round-the-clock prayer — UPC'ers at our most fervent!

    Sleep well — all of you.

  • Dmpadgett9

    Steve – I have been praying for you non-stop. My dad mentioned meeting you a couple weeks back and I couldn't stop raving about you and the many years I have been able to watch your ministry grow. And it sounds like that continues with a new twist and a great story unfolding. We will continue to pray for strength, for peace, for rest and for a huge amount of laughter in the midst of it all.
    Michelle and Mike – thank you so much for your amazing ability to draw people into your experience. You are being lifted up constantly all around the globe – thank you for honoring the Lord in your writing by caring for those that have been cared for by Steve and your family. I pray for peace, for rest and for moments of calm in the midst of this. Thank you for keeping the world up to date.
    God bless,
    Dana & Paul Padgett

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent


    It is so wonderful to know that you are with Steve now, and that he was able to reassure you that none of this was your fault, and you are NOT responsible. I have been praying so hard for you too. Thank you for your wonderful posting about Steve tonight!!! Praise Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the Miracle of you and your family, and the strength you are giving your brother!!!! We continue to pray for all of you, and we will especially pray for Steve to have peace through the night, and that the medication is in balance for his pain. I love the story of his “baby dumbells” and I know that God has carried you and Steve and the whole family through this. He will continue to shine His Light on Steve and Michelle. “All Things Are Possible Through Him Who Strengthens Me” We love you, and we thank youf or letting us know specific prayer requests. Much love, Heather, Nick, and Ryan Balent

  • Jdgrubbs

    Wow! We have an awesome God and He is with Steve. I know you feel His presence. Michelle, you are incredible and you and Steve and the family have all our love and prayers for perfect and complete healing. God Bless all of you.
    Nancy and John Grubbs

  • Germaine

    Pastor Steve,
    I am now working in a Christian school and during faculty devotion last Tuesday, I offered a prayer request about you. I was overwhelmed because our vice principal who lead the prayer spent a lot of time praying for you during closing prayer, even though they don't know you. My principal also told me a story about one pastor who also had an accident and miraculously woke up after his gradual physical deterioration. She encouraged me to pray hard for you.
    Another co-teacher prayed that God will touch your body and heal you. I can imagine Him holding you close and rocking you as you go through this time. I will rest on that image and look forward to seeing you again!
    God bless you, Miss Michelle and your family.

  • Nigel Smith

    Wonderful to hear of progress – SO good the surgery went well! We will keep praying for all of you as the next steps in this harrowing journey rise up to meet you. Steve and Michelle – you continue to be faith-inspiring!
    Nigel and Joanna Smith

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    P.S. Mike and Kim, what a wonderful birthday gift to you both, that your brother, Steve has come through surgery, and has such a promising and positive recovery ahead!!! It is no coincidence that his surgery was on your parents anniversary, for they are the most faith filled, loving, generous, and positive couple I know!!! God is smiling down on all of you tonight, and He is showering you all with His richest blessings. God Bless all of you, and much love to you all. Heather Nick and Ryan Balent

  • Pamela Bryant

    Hello Steve and Michelle,

    I am so pleased to hear of the successful second surgery and the various triumphs on the road to your complete recovery. I have been keeping up with your journey since Sunday.
    I am continuing to pray for you and look forward to more answers to prayers and the miracles that God continues to do in your lives.

    The first time I met you both was several years ago when you were at Don and Kimberly Wayne's home on Camano Island. I took care of your first son while you were participating in a dinner party or worship service.

    I have great admiration for how you directed worship at UPC of which I am a member.

    I hope to meet you in Seattle again one day.

    Stay strong! The Lord's healing hand is on you,

    May God bless you and keep you

    Pam Bryant

  • Rickyf

    Morning Ruetschle family,

    I have been reading daily updates on the progress since my sister texted me and I kept on praying day and night for the family and the recovery of Steve. I do not know Steve nor his family personally, ironically, I was in the Phillipenes a couple of months ago to visit my sister with my family and we attended church the one morning – that was the first time I saw Steve and Michelle – in church.

    Glory to God for holding Steve in his palm and protecting him during all the surgeries and all the obstacles – our God is great, loving, mercyfull – He knows what we need and He will provide.

    Keep the faith and know that God is with you all every step of the way. I know that I wont stop believing or praying. Make every second count.

    With love
    The Forget Family
    South Africa

  • Barbara Podmore

    Praise God from whom all blessings flow
    Praise Him all creatures here below
    Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

  • Bsacook

    Bless you Mike, giving Michelle a rest, she needs it, have son Chris who broke pelvis 6 pieces crushed by 18 tonne moving trailer off his motorbike, he was in induced coma thru 1st gulf war, went down to4 & half stone from 12stone, but bless he came thru, his angels are helping Steve……..

  • Jerryarmstrong

    Romans 15:13 — May all of you have peace and joy and hope in this trial. May this affliction change you, and give you opportunities to impact the lives of others.

    Our love, Jerry and Carolyn Armstrong

  • Linda Broch

    Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord for the successful surgery and for Pastor Steve's quick recovery from this procedure. Praise the Lord for this beautiful couple, who have touched so many lives and who have brought so many souls closer to God, and whose love for God and for each other shines like a beacon in the dark. Praise the Lord for the competent doctors and nurses, who minister to Pastor Steve's broken body. Praise the Lord for the multitude of family and friends, who are storming the heavens with their prayers for Pastor Steve and Michelle.
    To God all the glory.

  • Dinita Mom of Noor

    Your family shall always be in our prayers day and night. All the best and remember you have friends and well wishers all around the world providing you the strength and positive energy. Dinita , Hans, Keya and Noor

  • Bob Kuiken

    Dear Steve,

    A brief note from one of your friends, a brother in Christ from UCM. I couldn't sleep this morning . I'm in Florida right now to see my Mom in a nursing home. So I got up and read your brother's update. My prayer to you in to “keep on , Keep on” ! I was touched by your progress!! Don't be discouraged –I know you are a fighter!! And you have Jesus on your side. You know there are hundreds of people around the world pulling for you and your family. So, Hang in there !!

    Love from Bob Kuiken and Carol too

  • Rita van 't Hof – Koolstra

    Lieve Michelle,
    Wat ben je een moedige, dappere en lieve vrouw en echtgenote. Wat goed van je dat je samen met Steve en vele anderen vecht voor Steve's herstel.
    Wij bidden ook voor je, hier in Nederland. (als het bij jullie nacht is, bidden wij voor jullie).
    En je weet dat God alles doe medewerken ten goede.
    Veel liefs vanuit Nederland: Rita van 't Hof – Koolstra en Arjan.

  • yong cheng

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    In moment like this, I can only offer prayers to our God: to restore you back to health; to relieve you of the pains; to give the medical team the wisdom know what is best in order that you will recover soon ; the tender loving care which is much needed .

    We serve a living God. I know the Lord will carry you through as you would soon discover that there is only “one set of footprints in the sand ” – that is the Lord Jeus. I miss your sermons each Sunday. I ask the good Lord to bring you back to UCM soon as the church needs you as our spiritual leader.

    I also ask the Lord to give Michele the strength each day , that she remains strong.

    Thank you for being my Pastor and spiritual leader. My walk with the Lord has been closer each day as I listened to your preaching each Sunday.

    God bless and keep you under the shadow of His wings.

    Yong Cheng
    Member – UCM

  • Elizabeth

    It sounds like we are already seeing miracle in Steve's recovery. I look forward to many more as Christ works through you Steve and through this accident to show the love and strength of God in the world and for all of us. As we all come together in prayer, anything is possible. Just 5 days after the first posting on this website, there were over 5,900 hits. You have touched so many. Love, Elizabeth James

  • Bjorkas family

    We are so happy to hear of the success of Steve's surgery, and the miraculous progress that he is making. We know that Steve is the one at the centre of all this, but he, Michelle and everyone else involved is also an inspiration to those of us reading these updates. We know that God will make good on His promises, and that all will be done according to His perfect plan. To all of you, may God's blessings and love shower down upon one and all. We continue to pray, and the numbers are only increasing.

  • malyn cristobal

    I have been going to Union Church for the last 8 years. I wrote to Pastor Alex, at that time, thanking him for being a big help when I was going through my crisis at that time. When Pastor Steve came, I decided to be part of the “small group” that he always encouraged us to be part of. Aad again I am truly grateful. The small group has given me so much love, acceptance and hearty laughter!!! When I heard about Pastor Steve's accident, I panicked, because I have just been bringing my sister-in-law to Union Church , like me when I first came to Union Church, she is going through so much pain and going to Union Church and listening to Pastor Steve has helped her so much. Call it selfish, but I panicked because he is needed here and so many people want him back. As I pray for him and most of all for his wife and kids, I always add my selfish prayer, please bring them back to us.

    Michele, I too lost my baby, my marriage and my job within 10 months.. my grief was so deep but like you, prayers and faith kept me sane.. I feel Pastor's love every time he shares about you and that tells me the kind of wife and mother, or simply the kind of person you are inside and out. Continue to be who you are because God loves you and gave you Pastor Steve and you 3 beautiful kids.. God also loves you enough to trust you with this crisis.. God trust you because of who you are, your capacity to love and have faith in your God, your self and in your husband. Miche you husband, your kids and the people around you as well as Union Church are so blessed to have you now as they wait and hold on to their faith. Do not forget to take good care of your self too… I will be praying for Pastor Steve and your kids, but most of all I will be praying for you. God bless.

    P.S. During my time of grief this is one of the reminders that helped me. “… I am comforted not so I will be comfortable but so that I can be a comforter..”

  • Becky Nischwitz

    God is good!! Wow, what a great way to start my day by hearing Mike's words about Steve. It brought tears to my eyes to know that he seems to be out of the woods and on the trail to recovery. Steve- When this gets read to you, please know that you have been so heavy on our hearts for the whole week. I haven't done anything this week without thinking about you, Michelle and the rest of the family. I have told friends your story and asked them to pray for you. I describe you to my friends by telling them that you are “more like my family than just friends”. Your family has been closer to me than some of my own cousins and I value the relationships and friendships our families have had for over 40 years. We love you are here for anything you need. We will continue to pray for your recovery and strength and know that if it is “possible” you will overcome all obstacles. We love you, Becky N.

  • CraigandJaneFriesema

    Dear Michelle, We just want to THANK YOU for taking the time and making the effort to write frequent, heartfelt and informative updates on Pastor Steve's progress…when we know that you are physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted yourself! It is a great privelege to stand along side you and pray…to rejoice with you when you rejoice, to weep with you when you weep, and to be able to lift up specific needs for Steve and your family in our prayers. Today we especially rejoice in the successful surgery! God is good! As I read these verses from Psalm 33 this morning, you and Pastor Steve immediately came to mind: “The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.” Ps. 33: 18-22
    May God continue to hold you tight in his arms!
    Craig and Jane Friesema
    UCM and Racine, WI

  • Elizabeth E. Francisco

    To our dearest Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    Tears rolled down my cheeks upon learning what happened. I prayed very hard and txt my friends to pray for your speedy recovery and I praised and thanked God for answered prayers. Nothing is impossible with Him. Still we pray for Michelle's good health and strength while she is in this situation. I felt that way also , I've been there. We pray for the doctors and nurses who are attending to Pastor Steve , may they perform their duties to the best of their abilities and the medicines be very effective to his road to recovery. Get well soon and regards to the family.

    Love and Kisses, Beethoven and Elizabeth Francisco and Family

  • David and Kathy Smith

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We praise God for the successful surgery! We are praying that the pain will be managaed so that Steve can rest and begin the healing process. Your notes have been a testimony to your faith and how God in working in all of this. Your are an encouragement to all who read your journals. We pray for your continued faith and reliance on God as you walk this journey. The Psalms have been a great source of comfort to us in our times of need. Psalm 33: 18 But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.
    David and Kathy Smith

  • Ken Sanford

    Get well soon and I pray for a complete recovery. All my love
    Ken and Sally from heaven

  • Rebecca Lwin

    Dear Mike, Thank you for taking the time to update us all on Steve's condition. How difficult it must have been for you to come upon him at the scene of the accident. Doesn't that just reveal Steve's nature, that one of the first things he wanted to tell you was to not feel guilty? What a beautiful spirit he has, the whole family has! I respect your faith and courage so much. Yes, this will be a “God story” and I can't wait to see how it will turn out. But I know God will be glorified, and has been already. He makes His name famous and makes good out of the world's bad. Praise Him for that, and for His loving care of His beloved. I pray for Pastor Steve every day, and for Michelle. Thank you for listing specific requests, that helps so much.

    With Christ's love,
    Rebecca Lwin
    Manila (from UCM)

  • Nick Purdy

    Steve, it's Nick Purdy – don't know if you remember me – I haven't lived in Seattle since 2001 (been back in Atlanta running Paste Magazine) but Brad Hutcheson sent me the news and I've caught up. Will be praying for you and your family of course. I'm still probably the biggest fan in the world of your paintings – I know that hasn't been the focus of late, but just know there's someone out in the world who thinks you're a genius. Be strong, brother. FIGHT!

  • Gary Jamora

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    After looking at your posted pictures, it makes us miss you all the more. Your bond and love as a family is so strong, that even this unfortunate incident will bring your family closer together and closer to God. Just reading how you are still able to joke around even in the condition you are in inspires us all. That your trust in God keeps all the fear and pain away even during this difficult time.
    We pray for your entire family each and everyday, we send you all our love and affection. God bless you always, may his power and glory shine through you all the days of your life. In Christ, Gary & Krissy, & Jasmin, & Jenny, & Dr. Ed Jamora

  • Emily Williams

    I find myself praying continually for Steve and his recovery and for his family. As I pray I can almost feel the enormous “Great Cloud of Witnesses” who are praying for him. Last night as I prayed I had a clear image of Jesus rubbing Steve's feet while he lay in bed. As so many others have said, I remember Steve with so much fondness and like others I know that God will turn this tragedy into something beautiful. Both here and in Heaven…
    with love, Emily (Wilson) Williams

  • Jerryarmstrong

    From my devotions on CaringBridge today. Please greet John and Darlene for us.

    When we were meeting with our hematologis​t/oncologis​t at The James last Monday, he was sharing the trials that remain ahead of us. He made it sound like a mountain, and perhaps it is. But I shared with him that we have great faith, and the past 2 1/2 years have been a time of great joy.

    Romans 5:3 – 4 — “… we also exult in our tribulation​s, knowing that tribulation brings about perseveranc​e, and perseveranc​e proven character, and proven character, hope.”

    Reminds me of James 1:2 – 4 — “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect and result, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”​

    Can we exult in tribulation​? Can we consider it all joy in trials? You bet! But it's a choice. Barb Zajbel, a frequent poster on this site and a good friend on a parallel path with cancer, shared the following quote today on her CB site: “Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” – Henri Nouwen. Joy is a choice though God gives us all of the reasons for having joy.

    God has used our trials to change us. No doubt about it, and God is not finished yet. He is still perfecting and completing us and He will into the future. We have chosen joy over sadness and despair. We will continue to do so.

    Romans 3:28 – 29 — “And we know that God causes all things (even leukemia) to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose … He also predestined us to become conformed to the image of His Son …”

    One day this week a total stranger called me and talked a long time. He has leukemia and had read about my book in The Dayton Daily News article. He bought the book and read it. He called to tell me how much it had meant to him. That same day one of my doctors told me his patient's son had read the book. And I received an email from a friend telling me how she was using the book with others.

    This week I received a call from the Miami Valley Hospital Foundation. Every year they honor the outstanding medical staff member of the year, the outstanding caregiver of the year, and the outstanding survivor of the year. I have been selected as the outstanding survivor of the year. To Him be the glory. July 21st they will be taping a video of Carolyn and me to show at the banquet. One more opportunity to allow God to “work together for good.” They should have chosen Carolyn as caretaker of the year.

    July 25th I will speak to a Sunday school class about our experiences and the book – another opportunity.

    Not only has God changed us, but He has provided many opportuniti​es to impact the lives of others. He is conforming us to Christ's image and He is blessing us with the opportuniti​es to be a part of changing lives.

    Yes, there is great hope and great joy. Monday I will share the specifics of what we face in the future in our trials with leukemia. It will continue to be a time of hope and joy.

    “Dear Lord, thank You for changing us. And thank You for providing every reason to have hope and joy. Lord, we choose joy. Give us the strength to do so in the best and worst of times.”

    Our prayers, Jerry Armstrong

  • Chris Ruetschle

    I am so happy to hear about the small steps towards Steve's recovery… he is strong-willed and determined… after all, Steve is a Ruetschle! I remember when i was about 9 or 10 at Kim's Wedding he sketched a “Goofy Head” picture of me… that memory always brought a smile to my face and warm feeling in my heart… I hope the same for Steve! I pray for a full recovery and very thankful for his survival and recovery thus far!!

    Steve… you are always in our thoughts and prayers! From all of us in Florida… We Love You!!

  • Haniki Theron

    Dear Steve and Michelle, Thank you for the updates, Michelle. During this time we constantly think about your recovery, and we continue to pray for complete recovery. God is making miracles happen, and we are so grateful to Him for yet another miracle.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the grace of God cannot keep you,
    Where the arms of God cannot support you
    Where the riches of God cannot supply your needs,
    Where the power of God cannot endow you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the Spirit of God cannot work through you,
    Where the wisdom of God cannot teach you,
    Where the army of God cannot protect you,
    Where the hands of God cannot mold you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the love of God cannot enfold you,
    Where the mercies of God cannot sustain you,
    Where the peace of God cannot calm your fears,
    Where the authority of God cannot overrule for you.

    The will of God will never take you,
    Where the comfort of God cannot dry your tears,
    Where the Word of God cannot feed you,
    Where the miracles of God cannot be done for you,
    Where the omnipresence of God cannot find you.

    Everything happens for a purpose.
    We may not see the wisdom of it all now,
    but trust and believe in the Lord that everything is for the best.

    When Pieter was in hospital with similar injuries last year in November, this was what I read over and over again.

    Pieter and Haniki Theron
    Darhan, Mongolia

  • Rota_angela1211

    thank you very much for giving us much needed updates on Pastor Steve's condition. we rejoice in the Lord for the incredible developments. this is a very clear proof that prayer works. there is power in prayer. words are not enough to express our joy with all the positive news about Pastor Steve. we will go on praying for the whole family as well as the friends and loved ones who are taking good care of the Ruetschle boys. our faith is strengthened by this. God is still making miracles happen. we are so grateful and overwhelmed by the speed of the developments. we miss you Pastor Steve. we have full confidence in God that He will bring you back here in the Philippines and share with us the greatness of God. we look forward on seeing you again and hearing God's miracle straight from you. we love you Pastor Steve and Michelle. we are praying for you every chance we get. to God be the glory. see you both and your boys real soon :)

    Peter and Angel

  • Lee_hall

    Dear Steve & Michelle,

    May it please the Lord to answer the may prayers for your complete restoration. So often we have seen the enemy try to destroy that or those whom the Lord is using. You have been a blessing & inspiration to us… many times we have repeated parts of your sermons to others thus spreading the blessing!
    Praying for you. Bill & Lee Hall, SIL Philippines, currently in Puyallap

  • Jessbartlett

    Praise be to God!!!! your latest update brought tears to my eyes, as I ready your most eloquent recap w/ inclusion of the verse in Psalms! I am so grateful for this news of Steve's humor and for daily strength through all of this Michelle. The Lord is so clearly using this for His Glory and giving you each the strength each day.
    we will be praying for the new nurse to grant him a room out of the ICU if it be in God's will. And of course will keep you in our prayers when you have to share the information w/ the children.
    God bless you all today!
    The Figueroa Family
    (Jessica Figueroa-good friend of Heather R's from SEattle)

  • Ptrautmann

    Hey Steve, Allen's friend Peter here. Just want you to know we're with you. Your “Global Visitors” tally is testimony to the impact you've had around the world. God will only keep using you, bringing you closer. The One who is in you is greater…

  • Bsacook

    Steves guardian angels, will whisper in the nurses ear, each ear even as there are many angels, most his wounds, spirit and body……

  • Sandy

    Awesome to hear that Steve is improving so quickly, and that Michelle is being supported. This will be a long and winding road and please know you have many people ready to go with you… Sending our love and prayers, Sandy, Stef and Travis

  • Al Veillette III

    Love you bro! Know that you are all on our hearts/in our prayers. Stay encouraged and keep on fighting. May the Lord bless, comfort, give you peace and strength as only HE can! Blessings 2u Michelle for your faithfulness and allowing us to be in your communication loop.
    Pastor Al V. III, Antioch Bible Church
    Isaiah 26:3, Philippians 1:3

    PS: When your healed/back on your feet…reply to the em I sent you about 6 months ago :-)!

  • Quilterscreek

    Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
    There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
    Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not;
    As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be.
    GREAT IS Thy Faithfulness!
    Great is THY faithfulness!
    Morning by morning new mercies I see;
    All I have needed Thy hand hath provided,
    Great is Thy FAITHFULNESS, Lord, unto me!

    Faithful to our every prayer for Steve and Michelle and boys and your families and your loving family-at-large and friends in Christ.


  • Paolo Joanna


    My husband Paolo and I attended Union Church in Manila while we lived there in 2008/2009. I helped 'teach' Sunday school to the kids under 3. We also visited in July 2007 (before I moved to Manila). I was the redheaded white girl who was bawling, and you two were the couple that took us aside and prayed for us, both when we visited in 2007 and when we left for Canada in 2009. Anyways, I wanted to say a few simple things, as you probably do not have the time to read much of this!:

    -Pow and I have never and will never forget God's work and blessings we witnessed through your family. In that tumultuous time in our lives (immigration, etc.), we were reminded of God's plan and love, again, through your family and your church family.
    -Steve's preaching (and HUMOUR) and leadership can only be divine :D We miss Union literally every time we attend church (it's a good thing :) )
    -We pray desperately for healing, peace, and strong communities that can provide you with what you need. Undoubtedly they will be blessed by your family.

    Mainly we want you to know how powerful you have been in our lives. We thank God for you, I do not know how to stress it enough.

    Also, your kids are the cutest things in the world :D

    Love love love,

    Paolo and Joanna Navarro (now in Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

  • Mindymwolf

    Hi Steve:)

    Sorry to hear about your accident, but I know God has super great plans for you through this. You are a shining light wherever you go and I know you will be strong through all that you will endure to get well. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Mindy Wolf and family

  • Brad & Devonna Currah

    We read and pray each day. How great is Our God! May He continue to cradle you all in His arms and provide your every need. Much love! Brad and Devonna

  • Patty Davies

    Dear Michelle, Steve and Family, my name is Patty Davies. I know Steve from FPCB. My heart, and prayers are with you as navigate this winding road of healing and recovery.

    John 14:27 I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give
    is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid.

  • Sonia_andraous

    Beloved Michelle and Steve,

    I am really speechless, reading all the updates for the surgery,Steve's amazing progress, Michelle:your super strength and courage standing on our Great Rock.Tears of joy are rolling when i m reading it in Praise to our Mighty loving Daddy for hearing our cry….He is Awsome.
    Michelle, Steve and the boys, you are with me in my thoughts/prayers second by second, watching God's glory shine in your life and all the people around you.
    I am grateful and thankful for the grace He has showered us with through these tough times, and reminding us that HE mercieis are new each day.
    I stand in Awe for our loving Father.

    Today I was reading and this was for me and you:

    Psalm 116
    1 I love the LORD, for he heard my voice;
    he heard my cry for mercy.

    2 Because he turned his ear to me,
    I will call on him as long as I live.

    3 The cords of death entangled me,
    the anguish of the grave [a] came upon me;
    I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.

    4 Then I called on the name of the LORD :
    “O LORD, save me!”

    5 The LORD is gracious and righteous;
    our God is full of compassion.

    6 The LORD protects the simplehearted;
    when I was in great need, he saved me.

    7 Be at rest once more, O my soul,
    for the LORD has been good to you.

    8 For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death,
    my eyes from tears,
    my feet from stumbling,

    9 that I may walk before the LORD
    in the land of the living.

    10 I believed; therefore [b] I said,
    “I am greatly afflicted.”

    11 And in my dismay I said,
    “All men are liars.”

    12 How can I repay the LORD
    for all his goodness to me?

    13 I will lift up the cup of salvation
    and call on the name of the LORD.

    14 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
    in the presence of all his people.

    15 Precious in the sight of the LORD
    is the death of his saints.

    16 O LORD, truly I am your servant;
    I am your servant, the son of your maidservant [c] ;
    you have freed me from my chains.

    17 I will sacrifice a thank offering to you
    and call on the name of the LORD.

    18 I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
    in the presence of all his people,

    19 in the courts of the house of the LORD—
    in your midst, O Jerusalem.
    Praise the LORD. [d]

    With love and promise to walk with you through this step by stp till we all leap and dance with Joy.
    Sonia Andraous

  • robert deeble

    Steve and Michelle, I am with you in thought and prayers. – robert

  • Michael Unruh

    Steve and Michelle,
    So glad the surgery was successful! We are glad we will be able to see both of you when the Lord provides a way out to Seattle. Ashlie and I want to offer our home as a place of rest and our children to play with yours as much as you want/are able. We have two or three available bedrooms/bathroom/playroom/ and lots of woods/tree houses/beaches to enjoy. Our children are active in some homeschool and playing throughout this summer.
    Steve, I am thankful the Lord has preserved your life! You are my friend, and I will pray for you!

    Michael Unruh

  • Paddy Starnes

    Our Dearest Steve and Michelle
    We were devastated to hear the news today! Our love and prayers are constantly with you and the boys. Steve, we so admire your courage. I said to Duncan today that I think God has amazing plans for you and Michelle. That doesn't make the immediate road ahead easier though. I know God will always keep you in His care and you are both loved by so many. If there is anything at all we can do you know we are only a skype away! We love you both dearly and send you all our prayers, love and encouragement. Love Duncan, Paddy, Isabella and Sophia

  • Joey Sanchez

    Been listening to your sweet voice today, remembering how much fun we had making these records and feeling bad at how Jason and I were making fun of Chris! Haha. So many great memories, we love you so and its thrilling to read updates about your progress. Know that you have a big cheering section coming to you from Nashville.

  • Rockprod98

    That is so like God. I was going to send that same passage to you Michelle. Double wammie. God is speaking his Word. Have an exceptional day!!! Linda

  • Joan0712

    I have been reading w/ glistening tears in my eyes. My sister was the one female on that BMW 3-day trip. She was ahead of Steve on the BR Parkway just before the accident. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Joan

  • Joe Brown

    We continue to pray that God’s Love and Healing Life will well up and continue to flow in and through your life.

    The scripture on my heart for you this morning is: Hebrews 10:36 (I love this translation):

    Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.

    As I read the updates and think on who I know you are in Christ – I am confident in this, that He who began a good work in you is Faithful to complete it.

    Joe Brown

  • Caroline_cliff

    Good to get all the updates team Ruetschle!
    Please can you let us all know if Steve and Michelle need financial help and if they do -then how we all can help?
    I know it might be difficult for you to approach the subject but I am sure that I speak on behalf of everyone whose lives you all have touched.
    Will be praying for sympathetic nurses and a room of your own. Keep up with the exercises Steve! This is an incredible “God Story” and it has only been a week so far!!

  • Amy and Gary Barss

    Steve and Michelle – You have been in our prayers constantly ever since we heard the news. Thank you for sharing your heart and prayer requests each step of the way… it is an amazing testimony to God's continued work in and through your family touching so many around the world! We are praying now that God will be in all of the details, paving the way for your journey through recovery. I was talking this morning with a family friend whose son experienced a spinal cord injury several years ago. They went through surgery and rehab at Harborview. She said she would be happy to talk with you if you have any questions about the facilities/therapists/support networks in Seattle. Please let us know if we can be of any help at all! We will continue to lift you up in prayer every day.

    In Christ,
    Gary and Amy Barss (from UPC, Seattle)

  • Francoise and Ken

    Dear Michelle and family,
    Ken and I and our family here in Australia have been keeping you in our prayers. Just can not believe what happened. Brings back memories and God's goodness, mercy and power to heal.Francoise and Ken

  • Hclifton

    Hi Steve,
    I know of you thru Heather Balent. I live across the street from her old house. She is so concerned about you and all your family. She has asked me to keep you in my prayers and I shall. You are so talented and used of God and I am sure that won't stop when you get better. God Bless you so much! Helen Clifton

  • Allen and Margaret

    Hi Steve and Michelle,
    We want you to know that you're at the top of our prayer list; we are thankful for the good reports and are anxious to hear more…if you need anything while in Seattle, just call.
    Our love and prayers to you both,
    Allen and Margaret Belton

  • Deb

    You don't know me, but I know your brother Mark and his family and they are very precious to me and are such servants in the church in Kettering where I serve as the Children's Pastor. Laura has been a “right hand” to me for 10 years!

    We do pray that you will continue to renew your strenght of body as your strong spirit aids the process. May God give to each one of you the awareness of the “Great Body of Chirst” that holds you up!

    Deb Egloff

  • Dick Leon

    Dear Michelle, Carolyn and I are thrilled with your report today after surgery. Your devotion to Steve and Steve's fighting spirit are inspiring and reassuring. We continue with our prayers for you both and send our love along with the confidence that there is nothing in this life that is larger than the grace and healing power of the Lord. God bless you both, every hard day that lies ahead:

    Carolyn and Dick Leon.

  • G & H

    Dear Michelle, Steve and family,
    You continue in our thoughts and prayers. We are thrilled that the surgery went well and that you, Steve, are ready to be in a regular room. Praise God! We pray that this will be soon so that you will be able to be together more. Steve, we pray, too, that you will soon be ready to be moved to rehab. May God provide all that you and your family need for the days, weeks and months ahead. We continue to pray for healing and for God's perfect, good, wonderful will to be done. In His love, Geri & Harry from Union Church in Manila where you are missed

  • Pam and Roger Bauser

    Our prayers surround you and your family – passionately.

  • Brad

    Steve, drawn by the compelling story of your life with Michelle and kids, and by the beautifully articulated feelings shared in words by your wife and brother, and moved by learning of your nightmarish accident by a most loving and sincere friend Heather Mann, you have stayed present in my thoughts everyday. Several times through out each day, sometimes because of the emails and blog, other times, “just because”, my thoughts turn to you and Michelle. I instantly get a vision of God's own hands, which know every cell in your body, gently but surely moving, stroking, and massaging your spine and spinal cord. I feel certain He is with you and His love for you bathes the scene in my mind's eye. I pray for Him to go right ahead and heal your wounds fully, if that be His will. He can. Would he please return you to your wife and kids as a full and whole person, ready, again to live for the Lord, perhaps like never before! Michelle is amazing, isn't she? One can't help but rejoice with her each time a large or small victory is scored, adding momentum toward your recovery! Her love for you, and her strength is truly inspirational in it's own right. My other prayer is that the medical caregivers recognize yours and Michelle's spirit, and faith and from whence it comes. May all sense the realness of God's love through you all, as real as their own capacity for wonder, compassion, and love. Real. There it is. There He is.

    Keep improving. Dwell on love, amidst the cacophony of pains.
    Rooting for you. Rooting for God. Rooting for Michelle and the kids! Go, Steve, Go!

  • Maija Vance

    Tim and I are keeping up with Steve's recovery. We were extremely sad to hear of the accident. We feel so much for both of you, and are praying. We live now in The Dalles, Oregon where Tim is the associate pastor of Gateway Presbyterian Church. We just had our second child, a daughter named Sophia Elise, 6 weeks old now. Noah Kinsely, our first, is almost 3.
    Peace of Christ be with you,
    Maija Vance

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Been traveling the past two days and just wanted to come here again and tell you I've been thinking of you all the time. I felt like an old time Catholic on the flight cross-country yesterday with rosary in hand… Haven't actually done that for a really long time, but it was a really wonderful way to focus and meditate on Steve making it through surgery. Then Chris would hand me his iphone when there was an update… each time with awesome news. Much love and peace to you tonight- Tiffany

  • Andy & Isabelle Magnuson

    We know that everything is possible with God. We are praying that God will do for you and Steve what seems impossible in human terms.

    Andy & Isabelle Magnuson (UPC)

  • Linda "Price" Cotrone


    Love and peace to you from Centerville OH. We are praying for you daily and so thankful to hear of your daily triumphs. You are so loved. Blessings to you and your lovely wife and family. I heard a song on the radio as I drove to work on Tuesday, “Hold my Heart” by 10th Avenue. It was a beautiful prayer song and I know God is holding your heart so dear. Yesterday, during your surgery, I reflected on Psalm 20:1-5….” The Lord answer you in the day of trouble! The name of the God of Jacob protect you” 2. May he send you help from the sanctuary, and give you support from Zion! 3. May he remember all your offerings, and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! [Selah] 4. May he grant you your heart's desire, and fulfil all your plans! 5. May we shout for joy over your victory, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the Lord fulfil all your petitions!” Steve, you are in God's care. His healing power is so with you. I pictured a glow all around you one day as you lay in your hospital bed. Last night (Thursday 6/24) the moon was near full and had the glow ring around it, just as I had pictured it earlier this week around you. All I could do was smile, give thanks to God and know deep in my heart you are fine and that your family is rejoicing! Steve, know love, care and prayers are with you in Ashville, US and all around the world. You are such a witness to God and the Life of Jesus His Son as we see God's amazing family checking in from more than 50 countries!!!! SEE how many lives you have tocuhed! You will be in our prayers as you continue your recovey journey. Prayers for healing, peace, and strength, and prayers are with your familyand friends.
    Love and Blessings, Linda Price Cotrone, Steve, Stephanie (11) and Christina (10).

  • Carlo Martin R. Alcala

    For a night or two after I heard the news, I've been having nightmares of accidents in the family, and sent to friends I've invited over to UCM emails about P.Steve that they may also pray for his fast and long-lasting recovery. I feel blessed, if a little “envious” (for lack of a better term), of how the Ruetschles have responded positively in the midst of tragedy in that I was very sick/alone in 2004-2005 and I certainly did not praise the Lord like you do now. My friends and I love listening to P.Steve's sermons all the time even on CD and online, but this present situation reveals to me how he and his wife are exemplars of Christian maturity. You glorify the Lord! Thanks. May you constantly be in the hollow of his hands. Carlo Alcala

  • Lawrence Aritao

    Praying that God gives you both some restful sleep. Praising and thanking Him for giving you a room. Please let Steve know how much we are all praying for him. Love and hope and prayers abound.

  • Heather Balent


    Bless your sweet soul, you are so faithful and so loving, and you share all of the up's and down's with all of us, so we know how best to pray for you. Thank you for being so strong, and so faithful to Steve. I know this is the scariest and most difficult experience you have ever been through, but the two of you can do all things through Christ who will strengthen you. Truly, we will all continue to pray, and you have so many people who love and care so much about you. It will all some how be alright. We have to have faith, in our Lord. The prayers are so amazing, and I am so thankful that you have so many wonderful people praying for you. I have been telling all of my clients about your beautiful family, and the experience you are going through, I write down your names for them, and ask them to please pray for you. I have seen on here that you have prayers coming from people who have never met you, but have heard so many wonderful things about you. God has a glorious plan for you, and Steve and your darling children. We don't always understand why things happen, but God will use this to bring you closer to each other, and to strengthen you. You are living examples of God's Word, and you are helping all of us to Believe in Him like we have never believed before. THANK YOU! We love you, and I will continue to pray for SLEEP for both of you. Hang in there, and I am sending you a huge hug! Heather Balent

  • Bob Craddock

    Steve and Michelle,
    Michelle, we haven't met, and I haven't seen Steve since Marc Brotherton's wedding, which is quite some time now, but I've always really liked him and appreciated his music, heart and real-ness (which I'm sure serves him so well in pastoral ministry). Anyway, Marc told me the news of Steve's accident and our family has been praying for you all. Know that you're often in our prayers. I'm about to tuck in my youngest, so we'll be praying for sleep for you all right now!
    Bob (and Noelle, Kaelee & Emily Taylor) Craddock

  • Erlynn Campos

    Michelle and Steve,

    In the midst of travel here in Europe, I constantly think about what you both are going through and my heart goes to you. Every time we get to an airport or hotel, I pray Ican get an internet connection so I know the latest update on Steve. Following the events is like a book I cannot put down. I need to know what the next chapter is and I keep praying it is for good. But deep in my heart, I know the succeeding chapters will be for God's glory and He is using the most important characters in this book to bless others and ultimately glorify His name!
    Michelle, you continue to bless me by your strength. Know that you and Steve are in my thoughts and prayers each day . I rejoice over God's wonderful love for Steve and all of you who are caring for him.

  • Jason

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    The last time we received news of a “terrible accident,” the next thing we heard was that a dear friend’s wife had been killed. I was so worried that the moment I heard of the accident, which was within hours and before Michelle even reached the hospital, I called Heather and Sheila to pray, and then I sat down with a colleague and prayed for you both as well. You have never been far from the thoughts of our entire family ever since, and you have been prayed for in cars, planes, grocery stores and a variety of other strangely random locations where we have been prompted to think of you. May you both feel the ever-present grace of God throughout this incredibly difficult time. I have been humbled to read your updates and see the strength and wisdom with which you are both handling this crisis. Steve, you continue to minister to us even in the midst of terrible pain. Michelle, you are truly an incredibly inspiring support!
    Jason and Heather

  • Cindy Overbay

    Hi Michelle and Steve,

    I hope that things are better tonight! I have already prayed for you all! God willing, this will be a tremendous and wonderful testimony for him in the years ahead. I have prayed for a full recovery because through God all things are possible!! I have also prayed for you, Michelle, and your boys to find the inner strength and comfort to deal with all of this. I haven't seen Steve in over 20 years and I have to say that I am happy that he is a pastor! Although I know the doctors are a necessity, God will be the one to heal him–mentally, physically, and spiritually. I am glad to hear that Steve is still thanking God after such a tragic accident, as some would turn against him. I have also prayed for restful sleep for you all–especially Steve as he needs it for quicker recovery!! I ask that the doctors and nurses find exactly what he needs and are able to give it to him–I pray for their wisdom and correct choices in his treatment. It will be a long road, but you will never be alone!! I have asked for a full and speedy recovery since only God can truly provide it for him! I have also put him and the entire family on a prayer list in Portland, Oregon through my brother. I will continue the prayers and hope all turns out wondefully! God Bless you all!

  • Rinna

    Hi Michelle and Steve,

    We haven't really met but I went down on my knees as soon as I heard the news. I even contacted other prayer warriors and we are asking the Lord to touch Steve in every way possible to make him whole. May the good Lord give the doctors wisdom and fill you and Steve with His strength during this battle.

    God Bless,
    Rinna Gustilo
    St. Louis Park, Minnesota
    “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,” says the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:17)

  • Rev. Marcelo Ramirez

    We are fervently praying for Pstr. Steve's recovery. God is in control and sovereign in His ways. May God's mercy and grace be with him and the whole family.
    God bless.
    Rev. Marcelo Ramirez
    Church Planting Director
    Mission to the World-Phils. Foundation

  • Rebecca Puntigam

    Michelle and Steve.
    Clark and I rejoice at the triumphs that come every day for you both in the progress Steve is making, returning to the person we known. The road ahead is unknown, except for the presence of God's spirit walking along side you. May you continue to feel his presence and healing grace. Our immediate prayers are for you both to get your needed sleep, and that God continues to give you signs of hope in Steve's recovery. May God bless you richly.
    Becky Puntigam

  • baby

    “When the tempest most severe,
    Heart of Jesus hear”.
    Sweetly Steve will rest on thy Sacred Heart
    Never from Thee o let him part
    Hear then thy loving children's prayer
    O heart of Jesus, Heart of Jesus hear”.

    This is a song I have been humming for your and Steve. I believe, Jesus is hearing our pleas and prayers. Your strength of character had moved me a lot. You shall be in our prayers always .

  • Antoinettestarke

    Dear Steve,

    I do not know you but read about you on facebook. I do wish you a speedy recovery….it might seem difficult to understand why things happen….but you will eventually understand the deeper meaning of it.

    Remmeber when all is gone…faith remains.

    Best wishes

    Antoinette Starke

  • Shirleytiu

    June 27, 2010

    DearPastor Steve and Michelle,

    We have been following the updates closely. We are praying for you, rejoicing with you and looking forward to our next Japanese meal when you get back.

    God is good ALL the time.



  • Luna G. Inocian

    dearest pastor steve and michelle – pastor steve [and you in your own quiet way, michelle] have been a great encouragement to me and my walk with Christ over the past few years [whether you realize it or now]. now let me offer you this encouragement – in 2005, i crushed my #5 when i fell off a yak in mongolia and i am walking around. my doctors said i should never ride a horse, yak or motorcycle ever again but it is a small price to pay! not that i'd ever want to get back on a yak after that.

    i pray for you both constantly… and, pastor steve, you must get up and going as soon as you can. you still have to show me the holy land… and we've just got to discuss what you thought of “rome” season 2. oh… and you and the kids will enjoy the next play we are working on – “a horse and his boy.”

    my love and prayers – luna griño-inocian

  • Linda Gocon

    We're also miss'ies in the Philippines, church planting in Pampanga. I also graduated from Fairmont West which is how I learned about you and the accident. Praying for your swift recovery. Linda Young Gocon

  • Margotowen

    Loving you each day as we read the updates. Amazed as we see prayers answered daily. Our God is awesome! Continually thankful for how the Lord has preserved Steve's life, brought measurable recovery, and carried you with His divine strength. Praying daily for each one of you as you walk this difficult road. You are not alone. We love you, Ruetschles!

    Matt, Margot, Callum, Isaac, and Gwyneth

  • Barom Joshua Aromin

    Dear Pastor Steve and Mrs. Michelle,
    “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops endurance…..” James 1:2-3(NIV)
    I'm so deeply moved by how God is at work in your lives, and I'm deeply moved by the updates that you post. I'm praying for Pastor Steve's recovering and with confidence in God I'm hoping that I will see him walk in UCM again.

    My name is Barom Aromin, my mom and dad, Joy and Benjie Aromin have constantly been praying for his recovery. Tonight I'll be praying for your good night's sleep.

  • The Sale Family

    You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. May you have a wonderful visit with the boys today!
    The Sale Family

  • Ann Thomas

    I'm on the job,too, Michelle and Steve. I'm praying for you every time your names or faces cross my mind– which is often! I have you in my heart. Thank you for your genuine reflections, Michelle. God has equipped you both with what you need for this trial. I am praying for healing, stamina, faith-filled perseverance, and spiritual spunk as you inch toward wellness.

    Ann Thomas

  • Amanda Trautmann

    I heard about you through Allen Wolf, and just wanted you to know that my husband Peter and I are praying for you two and your boys from NYC. Tears streamed down my face as I read your postings– I am so amazed by the strength and faith both of you are showing through this, and I thank God He is giving you your daily bread to cling to from the Word. We will keep checking in through this site, and look forward to a triple date to see In My Sleep with Allen and Ramesh some day in the not too distant future. The Kingdom stands and weeps with you.

  • Wadem

    Christine and I have been thinking of you often. As I read your updates, I appreciated Steve embracing this “path” as God's design for him. It will not make sense to many but it brings much glory to Christ and I am confident that years from now the evidence will show that Ro 8:28 has proved true again. I do not discount the painful trial or path that you are both suffering. It is a hard road and hard for us to see you have to go down it. But I also know that your fight to stay centered on Christ will make all the difference in the world. Your ministry continues even now by your writings, scripture sharing and attitude that you are portraying. Keep fighting the good fight. We are praying for Steve's full recovery, for his brokenness to glorify God and for your lives to bear even more fruit for HIM! Pass on our greetings. Tell Steve I still want him to listen to the Romans study. :-) Blessings to you both.

  • Catherine Hessler

    We are praying for a full recovery. And for sleep, good restorative sleep for you both.

    Much love to you,
    Catherine and Rocky Hessler

  • Halinarath

    You and Steve are in our thoughts . I read your messages and pray that God give you both the strength needed as this unfurls . Positive thoughts and prayers will help in those dark times.
    Try to get some sleep,.
    All our Love Michael and Halina

  • Louisetrapp

    Hi Michelle and Steve: I am Louise Trapp, Byron is my husband . We lived in Kettering and our sons went to Fairmont with Steve, Byron (By) was a year younger and I think they played on the tennis team together. Michelle, our daily prayers and good thoughts are with you and Steve daily. This is a big hiccup in you lives but through the courage you both are showing and the faith In God, I know you will have peace to get thru this most difficult time. God Bless you both and protect you both always. Most fondly, Louise Trapp and family

  • Chuck Dimond

    We have been so touched by all the communication. I was especially struck by news that Steve feels badly for the pain his circumstance gives friends and family. It, of course, is understandable, but I hope he knows that this pain is the gift of love. Our love for this good man and wonderful force in the world is precious and we would not trade his presence, in whatever form, for one moment of a pain free personal experience. We all need this lovely man to continue in our lives and continue to teach us how we can be better people. Chuck Dimond

  • Hiroaki

    All of our church members are praying.
    Manila Japanse Christian Church(MJCC) in UCM

    Ps 103:4,5
    God redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
    God satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

  • charlene heimgartner

    My friend and neighbor Heather James has directed all her birthday wishes toward you for prayer and so I have included you and your family in my daily prayers and at my church we will be praying for you. God Bless in this challenging time. Charlene Heimgartner

  • Allison Henry

    Mich – I am so encouraged by Steve's progress. And, as I am sure many of us are, so incredibly impressed beyond words with both of you and the way in which you are working through every single one of these huge hurtles and the incident in general – although I'm not actually surprised at all. While I don't necessarily think in verses I actually think more in songs – last night I heard one of my favorite – it's “By your side” by Sade – tears were streaming down my face as I thought of you in your strength and ache by Steve's side and how I know you will continue to remain right by his side – of course – where else would you be. I love you, I ache for you and I admire you… xoxo Allison

  • Holly Reines

    Dear Michelle and Family,
    Your strength and courage, and Steve's is in direct proportion to your love for each other and life. Stay strong, stay positive and be well. Thinking of you, Holly Reines

  • Deb (Talley) Thompson

    I will be praying for deep, peaceful sleep for Steve and for you.

  • M. Jackson

    Dear Michelle & Steve,
    I don't know you guys personally but feel as if I do since Heather & Mike are dear friends of mine. I have been praying for your entire family these last days since we first heard of Steve's accident. I find myself constantly amazed by the faith & hope both of you have exhibited through this experience. I only pray I could show such strength & faith in such a situation. Your words & your faith in action have been incredibly humbling to me, setting a higher standard for all of us to follow. My husband & I continue to lift you up in prayer; I continue to check this blog to see how specifically to be praying. Peace to you.

  • Heather P. W.

    Dearest Mich and Steve,

    My prayers are with you and continue as I journey through each of my days since hearing the news from Seattle. You have both shown incredible courage and strength of character in all this (nothing surprising to those who love you and know you well!). I pray today for deep soul rest for you both. I ask God that he release any tensions about the future as you both try to sleep this evening. That you would feel uplifted and certain of God's care for your three beautiful sons and you in this process of healing and rehabilitation. May the prayers and love of others continue to uplift you and may God's grace keep showing up in such dramatic ways. With love, Heather, Alyse and Mark

  • Carol Greenwood

    We are resting in the truth that we have a Big God….as we pray for you from Seattle, and tomorrow from Mt. Rainier…From coast to coast…around the world…the Body is lifting you all up…What a priveledge to join together…and pour out our hearts before the Father whose eyes have been fixed on you all since before the foundation of the world….Today we are praying for sleep…restful and recuperative. in HIs embrace.
    Dick and Carol Greenwood

  • Bonnie Stalter

    He gives His beloved sleep. Knowing sleep is when the body really heals. praying for deep deep restorative sleep but understanding how medication affects vital signs. God knows and
    calm, rest and meditating and visualizing can help. Praying for music and reading of the Word.
    Psalms.. especially to relax him. Rest for Michelle and all the family. You can not run on fumes from
    the adrenalin rushes of good news and roller coaster of thoughts and emotions.
    Stop.. put your feet up.. family .. take a little walk around the hospital.. outside …time to breath
    and breath of thanksgiving and relief.. thus far. one day or one hour or one minute at a time.

  • Danny Meyer

    Dear Michelle, Steve and Family,

    We are praying for you often. Little rainbow colored rings of healing light, circling the spinal cord at C6 and C7. You are surrounded by a wonderful web of family and friends.

    Much Love Danny, Bryn and Max.

  • Michelle

    Sorry we've been so silent, but know that our whole house checks daily for updates and is so excited to share the next news with each other “did you hear?”…you are both (all) constantly in our thoughts and prayers. Looking forward to heading out this Wednesday and being a little bit closer to your side of the planet!

  • Huntsmanic

    steve, michelle, et. al — you are at the center of our every prayer. may god's grace continue to pour out on you.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve and Michelle…
    We have been gone all week but have checked for updates many times each day and have been so thankful for the news on the surgery, your time in the room Michelle, that you can be moved out of ICU Steve. We have been aching for you and rejoicing with you and praying for you. We've actually been in Disneyland…what a contrast to the despair we've been feeling in your accident and recovery. But before we left, Kari said, “Oh that's one of Steve's favorite places”. So Steve and Michelle, you have been on “It's a Small World” 4 times in spirit this week. And if that can't make you smile I don't know what can. So we've been soaking up the happiest place on earth and directing it to you. As we sat on rides, we prayed for you. We huddled around Thad's phone reading updates, breathing sighs of relief when you came out of surgery well. And we have thanked God many times for your amazing spirits and commitment to battle through this. We are here waiting in Seattle for you to come…offering any type of help that we can to you when you arrive and for as long as you are here. We send you hugs and love….
    Linda and Thad

  • Joanns

    Dearest Steve and Michelle: My heart is not sure what to write. You and your precious family are loved by so many literally around the world. May you have moments of hope, laughter, peace, SLEEP, and kindness. Love, Jo Ann Stremler, Seattle.

  • Lisa Wells

    Hi, Steve, Michelle, and family–

    I don't know you, but you are in my prayers tonight. I received the link to this site from friends of yours here in Maine (the Hedbergs) who are friends of ours. I just wanted to thank you for the example of your love and faith. I, too, am a pastor's wife and I, too, have 3 young children (though mine are all girls!). I have not been tested as you are being tested now, though I have felt drawn into your sorrow and your joy through your poetic rendering of the moments that have transpired since the accident. You may not have the time or the emotional energy to read this message for many days to come, but I wanted you to know that the way you are clinging to hope — so often buoyed by Scripture — and choosing life in the face of death has truly and profoundly inspired me. I have fresh tears, both for you and for the conviction your example has brought me tonight. There has been no turning away from God or family in my heart or my actions, but I am stirred nonetheless by your love for each other and thoughtful commitment to your family (extended and immediate). It is striking and beautiful and reminds me that God has called us to more than a life of “not turning away”… instead, we must repeatedly and deliberately turn to him and toward each other and fight for the potential he has buried inside each of our families and our futures. I love that the body of Christ, so universal, so full of people who have never met and also full of peace, can bring healing through his strength and grace ministered within itself. Thank you for allowing your life to speak.

    With fondness and gratitude,

    Lisa Wells

  • Carinlilly

    May you all be filled with the light and love that eminates from this website and from your posts. You all are amazing. Prayers from Vermont.

  • Wayne and Sharon Greenwood

    Dear Michelle and Steve, We are one of Wade and Christine Mantlo's support partners for Campus Crusade. We received his email, tonight, and have begun praying. You are both in the best Hands there are. Feel free to email or even call us, if you need to. We are brothers and sisters……parents and children in our precious Lord Jesus. Email address from Pgh. Pa…
    Phone… line…..1-724-502-2333. In Christ's love. Wayne and Sharon Greenwood

  • Mkagduntley

    At Monte Vista Grove Homes we pray,” THANK YOU JESUS !”

  • Tiffany Megargee

    For Steve, Miche and the boys… I prayed for you all today in the “Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church” built in 1851 by Rev James Pope, a slave preacher (down here in North Florida). If those walls could speak…there has been some serious praying, praising and loving going on in there. And I am sending my prayers, praise and love to you all now. Much love-Tiffany

  • Marcy Nygaard

    Steve and Michelle,
    As I read daily the happenings of what you are enduring I get to see a piture unfold of a remarkable couple. The Lord will be doing a marvelous work through you both. It is a testimony to Steve's faith as he has to face each days challenges and to Michelle and the family as they encourage him to move forward. I sat before you in church in Manila on Sundays as I was their visiting my son and daughter-in-law and I thought how much service reminded me of being home. Now that I am home I pray for God's mercy and grace and healing power to turn this tragedy into one of His miracles for a amazing servant. Bless you both.

    Marcy Nygaard

  • Deirdre

    Steve. Michelle, and boys, we look forward to having you back in Seattle. We hold you close to our hearts and keep you in our prayers,

    Deirdre Curle

  • baby

    Praise God for the regular room, the sleep and the reunion with the boys. We ask you Lord to pour your blessings on the Reutschle. We believe you are always there with Steve and Michelle and we are awed by your Divine Presence. Thank you Lord, thank you.

  • Julia Todd

    Dear Michelle, Remembering you from my time in Beijing – Richenda passed on the link to this website to keep us updated. We think and pray for you all daily, asking the Lord to speed Steve's recovery and healing and to bring you his peace and hope each day.

    Bless you all
    With our love Julia, (Peter and our girls) Winnipeg,Canada

  • Sharon Corbett

    What a blessed day is the Lord's day. Today God's people all around the world lifted up Steve's needs before the Lord. Our little church in Tasmanian (at the bottom of Australia…heading to Antartica) prayed for a man and a family that only one person had even heard of. That is what it means to be brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I have been a casual worshipper at UCM on my infrequent visits to Manila and been blessed to hear God's word expounded by Steve. I pray for the priviledge of hearing him share of how this experience has helped him to grow closer to the Lord and to glorify God through struggle and hardship. On one of my visits to UCM I attended a workshop on Sharing Your Story with Dr Dan Allender…I pray that I get to hear the next phase of Steve's story. Thank you for your beautiful email's Michelle, may the Lord keep you strong and enrich you with all the reserves that you will need in the long road ahead. James 1: 12
    With love and continued prayers
    Sharon, Australia

  • liz and dale whitney

    SWEET DREAMS! And precious time wit the boys in the days ahead. May you have just the right words and prayers for them — and for you. God will provide the verse as He has in the past days…

  • Onedotzeromanila

    Pastor Steve, God is always there to heal you and we are all Praying for you.
    Get well soon.God Bless You!

  • Jolly A. Morata

    June 27, 1:32pm

    Hi Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    Just arrived from a Spirit-filled worship at Union Church – our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. Pastor Alex spoke of you both even in his sermon on Matthew 5 – of your inspiring example to be 'poor in spirit ' while entrusting yourselves to our faithful God! I got a copy of the music sheet of the choir's choral call to prayer sung for you and for us:

    He will lift you up in the darkest night
    when you have no song to sing
    He will lift you up and will give you rest
    in the shelter of his wing
    And He will command His angels
    to guard you in all your ways
    when you call upon His name
    His precious, holy name
    He will give you peace
    And He will lift you up!

    Love and prayers, Jolly

  • Inna Cristobal

    Get well soon, Pastor Steve!
    Our prayers continue to be with you and your family.
    We miss you! We're always here for you!
    Not once has God left your side and He'll continue being there to heal you.
    We love you, Pastor Steve!

    Much love and prayers,

  • Carminda Regala

    We are rejoicing over the latest update: Steve in deep slumber, at last, watched over by his beloved younger brother Mike; Michelle having quality time with the boys…God be praised!

    The following verses of a song have been playing in my mind in the last few days. I know it is one of your favorites and is special to both of you, Michelle and Steve. I remember Steve narrating how you both sang it to the dolphins as you swam with them in New Zealand., how it was such a spiritual experience for you both.

    “In Christ Alone”
    In Christ alone, my hope is found
    He is my light, my strength, my song
    This Cornerstone, this solid ground
    Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
    What heights of love, what depths of peace
    When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
    My Comforter, my All in All
    Here in the love of Christ I stand.

    No guilt in life, no fear in death
    This is the power of Christ in me
    From life's first cry to final breath
    Jesus commands my destiny
    No power of hell, no scheme of man
    Can ever pluck me from His hand
    'til He returns or calls me home
    Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.

    I pray that someday, in His perfect time, Steve will be swimming with the dolphins once again.

    Teddy and I are with you both in prayer.

  • Claire and Simon Cheatle

    Hi Steve and Michelle.
    We found out about the accident from Zoila on facebook. We are so pleased to read that you are recovering Steve. We continue to pray for your complete healing in body and mind. We missed saying goodbye to you as we returned to the UK for good. We so much appreciated your anointed preaching ministry during our short time at UCM. We pray that you will have many more years ahead of you at UCM. We will miss your Sunday sermons.

    Love and kind regards
    Simon Claire and Carmela Cheatle

  • Kristinebraden

    Dearest Michelle, God is using you to encourage all of us with your articulate and honest assessments of the happenings/decisions you're living through. Glen, the kids and I continue to pray for you all and are certain God has His mighty hand on your lives, directing each thought, conversation and decision as it comes. May you be awash in His presence and comfort. While we're all still on the road, know we're standing with you both. Much love, Kristine Braden

  • Cora Villanueva

    Cora Villanueva & Family – Philippines
    Pastor Steve, We are praying for your complete healing.Whatever situation you are right now, we believe in our hearts that you will be able to get through this. The Lord wanted you to witness his Greatness. For Michele, we are praying for strength and rest assured that you will be in our prayers.
    We will wait for you….

  • Barry

    We continue to pray and hold up Steve, Michelle, the boys and all the extended family in our prayers. We know full well that while Steve had the fall on the motorcycle there is a real sense the whole family and even his church was in the accident. So it is that God's strength, power and grace must be called upon and relied upon in these times. God bless you all. Barry DeShetler, Christ UMC, Kettering

  • Mac and Rhoda Bradshaw

    Steve, Michelle and boys, We are and have been very much in prayer for you all. God reminds us that you are his beloved people and that brings us comfort. We are on a trip south to see family and heard about the accident while visiting my sister in South Carolina and on our way to North Carolina – so near you! We are now in Virginian heading north.
    Every blessing and daily as you recover, Steve. You are loved! Mac and Rhoda

  • Alexaronis

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I can say that the people of UCM love you guys and are very impressed and proud of the way you are handling your ordeal. Their prayers are earnest and their concern is very deep. The news of your progress has been a great encouragement to them. You are both very much in our hearts and prayers.
    Alex Aronis

  • Hilde Bringedal

    Dear Michelle, Steve and sons,
    Isaiah 41, 10; Fear not, for Iam with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
    You are in our prayers.
    Warm regards,
    Hilde and Ole Martin

  • Lino Calaor

    Pastor Steve,

    We have been following your progress closely since we heard about the terrible accident and we are so glad and thankful to the Lord that you have been responding well to the interventions and procedures that have been given to you.

    We continually include you in our prayers that you may be touched and healed by the Holy Spirit and that His mantle of protection will be with you all the time. We likewise pray for the continued strength that He has given you and Michelle as you face this moment and the process of rehabilitation and recovery, as well as for the safety and wellness of your family.

    Here's looking forward to your complete recovery … we can't wait to see how good you'll make platinum look!

    May the good Lord bless you and keep you and continually shower his kindness, protection, graces and strength upon you and your family.

    Warm regards,

    Lino, Gigi and Theodore Calaor

  • Rita van 't Hof – Koolstra

    Lieve Michelle,

    Vanmorgen hebben wij weer eens in onze kerkdienst gehoord hoe Goed God is! juist als wij het zelf niet meer aankunnen, komt God ons helpen. Wat fijn dat het steeds beter met Steve gaat! Ik hoop dat je het
    zelf nog goed kunt volhouden. Voor jou wensen we ook heel veel sterkte en voor Steve, steeds meer beterschap! liefs van Rita van 't Hof Koolstra en Arjan (vrienden van Niclaa en Wim). We blijven voor jullie bidden (wanneer het bij jullie donker is… )

  • marie bonifacio

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    We join your many friends and well-wishers in keeping you constantly in our prayers.
    We ask our dear Lord Jesus to give you COMPLETE healing and restoration in every way.

    May you both rest in his loving arms knowing it's not going to be by your might or your power,
    but by His Spirit. We have a 3 day fasting this week and Joey and I will definitely be interceding
    for your FULL recovery.

    Love from Manila,
    Marie & Joey Bonifacio

  • Ayesukwe Daniel

    Pastor Steve.

    We were terribly shocked when we heard of your accident. The children were so shocked that they exclaimed, 'my God' almost in chorus.

    We are delighted with the news we are receiving about your quick recovery. It is the Lord's doing and it is marvellous in our sight.

    The lord is Jehovah Rapha, the healer. We are in prayers every moment for your complete healing. Michelle, the lord shall strenghten you even at this difficult time.

    Moses said to them Exodus, 'only be still ….'. Michelle hold on to God and be still, and see what the lord will do.

    Ayesukwe Daniel & family.

  • Peter-eliz

    Dear Michelle,
    the children in UCM children's choir are all aware of what happened to Pastor Steve. Today as we rehearsed I asked the 2 kids to lead in prayer and they prayed for God to heal Pastor Steve so he can come back here in UCM and preach again. I will continue to uphold both of you in prayers. Our hope is in Jesus Christ the author and perfecter of our faith.

  • Celesta Warner

    Praise the Lord for His healing presence and for Steve's sweet sleep in His arms. May it continue. Love and Blessings to Darlene and John and the rest of the family. Celesta Warner-Dayton

  • Martha O'Quinn

    How vast this universe, yet how small our world can become when just one person affects the lives of so many. Until a week ago today, I had never heard the name Ruetschle and now I feel as if you are someone I have always known. My neighbor, Marian Gowan, was talking by phone with her daughter, Kate Reuther. Kate told her mom about a friend of her husband, Al, whose brother had been in a serious motorcycle accident and was taken to Mission Hospital, about 20 minutes or so from where we live. Marian and her husband were leaving the next day on an extended trip and immediately offered their home to Steve's parents and other family members. She called me to explain the different vehicles and people who would be going in and out of their home. I immediately logged onto the website and browse it several times daily for any updates. Michelle, you have been a rock and such an inspiration to so many people. On the morning of Steve's surgery and as I began my daily walk, Steve's dad was loading some things into the van. I took the liberty of introducing myself to him to let him know that the entire family was in our thoughts and prayers. I can't say I know what you're going through – only someone who has walked precisely in your shoes can say that. But I can say that something bigger than we can ever humanly imagine is working on Steve's behalf. I am encouraged by his tenacity, his progress and his determination to conquer whatever obstacles are ahead during recovery. You must be overwhelmed by the response to the website which speaks volumes for Steve, you and the entire family. Enjoy your little ones and hopefully your feel the love of those who are cheering for you and Steve. If Steve is anything at all like his dad, from just the few minutes we conversed, the world is blessed to have the Ruetschle family as a part of it.

  • Nancy Holmes

    This is from a favorite devotional by Sarah Young called “Jesus Calling”. May these words encourage you.
    June 27
    Rest with Me a while. You have journeyed up a steep, rugged path in recent days. The way ahead is shrouded in uncertainty. Look neither behind you nor before you. Instead, focus your attention on Me, your constant Companion. Trust that I will equip you fully for whatever awaits you on your journey.
    I designed time to be a protection for you. You couldn't bear to see all your life at once. Though I am unlimited by time, it is in the present moment that I meet you. Refresh yourself in My company, breathing deep draughts of My Presence. The highest level of trust is to enjoy Me moment by moment. I am with you, watching over you wherever you go. Psalm 143:8; Genesis 28:15
    Praying for both of you,
    Nancy Holmes–from UCM but now in USA

  • Yvette Co

    Thank you for the update, Mike. Wonderful to know Pastor Steve is able to get a good sleep.
    Pastor Steve I pray that the wounds on your spine close up and heal really fast, in Jesus name!
    People were eagerly writing notes for you and Michelle in UCM earlier. I pray you will hold them in your hand and read them with your family very soon.

  • Bradley White

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    I just wanted to let you know that I am also only one, but of hundreds of people that have been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Allison and Kristi have shared much with me and you all have been weighing heavy on my heart since I received the news. Enrique and I would love to be of any service for you all once you return to Seattle. We'll stay connected and updated through our mutual friends ~ in the meantime we send you much love and our prayers!

    Bradley & Enrique

  • Katie Freeze

    Dear Michelle and Steve – we embrace you in our hearts and pray daily for Steve's recovery.

    With great affection and respect,
    Katie and Noel

  • Lyle George

    Michelle and Steve,
    Huge hugs for both of you and the boys.

  • Heather Balent

    Steve, Michelle, Aidan, Jude, Zephyr, and the whole Ruetschle family,

    It was so good to hear from Mark, about the trip with the children! I am so glad that Laura and Mark and the girls could attend to the care of Steve and Michelle's boys. I know they were in the best care with you!!! Please know that you all are continuing to be in our prayers, and so many others, who don't even know you are praying too. I tell them what an absolutely terrific family you all are, and that you need all the strength, love and support we can all give right now. I hope this message can find its way to Aunt Darlene and Uncle John too. I lifted you all up in church this morning, and found myself with goosebumps several times, as I could feel God's love and strength carrying you all through this. I am sending great big hugs, for the children, and I know that they will be so accepting of their Pappa, no matter what his condition. They love him, and only care that he is still there for them, and that he loves them. I know it will be scary for them at first, but you all are so good with them, and you will help them to deal with any fears or questions. I know they will just be so thrilled to get to see their Pappa!!! It brings me tears of joy to know that they will get to see him today!! Love to you all! Heather, Nick, and Ryan Balent

  • Priscilla Bentley

    Dear Steve & Michelle,
    My husband Rod and I are parents of your Seattle friends, Robyn (daughter) and Jonathan. We have been so deeply touched and moved. Yet we know we serve a great big God who cares so much for us, so we are praying constantly for healing in every part of your lives. Your wonderful journals and comments keep reminding us to pray without ceasing for strength, wisdom, courage, and healing for your whole family as well. We find great comfort in knowing that “by His stripes we are healed,” and that promise is our prayer for dear Steve.

    Michelle, we also want to provide help in any way we can. Robyn and Jonathan will be our contact.

    Our love and prayers,
    Rod and Priscilla (Tacoma, WA)

  • Lance Fisher

    Dear Steve, Michelle and family,

    We think of you often and pray for your health and recovery–of all kinds. May God's goodness continue to be a hope and comfort as you discover what the future looks like. You are far away, but loved and missed!

    The Fishers
    Lance, CJ, Paxon and Beckett

  • Greggfarah

    Much, much, much, much, much, much, much LOVE & PRAYERS from the Farah family. Can't wait to party with you all.

  • Roger and Jerri Oliver


    Thank you for the update concerning the little boys.
    It was wonderful that the Feller family could and would embrace them during this incredible time. However, it is not unexpected or surprising.

    We pray without ceasing for all that can be done to heal Steve and give Steve and Michelle courage and strength through these critical weeks and the months ahead.

    Being strong for the boys will be another challenge for both Steve and Michelle when they are finding their own ways through all of this. Yet, the Great Lord, our God has answered each and every prayer and we know that He will be with Steve , Michelle and Aiden, Jude and Zephyr always.

    We send our love and prayers to all of you for continued wisdom and strength. I sent a note of inquiry with regard to the move to Seattle. I've looked for it, but can't find it in the guestbook or on facebook. It concerned contributions we might make to help relieve some of the financial burden that is of concern.

    Roger and Jerri (Yoakam) Oliver

  • Jmangayayam

    Dear Michelle,
    We continue to lift you both in prayers. We're so happy that Pastor Steve is now transfered to a rehab room. God will take care of you both and the children and your family. We know God works together for good to those that loves Him! Our God is greater than any tornado of life. he will see you through.
    Our prayers and love….Rod, Jean and family

  • Jim and Kris Horlacher

    Praying for all of you!

    Jim and Kris Horlacher
    dayton, ohio

  • Judy & Bill Anderson

    Dear Steve, Michelle & family:

    We have been following daily the updates on Steve's condition and praying for his full recovery. Bill and I attended our church this morning and I wanted to share the message we received. Our regular Pastor was not there so we had a visiting Pastor, which is not unusual. However, I was struck by how his message related to Steve's accident. First of all, his name was Pastor Steve and he was very young and energetic, in his 30's. His message was that everyone that accepted Jesus into their lives had the power of God flowing their body. And, with God all things are possible. The short version of his story involved 2 disciples that journeyed far to attend a sermon held in a church. There was a cripple at the entrance to the church that said they would have to pay money to attend. The 2 disciples replied that they did not have any money, however, they had something else they could give. Puzzled the cripple inquired what that might be. One of the disciples touched the man and he was able to stand up on his own and walk. It is a miracle the cripple shouted. The disciple looked at the man and said all things are possible through the power of God.

    We, too, believe in the power of prayer and know that God will take care of you and your beautiful family.

    Aunt Judy & Uncle Bill
    Mount Pleasant, SC

  • Girishbokare

    Dear Mark,
    I understand what Pastor Steve and his family and also you all are going through. After reading your prayer request for pastor Steve's children, one thought ran through my mind and that is God is in control. I can see three great leaders God is working on. This incident in their life is surely painful but God is shaping these children. Don't worry they are in safer Hands. We are praying with you for the children.

  • Karen Feltz

    Dear Ruetschle Family,
    Please know that I have been following Steve's recovery from the very beginning. I am in the Women's Bible Study group with Darlene. I have prayed with you and believe that God is working.
    I have been touched by your strong faith and trust in God. You have encouraged me when you are the ones who need the encouragement. I will continue to pray. I know God hears. He is faithful.
    Love in Christ, Karen Feltz

  • Cepharchrisp

    I agree that He will and indeed is getting much Glory for what has happened to your [our] dear brother.
    Re the boys: I do not know if you have kids yourself but they are incrediably resilent. And, yes despite the awesome amount of strong people around them, they may have scars at the end of this; deprivisions from being able to do things with their pappa [in the short term we pray!] but He will see them through this.

    I do not know, I cannot tell what pains you yourself are bearing at this pain you see Steve and Michelle and others feeling at this time; And nor especially your own grieve and the all preveiling feeling of hoipelessness that coems to us at times like this.

    You will come thorught his, Michelle too, The Boys, Your parents {?} and Steve himself will one day be able to say that he is truely thankful that this has happended.

    May he be spared as much pain as our heavenly father will excuse him.

    'Father, enough is enough, please spare Steve from anymore of the excruciating apin his has suffered sofar, through your sons name we as your friends claim this off you; Now Lord.

    [from an NZ Anglican priest who attended UCM fro food from a passionate energetic man of Jesus]
    Padi Paddy

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Steve, Miche, Aiden, Jude and Zephyr– Thanks to your wonderful brother Mark and family for taking great care of the boys. I am praying that the visit with the boys went well… I pray for the hearts of each and every one of you. I am anxious to get more news about the transition to Harborview, hoping that all is working out smoothly with Lynn and Peter's help (do take them up on talking to them directly if needed!)
    Much love and continued prayers- Tiff

  • MaryAnn

    Hello Steve and Michelle,
    My name is MaryAnn Dantona and I am a friend of Janine and Gregg Farah. Although we have never met, I want you to know that my family and I are praying for you both and your children. We are praying for healing for you Steve as well as that God will give you both peace and strength as he continues to work in you and through you. Sincerely in Christ, MaryAnn on behalf of my family
    Psalm 55:22 “Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you…”

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    It's so hard when the steps are so small and the hard days come. Tonight James B talked about how God not only brings light into the darkness, but also light out of the darkness. When you are in those dark days, just rest and know that we are praying. I am praying right now, for peace and freedom from pain and sleep filled with happy dreams……rest…..
    Love, Linda

  • Deb_chua

    Hi Ptr. Steve and Michelle,

    Both Jerick and I continue to pray for Pastor Steve's speedy recovery and strength for him and the whole family. :)

    Jerick and Debbie Co

  • David & Sherry Vicente

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    We are wedding godchildren of Lino and Helen Costales and they told us about your situation. Even if we don't know each other…we share something in common and that is…..The Greatest God!
    You will be in our prayers and we know that thru your situation …the Lord will be glorified.

    The Lord is always in control….God bless…

    Davis & Sherry Vicente

  • Gretchen Valentine

    Thank you so much, Michelle, for keeping us up to date. I loved the picture from Aiden – so many thoughts and feelings are revealed in the details. I wasn't able to view Jude's picture, which I regret. I'm sure Jude's picture is equally wonderful. It is clear that they love their Dad and Mom and are eager to help in any way they can. I am so sorry for Steve's pain and for the difficult day. May God give grace – for relief from pain, for sleep, and for a better day tomorrow.

  • Richard

    Dear Michelle, We are following all of this with our own pain. Today we were able to worship at UPC, where prayers were given for all of you. We are praying for the details, but mostly that in the months ahead, the Lord will reveal to all of you, the glorious future he has in mind! I am sure that St. Paul, would agree. Bless you all, Richard, Gabriele, and Anya Power

  • Neilglorious

    We are praying for you and your entire family… Our God is good and faithful.
    Blessings to all of you! We miss you…
    Neil & Glorious Gonzalez

  • Peter Pantilla

    Dear Pastor Matt,

    Hi! This is Peter Pantilla, back home at UCM. I've been following the updates from Michelle on your site, and I'd like you to know that I, Angel, my family and our care group, the Better Living CG with Doc Joy Aronis, Benjie, Mommy Luz, Daddy Roland and everyone at the Church of Better Living are praying for you.

    We were shocked and saddened at the pain that you have to go through, but we know deep in our hearts that God will take care of you, and cradle you in your pain and walk with you along the hard road of recovery, for as He takes care of us and watches over all of us, so shall He for you.

    Just remember, you are more than our teacher, our mentor and our pastor. You are our angel. And God takes care of his angels.

    I'm normally a funny guy, but I'll refrain from saying anything funny as laughing may be painful now, but when it's ok for you to laugh, I'll send you something funny. :)

  • Peter Pantilla

    Ooops, that should have been “Dear Pastor Steve”, sorry about that …. :)

  • Wati Pudjoatmoko

    Dear Pastor Steve,

    I was devastated learning that you got a terrible accident with serious injuries. I was about to leave for India, and I was really shocked, sad, and speechless. I have been praying for you everyday since then.
    Now I'm back in Manila and have a chance to catch up your site, and I'm so happy to see very encouraging development. Michelle's stories are trully inspiring and blessing for me, and many others. What a wonderful privilege to witness how God makes use of this painfull accident to show His love and power over you, and blessings to many people. He is really the God of all comfort!!

    “Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comfort us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” [2 Corinthians 1: 3-4]

    with love and prayers,

    Wati Pudjoatmoko

  • Jo Costales

    Hi Pastor Steve/Michelle,

    We cannot pathom what had happenned to you. Their are no words to console you at the moment because of your pain. The only pledge we can share for your family from us is to continously pray for a miraculous recovery, that you may be able to use your hands and your legs and that you be able to stand infront of us and say IM BACK. Our prayers for your children and esp to your beautiful wife that they will be surrounded with friends and relatives until you are recovered. My family will surely miss you especially my dad whose is fun of you, infact he cried when he heard about this. We believe that you able to dance again with this crisis. Our love and our prayer…… Lino/Helen/Jo/Olive Costales

  • Walt and Cheryl Spicer

    Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    We are praying for your complete recovery and mobilizing our home church and supporters to pray for you as well. We are praying that God will be glorified in this. By your positive spirits, it is clear that He is getting the glory. There are no accidents with God. Praise God that He is in control all the time. Resting in God's Great love and goodness!!
    Yours in Christ, Walt and Cheryl Spicer
    Faith Academy and UCM

  • Delfa Matic

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    We got news of the accident while vacationing in Wisconsin. We've been praying every day for P. Steve's complete recovery and have asked Glenkirk Church, the church where I now serve to pray as well. Thank you, Michelle, for finding time in the midst of all this to keep us updated. You truly encourage us with your steadfast trust in God's goodness. We're happy to note that P. Steve is now out of ICU and is making steady progress. As we continue to pray, we remember P. Steve's saying in one of his sermons back in UCM that the Lord is “choreographing” everything that happens to us. May you find hope in this and be encouraged as well.

    Love and prayers in Jesus,
    Tom and Delfa Matic
    Monrovia, California

  • Michelleramiscal

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    My prayers are with you and your family. Im sure the Lord will give you strength to overcome your situation- FAST.

    michelle ramiscal

  • Indra

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,
    Our hearts leap up with the good news and then is quiet when we hear that Steve is frustrated and in pain. Our prayers for complete recovery will not cease and then will continue as prayers of thankful praise. Now we pray for a restful night and pain management. It is daytime here in Colombo so will use the day to pray for you both through the night. Tomorrow is a new day and we look for new blessings of progress in the healing process. Dear Michelle may our Lord continue to be your strength. Also in prayer for insurance clearance and the move to Seattle. Love you all. Saroj and Indra.

  • Gunawan

    Dear Ps Steve and Michelle

    Get well soon Ps Steve. Pray for your recovery and restful. God Bless you all the time.
    Sis Michelle, i am so proud of you. Thanks for you story that already inspiring me to be strong in any circumtances. May God continue to give joyful and strenght in passing this condition.

    Love you all and God bless

  • Ingrid

    Greettsszz and muchos liefs van Bunnik Ingrid. Je doet het goed!!

  • kris horlacher

    Praying today specifically for the insurance issue to quickly move in your favor! God speed.

    kris horlacher

  • Maggie & Scott Vergien

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We enjoyed a special day on Father's Day with Matt, Maya, and Melissa (Matt's girl friend) here for a barbecue. Shortly after her departure, Maya called sobbing while relaying the news about Steve's accident. Once again, we questioned why these things keep happening to all the best people we know. Truly, you are in that category of people who inspire others with your lives. We are so blessed to know you and to have been inspired by your leadership at FPCB and beyond. Now, when Scott and I attend Sunday at 6, we think of you and the team of faithful and inpsirational leaders who led the way.
    It is a blessing to see the beautiful pictures of you, Michelle and your three boys. We are so thankful for Steve's resolve to recover from this accident and know that he is so loved and supported by you, Michelle, as well as family and friends. Selfishly, we hope Steve's rehab is in Seattle because that would mean we would be able to see you and help with meals, etc. I'm sure the boys would love to meet the newest member in our family. We recently adopted a Shih-Tzu puppy that we named Hokulani (Hoku for short). Hoku is Hawaiian for star and lani means sky or heavens. So, we have a 3 month old heavenly star. Hoku went with us this past weekend to visit friends in Boise, Idaho.
    We look forward to updates about your recovery.
    Maggie, Scott, Matt and Maya Vergien

  • Tessiepullin

    hi michelle–
    I pray for Pastor Steve's recovery morning and evening.And I am also completing my 9-day novena to the miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague not only for Pastor Steve but also for you MIchelle–who has displayed tremendous courage and gratefulness to the Lord! Will continue to pray. By the way, I enjoy your letters. You write so beautifully! Love–Tessie Pullin

  • Roger and Jerri Oliver

    Dearest Steve and Michelle, Aiden, Jude, and Zephyr,

    Huge hugs to all of you. Though we don't know the dear little boys, we know they are parented well and reflect the love and care their momma and papa exude. Many days will be filled with a bright spot because of their joy in being with the two of you.

    Yes, as you say, the Marathon has begun. Their will be both small and large steps with huge effort. Take heart, the Lord our God is with you. He will undestand the moments of frustration and the moments of exhilaration and joy.

    Today, we join you in prayer that God is in the details and that the insurance company will quickly process this claim in a way that is most supportive to you. In addition, Roger and I, along with many others, I am sure, are looking for ways in which we can support you. The “details” are many. Please let us know how we can support you best.

    Of course, you are in our prayers, unceasingly.

    • Willis Gould

      Roger and Jerri,
      Count us in on any assistance we can provide Steve and the family.
      We are presently in Steinach in Brenner, Austria but will return to Ohio Aug. 4th.
      Willis & Emily Gould

  • Dr Edjamora

    Dear Pastor Steve,

    I truly believe that God has a great plan for you. Praying that you get well soon.

    Sincerely Yours in Christ,
    Ed Jamora

  • Lavonne

    Steve and Michelle,
    I, too, add my thoughts and prayers for you, many times each day. As a UPC community, you are certainly utmost in our minds. I pray, too, for the boys.
    We are glad to know you will be coming to Seattle and will continue to pray for your treatment and recovery here.
    Blessings, LaVonne DuBois (Congregational Care, UPC)

  • liz and dale whitney

    Michelle, you write with such tender God-filled insight. Thank you. We are grateful for Steve's night of sleep — perhaps because you were there? You all are continually in our prayers.

  • Carole and Terry Madison

    We lived in Manila for ten years and were a part of the body at Union Church. So we heard of you via a friend and want to assure you of our prayers which are added to yours. These come to you from Denver, CO. No distance with our Lord.

  • Scott Dean

    The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness O God. Your love never quites!

    The community of believers at first presbyterian church bellevue is in this with you steve, miche, boys and family.

  • Meirav

    Dear Michelle, Thinking of you , Steve and children and sending you hugs and encouragement. You are all in my prayers. Love, Meirav Minitzer, Helsinki, Finland

  • Pam Bryant

    Praise God for 6 plus hours of sleep and shed tears of release and hope.
    Great news about the insurance coverage!
    I continue to lift you up and you have my prayers for the details of the move to Seattle.


  • Lan

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    Just hear about the accident but delighted to hear your recovery progress. I believe God works in any circumstances and will continue to give strength to you and your family. Looking forward for another good news.

    PS: We never meet personally but I attended some of UCM sermons few months ago when I was at Manila.

    Love & Prayers

  • Georgia Perez

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    I was thinking about you and praying today and saw so clearly through your continuing story how the spirit of Christ alone can carry us when we are incapable. At our times of physical, emotional and even spiritual fatigue, we need not worry about the failure of our own strength, because the strength of the Spirit in us never fails, is always with us and will carry us through everything that comes. I see this so clearly in your continuing testimony. My prayer is for your complete and total healing and a relief from all pain and moreover your continued reliance on the power of the Spirit that will never fail you.

  • Andysale

    I am a retired Presbyterian minister with a son in the Philippines, with a spouse and five grandchildren. He is Col Anderson Sale, and they are members of Union Church of Manila where Steve is the pastor.

    When we went to church with our family, we were warmly greeted by Steve as a colleague and friend. I knew of his ministry also in Seattle and was very proud and impressed to have such a fine Presbyterian minister in such a fine ecumenical congregation.

    Are best wishes to Steve and his family as he recovers.

    Frances and Andy Sale, Lynchburg, VA

  • Gregg Farah

    Hello my BFAM. You know I am praying for you constantly and your bride and boys. The Ruetschle family is loved! I'm also happy to say our entire church is praying for you and you will be a focus during our Tuesday prayer meeting. love you much. your bfam, Gregg

  • Larry & Kim Johnson

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    Kim and I have been praying for you every day and reading all the updates you've sent each day. We'll continue to pray for you in the weeks and months ahead. Praise God that you've made progress from the initial fears. We pray for your continued recovery, for guidance in the decisions you will need to make and for God's peace and direction in this midst of all of this.

    Larry & Kim Johnson

  • Barbara

    To Steve and Michelle and their Entire Family,

    I am Lena's Aunt(Lena is married to David/Michelle's brother) that lives in Arizona and have been keeping up with this blog by reading and praying and sending positive energy to all of you. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers constantly. Our heart to yours,

    Lena's Aunts Barbara/Helen and Uncle Jess plus the girls and babies

  • Harvey Pierce

    …. as with all his friends, we wish minimum pain and maximum recovery progress. I know that along with Mike and the Oakwood Rotary members we are adding at least over 100 prayers of comfort for Steve while in the hospital … Judy and Harvey Pierce

  • Marilyn Swe

    Dear Michelle,

    You may not know us as we left Manila in 2004 but visit at least 2 times a year. During these visits, we make sure we attend UCM to hear Pastor Steve's sermons which are so inspiring and spiritually-fulfilling. Our prayers are with Pastor Steve that he may be able to endure the pain and difficulties on the road to recovery, and with you and the family for strength and courage in the midst of such challenges.
    May God continue to be with you and show His love and mercy through this difficult period.
    With best wishes,
    Marilyn and Thein Swe (in Chiang Mai)

  • Olive Hafenstein

    Dear Michelle,
    Thank you for your continuing pastoral care for the body of Christ that God has mobilised to be praying with you and for you in this time of crisis. Yes, your decision to allow yourself to be vulnerable to us the worldwide readers of Pastor Steve's website are ministered to by yourself as we grapple with our own struggles of faith, hope and God's love. What a ministry painfully wrought but most powerful and far-reaching. The power of corporate prayer is so powerfully manifested to thousands upon thousands of global visitors of the website. Many are experiencing their own spiritual breakthroughs because of your courage to share and your obedience to what God has laid in your heart.
    Olive Hafenstein
    Townsville Central City Mission
    North Queensland, Australia

  • Rachel Brombaugh

    Michelle and Steve –
    We are so glad to hear of Steve's progress and the well being of the boys. You have a family in Seattle that wants to provide support in any way it can. Let us know.

    Rachel, Dan and Mollie

  • Olive Hafenstein

    To the moderator of the website,
    Heartfelt thanks for being obedient to what God has laid in your heart by bringing this website into existence. What a wonderful way God has led you to use technology to bring about that which scripture exhorts us to do, to have a spirit of like-mindedness as we intentionally and purposefully bring the prayer concerns regarding our beloved Pastor Steve before the Throne of Grace. Even now, prayers are being answered. Thank you for sharing your gift with us that made the community of believers so very near one another despite the distance that separates. God bless you abundantly.
    Olive Hafenstein
    Townsville Central City Mission
    North Queensland, Australia

  • Hector

    Hi Steve and Michelle,

    We have been monitoring everything.

    We silently pray for all of you, especially the recovery of Steve.

    We have our Great God who directs everything and all this is part of a big drama.

    We just have to trust Him.


    Hector, Pee Wee, Megan, and John

  • Judy88ph

    Michelle, Steve and the boys,

    We await your arrival in Seattle with open arms. Praying for comfortable and safe transport and the multitude of every detail to have God's touch.

    Much Love,
    Judy, Dickson, Chelsea, Nick & Andy

  • Russ and Karol Hadick

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We are friends of Darlene and John for many years and heard of Steve's accident while we were on vacation in Destin Florida. We are praying daily for all Steve's needs and yours also Michelle. I know the hand of God is holding you all very close to His heart and all the prayers going up for Steve and you are reaching the throne of God.
    May our Lord Jesus fill you both with His peace, His comfort, His healing and His love. And may He ease this pain so he can go on to Harborview.
    Love in Jesus
    Russ and Karol Hadick

  • Elaine Farah

    Dear Steve:
    I just wanted to remind you that you have all these AWESOME people behind you (including me) in this hard time.
    I am praying for you nonstop that the Lord will bless you and bring you His peace. Miss you all so much!
    Elaine <3

  • Shelley McLendon

    El Guapo
    It's been too many years! I'm pulling for you, friend, and I'd love to come and see you when you're up for it.

  • Barb Podmore

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,
    Good morning from this end of the world as you prepare for your evening. I awoke with Psalm 34 on my heart for you both. Praising and praying while you rest.

  • baby

    Hi Michelle: The dam that broke is the Holy Spirit touching Steve. Will pray unceasingly. With faith, in my heart, we shall see Pastor Steve soon. Our love to you and the boys.

  • Mon and Eunice Espia

    We remember you each day in prayer.
    The Espias in UCM-Mon, Eunice, Leslie, Hannah, Sarah and Caleb

  • Lynnette Randerson

    dear Steve and Michelle
    I have been reading along for a while now and praying for you both. I have not meet you before Michelle but I worked with Steve ( El Guapo) at Firwood many years ago. My Name is Lynnette Randerson ( Maiden Name Timmer camp name Maalox) My heart goes out to you both and I as a morther of three boys as well, well continue to be praying for you!! We live in Lynden Washington about and Hour and Half from Seattle. If I can do anything while you are in washington I will!! You get better Steve and your Faith in God is awesome!!!!!!

  • millie

    Dear Steve & Michelle,
    Upon reading your narrative today, my heart leaped in joy and this verse came to mind: “The steadfast LOVE of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is THY faithfulness, O Lord.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
    We continue to praise God along with you as we witness His healing each day and also pray for more strength for you, Michelle, as you sit by Steve's side, nursing him with your love & care. We pray for that glorious day when you two and your boys can all be together back home (and better still, when you can all be back here with us at UCM!)

  • Joy Portugal

    Dear Michelle,

    Thank you so much for all your updates. We rejoice and praise God when we hear such great news and we pray for you for God strength when our human strength can't seem to move us any further. It is through your updates that we too get reminded of our big our God is and that He has always been faithful.

    Please do continue to share with us how you, Steve and the boys are. We always remember you in prayer and we miss you, Steve and the boys very much at UCM.

    In His Love
    Joy and Melo Portugal

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Hi Michelle, Steve, Aunt Darlene and Uncle John,

    We are praying for Steve and for all of you, so very often. I am concerned about the pain Steve is experiencing, that continues to be so severe. I pray that the Medical Staff can find a way to make Steve comfortable for the transport to Seattle. All of this breaks my heart, but that he is suffering, in such pain upsets me the most. There are many of us who want to help with the financial burden, and the salon I work in, does “casual days for a cause”, to raise money, when things like this happen. Once you know where to have gifts sent, PLEASE let us know, so that the many people who love you, can help in that way too. Please know that you are all so precious, and God is with you, and carrying you when you feel that you have no strength left. I am sending so many hugs, and much love to you ALL, and I pray for Steve to be able to rest tonight, and that the Drs. can figure out how to keep Steve's pain to a minimum. Blessings to you all, you are so loved!! Heather Nick and Ryan Balent

  • Meredyth Moore

    Hi Michelle and Steve,

    We have never met, but we have met your brother Mike a time or two before here in Dayton. My husband is John Moore and was injured Sept 2008. He suffered a spinal cord injury at the T-12 level. He ended up damaging his spinal cord and was told it is not likely he will walk again unless a miracle happens. We are still praying for the miracle, but have been blessed in many ways in our journey.

    We just wanted to write you and let you know you are deeply in our prayers and thoughts. Take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time. We were always reminded of the verse in Matthew 6:34 “therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” Lean on him and let him carry you through.

    Take Care,
    Meredyth and Johnny Moore

  • Gina Abuyuan

    hi steve,
    gin-gin maronilla-peters, daughter of becky fong, an elder in your church in manila, pointed me toward the direction of your site. get well soon! i know God will continue to guide your recovery and continue to make you a powerful inspiration to many. thank you for already being one now–even to me, as i wish you and your family strength and full health, even if we've never met.
    God bless you and Michelle :)

    gina abuyuan,

  • Norbert Klopsch

    Dear Steve,

    Your wonderful brother Mike is a friend of mine here in Dayton, Ohio. I was informed today through an e-mail from the Oakwood Rotary Club that this website was established. What a great way to use our internet. Over the past 30 minutes I have gotten to know you and your precious family… and what a precious family it is. I can not begin to imagine what you are going through these days but do know, based on what I have read, that you are not alone… you are blessed with many family members and friends who love you dearly. I went through a difficult time about four years ago and was given a wood plaque from one of my family members. The plaque has hung on my bedroom wall ever since. It reads: “Be still, and know that I am God.” Psalm 46: 10. This beautiful scripture has been embedded in me ever since… and, for me, says it all. God bless you my brother. Norb

  • Loofamily

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    Kristin and I are praying for you and your family. We are thankful the brief conversations we had in May. We will be praying specifically for your strength and endurance as well as for the creative energies of the rehab specialists. I pray that you will all come together, you too Michelle, as a cohesive team. I will pray for continued healing and the elimination of your pain and discomfort. We ask for God's continued blessings on you and your boys.
    Brent and Kristin

  • Scott and Evelyn Loo

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    You and the boys are in our prayers as we continue to follow your updates and long for your recovery. We are so grateful to read of your precious time together, the opportunities to talk/be with each other, and the medical care around you. We are praying for God's peace, love and healing to surround you and fill you with hope for all that lies ahead.
    Scott and Evelyn
    Natalie, Phillip

  • Glen Braden

    Steve, my brother,
    I am so grateful to read about how all is going with you in your recovery. I wish I wasn't so far away. You have an amazing wife and wonderful family. Keep working away at the rehab and PT. I am still praying for you throughout each day. Hannah and Tully often remind us to pray for you, Michelle and the boys. They, especially Hannah, really likes to read these updates. We love and miss you! We'll have to firgure out a way to chat and have coffee…
    Michelle, my sister,
    You are so loved – by Steve, by your boys and by the Lord. You are doing an amazing job. Be encouraged, take heart. You are an inspiration to so many. Know that you are being lifted up to Him in prayers by people all of the world – may you find that comfort and love and rest in Him and through those prayers to continue on. Don't try to do it all in your own strength, that'll give way soon enough. His shoulders are much stronger.
    Bless you sister!

  • Stacie Anderson

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    This is Jodi Durr's sister Stacie. I just wanted to let you know that we join this team of prayer warriors and stand with you as you trust our Lord's perfect ways in the midst of it all. As it was with Moses, we pray that you feel your hands lifted up high so that you may fight this battle with His strength.

    Much love in Christ,

    Stacie Anderson (Kern)

  • Cindy Clapper

    Michelle and Steve,
    We continue to pray. We are so grateful that you are coming to Seattle. Please know that we would love to help in any way. We would love to spend time with your wonderful boys again.
    “Great is thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed thy hand hath provided Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!”
    Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow….
    God's peace..
    John and Cindy Clapper
    Cindy and John

  • Lou Pablo

    Dear Pastor Steve!
    We have been unceasingly praying to God for your complete healing and recovery; and more strength for dear Michelle and the boys! We miss you! We love you! Come back soon! *Shalom*

  • Willis Gould

    John & Darlene,
    So sorry to hear of Steve's accident.
    Know that our prayers are with you in this very trying time.
    We know God is looking over you and your entire family.
    Willis & Emily Gould

  • Kat and Kevin in Manila

    Dear Michelle,

    We have been visiting Steve's website every day since we first heard of his accident and are inspired by your strength, faith, and resilience in the face of such adversity. We have been praying for sweet sleep and pain management and hope the transfer to Seattle goes well. Much love, friendship, strength, and prayers to you and your boys, Kat, Kevin and Isabel in Manila

  • kat

    Dear Patstor Steve and Michelle,

    Praying for both of you. always have the Faith as you always taught us in every worship week we had . As the Lord put us in each trial in our lives with His promise to us he will never leave us behind instead he will walk and always be there for us . I pray for your fast recovery as UCM and my sunday worship will not be complete without you Pastor Steve . You have inspired me in every way. GOD bless.


  • Rowena O.

    My prayer: “YES WE THANK YOU FATHER because you will move in an amazing way that the right hospital for our dear Pastor Steve will welcome him for his rehabilitation needs and thank YOU also that you will empower them for his total healing… that YOU can mightily use him again to impart YOUR LOVE & YOUR POWER to us who love YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. Amen! Amen!”

  • Dix Roa

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    It's 7 p.m. and I'm practically alone at the office. I just saw the drawings of Jude and Aidan. It brought tears to my eyes, not because it made me sad, but because it showed me that you have a beautiful family.

    I continue to pray that Steve will make steady progress. I pray that the pain will go away, that he will get plenty of sleep, that he will continue to have his contagious fighting spirit.

    Pastor Steve has always been a blessing to me. It's so strange that even if he's thousands of miles away in a hospital bed, he still inspires me to trust in God. God bless and strengthen you all.


  • Ktbivers

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    My daughter, Marli has been at Shiphra for almost 5 months and Union has been her home church while there. I wanted to thank you and let you know that you both as well as your family has impacted her in many positive ways. We often spoke on Sunday night or Monday morning and she would comment on Steve's message. We will be praying for you, that you would be able to return to your calling and fulfill God's plan for you. We pray that God will be hovering over you, just as Michelle expressed, covering you with great peace and joy even in the midst of your suffering. We will continue to pray for your full return to health and for God's glory to be evident in your lives.

    Many Blessings-the Ivers Family, NC

  • Craig and Jane Friesema

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    “God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform;
    He plants his footsteps in the sea, and rides upon the storm”…

    Today we are meditating on God's mysterious ways…
    -How he is using Pastor Steve (and Michele) to minister to a global Christian community, even in the midst of great pain and severe trial
    -How he is using the Christian community to in turn minister to our minister in his trial
    -How the global church is joined and strengthened in our faith and sense of unity and community as we storm the gates of heaven, by the thousands, in intercession and thanksgiving for Pastor Steve and Michelle. What a picture!!

    Today we especially pray for less pain, more sleep, and a quick and safe transfer to Seattle.

    “You fearful saints, fresh courage take, the clouds you so much dread
    Are big with mercy and shall break in blessings on your head!”

    Craig and Jane Friesema

  • Lamcel Yraola

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    Hearing the news about your untimely motorcycle accident last sunday made my wife and I felt very sorry. Why should it happen to you? God only knows. I am sure it is for a good reason.
    4 years ago, on the night of my birthday, I fell on an open sewer manhole. I broke 5 ribs just like that, without warning, and at the wink of an eye, the next 4 months of my life were spent with much pain and difficulty. Even the simple task of getting up from the bed became a monumental task. It came to a point that I would rather sleep on a chair just so to avoid the task of getting up again when I wake up. I did ask God why it happened. The beauty of being with God is that He gives you immediately the answer. Pastor Steve, for the days ,weeks and months I have been feeling the pain of the fractured ribs, the more I realized the miracle of life God has given us. The simple task of getting up in the morning which we usually take for granted became an eventful and miraculous for me. with this experience, I can now share it with my friends to be thankful always, even the simple breathing nobody thinks about is God's miracle given to us. I can feel the pain you are suffering but I firmly believe God's grace will pull you through. When the time comes and you are back here at UCM, you will have a new appreciation of God's given life which you can share with us and will serve other people to know God better. Keep up the spirit Pastor Steve. I look forward seeing you back here.
    (I am a Doctor and also a motorcycle Rider, but I am talking to you as a friend and a UCM worshipper)
    Lamcel Yraola

  • Nancy

    Hi — you don't know me — i am a member of APEX church in Dayton Ohio and work with Derrick Rude who is in the same house church as your bother. As soon as Rob, our Pastor, spoke of this accident, i haven't stopped praying. You have been in my thoughts and prayers — Our God is powerful and mighty. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures of your family. Again, i will continue to pray — Nancy

  • josteingarciadepresno

    Dear Steve and Michelle, we are following your struggle from Norway. So terrible what happened and it makes us all the more grateful for the years we had together in Union Church. We dearly remember all the services and the wonderful ministries you both were a part of during our years in Union. We have just settled down in Norway now, and really miss the unique fellowship of “our” church in Manila. If you ever go to Norway, come visit!

  • Jhorlacher263206

    Thanks be to God for the successful transfer details and sleep! No door can stay closed if God calls it to open.

    Will continue to pray for you and your whole family. Your parents and Mike and Heather are especially in my prayers as well.

    Praying for a smooth flight, pain control, courage.

    Kris horlacher

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent


    Bless you, and thank you for giving us this update. Praise God!!!! I am so thankful that Steve has been sleeping, that is HUGE!!! He cannot heal and continue to function without sleep, so Praise God for the wonderful restorative value of SLEEP!!! I am so thankful also, that God has seen you through the difficulties of arranging for Steve's transport, and acceptance by Harborview. I know today must be difficult, knowing that you won't see Steve for a while, but it is such a blessing that you get to be there with him right now. You are such a beautiful family, and the love, faith, and support you all are to each other, and to Steve is such an inspiration to us all! Blessings to your whole family, and please know that we are sending great big hugs for everyone!! Heather Balent

  • Bsacook

    God speed Steve's journey with love and care, our guardian angels help his over worked but proud angels to carry steve, michelle and children onward on Lifes twisting journey to Seattle. May his nerves find other routes to power him to stand and lead the family of Mankind to inspire others that Life is never lost May his journey be restful and safe……

  • Lindsay

    Steve and Michelle… So grateful to hear of God's answers to prayer every step of the way. He is so loving and faithful.

  • jude

    Steve and Michelle…so frequently you are coming to mind, as well as your boys, and we are praying so often for you all. I continue to remember your prayers for us in a painful season and am so grateful for who you are to so many. May God's comfort feel near your hearts today…
    With much love,
    Jude (for Joel and Ava, too!)

  • John

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    This is Nel Warner- married to John and residing in the UK. Last time we met was at Union Church while we were on a short visit to Manila. John and i have always enjoyed listening to your sermons and of course seeing how UC has grown over the years (we have been worshipping there on and off for the last 20 years-since Rev. Darrell Johnson. We have loved and admired you and wished we have somebody like you in our Church here in the UK and have alsways looked forward to our Manila trips because of you, or rather , because we want to be inspired by your love and faithfulness to Our Father.
    Today(29th June), i just came back from a trip to Lake Tahoe and Los Angeles and was told by John that he got a call this morning from Roger Bartholomew giving us the bad news about your accident. Our family are deeply saddened by this and pls know that we will continue to pray for healing and recovery and God's will for Steve. Michelle, be strong and continue to trust our Loving Father. Take care.
    John and Nel Warner

  • Jessbartlett

    We are praying for a perfect trip for you both Steve and Michelle as you travel to Seattle. I pray right now that the Lord's Angels guard your every move, especially at each transfer, with each nurse to the protection of your plane, your drive and your arrival to Harbor View, WA. May he guide you in peace, endurance for the long day as well as strength for what lay ahead as you all transition into yet another hospital w/ new staff and of course a new city, but also one that will be home for a while.
    Lifting you all up in love and prayer believing in perfect faith that the Lord will answer these prayers.
    The Figueroa family-Jessica Figueroa good friend of Heather R.-Seattle, wa

  • Amyheckman23

    My sister is who told me about your story. I just want you to know your family is in our prayers! Pray that God gives you the miracle you are hoping for. God Bless you all!

  • Celesta Warner

    For all involved in the transport, God Speed and may you continue to God blessed as you enter this next phase of recovery. Keeping you and your family in our daily prayers. Celesta Warner, Dayton OH

  • Greggfarah

    love you, my brother. Praying.

  • Bettina

    I live in Makati part time and the other time in Idaho from April until December. I am just a short block from UCM and enjoyed attending church and especially at Christmas and Easter…and had plans to join UCM when I return.

    I was so saddened to hear of this news from Ethel Vinson. My heart and prayers go out to Pastor Steve and you, Michelle, and to your family. Life is so volatile and unpredictable… I have learned and most importantly accepted that God has a plan for each of us. I join the hundreds of others in pray and support over the miles that Steve will be blessed with continuous strength to get through this and once again be with us all with his exhuberance and smiling countenance in delivering God's message. Michelle, may you continue to find strength as your role in life has expanded. May the wings of angels carry you all on your journey to Washington and continue to be by your sides to lift you up with purpose and hope ! Bettina Gilbert-Syren

  • Loni Rose

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I was in a writing session on music row here in Nashville, Tennessee when I got word of Steve’s accident. My heart hurt all weekend long. I have read every journal entry as they have been posted and have ached deeply along with the thousands of people that love you and are praying for you around the world. Michelle, your beautifully written journal entries and unwavering faith have moved me deeply and left me inspired. I am praying for you and Steve. May God continue to shower you both with the deepest of courage and awe inspiring strength. May your children be wrapped in comfort and calm. I am blown away by who you are both being while you journey through this chapter in your lives and I am honored to pray along with Sky for Mercy and Miracles.

    Gods speed,
    Loni Rose

  • Delores Topliff

    So sorry to hear your news, but am thankful you and family are (or soon again will be) together. I received Darren's email just before the intense Sun. pre-church prayer service I head up, so we hit Steve's situation hard. We believe that this accident is not only a strong attack against him but also against Union Church because of clear and important gains you're making, so we're covering that full spectrum in prayer. I recall that the name Steven means “crown” and we're praying that a “crown of life” covers Steve and also surrounds his life and your family and church. We know & believe that his spirit is very strong, and that its health and God's blessing and strength will restore Steve's phys. body and bring triumphs for him and each of you. It didn't take long after mtg. you for me to love your family. I will steadily continue praying and checking in. I'm now current on your updated posts and know that Harborview is considered one of the world's best. My older son, Andrew, an ER Dr. & toxicologist, had his 1st year of med. school in Alaska but the rest at U. of WA Med. School including lots of training at Harborview before doing residency here in MN. We send love, peace, strength, and pray for every need to be beautifully and lovingly met. Delores Topliff

  • Barry

    It's nice to see everything coming out so well. It just goes to show that all that minutia about the tabernacle/sanctuary/temple trappings including width, height, length, color, paraments, ark of the covenant's size, materials to be used, etc.etc.etc in the Old Testament did have something profound to say to those of us today – God is in the details! We will continue to pray that God works in and through you all until recovery is complete and all are whole. Rev. Barry DeShetler
    Christ U.M.C. Kettering

  • Mariajandrade62

    I just do not have nay words all I know is that by the Grace of God things will work out for the best. God has a plan for all of us I wish you and your family many blessings and by the grace of his power you will come out on top.

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Tonight my prayers are for rest, pain relief, then a safe and smooth flight to Seattle tomorrow. Thank you Lord that the details all came together and that Miche gets to fly with Steve! I pray for the very best care at HMC and look forward to seeing you soon! All my love-Tiff

  • Debbie

    Steve and family
    My name is Debbie, and your sister Kim recruited me to work with her in the PACU 5 years ago
    Since my husband and I are bikers, your story hit close to home
    Just want you to know that I have placed you on the prayer list at my churh, so many additional people are praying for you. May tomorrws flight be the 1st on the road to recovery
    God Bless Debbie

  • Lee Family

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    We always include you and your family in our prayers. We pray that you will overcome this huge obstacle. God indeed has a plan for everything. He will never leave us behind.

    We cannot wait to have you back in UCM. God bless you in every way.

    Lee Family (Samuel, Cristina, Joanne & Sam)

  • baby

    Prayers assured.

  • Yinguo Huang

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    We were shocked to hear about the accident when we called Manila today!!! We are so sorry we were so late in sending this message as we had been travelling in the past few weeks in US and in China. We prayed hard the moment we got the news and are continuing to pray hard to ask God to show us a miracle that Pastor Steve will have an excellent recovery to be able to return to the UCM family in good health as we all need him to continue to perform his duties as our leader and one of the best pastors we have ever had at UCM. We are very grateful that the UCM Council has been providing updates at the UCM website and it is indeed good to know that there had been significant signs of recovering in recent days. We will be back to Manila on 4 July and will check this website during our travel whenever we have a chance to get on internet.
    Yinguo, Lucy, Crystal from China

  • Crystal Huang

    Dear Pastor Steve and Family,

    As I am visiting relatives in China now, the news only reached me today. My family and I are devastated by news of the accident, but remain faithful for Pastor Steve's progress. It is comforting to know that all the details concerning the insurance and relocation have worked out and that he is in good hands! We will continue to pray for his continued progress and for God to always be with his wife, children and friends at this difficult time, giving them courage, peace of mind and a tranquil and ever-faithful spirit.

    The photos on the website are gorgeous! What beautiful and happy smiles on everyone's faces. :) May God continue to give us reason to smile!

    - Crystal Huang

  • Ken and Marcia Tank

    Hi Steve and Michelle….my husband and I are part of your UPC family in Seattle. We have been reading and praying over every update on this website. Steve…Ken and Iwere part of the support team in Kiev with you where we came to really know, appreciate and love you. The faith and trust in the Lord you and your family have shown during this terrible crisis have encouraged us all. Now we hope to be able to offer more than prayer support when you arrive home. Along with a multitude of others…we are here for you. Love in Christ…and hugs across the miles. Ken and Marcia Tank

  • Sue Bodensteiner

    Dear Steve, my husband Bob and I are also part of your UPC family. My most outstanding memory of you at UPC was while the new Gospel Choir sang for an evening service. I was in the alto section and could see you clearly. You were just outside the entrance to the Sanctuary, with both doors open wide, jumping up and down and waving both arms in wild approval and encouragement of our singing. I think you brought a smile to every face and heart in the choir that night, and helped us to worship all the ;more to the glory of God. Maybe no one in the congregation knew you were there, supporting us so, but you sure made a difference! Thank you, thank you for the love you pour out to others. You are so unique and loved in return. We're excited that you'll be in Seattle again soon, and we'll continue to pray for you, Michelle, your boys, and your extended family. With love, Sue and Bob Bodensteiner

  • Deb_chua

    We'll be praying for the fever of Pastor Steve to go down also for your safe travel to Seattle tomorrow… Take care…

    Jerick and Debbie Co

  • Artie Huycke

    Steve: Your accident reminds me again of the thin line we all walk. And how could something like this happen to such a guy? Steve, I think about you at times during my work day and when I wake up during night. I pray for your physical and emotional strength as you begin your journey toward recovery. Thank you for inspiring others in the midst of such a struggle. I hope to see you when you are able to receive visitors.

  • Peter-eliz

    DEar Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    You are always in our prayers during our family prayer time and individual praying time. There are times I don't know what words and how to pray specifically for your inner hearts' needs but Jesus has interceded for us. The Lord who watches over you never slumbers nor sleeps. He watches your going in and going out. I pray that Pastor's Steve will recover from his fever before the transfer.

  • Lisa

    Michelle and Steve,
    I have been following your messages closely and praying many times each day as I am reminded of what you are facing. Your joy at small steps of progress and profound courage in facing emotional and physical pain have challenged me in how I live day-to-day. The quote from the rabbi and your words have shifted my understanding of hope. Those are precious gifts that you have offered me in the midst of your greatest struggle and agony. I am so grateful for the two of you and glad that you will be in Seattle. May the blessings that come out of all the pain exceed anything you could dream, and may God go before you as you traverse the strange and scary territory ahead. I will continue to pray and hope on your behalf.
    Lisa Fann

  • Grace and Caleb

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    Pastor Steve spoke of Joni Eareckson Tada sometime ago in Sunday service. Her devotional book “Pearls of Great Price” begins with this introduction on how a pearl is produced.

    ” A tiny bit of sand lodges in the flesh of an oyster and becomes an irritating intrusion. Unable to expel it, the oyster covers the particle with layer after layer of milky secretion until the irritation has become smooth, round, and acceptable. It also, inadvertently, becomes a precious gem.”

    “Pearls are produced by a life that has overcome affliction, that has overcome suffering.”

    The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls.

    Be encouraged!

    just us, again, Grace and Caleb Koo

  • Mandiels

    Dear Steve, Michelle, Family and Friends

    I would like to share a prayer of Etty Hillesum, a kind-spirited Dutch Jewish woman. She wrote this prayer during the height of the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Holland, during World War II. She shares the central theme of our prayers for you more movingly and beautifully than I will ever be able to…

    “Dear God, these are anxious times. Tonight for the first time I lay in the dark with burning eyes as scene after scene of human suffering passed before me. I shall promise You one thing, God, just one very small thing: I shall never burden my today with cares about my tomorrow, although that takes some practice. Each day is sufficient unto itself. I shall try to help You, God, to stop my strength ebbing away, though I cannot vouch for it in advance… All that really matters is the we safeguard that little piece of You, God, in ourselves. And perhaps in others as well. Alas, there doesn't seem to be much You Yourself can do about our circumstances, about our lives. Neither do I hold You responsible… but we must defend Your dwelling place inside us to the last. There are, it is true, some who, even at this late stage, are putting their vacuum cleaners and silver forks and spoons in safe keeping instead of guarding You, dear God. And there are those who want to put their bodies in safe keeping but who are nothing more now than a shelter for a thousand fears and bitter feelings. And they say, “I shan't let them get me into their clutches”. But they forget that no one is in their clutches who is in Your arms. I am beginning to feel a little more peaceful,God, thanks to this conversation with You. I shall have many more conversations with You. You are sure to go through the lean times with me now and then, when my faith weakens a little, but believe me, I shall always labor for You and remain faithful to You and I shall never drive You from my presence…
    Don't let me waste even one atom of my strength on petty material cares. Let me use and spend every minute and turn this into a fruitful day, one stone more in the foundations on which to build our so uncertain future.
    The jasmine behind my house has been completely ruined by the rains and storms of the last few days, its white blossoms are floating about in muddy black pools on the low garage roof. But somewhere inside me the jasmine continues to blossom undisturbed, just as profusely and delicately as it ever did. And it spreads its scent round the House in which You dwell, oh God. You can see, I look after You, I bring You not only my tears and my forebodings on this stormy grey Sunday morning, I even bring you scented jasmine. And I shall bring you all the flowers I shall meet on my way, and truly there are many of those. I shall try to make You at home always. Even if I should be locked up in a narrow cell and a cloud should drift past my small bared window, than I shall bring you that cloud, oh God, while there is still strength in me to do so. I cannot promise anything for tomorrow, but my intentions are good, You can see.
    And now I shall venture upon this day. I shall meet a great many people today and evil rumours and threats will again assault me like so many enemy soldiers besieging an invioalable fortress. But my hope is steadfast in You”

    I fervently hope that Etty's prayer will become more and more my own prayer, and the prayer of all who read this. Then all our sufferings and all our joys will become a song of praise and thanksgiving to God, who has found a home in us.

    In Prayer

    The Els Family

  • Mac and Rhoda Bradshaw

    Steve and Michelle, we are praying for a safe trip to Seattle and great wisdom from the God of wisdom for his medical team there. May our precious Savior sustain you and His presence felt as you wing your way Westward. We love you! And judging from the number of Global visitors so do many others! Mac and Rhoda Bradshaw

  • Neil

    Carol and I pray for you and your family daily.

    Neil and Catrol Clement

  • Gailgrimston

    Steve and Michelle,
    I WANT YOU TO KNOW I AMM PREAYING FOR YOU! I treasure our adventures together in Russia and I will keep in touch. Love and blessings to you and your family. I am glad you are in Seattle…Gail Grimston

  • Glenn Mitsui

    We pray for a safe and restful journey to Seattle for Steve and Michelle. I look forward to seeing you when you are able my friend.

  • Jhorlacher263206

    Crying as I read your latest note Mike. I know we are to approach God with boldness, confidence and thanksgiving at all times in all circumstances, but last night I just beggeed and pleaded with God to restore your brother to wholeness.

    We love you and your family,
    kris horlacher

  • Jerry and Ann

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    Please know that Jerry and I are holding you close in our hearts and prayers.

    Our love to you,

    Jerry and Ann North

  • Peg

    praying as you fly and so glad you'll be in our Seattle midst for this next step Steve and Michelle.
    Peg Achterman

  • Ann Thomas

    This list of thank-yous is inspiring, Mike! And I see it is barely the tip of the iceberg of the global prayer-well-wishers praying for comfort, peace, healing, and stamina for the next leg of the journey.

    … privileged to be among them. Ann Thomas

  • irenelee

    we have a great God. Steve you have a wonderful family. You will come out of this a much better person to be used for His great purpose.

  • Quilterscreek

    ALL of Isaiah 40 and 41 have spoken to me strongly throughout this amazing story unfolding. Most especially Isaiah reminds me of a worship song that plays over and over in my mind from Is. 40:31

    They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength
    They shall mount up with wings of eagles
    They shall run and not be weary
    They shall walk and not faint.
    Teach me Lord, teach me Lord to wait.


  • Joy Fry

    Love and prayers for you precious ones.
    Joy and Jim Fry

  • Dean

    Praise God for his unending faithfulness and provision! I've been following this ongoing testimonty of God's goodness since day 3 or 4 when I learned of Steve's accident through a friend in Seattle. Although I've never had the privilege of meeting you in person, Steve, through the testimony of others I feel a great connection. I've been praying with thousands of others from the start that God's POWER and MAJESTY would be made evident in your healing, and He is doing just that.

    As a motorcyclist myself, I know the joy of riding and we all know the danger we are in each time we take off. I just want to encourage you to continue to remember where your HOPE comes from.

    You have and AMAZING AMAZING wife and family. You are RICH beyond all measure. Our treasure is in Heaven, but it's safe to say that God is not through with you here on Earth yet! I'm so excited to follow along over the next months and years to hear how God uses this 'accident' as part of His Plan for Good! After all the pain, trials, and tears God will be glorified and you will be restored… the Holy Spirit just brought to mind the passage in Isaiah 55:8-9 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – So, He will restore you! Maybe not in the way we want, but in His PERFECT way!

    Ahhh, isn't it great to have the peace that surpasses all understanding?

    I hope to meet you some day this side of Heaven, but if I don't I'll see ya there!

    Love, Prayers, and Respect from San Diego, CA


  • Mkbroweleit

    Praying for wings of mercy to hold you tight, beloved children of our heavenly Father. Much love, Kay Broweleit

  • Bsacook

    Bless you Michelle, and may and pray his medication be the right ones to relieve the pressure of travel…his phalanx of all our guardian angels cover and await to cherish his, and yours every need for winding road ahead, God bless every action, effort and decision Steve, you and have to make in the future, we all love you all dearly…….God speed..

  • Ruthncarpio

    Dear Michelle and P.Steve,
    I remember this part from a dream last night… P. Steve in his hospital gown and cap walking into the Choir room when we were rehearsing for the next concert. Everyone cheered him on… God bless you with a steady recovery!

    Ruth Carpio

  • Gerry

    We have been following Steve's progress since hearing from Stephanie Baxter about the accident. Travel mercy and may he receive the best care ever in Seattle. — Gerry and Steve Soucek — First Presbyterian Church – Bellevue

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    We are praying and thinking of you both constantly through the day. We're here waiting for you! Your home is preloaded with love. :) Sleep in peace Steve!
    Linda and Thad

  • Monalisa Nicely-Entingh

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    My Prayers are with you all.. Our Father in heaven has heard them through the tears I have shed as I read about your accident. I have felt an overwhelming warmth and peace from Mike's writing as I remember how close you were as we were growing up, you may remember my sisters and I did grow up with your family in Kettering.. I joined Young Life when you lived on Croftshire Dr. I now attend Fairhaven Church with my husband Matthew and our three children.
    I was once told by a close family friend( Dr. Dave Drillinger formerly of Cedarville Univ.) “Not to waste one moment of one day, every day is a gift” I hold these words close to my heart, as they were shared with me right before my mother passed away. I try to live them every day and pass them on to those who may need encouragement..
    Steve and Michelle, Psalm 46:10 “Be still and Know that I an God” There is NOTHING that can not be accomplished through Him.
    All my Love to You and Your Family from Ours,
    Monalisa Nicely-Entingh

  • Gary Farhner

    Glad you are coming to Seattle. We spent 3 weeks at Harborview in the Burn Center with our 3 year old in '97. Wonderful care.

    Praying, and aching for you all,


  • Sara

    Praying, praying for Steve's pain despite the correct meds being available, Michelle. Oh, may the Lord bless you as you continue to inspire us with you love and dedication for Steve, and for your beautiful gazing upon the Lord.
    We love you.

  • Lindsay

    Interesting how in the midst of a crisis, there are a lot of friends who to date remain unmet. Love and prayers continuing from AR. Met you via a librarian friend who is part of your church in Manilla. Small world.

  • Mary Gunderson

    Dear Michele & Steve,
    The last few months I have been listening to your sermons, Steve, on-line
    I recently listened to this one titled “If you are willing”…it was the
    next sermon for me to listen to…and I couldn't believe that it was
    the next one in face of what you are going through. It touched my
    heart and I imagined you two going through this new journey
    in your life with this sermon in the background. It brought me closer to God.

    Praying for you deeply,
    Mary Gunderson

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Saw a little private plane fly over the water in front of our house at about noon….wondering if it's you and Steve….sent up some prayers and greetings and hugs… :)

  • David Lim

    We offer Steve and the Ruetschle family our prayers for healing and strength in these difficult days ahead.

    David and Monika Lim

  • MAMEX6


  • Mavis

    I've been praying since I heard the news! I was in a class Steve taught at UPC – “The Artists Way”. Both he and the class had a big impact on my life. I so admire his passion for the Lord and his creative way of expressing it.
    Please let Steve and his family know there are so very many who are holding them up in prayer. I'm so glad to hear he's on his way to Seattle (actually probably here by now). I pray for continued good news, effective rehab and mostly peace, comfort and strength for Steve, Michelle and their family.

    All blessings,
    Mavis Lamb

  • Bedeke

    I am praying for you right now, Steve, and will continue to do so.

  • Bsacook

    As the Airborne say ' Hang Tough' and the simple truth is Miracles will happen, Strife only happens to those who can take it, and Steve is that man…….God bless him……

  • Stacy

    You don't know me, either, but we're praying for you all here in Uganda (and Kenya), too.

    May God have mercy.

    –Stacy Shipman (and Edward Ouma)
    Kampala, Uganda

  • Mildreddortch

    It's a new day! We are thrilled to know you have arrived safely. We will continue to pray that your fever will be gone and you and Michelle will both be strengthened and rejuvenated as you begin this next phase. The updates have been so inspiring, you are never far from our minds. God is with you. I am not surprised, just overjoyed to read how everyone worked together to meet the deadlines for your transfer to Seattle. It is obvious the Lord was directing the entire plan. Your family is amazing — each
    one of your extended family who have walked step by step on this journey with you. God bless them all!!
    We love you!
    Richard and Mildred Dortch

  • Kim Duncan

    Extended Ruetschle family… we are devasted to hear the news of Steve's accident and continue to pray for the entire family. Ruetschle's have been near and dear to my heart for over 30 years; I can't tell you how my heart aches for you. The strength and love of Steve and Michelle is a blessing from God; this love with guide you through this journey to what's next. We are all here for you; just say how we can help.

    Kim Duncan & Mark Williams

  • Druetshle

    Dad and I are thrilled that you and Michelle have safely arrived in Seattle and your brother Mike
    has made it home to Ohio. The boys went to see Toy Story Three with Aunt Kim and their cousins
    and are loving their WII game as well as DS games. All is well here and we can't wait to see you in
    Seattle. Our prayers continue day and night for relief from pain, no temp and a glorious healing.
    God has been with our family every step of the way and we are trusting Him and praising Him for
    all He has done already.

  • Millie

    While we all rejoice at what God had accomplished for Steve so far and continue to pray for the miracle of full restoration, I also would like to thank Sean and Mike for their loving annotation of Steve's progress, in addition to Michelle's. Michelle, we, your SDG sisters, continue to hold you in our prayers. You are one strong woman! We are counting the days toward your return to UCM though for now, we can only wait patiently upon the Lord.

  • Brad & Devonna Currah

    Yes! 3 toes! That's what I'm talking about. It's only going to get better!
    God is on the move.

  • Larry Caldwell

    Hi Steve and Michelle,

    I have just returned to Manila from South Africa and am now finally able to access the internet and email once again. We heard about the accident via texts but unfortunately were out of internet contact in SA. But we have been praying like crazy!! I have spent most of the morning catching up on the news from the blogs and emails. So glad to hear that you are back in Seattle and that the rehab stage has started. Sounds like the UCM crew here has been super helpful and I hope to be as well once I get back in the loop on things here. I cherish you both but even more cherish the One who always overcomes the darkness for us all. Take care and God bless.

    Larry Caldwell

  • Gregg Farah

    praying for you, my brother.
    love to you and Michelle.

  • Lisa Fann

    I saw an ambulance driving with lights but no siren about 2 pm going from the airport to Seattle and wondered if it was you, Steve. I prayed and am praying for blessings and rest for you and Michelle.
    One of my most vivid memories of you was in the MHGS Artist's Way class when you did this crazy kick as you were talking about our stereotypes of artists being outrageous. That class was a bit of goodness and light in the midst of an extremely dark time for me. Thank you for your beautiful heart and passion.
    Lisa Fann

  • James B

    Welcome home (to one of your many around the globe)!

  • Liz

    Father, thank you! Thank you for Steve and Michelle's safe arrival in Seattle. Thank you God for your ever present presence. Thank you for answered prayer! I pray that you would breathe on Steve and Michelle your perfect peace. I pray for you blessing and favor upon Steve with the entire nursing/rehabilitation/medical staff. Jesus, may your favor rest on your beloved. I pray that you would enable Steve to rest and sleep deeply, that his body may be fully restored. Continue the healing work in his body, I pray. I pray that you would lower his fever, in Jesus name and protect him from any and all infections. Enable his white blood cells and immune system to do the job you created them to do. I pray for strength to endure pain and that you would give the doctors wisdom and discernment about his medications. I continue to pray that his healing would be so miraculous that many would come to know you and proclaim that YOU ARE GOD. God, I pray for the seven toes that he has not moved yet–that you would completely restore feeling and movement in them and I pray for his hands that you would completely heal them also. Total healing and restoration in Jesus name. I pray that you would continue to bless Michelle with your words of encouragement during this time. I pray for her time with her children as she speaks with them. Give her wisdom and discernment and protect their hearts from fear. May they sense your supernatural peace. God you are good. I look forward to what you will do. In Jesus name, Amen.

  • alanjovierobinson

    Hi Steve,

    Michelle has done such an excellent job in communicating to us that it feels like you are still here with us in Manila. We certainly are attached with this umbilical chord that makes it a very personal experience for UCM.

    You are so badly missed: a prince of preachers; a man of grace and wisdom with an on fire love for God and His Word. How we long to hear and see you again. Our tears, love, prayers and faith reach out to you.

    You said I was a good resource for you and UCM because of my suggestions: remember Ray Comfort? Well I have one for your in your condition. Some years back I met a man who had been in a much worse state than you because he broke C2 & C3. The fact he was alive was a miracle, however all he could do was blink.

    His name is Morris Goodman, a beautiful Christian man who defied all medical knowledge and rewrote their medical books. He explains how he brought God's healing into his body and now is a seminar speaker, walking, talking and preaching.

    You can ffind out about Morris here …

    I highly recommend Morris as a brother, inspiration and practical instructor for you to overcome your hurdles.

    Much love,

    Alan, Jovie and Matt

    PS: Michelle, I am the bald Irish guy with the Filipino wife and baby that sat beside you in the Cry Room. Bless you.

  • JUN Ferrer

    We pray for your fast recovery pastor. We know that GOD is extending His hands to touch you. He is watching you everyday. GOD is a miraculous God. God bless you and your family.

    Jun Ferrer & fAmily

  • Connie

    get well soon, pastor steve. take care, michelle and kids. still praying for all of you. God Bless you always.

    connie silangcruz

  • Kirk Webb

    (from yesterday)

    Michelle and Steve -

    I am so thankful that you will be returning to Seattle today so that you can put this initial traumatic experience behind you and start on the long process of recovery and creatively finding a new way forward. I hope and pray that the flight goes smoothly and that you arrive home peacefully. Perhaps one day I can show you Asheville from a different perspective, but for now Asheville gives you back to Seattle with the hope of the love of good community and the healing that the Creator will do as Steve's body is re-created. I love you both. I will remember you often and will lift you up in love and prayer.

    Fly home my friends.


  • Karol and Russ

    Michelle, Steve, Darlene and John

  • John Roquemore

    Hey Steve,

    This is John Roquemore. I want you to know that my wife and I have been praying for since we heard about your accident. When I was called, I started to think about all the good times that were had in YF. You and your brothers were a big part of that. We will continue to pray for you and your family for a speedy recovery. Please tell your brothers that I said hello.


  • Cindy Edwards, Dayton Ohio

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    You do not know me, but I am here in Dayton, Ohio supporting and Praying for God to continue to make ALL thing Possible! I know Mike and Heather from APEX and our entire community is lifting you up in Prayer….Hold Steadfast…Thank you Jesus for connecting us all…Praying for you
    Cindy Edwards Dayton, Ohio

  • Wade

    Wow! Praise the Lord for His sovereign provision. What a reminder that He is lovingly in control. Praying for you guys! Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.

  • Jeri

    You are so clearly in the right place, among the right people. My heart rejoices over the love so lavishly showered on you. Right on! May it flow like a beautiful fresh mountain river. Peace, joy, and much love, Jeri

  • Justinasumathi

    Dear Michelle and Steve, what a joy it must be to be back in your own home.God is in control.He is indeed Jehovah Jireh.Your courage is an inspiration to me.God will carry both of you in his arms throughout this painful but incredible journey of hope and restoration.Your verse had a message for me too.Love,Justina.

  • Rob K.

    After – For Steve

    It's something I longed for
    Or a bolt out of the blue
    It happened
    And now it's after


    A transformative state
    Something went before
    Now something comes after
    After lies on the other side
    And yet once that road is crossed, we find ourselves –
    on the other side of the road – now what?

    Wherever I am, He is there
    I know who holds the future,
    and I know He watches me
    His eye is on the sparrow
    Always before, beside, after

    With Love, From Rob K.

  • Tara Martenson

    Oh Michelle, we cannot wait to see you and the boys and at some point Steve. Chris and I want to help in anyway we can. We will contact Sky so as not to burden you with any detail planning. We would love to do whatever we can while you are here in Seattle.
    Your family is so special to us. We will continue to pray.
    Tara & Chris Martenson

  • Barb

    Tears of joy flow as we see the hands, feet and heart of Jesus expressing His love for you all in such beautiful practical care through His people. Praying for strength and stamina as you climb the mountains of each day and deep pain free rest at night.

  • Camilla Garcia de Presno

    Dear Steve and Michelle
    What a wonderful blessing and surprise to come to an ready made house! Thanks to God for your strength Michelle and your positive attitude. What a wife you have Steve! We follow you in prayer, and really hope for the best for you all. God can still do miracles! We are encouraged of Michelles faithfulness to God and your how you send out information every day… Good luck with the new life in Seattle.
    Camilla and Jostein Garcia de Presno, Norway

  • Julie Lawrence

    I am not sure that Steve would remember me….but I went to high school with him and would go to his parents house on Monday nights for Young Life meetings. I am sooo incredibly sorry to hear about the accident. You and your family are in my prayers….The power of prayer is amazing. I watched God work in my mom's life when she was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. I know that he is working in you and your family's life ~ GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!

    Julie Lawrence

  • Griffioenbakker

    Lieve Michelle en Steve,
    vanavond heb ik het vervolg van Niclaa's brieven gelezen (ik ben 10 dagen in Frankrijk in ons boerderijtje op vakantie geweest).
    Het is een schokkende gebeurtenis voor jullie en de kinderen.
    Wat mij in mijn leven (en daar zijn ook “hobbels” in geweest) altijd erg hielp is: “Het is erg dat er erge dingen gebeuren in een mensenleven, maar het is pas ècht erg als je er niets van leert.”
    Het doel van ons leven op aarde ken ik niet, maar groeien èn leren is voor mij iets om dankbaar voor te zijn.
    Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat -hoe moeilijk het soms ook kan zijn- jullie samen èn samen met jullie kinderen de tijd, die nu voor jullie ligt, van onschatbare waarde voor jullie hele leven zal zijn.

    Gods wegen zijn ondoorgrondelijk!
    Ik wens jullie een mooie en goede tijd toe.

    lieve groet,
    gemma griffioen-bakker

  • Evelyn and Scott Loo

    Dear Michelle, we are thinking and praying for you all every day, Natalie and Phillip are also praying. I have been encouraged at the quick progression from surgery and icu to stabilization and transfer for rehab. It really has been a fairly “straight” path from the medical standpoint, clearly bringing Steve back from the brink of ultimate disaster and now facing the long road ahead which will require faith and hope amidst steadfastness and discipline. May our Lord give you “heaps” of that as He has been doing. So good also to hear of such a thoughtful generous welcome to Seattle. Our love to you guys. Evelyn, Scott, Natalie & Phillip

  • Dtopliff

    Thrilled you have a house there, brought to tears that it is a Pottery Barn specimen filled and overflowing w/ the love you both portray and deserve. Heaven is bending down these days to bring everyone involved to a new triumphant place in Spirit. Love and Praise! Delores Toplkiff

  • Stanilker

    This is great news, Michelle. It's wonderful to hear that you have such a comfortable and well furnished environment to live in during this reabilitation period. We all continue to pray for further good news and anxiously await your future reports on Steve's progress. We miss you all, and pray daily for incremental progress. Thank you for your very informative messages. May the Good Lord continue to bless you and the family.

  • juliacm


    Thank you so much for continuing to take the time to share with us as we pray for you and Pastor Steve in this journey of faith and hope! We rejoice with you in your new home for now and trust God will continue to wonderfully provide for all of your needs. “Thus far the Lord has helped (you)” (1 Samuel 7:12) and indeed will be your ever-present help as P. Steve recovers! How great is our God indeed!

    Blessings, Jolly

  • Mildreddortch

    The times you may have wondered why your house was not rented — God knew what was ahead!
    I am thrilled to learn what has been pr0vided for you and your family. How precious….
    We KNOW who holds tomorrow, and we know He will provide. Praise God for the great reports.
    You are so kind to take your time to share them with us. We rejoice with you and continue to pray for God's healing touch, strength for you both and much needed rest.
    Mildred Dortch

  • Amelita

    You are at a high point of your “Divine Journey”, and Jesus was with you all the way. Welcome to Seattle. How well He has provided for you, hospital, house… What else does He have in store for you.
    “God makes life a little rocky… not to grind you into dust…. but to plish you into a precious gem! Stay precious. You are very much treasured by God”
    This was a message sent to me in my darkest moment at the start of my own Divine Journey, when I fell, broke my knee cap into three pieces, and had a long, slow rehab.
    Much love and prayers,

  • Halinarath

    Dear Michelle,
    Very good news that Steven can move some toes, the rest will happen slowly but surely .
    Nice to have you on West Coast – we are in Oregon, this week end for Canada Day .
    If you need anything ,do not be shy ,Vancouver is only a few hours away.
    Love Halina

  • Tiffany Megargee

    So relieved and grateful that you are there and so well provided for. So many little and big blessings to be amazed by. I look forward to seeing you soon. I pray for pain relief, sleep, strength… I also pray that all is going smoothly on rehab. My constant love and thoughts flow to you tonight. XO-Tiff

  • Rkruss1

    Hello sweet family…The journey you are on as a family are touching the lives of thousands.. You will be continually lifted towards the master who hears our cries and stores our tears (psalms 56:8) You number my wanderings, Put my tears in your bottle; Are they not in your book? Read Psalms 36:7 How precious is your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. Jesus will carry you through this journey….Love you sister in Christ, Kathy from Asheville fellow Missions Hospital friend.

  • Steve and Linda Harvey

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    This note is from Linda and Steve Harvey. We got to meet you Michelle at Fairhaven Church when you were there last year with your family. Presently we are in a Bible Study with Darlene and John. Since we heard of the accident Steve has been on our prayer list and we think about him often.

    We loved your verse of the day – I am sure you think of Romans 8:28 often also. If there is ever anything we can do we would be delighted to help.

    Our Love and Blessings,
    Steve and Linda Harvey

  • Bob Boeshaar

    I just found out about this. Let me know how I can be praying for you.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Yeah Steve!!! What a day! I'm smiling thinking of you brushing and eating. It's so good to know you're right here in town. :) I'm saving up hugs!! What a delightful gift to have 3 Filipino nurses. I bet it was a fun treat for them too. Rest…heal…work…may you sleep…may your pain decrease. We love you both! We're praying….
    Linda and Thad

  • baby

    Hi Steve and Michelle! Praise God for the progress in Steve's healing. I will continously pray for complete healing, that one day day Steve will come back to UCM preaching. I claim to the Good Lord that this will happen. Prayers assured!!!

  • Brother Andreas, Taize

    Dear friends,
    We keep you in our prayers here in Taizé, France, during these days. All the best for you!
    Yours in Christ
    Brother Andreas

  • Steve Gaultney

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    Just a short note to say that we are all praying here in Hong Kong for the two of you and your boys. Reading through all the updates brought tears to my eyes – you two are both such an inspiration and example for Christ. We are praying for the fever especially right now, and will continue to keep you in our prayers. Love from Steve and Marian Gaultney

  • Jmangayam

    Dear Michelle and Pastor Steve,
    We pray that Pastor Steve will win over the pains, discmoforts, adjustments and struggles that he is faced with at the moment… We know that the battle is not his alone… God is fighting the battle with and for him. We wait upon Him and trust in His graciousness.
    Michelle, we are in prayers for you and the children, too. We are certain all will be well because we have a mighty God!
    We love you,,,,Rod, Jean and family

  • Marcy Nygaard

    Michelle, It has become a ritual to wake in the morning and click on to your page to see what is new, what is happening and where you and Steve are at. It brought tears to my eyes to hear about the home and how people got it ready for all of you. The Lord we serve is alive and well and as you say meeting all your needs. Is it any wonder that in this situation you are in God is surley in control?

    What an inspiration to anyone keeping tabs on Steve's progress and the family that this is bringing new hope and new faith to others as well. Praise be to God. You are so loved.

    Marcy Nygaard

  • Marana Avant

    We all love you so much here in Seattle and are glad you are doing well!!! My mom and I are glad that you are here and are thinking and talking about you daily! Our prayers are with you. I look forward to meeting the rest of your family!

    Much love,
    Marana Avant

  • Andysale

    Dear Andy Sale:

    Thank you so much for letting us know about Rev. Ruetschle. Your prayer request has been forwarded to Deb Davies to let the General Assembly know of the accident. Thank you for contacting PresbyTel and we will keep the Reverend in our prayers.

    PresbyTel – Your Information Service – 1-800-872-3283
    FAX: 502-569-8099 – Website: Information and Planning, Communication and Funds Development General Assembly Mission Council, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Louisville, KY 40202-1396

    —–Original Message—–
    From: []
    Sent: Monday, June 28, 2010 2:28 PM
    To: Presbytel
    Subject: Prayer Request

    To: Presbytel
    From: Andy Sale
    Address: 300 Harrison Street / Lynchburg, VA 24504
    Phone: 434-846-0844

    Subject: Prayer Request

    Prayer Request for Convening GA:

    I have a prayer request for the GA to be posted if possible on behalf of PCUSA minister Rev. Steve Ruetschle, who is currently on sabbatical from his pastorate in the Union Church of Manila. He was also the minister in Seattle before going to the Philippines and I believe that he preached once at a past GA. He is also the pastor of my son Col. M. Anderson Sale and his family in Manila.

    He has had a bad accident on a motorcycle in the North Carolina mountains and has just come out of intensive care in Asheville, NC and will be transported to Seattle for further recovery. He has an international blog being kept by his wife Michelle at which explains what happened with a daily update. People are writing in from all over the world with prayers and expressions of concerns. It seems only appropriate that the soon convening General Assembly could also be a part of his families supportive community. It would be a personal favor to me and for my son if you could pass this prayer request on. Thank you.

    Andy Sale, Retired EP, Peaks Presbytery, Lynchburg, VA

  • Halinarath

    Dear Michelle,
    It is very good news that Steven can eat and brush his teeth for himself. Michael said that this is a very big step.Our love and prays go to you and the family.
    All our love, hugs and kisses
    Halina,Michael and the kids x0x0

  • Heidi Merideth

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    Denny, Myself and our boys are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We have been following your journey from the beginning. We cried and prayed with you when we first heard the news, but we cheered with each victory and praised our loving God for his mercy and grace. We know he is with you every step of the way and will not leave you. If there is anything we can do, please let us know. We are living in the Netherlands now and have added your family to some pray chains here and in the states with our extended family.

    Your family was such a blessing to us while we lived in Manila and Steve's sermons always filled us with passion for living in God's light.

    Our blessings and prayers are with you,

    The Merideth Family (Denny, Heidi, Denny J, & Kristofer)

  • liz and dale whitney

    What good news — and a few serendipities in more than one language! Prayers just keep continuing…

  • Sarah Campbell

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    So many of the UPC staff are praying for you. We rejoice with you on every triumph, pray with you for every need. We trust that our Rock and our Redeemer is with you every moment, bringing healing, strength and peace. May the Lord bless you, your family and friends and the medical staff.
    Sarah Campbell

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Michelle and Steve,

    I am so thankful for all of the wonderful blessings God is giving you, in the midst of such pain! Your friends and church community have reached out to you, and made things ready for you, in such an amazing way!!! I am so thankful that you will have such a cozy and nurturing home for your children when they arrive, and for all of you, once Steve is ready to be there. Thank you so much for your daily updates, as many have said, I get up every morning, and go to bed every night, checking on here, to see how you both are doing. You are so loved, and it is absolutely amazing to me, how many lives you both have touched and how many people are reaching out in prayer for you!!!! Thank you God!!! I pray for SLEEP for you BOTH, and that Steve's pain will be controlled in a way that he can be restful, and then refreshed for a new days worth of rehab. I was very honored to get to see your boys this morning, and give them haircuts!! They are just darling, and so precious!!! Michelle, you were just finishing up on Skype with them when I arrived. I knew you had a beautiful family, but getting to spend just a little bit of time with your boys, was such a gift. They love you so much, and I know you will rejoice when you can reunite there in Seattle. Aunt Darlene and Uncle John are taking such good care of them, and cousin Megan is super with Zephyr, they are good buddies! Blessings to you both, and please continue to be strong. God is with you and He will never leave you. Continue to believe that all things are possible through Our Lord Jesus. Much love and many hugs to you both! Heather Balent

  • baby

    Dear Michelle: Am inspired by your daily blogs. I make it a point to check it twice a day and truly it has served as a inspiration. Our prayers are with you and we are very happy to learn that Pastor Steve is doing well. Keep well and our love to all of you.

  • Pam Bryant

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    What a mighty God we serve! I continue to be amazed and blessed as I read each new entry and see God's hand in the healing process for you. I continue to pray and am so thankful for each detail that is covered by the Lord's strong hand!

    I am praying that the source of the ongoing fever will be revealed and healed quickly. Also for a deep and refreshing sleep to fall over both of you tonight.

    Blessings and Love


    Such good news that you can feed your self and brush your teeth

  • Ray Moore

    Dear Steve,
    My prayers, our prayers, are with you….
    Your UPC family loves you, Michelle, and the boys….
    Ray Moore

  • John R. Thomson

    Steve and Michelle–

    We were stunned to hear from our niece Akiko about the accident, then thrilled to hear how well you are recovering, Steve. As we read the daily reports, we realize how your quiet determination, the power of prayer and God's love are all working in harmony….

    It has been a year since we last saw you both during Akiko and Chips wedding, which you solemnified so beautifully, Steve. We hope to see you again soon, hopefully in Manila, and pray your progress will continue.

    God bless!

    Tica and John Thomson
    Bogota, Colombia

  • Manfred W. Kohl

    Although it is difficult to comprehend, God never makes a mistake and his love for us is unlimited and never-ending. I hope and pray that you are experiencing his love even in the very difficult circumstances in which you find yourself. I will be one of many who will pray for you and for your family. Please keep me posted.

    Your friend,

    Manfred W. Kohl

  • Lisa Henry

    I have been following Steve's journey and am praying for you all as you take each day in stride and focus on the positives. I am from Oakwood in Ohio and know Mike and Heather and though we've never met, I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep your strong faith alive and your love for each other strong and you will move mountains. Lisa Henry

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Miche- Tonight I feel called to HOPE with you. This is not easy for me… for many reasons in my own life: the loss of Treacy, Rebecca… the many, seemingly endless broken, tragic lives I've been a part of at work these 18 years… but somehow I still do. The Divine in me calls me to and He is calling you too. Sparking in you the brave Spirit of Hope. I will hold on to that spark in me and pray out for you, for Steve… for movement and life and fulfillment. I love you and can't wait to embrace my sweet friends.

  • Lawrence Aritao

    praying with you for Steve's full recovery. hoping and praying with you that his fingers return, and every physical function be renewed. my sunday school kids remember playing soccer with him during the last camp, and i tell them that with prayer and faith, Steve will be able to play soccer with them again. i believe it with all my heart! love and prayers abound.

  • Andy Cottrill

    I am in such a state of shock over this — I was just looking at Mike's birthday wishes on Facebook and people were sending prayers to him and his brother Steve in this difficult time — this lead me down to this web site. And while I am in shock, I am so encouraged by the progress you have made. I pray that your pain will subside and that you will recover miraculously with encouraging progress every day. I want to rush over to harborview and pray with you, but I know that is difficult right now. Please let me know when I can visit — until that time please know that you are in my prayers.
    Your Friend,

    Andy Cottrill

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Oh Steve…I ache for your pain…praying that it will ease and go away. I ache for the realities that won't go away even for a minute….praing for those moments of hope and joy…that they will come just when you need them most. And I ache for the fatigue that you are both feeling…I pray for rest and deep sleep and peace and wonderful joyous dreams in which you can escape if just for a time. And I pray for wonderful, caring, intuitive caregivers to surround you and help you along each step. And I pray for 10 fingers…each one to surprise you with their movement and ablility that is resting right now but that we pray returns to help in this fight…and soon! Hugs and love to you both….

  • Kenandmarciat

    And we shall pray for fingers. You are ever in our thoughts and prayers, knowing God is faithful and brings forth beauty from ashes…and strength from weakness. I guess the only plan we can know for sure that God has for you is that He will use you. all the while wrapping his arms of love and care around you, Michelle and the boys. In Him, Ken and Marcia Tank

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Dear Michelle,

    Please continue to choose HOPE. I know there will be bleak days ahead, and I cannot imagine how hard it is to watch Steve be in so much pain, but you are so strong, and nurturing to him. God loves you both so much, and He does have a plan, and He is in control. I believe that God is not only carrying you through this, but He is also crying with you, and Hoping with you, and He has conquered the world, so He will also help Steve to overcome all adversity that lies ahead. With that said….Michelle, We all have been amazed at how strong and faith filled you are, you have inspired all of us with your daily writings, and the scripture verses that you have selected and shared with us. You too must take care of YOURSELF, and let yourself sit down and have a good cry. I hope there is counseling there for you also. This has been tragic and so traumatic for Steve, but for you as well. I will pray for Steve's fingers tonight, but I will also pray for courage, peace, SLEEP, and God's loving arms wrapped around you both tonight. Please take care of you! Love and many hugs to you both. Heather Balent

  • Bruce B. Bailey

    Steve and Michelle,
    Gay and I pray our “Scrabble” prayers each morning drawing tiles to see who comes closest to the chosen name to determine who goes first. Lately “R” is the letter we choose most mornings. We're pretty mundane in our puny efforts here, dear Ruetschles and life can take some turns up some narrow roads where we think we have lost our way and lost our chance to shine. Then God pokes his nose in…
    On the same day we heard about Steve, another old friend, Mark Cutshall called me for one of those “…haven't seen you for 10 of 15 years, let's have a cuppa coffee…”
    And when he showed up he handed me a copy of our “Santa's First Christmas” that I had apparently asked him to read and remark upon. And so, it was a little odd to hear later that day of the accident. Wanting to respond to even the remotest chance that God was talking to me, if somewhere down the line that project were to be resurrected, Gay and I would be excited to donate whatever our share of the proceeds to your family.
    Love, love, love (Santa's lurking),
    Bruce (and for Gay)

  • Cagreenwood

    Steve and Michelle, Dottie Dale, one of your students in the Artist's Way class a few years ago at UPC and who is spending the summer on Whidbey Island asked me to email you with the assurance of her prayers for you all throughout the day. She is praying scripture for you and has landed on Eph. 3:20, the same verse Michelle referenced today in her very tender posting. We join our prayers along with Dottie's and the hundreds of others whose hearts are united in seeking the Lord's healing love. Carol and Dick Greenwood

  • Bearandtweet

    Dear Steve and Michelle, We have no scripture to add. We are where the graoning of the Spirit prays for us! His will will be done. Our Love toyou and the family! We are looking forward to even 5 minutes to say hi! (Down the Road) I have a great joke form Charles Swindoll. Perhaps it will be medisne for the mind and spirit! Love, Richard, Gariele, and Anya Power

  • Chitvillegas_ctv

    Dear Michelle,

    I believe the one great blessing and encouragement that Pastor Steve has is you! God has gifted Pastor Steve with such a beautiful spirit in you. I cannot imagine how he can go through all these without being surrounded with loving family and friends and especially such a loving wife. I really admire you Michelle. and I pray not only for Pastor Steve but for you as well that you will be sustained by God's grace. It is amazing how you are carrying through all these so graciously.

    Chit Villegas
    Door of Hope

  • Wayland Cossey

    Read your story on facebook through Heather, who I hardly know. I recognize you (both of you) vaguely through your time in Seattle but want you both to know that I will pray for Steve's recovery and for peace of mind and God's rest for Michelle. Blessings.

  • Rdverver

    Steve and michelle, Hold on to hope. I had a stem cell transplant for an aggressive leukemia seven years ago. That transplant was my only hope fpr survival. I went through rugged weeks, months and even years but clung to that hope. Did hope win? In those seven years I've seen all four of my kids gradudate college, get married and reward me with four beautiful grandchildren. Who could hope for more? Are things perfect? Not really. My body has changed. Much of what I used to do with ease now comes with struggle as my body and my transplant battle for control. But I hope on at the same time coming to accept what I call the new normal. I have been bless somuch these past seven years by God' grace, a skilled medical team, a caring family and the prayers of countless hosts. I knew Steve at UPC and his prayers were among those that gave me hope, that gave me seven years. Rich Verver

  • Elena & Sonia

    For Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    May you take comfort in these verses: Philippians 4:13&19 – “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” “And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

    Elena & Sonia

  • Maybs0maybelle gutierrez302

    for the Lord has promised…”I will never leave you. nor forsake you”…God will make a way when there
    seems to be no way…I believe & i pray that Pastor Steve will be able to get through this trial that he has right now. Get well soon Pastor…UCM will wait for you return.. Ms Michelle you're not alone. thousands of people love you & pray for Pastor Steve's recovery..God bless

  • Jhorlacher263206

    Hope does not disapoint!

  • Kelli and Mike Maruna

    Steve and Michelle,

    You are both in our prayers and we ask for God to heal Steve's body. We continue to get updates from Fritz and Glenda and we will be signing up to get updates at our home email address here in the near future. Remember to keep your faith and hope and let God work his plan for your lives.

    Please let us know how we can help your family.


    Mike and Kelli Maruna

  • Joe_dodson


    You and Steve and the boys are in our prayers daily. I've got my Bible study group on the case as well.

    Please let us know how we can help. We would love to see you and Steve but recognize that every day is busy and filled with new challenges.

    I'm not teaching this summer. So I have a flexible schedule and would love to help even if its in a small way. Holding a hand, reading a book, mowing a yard, moving some furniture on my SUV.
    When you feel the need, don't hesitate to call.

    In the meantime, you and Steve get some rest. And know that prayers for healing and peace are being offered up every minute of every day!

    Joe Dodson

    PS: A book I really found helpful when I was battleing cancer was Max Lucado's FACING YOUR GIANTS. I have an extra copy I'd be happy to sendto you and Steve. Let me know the best way to get it to you. I can mail it or would be happy to drop it off at the house or hospital.

  • Kari Kelly

    Michelle – I heard of your story through a friend who knows Steve (I am a member of Wallingford Presbyterian here in Seattle) and have been praying for you and your family. I would just like to tell you how beautiful your journal entries are and what an incredible blessing you are to Steve and your boys. You are clearly their rock here on earth as God guides you all through this time. This journal will be such an incredible gift to your boys as they grow up and grasp to understand more about this time and their father's accident. This journal will speak to them of hope, faith, and an incredible love. God's peace and prayers for you. Kari Kelly

  • Dtopliff

    Dear Michelle, I believe that is the most real, loving, and anointed update I have ever read. I KNOW there will be more victories, but in the meantime, what is coming through you both is beautiful–to be saved and made available to others who ever face any parallel experience. Your beauty in vulnerability is also a miracle. Thank you. But, yes, besides sending love join you in believing for fingers, and more!

  • Betsey (House) Baker

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I was in Steve's first Artist's Way class at UPC . What a faith changing experience you provided for me , Steve. I wrote a poem titled Shifting Ground based on Ephesians 3: 14-20 . I pray for you both now the power of the Holy Spirit “out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.20Now to him who is able to do immearsurably more than all we ask, or imagine accordng to his power that is at work within us, to him be gloryin the church and in Christ Jesus thoughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” .Prayers for moving fingers, decreasing pain,
    sleep, and peace. For God's love to ground you as your world is shifting.
    Love to you both and your boys,

    Betsey ( House) Baker

  • Mary Jane Apple

    Steve, Oh My, i just pulled out a CD you sent to me years ago with “Martha” and “Mary” paintings on it. I took the printed copies to work to hang in my cube. Then i hear word of you from a new graduate from MHGS and she was in your worship class. My heart has always been for and with you. I will pray. i will watch through the web and hope some day to see your face, '
    His, and former fellow student, Mary Jane Apple

  • Hafeller

    Mary Kay and I are praying daily for your continued improvement, which appears to be progressing through the loving care of God. Blessings to you and Michelle.

  • H & F

    Steve & Michelle,
    You don't know us, but we will be praying. We are Herb & Faye Vossler, on our boat “Fellowship”in the Broughton Islands B.C. Last night we met John & Carol Dettoni. They shared your story, asked for prayer and gave us your web-site. We have a very good friend from the Phillipines, you may know him, he is now in the UAE, and we forwarded your web-site to him.
    “Dear heavenly father please wrap your loving arms about Steve, place your healing hands upon his body. Provide him with sleep, freedom from pain, peace, increased sensation & return of muscles to his body.” “We ask this in Jesus name.”
    I (Faye) have been a rehab. P.T. for a long time, so know first hand what amazing things GOD can do.
    Love & Blessings, Herb & Faye Vossler

  • Gretchen Ekstrand

    Hey Pastor Steve!
    I don't know if you remember me, but I used to attend UCM while you were Pastor.. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family.. I remember one time, when you visited Faith Academy, I was supposed to bring your wife some food, but I got confused.. and yet you were so gracious to me.. You've pointed to Christ in the little things of life.. and I know you won't let this stop you from praising God.. Anyhow, say hi to your family for me!

  • Bryan and Vickie Whitehead

    We were so sorry to hear about your accident, and we will be praying for you. We were at Faith Academy and have now returned to Colorado to be here for our boys in College and family needs. We have been following your story and are excited to hear about each step of progress you make. We will pray for fingers and abiding hope.
    Love in Christ,
    The Whitehead Family

  • Maria Marti

    Hi Pastor Steve, Maria here, hope you are doing well, hi Michelle, thinking of you, you are both in my prayers, get well and Michelle be strong and take care.

  • Bing De Los Reyes

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    I was so shocked to hear of the news but I have so much trust in the Lord that you will be well. You have touched our lives in so many ways and all of us here in UCM will fill heaven with our prayers of your recovery. God bless you Pastor Steve. We are also praying for strength for you Michelle…

    From Bing and Venice De Los Reyes

  • Sara

    Beautiful, soulful, spirit-filled Michelle…we have not stopped praying for your needs. Tonight may you and Steve “sleep like babes” and may He, the God of all comfort “keep you as the apple of His eye, and hide you (both) in the shadow of His wings.”
    With much love,
    Sara and family

  • Karol and Russ Hadick

    Michelle and Steve,
    Our prayers are with you, our hope is still in the Lord for His encouragement and strenght and movement for Steve. We will continue to pray for His Mercy. May Jesus hold you both in His arms and give you all you need, moment by moment, hour by hour and day by day.
    Love in Jesus
    Karol and Russ Hadick (Darlene and John's friends)

  • Francoise

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    My heart aches for you. I am praying for you in the early hours of the morning, during the day and now. I pray for full recovery in His time. I pray for relief of pain. I pray for strength for you, Michelle and for your boys. Michelle, you are indeed a witness to us in your faith in our Lord. May the Lord Bless all of you at this time….francoise

  • Dan McGraw

    i am praying for you. for God's grace and power to heal and comfort you and your family. this is un-knowingly difficult yet your are here with us. we're with you. so is God.

  • Fe

    Dear Pastor,
    Trying moments are learning moments…experience is the best teacher. God is preparing you to comfort others with the same predicament that been in. Physical trauma can be debilitating but can be alleviated by modern medicine and technology. Mental and emotional trauma assoxiated with physical trauma can be difficult to fix and can be a life-long struggle. It requires maturity and spiritual connection with God to be able to overcome it. Someone like you who have gone through the physical and emotional pains of the accident can be a channel of comfort for those who are still struggling. Their families also need the comfort the way your family have been comforted. May your healing be fast so you can go back to the ministry that you loved so much!

    Fe Yamada

  • Lee Turner

    From Lee, a friend of Tim Piper's in Houston: Dear Lord Jesus, please be with Steve and Michelle: comfort them and help them as only you can. Give Michelle hope, and give Steve movement in his fingers. Amen.

  • Andrew & Marilyn Davis

    Marilyn and I keep you in our constant prayers, as well as the Saturday Men's Alliance Breakfast group. Know that you are in the trusted care of God the Father and that He will guide the skilled medical teams surrounding you to bring you to a recovery that only He can accomplish. Keep in good faith as we pray from around the world and watch as our God perfoms yet another miracle.
    Andrew & Marilyn Davis Fairhaven

  • Celinekhong at UCM

    Hi Michelle,

    I read your blog every day. Thank you for being an insperation. Pastor Steve, I thank God that you have made great progress. I will pray for your pain and the movement of fingers. God Bless.

    Celine from UCM.

  • Robyn Fullerton Ramseyer

    Though we haven't spoken in years, our parents keep in touch, and gratefully your special parents still send me their wonderful Christmas letters. My mom just called with the news. You will find strength Steve to make it through this because you are you! You are truly blessed – you've given so much to so many and this generosity of heart will return to heal you. Please feel the hugs, prayers and faith in your recovery coming to you and your amazing family from my family (husband Tony, son Zack-10, daughter Kara-7).
    Keep Smiling :) Robyn Fullerton Ramseyer
    Christ United Methodist Church confirmation class of 1980 something :)

    • Jerri (Yoakam) Oliver

      This is Jerri (Yoakam) Oliver,
      I am delighted to “see” you on this website, although, I am sure we would rather meet for a happier occasion.
      Please tell your folks I said “Hi”.

      Hope to “talk” to you more at e-mail:

  • Carolyn Ngo

    Pastor Steve, you are always in our prayers…your good and faithful heart will heal you..and also Michelle who have been a great wife going through all of these with the Lord as her strength….Awesome faith. Both of you are inspirations to many…, Carolyn Ngo

  • baby

    “Tough times make no exceptions as to who to afflict or spare. Because no one is always able to parry off the darts of suffering, endurance threshold must be raised. When hit, groan, cry if you must, or rest, only do not panic, plunge into despair, or cowardly run away witless. Remember His word, hold on to His hand of hope and go through it. Readings: Joshua 1:6-8; Psalm 23
    We have you in our prayers all the time.

  • Avon McLaughlin

    Were met Steve and Michelle in the Philippines…what an awesome family. We are so sorry to hear about the accident. My heart is heavy for you, but I know that Steve is in the best hands, and Michelle will be there every step of the way. We are praying for the family.

    Neil and Avon McLaughlin

  • Naomi Diaz (UCM)

    FOR FINGERS…Lord have mercy. We cannot fathom your purpose but we know that every good thing comes from Thee. For today, we pray “for fingers” to Pastor Steve. Amen

    Dear Michelle, carry on…carry on. Sometimes, all we need to do is just heave a sigh. God knows & loves you too well, HE will take care of Pastor Steve's health concerns and so much more. Miracles, miracles, miracles. To God be the glory. Praise Him

  • Handel

    Dear pastor Steve,

    My wife and I were shocked the day we heard the news about your accident…But you know what? God used you to unite many Christians praying for your recovery from all over the world. Indeed Michelle is your hero. I praised God for such a loving and prayerful wife she is. Evertime I play the piano and look at my fingers I remeber you. So, Lord please heal our dear pastor steve. We miss his guitar playing during sermons here in UCM. Please return him to us that we may hear more of good news that he'll preach. Thank you for making him a blessing to me and to my family. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Handel & Neli Francisco

  • Brad Warne


    We are praying for you guys in Shanghai, China.


  • Ken Butt

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    From my family to yours we love you and are praying fervently for you. I know that you all are trusting in the Lord but I feel compelled anyway to share what the Lord has put on my heart to say especially as you have said so many prayers for me . . . Trust in the Lord with all your heart, Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your path. I know that those words of Scripture are easy to hear but hard to do at this time but these are the words and promises of the Lord himself and we know that He is Faithful. Rest well, my friend and may the pain subside day by day. We acknowledge the many promises of healing God has assured us of in His Word and we specifically claim them for you in the name of Jesus and we stand firmly on those Promises. God Bless you and heal you fully, brother.
    With our Love,
    Ken and Family

  • Kennedyannm

    Dear Steve,
    I attended FPB when you were in charge of the 6pm Sunday service. When I use to show up late (oops) and heard your music from the parking lot it made me want to run in and praise. You were a big part of my worship and the growth I had with God those years. I wish you and your family all the very best and a reprieve from all your pain soon. I know that the hospital staff will love you and Michelle and give you the very best of care.
    Ann Kennedy

  • Allison Wong

    Steve & Michelle, When i heard the news (I'm up here in our cabin in the Cascades, out of touch with almost all news) from Todd via MB & Scott, I felt like I was punched in the stomach… I ached for you. The kids and I have been praying for you everyday, but i have only just learned of this website this afternoon… so now i am so glad i will be able to pray specifically and clearly on the unfolding needs in addition to my on-going prayer that our loving God will show His mercy on Steve in this terrible time of trial and that His goodness and grace will be felt by you every day. I pray for complete miraculous healing and that God will be glorified through it and your incredible testimony of faith, strength and humility as you lean on Jesus. You're both an inspiration. We at Community Church HK are praying for you and your family. Be strong and courageous. love, allison

  • Greggfarah

    Much love and prayer to you both. You know we pray and are so grateful for the specific ways to pray. Michelle, thank you for sharing your heart and gift of writing. It helps us process this and pray. Steve, I can't wait to dance with you. I love you my BFAM.

  • Virgia West

    Hi, Mel and Nancy Crutchfield are Prayer Partners with us and recently let us know of what happened to you and your family. We have included you on our prayer request list and will continue to pray for your healing. At the moment we pray that this healing will be pain free.

    My name is Virgia West and I attend Hillsboro Nazarene Church in Hillsboro, OR. I have taken the liberty of including the prayer request we have for you in this comment:

    6/23/2010 – Mel & Nancy Crutchfield – have been partners in prayer with us for quite awhile and in Nancy's own words: I would ask for prayers for a friend of ours. When he was young and single 17 years ago, he was a part of our single’s ministry in Seattle. He is now pastoring a church in Manila, Philippines. He has a deep love and commitment to God that I have rarely seen. An amazing young man. He was in a motorcycle accident last week which crushed his C6 and C7 vertebrae. He is in critical care, and they are having trouble keeping the excruciating pain under control and balancing that with not keeping him under heavy sedation for too long. He has already developed pneumonia and fever. He moans even through the sedation. The human prognosis is not good. God’s prognosis is whatever is His perfect will!! Pray for Steve, his wife Michelle, and their three young children. They have major decisions to make about where to go for rehab and continued care.

    (Note from Virgia: I strongly recommend reading the site update at the link below. Please continue to pray for this family. Though we may not know him, God does. Thank you.)

    This site has updates if anyone wants to read it or if you by chance know him. His name is Steve Reutschle (pronounced, “Ridgeley”). Thank you for your prayers for our dear brother.

    Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 2 Corinthians, 1:3, 4. We stand on our Lord's promise: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you. Isaiah 43:2. We pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.

    Thank you for this opportunity to pray for your whole family.

  • Emil

    Hey, Pastor Steve. You are always in my prayers. Whatever happens in our lives has a purpose. We may not always know what it is but God intended it that way. – Emil Rebano of UCM

  • Tiffany Megargee

    Miche and Steve– This morning I pray for pain relief, hopeful signs, and God in the details. I dreamt last night that Steve was walking… it was a joyous time… we all laughed and little Zephyr was there laughing too.

    I love you both and look forward to seeing you soon. I hope I can be for you both a little bit of extra relief… doing extra therapy things that there aren't time for during regular sessions, etc (when Steve feels up for it, that is). And just generally “checking in” on all the HMC happenings.

    Today we fly back across country to Seattle. I will be happy to be home, and see you soon. I will pray again throughout the flight for you… such a meditative time. I will focus on pain relief and hopeful signs.
    All my love- Tiffany

  • Paddy Starnes

    Dear Steve and Michelle
    Just checking in to send you both very special hugs across the oceans! You are constantly in our prayers and tonight Steve our prayer will be for relief from your pain so that you can enjoy a few hours of rest . Michelle, our prayer for you is that you stay strong and continue being the amazing wife, mother and woman that you are.
    Sending you all our love
    Paddy, Duncan and the girls

  • Amanda Swilley

    We are friends of Kirk and Betty Gutzwiller. We do pray for exactly what you have asked. May God be glorified and lifted up in this process. From earth, we don't see the meaning, but from Heaven–God's plan is right on. I would never have known your hearts and the hugeness of your faith….and that it is there for each of us.

    Thank you for being transparent and real. May you truly rise up with eagles wings and RUN and not be weary and walk and not faint. The next verse confirms the wisdom of your sabath. Keeping silent and coming near Him is where you renew your strength.

    Blessings and love in Christ Jesus,
    Mandy and Paul Swilley, Houston, TX

  • Maggie Conley

    Steve and Miche -

    Praise God for your beautiful and loving spirits who wait on him so reverently.

    God's provision is great.

    We carry you in our prayers. Our little ones sweetly give their hearts to you when pray in the car or at night with Norm. With little understanding as to the degree of what paralysis is and for whom this burden lies, they hold to you both.

    If there is anything that we can do, please let us know.

    Our hope is with you,

    Norm, Maggie, Evie, Valerie and Marigold

  • Kristinebraden

    Hi friends, thank you for continuing to update us day by day. I look forward to hearing from you and to be reminded to pray. Your testimonies are indeed a blessing to all, and while it may seem dark to you from time to time, we can see God's light in your faith and God's miracles. You are impacting our lives even now. We miss and love you all. Blessings, K

  • Gerson "Gus" Lopez

    You don't know me but I was asked by Delia Org to pray for the pastor and his family over this ordeal… When I read the accounts of his recovery, I knew that there is need of prayer… Your family along with the poster ARE in my prayers, for Jesus answers ALL.. God Bless…Gerson “Gus” Lopez, NYC, USA…

  • Christy Wall

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    I am a friend of Mike and Mark's (worked with them on the Washington Court House City School's Project). I just learned of your accident and would like for you to know that you, as well as your entire family, are in our constant prayers. Your amazing strength and faith in God will get you through this most difficult time. Trust in Him, and miracles WILL happen.

    God Bless,
    Christy Wall

  • Svergien

    I'm inspired by your incredible faith and trust in the midst of such a challenging situation. I was so grateful to read about the transformation of your house and garden. I would love to gather together a team of your friends from F.P.C.B. to stock your pantry with items you need and/or would like to have . Please let me know what to deliver and when to make the delivery. Are there any special requests for things we could have delivered to the hospital. We could send them with Ryan Eckles, new to the staff at Harborview. We have known him since birth. He even attended pre-school at the school in Kailua, Hawaii where I taught.
    Blessings on your day. May it be one filled with joy and encouragement.
    Maggie Vergien
    206-919-0462 (cell #)

  • Margery

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    Mary Kay has told us about your accident and situation. My husband, Gene, is Allan's brother. Please know that you are in out thoughts and especially our prayers. Your Faith and conviction are blessedly strong. Please know that we really care and pray that your strength will continue to guide you and that the pain lessens in order help you move on in recovery.

    Blessings to you both and your children,
    Margery and Gene Feller

  • Elaine Farah

    Steve and Michelle:
    I'm so happy to hear that Steve got into Harborview! What a blessing.
    Miss you guys so much,
    Elaine <3

  • Danielle Richmond

    Michelle and Steve,

    We have been on a camping/road trip since Steve's accident. We have grabbed wifi whenever we find it to learn of your prayer requests and progress. Jacob particularly has hung on every detail with great concern. He feels such a bond to Steve since kid's camp. Long hours on the road have given us plenty of time to pray as a family for you. What a gift Michelle and the others have given us, Steve, and eventually your children through all your updates. The Godly way you have met this challenge will be a model of faith for your children. It has certainly been a blessing (and lesson in humility) to me.

    Danielle, Jim and Family

  • Karyn Catrine

    Steve and Michelle, Our family continues to pray for peace for your ongoing struggles and pain, hope for signs of healing and strength for your family. Thankfully, our loving, transforming God can shine his glory through any situation and through those who love him…. “Not by might, not by power, but through the Holy Spirit” (Zechariah 4:6). May you find comfort surrounding you during this challenging time. Please know that we'd love to help in any way, just let us know. May God hold you and bless you! Love, Frank and Karyn (Feller) Catrine, Frank, Maryanna and Kristy

  • Laara Doorley

    I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Reading the updates on your progress have been truly inspiring! Growing up with you, you were always an amazing person. Now, reading about your progress from your family and friends I can see that you are still that amazing person! Continue on your faithfilled journey to recovery. I will continue to include you in all of my prayers.
    Laara Steinlage Doorley

  • Indrart

    Dearest Michelle and Steve,
    In continuous prayer for Steve's pain relief and even the slightest movement of fingers and toes. On a brighter note we have been bombarding medical folk with questions, and the consensus seems to be that the pain is a good sign. Steve has feeling therefore he has pain. Yet it is he that has to bare the pain and you have to see him go through it. I pray for Steve to be able to slowly move out of the intense pain zone and into a more comfortable place of relief. I pray for you dear Michelle to continue to be strong, may our Lord walk each step with you. He loves you all with a never ending LOVE. Feel His Peace. This is not always easy. Psalm 30 vs.5 “Weeping may tarry for the night, but Joy comes with the morning.” People who know and love you all are in prayer for the Joy that will come, with complete healing for Steve. We continue in prayer for that morning.

    Love you all,
    Saroj and Indra.

  • Naomi Diaz (UCM)

    Dear Michelle,
    We continually pray for you & your tons of concerns. I was so moved by your latest update. Just hang in there. God loves you too well and He will not break His promises. We pray for Pastor Steve's nagging PAIN TO GO AWAY. Have mercy Lord God. He will be well, Pastor Steve will be well. Praying for you, the boys and Pastor Steve all the time. May God be glorified in all these. AMEN.

  • Pastordot

    Dear Michele,
    My name is Dot from Nigeria, I was with Steve in the BGU class held in Manila in October. I got this news from Jeng and was glad to hear Steve has been given a 10% chance of full recovery. I believe that 10% is more than enough for God to do a 100% miracle. You are not alone in this. Steve will be up and about shortly. Stay in His firm grip & please give my love to the boys.

  • Ruthpbillena

    Hi Michelle, I go to Union if my sched allows me to and in my few times of worshipping with Steve as preacher, I was tremendously blessed. I am with you in prayers for the wellness and wholeness of a great man of God! YOu are a strong woman! May you continue to wait upon the Lord. God is so good! He will make all things beautiful in His time… Ruth Panganiban-Billena

  • Genrideout

    Steve and Michelle- I just found out tonight. And in anhour of crying and reading have caught up on your 2+ weeks of journey through dark and amazing, and horrid and healing…and my heart just aches with you to see a finger move, a toe curl, and millions of details come together. I will be in prayer for Steve's pain level to decrease and healing in general as well as for Michelle's ongoing care of Steve and the boys. I praise God for what He has done already in Steve and Michelle and all He is going to do in this accident, healing, and future. And of course for your boys to be carried in God's arms knowing thier Papa is working hard to be able to do the same. Hugs and Prayers from our house in Redmond to you across the water. Genevieve Rideout

  • Kate Horwood

    Steve and Michelle,
    I feel I only have inadequate words at this time, but I have been praying so hard for you both, your sons, your family and all the wonderful people supporting you through this journey. My heart is breaking for you but I am holding firm in the faith that our God has plans we cannot understand, even when we are crying out to him. You are an amazing couple and an amazing family…the love and blessings you bring to everyone around you is now being reflected back on you and I hope all these prayers are easing your journey right now.
    Sending love and prayers from East Timor


  • Chaeleenpark

    Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well. -3John 1:2
    Our family pray for pastor Steve everyday. God will cure his beloved son. I am waiting for Pastor Steve to come to U.C.M and give your sermon to everybody. And, God Bless You.

    Carol Park

  • Monica Utsey

    I do not know you, but your blog was forwarded to me by another homeschool mom. My husband suffered a brain hemorrhage 2 years ago and I've been down the road of recovery with him. I will say to stay strong, take care of yourself, be grateful for the small things and most of all pray. I will pray for your family as well. God bless you!

  • Cora Villanueva

    Cora Villanueva – Philippines
    Dear Steve and Michele,
    Everyday of my life i never missed reading updates about Pastor Steve. Truly the courage and hope is a manifestation of God's love and mercy to the both of you everyday. I believe in my heart that Pastor Steve will get through this. I also ask God why these things happen to a very good person like you. You have served the church well and set a very good example of discipleship. It is clear to my mind is that it happens for a reason. You are living testimony of how great the Lord is. The prayers sent across the globe, the overwhelming response of people. God works in all of us who never ceases to continuously pray for you and the rest of your family. When he promised to be back by August, i believe that miracle will happen and you will be reunited with us soon. See you in UCM…we love you

  • Rachel Stevenson

    Hi, I wanted to let you know you are in my prayers. I am Martha Goebels sister. We have a daughter in a wheelchair and can sympathize with your efforts to get your current living situation into handicapped accessible working area. We pray for movement and Gods grace through pain. Rachel

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent


    Thank you so much for writing!!! You have been such a crucial help to the family, especially when all of the trauma was going on in the ICU. What a blessing that you could be there, and that amidst all of your shock, pain, and grief, you were able to still do the job you have been trained so well to do, in explaining to the family, what all of the machines, beeps, tests etc. were for. Blessings to you, my dear friend!

    I am glad that the words of comfort here on the Guestbook have been able to console you, when you are low, and having a hard time dealing with the reality of what has happened to Steve. You are all such an absolutely beautiful family, and I am so sorry you all are hurting. Most especially Steve and Michelle. You are right, God's hand is in this, He has a beautiful plan for the future, where Steve can “let his light shine”, as you put it! Thank you and your whole family for being such gifts in all of our lives!!! My prayers are with you, and I am sending great big hugs to you!! Heather Balent

    • Kim

      Thank you Heather for your sweet words. You have always held such a special place in all of our hearts. Thank you for your continued blessings and look forward to seeing you soon. Great big hugs back to you! Kim

  • Jhorlacher263206

    By his wounds we are healed.


    kris horlacher

  • Nick & Terri Appel, Hong Kong

    Dear Steve & Michelle,

    Sisters & Brothers throughout the Hong Kong Christian community are fervently praying for you both. Praise the Lord for the progressive healing in Steve's body. Our hearts are with you.


    Your Friends at Union Church Hong Kong

  • Joanns

    Dearest Steve and precious family: Every day there are prayers literally from around the world for all of you. I am praying that each day will bring a glimpse of joy, laughter, peace and hope. “The Lord will never forsake you.” Love, the principal organist at UPC (JS)

  • Jack Staudt

    Dear Steve & Michelle – Peter Wilson of UPC forwarded your story to me. We will pray for you & recovery. But perhaps we can do more. If you are not aware – Bridge Disability Ministries has free Mobility Equipment available. So if insurance does not cover everything – Please connect with Bob Meyer in our Mobility Center and we will serve you as best we can.
    Blessings to you both, Jack Staudt – Director, Bridge Ministries

  • Shari Scharrer

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    Heather and Mike introduced us when you visited Apex (a year or so ago). Though I'm not sure you remember the meeting, we want you to know we are glad to have a face with the name, and are fervently praying for you and your children.
    Thank you both for being such an inspiration is such a difficult time. YES, God is at work…especially in the darkest of situations, and your light is shining!
    Michelle, your posts are inspiring, moving, and heartfelt. Please know your faith is contagious. Without knowing, you encourage others by building their faith. God is truly at work within you!
    Steve, we continue to pray specifically for you. For restored health, for God's peace which passes all understanding, for comfort, and for your never give up attitude and faith to continue growing. May God Bless you as you continue to gain strength, and as the healing process continues. You are complete in HIM!
    In Christ,
    Shari and Ric Scharrer
    PS. The entire Oakwood House Church is praying for you!

  • Greggfarah

    Hi Steve, Thinking of you and wanted to remind you of the following:
    “Bob, it's just a name
    and frankly, Frank, it's all the same
    You got a B at the beginning and a B at the end
    Stick an O in the middle just to give it a friend.
    Bob is short for Robert (oooohhhh ohhh)
    Robert's long for Bob
    When you spell it backwards…
    it still spells Bob!”
    Love ya, my bfam.

  • Nandiprasad

    Hi Pastor Steve,Michelle,
    My prayers are for Pastor Steve,to get over the fever, pain,and start wiggling his feet,toes and have restfull day and nite.Dear Lord please watch over him and give him the strength and bless the medical staff to be understanding,kind and caring.
    Michelle our thoughts and prayers are with you and the children during these difficult times.
    We miss him and all of you,God be with you now and always, and His blessings be upon on and the family for ever

  • Andy and Isabelle Magnuson

    You remain in our prayers. We pray that each day you will see one new bit of improvement.

    The Magnusons

  • Jillard

    Michelle and Steve,
    So deeply sorry to hear of Steve's accident! Christine Sine and Coe let us on the MSA board know.
    Michele, I was particularly moved by your “hope” entry – the way you are holding on to both “humble acceptance and hope.” I was just reading Richard Foster's chapter in his prayer book on healing prayer today in preparation for a prayer group I'm facilitating and was wrestling with those kind of tensions/questions. I pray for the healing touch of Jesus to bring new life to Steve's fingers and hands and for the continuing ministry of the Holy Spirit to all of you – for supernatural peace and hope – as you walk this challenging, painful road!
    Jill (Aylard) Young

  • Ddhicks3

    praying for god to ease your pain…. you are doing AMAZING!!!!!….. KEEP UP THE GOOD FIGHT!!!!!!… ALREADY LOOK LIKE YOUR MAKING GREAT STRIDES!!!!… GOD BLESS!

  • Linda Ford

    Dear Michelle, Steve and children,

    We are praying for Steve's recovery. I know this is a very big trial of your faith but your strength gives us strength. I know that when many come together to pray, good things will happen.

    We will think about you everyday in thought and prayer.


    Kevin, Linda, Victoria, Allison and Matthew Ford

  • Randy & Dinnah Bradbury

    Continuing to lift you up to Father…

  • Nicole de Guzman

    God is good! We continue to pray for Pastor Steve's complete healing and recovery. We also thank God for every little progress that is happening. We also pray for strength and peace for Michelle and the boys.
    Love from Joel, Nicole, Robbie and Joaqui de Guzman (UCM)

  • vanessa & kevin

    we remember, pray for, and think very often of you. we continue to read updates daily with much care, hope, faith, and longing for you. take care and we will continue to pray for you all! – vanessa, kevin, tyler, logan and baby.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Thank you for posting the photos. We have been wanting to see you and it's good to see your faces. But we can see the pain in Steve's face and are praying for it to subside. It is all so surreal for us….but you are in the midst of it all continuously. I pray for moments of joy and togetherness for you during each day…and hours of peaceful sleep at night. I just keep picturing you both nestled in God's huge hands protected, curled together and resting. For the peace that passes all understanding…
    Love you,

  • Wati Pudjoatmoko

    O God,… please have mercy on Steve and Michelle…grant them with strength…

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Oh my goodness, thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your photos with all of us. You are two very strong, courageous, and beautiful people, and it is so obvious in your pictures, the love and support you are giving Steve, Michelle. Bless you both, you have been through so very much, and the pictures are a blessing to receive, but it is also hard, to see Steve in such pain, and to see him, with the machines and wheel chair, make this even more real to all of us. I just want to reach out and hug you both, and somehow protect you from any more pain and suffering. I know that I cannot do this, but I do know that GOD can. I pray that He will continue to shelter you from any more pain, and from anymore suffering. I also pray that God will take away the fears of what lies ahead, and that He can comfort you with His power, and that His loving arms will continue to cradle you through each and every day. Many blessings and much love to you both. Hang in there and stay strong, we believe in you! Heather Balent

  • Germaine

    Hi Steve and Michelle,
    We have been praying for you since we heard of Steve's accident. Daryl's not the best correspondant, though he was good at getting the information to me. I was in the States for a brief visit to attend 2 very special weddings, and as a huge added blessing, to see my kids. It was a very busy time, with lots of travel and visiting. Now I'm back in the Philippines, and have had time to catch up on the detailed info about Steve. Michelle, you should know that we are blessed to see a sister in Christ being strong in the strength that the Lord gives. No matter what happens, He is worthy of praise. If I were in charge of things, Steve's accident would never have happened. yet God is so far beyond us in wisdom, that He saw that this difficulty will reap so much good. As we keep our focus on Him, and continue to trust in Him, He will be glorified, which is what it is all about. One benefit of being middle aged, as I am, is that I've found the Lord to be there and faithful and able and wonderful to me and others through pain and hard times. God is good, life is hard. Love, Sharon for us Germaines

  • Claudine

    thank you so much for sharing the photos. It's so good to see you!
    I am praying for you daily, nightly, every moment I can.
    God is so good!
    with love –

  • Cindy Clapper

    Thank you SO much for your sharing….what was so real, but almost unbelievable has just became more real. With tears, sorrow, joy and hope we continue to pray and love you both.
    Cindy and John Clapper

  • steve & katie

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. -Romans 15:13
    Praying for you all, and for relief of pain.
    Steve and Katie Clem (friends of Mike & Heather's)

  • Lougonzalezpablo

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    We just finished the Wednesday contemplative service(07-07-10, 12:15 – 1:15 PM). We all prayed for you, led by Pastor Aronis. As always we have been praying to God, our Great Physician, for your good sleep, less pain and early recovery from it all… the fotos made us feel that you're getting well each day!
    Praise the Lord! We miss you, we love you! Come back soon! *Shalom* Lou

  • Baby

    God into your hands we commend Pastor Steve.

  • Yumi Ng

    Dear Steve,
    I just saw photos. It's a relief to see that you have no bruises and/or cuts and scratches on your
    face and body, as (having been in one myself) motorcycle accidents can cause so many of those.
    At the same time, it's hard to see you not smiling and our hearts are in pain because we know
    you are in pain. I've been praying for God, in His great mercy, to remove the pain from you and
    i know that He will do it soon, when the time is right for your body. We are continuously in prayer
    for you and Michelle and are looking forward to seeing pics of your therapy and rehabilitation
    sessions. Our love and hearts are with you.

    Yumi (Singapore)

  • Stan Hilker

    The photos really bring the story to life, and give us a realistic look at the pain and the heartache you have all experienced. The good news is that they appear to be getting progressively better. We will continue to pray for a speedy and complete healing process. Stay strong, I deeply believe that Steve is meant to evolve through this tragedy and come back to us to further touch our lives in his unique and gifted manner.

    In the meantime, know that you are all loved, and that we pray for each of you daily.


  • Carolyn Kaleel

    I am humbled and inspired by the faith and optimism you are demonstrating, Michele and Steve. I continue to pray to our brilliant and gracious God for relief from pain and unimaginable progress. I pray for strength and courage and joy. I pray for your three darling boys. I pray for sweet slumber. I pray you will be surprised by glory.

  • Ricki

    Dear Michelle and Steve,

    I do not know you but your story has been circulating at my church and we have been praying for you here in Hong Kong. A girl friend of mine was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 follicular lymphoma 6 months ago and she was only 25. We prayed so much for her and 6 months later she is finally “cancer free” and recovering!!

    God is the same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. I pray that He will heal Steve completely because there is nothing impossible with Him.

  • Piattbrian80

    Steve ,great to see your awsome progress.You ,and your family are in my prayers,and will remain you my friend,and I look forward to seeing your continuing success,BRIAN PIATT

  • Go_marjorierojas

    I feel for your pain more than what I have experienced , All parts of my womb were taken out last May 14,and I suffered much pain for more than a month while carrying a catheter .I claim Jeremiah 30 :17 for you and for me ” for I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord.”
    Praying for you . Mrs. Marjorie Rojas Go

  • Julie

    Extraordinary story of faith, hope, love indeed? We are all so blessed to be part of this unbelievable experience. God is good, nothing is impossible with Him. We continue to pray with so many others that Pastor Steve will get well and be back on his feet to preach to us.. at UCM. Michelle, you're such one special woman, a gift to all of us women!…. Julie

  • Lynda

    I dont know you but know God does and will pray for you and your family looks like you are improving and getting more sleep. God can do anything .Prayers from Russia

  • Bridget

    What a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your story – all my good kharma and thoughts and prayers are headed your way. Michelle – in one blog you mention the tedious balance of hope…. I have been down that trail myself and it's so hard not to give up- I was not in your same shoes – but I feel certain the hope kept me going. So I say don't give up any of your passion and hope. I pass all mine along to you and Steve and the family now, and I feel certain things will only continue to improve. Bless your family. Wish I could go do more….

  • TED

    Pastor Steve, Michelle and family,
    I have been so encouraged and touched by you guys over the past year that i have been attending UCM in Manila. Pastor Steve, your incredible gift for teaching has profoundly impacted my life. I am believing in God for a miraculous healing in your body, while at the same time remembering to give all honour, glory and praise to our Heavenly Father who works out all things for good for those who love Him and who have been called according to His purpose. You have most certainly been called according to His purpose – and so I am excited and wait in eager anticipation to see how our God is going to work all of this out for HIS GLORY! Amen.
    -ted (missionary with YWAM, working in Manila)

  • TED

    “The Lord may not have planned that this should overtake me, but He has most certainly permitted it. Therefore though it were an attack of an enemy, by the time it reaches me, it has the Lord's permission and therefore all is well.” -Author unknown

    Be blessed.

  • David and Suzanne Giannini

    With a snapshot of photos we can see a glimpse of your pain and struggle but also the tremendous love you have for each other. We continue to hold you all up in prayer and look forward to seeing more photos of progress as God guides you through this journey. Love, Suzanne and David Giannini

  • Mary Braden

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    You don't know me – and I really don't know you – though I was attending UPC before you were called to Manila and fondly remember the times Steve was involved with Sunday worship. I knew, then, that he had been anointed by God to serve Him in wondrous ways and I know that now – even in the midst of this tragedy and the challenges that lay before you. From the beautifully written journal entries to the first posting of such intimate pictures your willingness to share with others this life altering experience touches me to the core of my being. I believe – with all of my heart – that how you, together, are handling this season of your life is and will continue to be one of the greatest declarations of the Father's love not only for you but for the many that you are witnessing to. I am praying for you and the boys and those around the world that obviously love and care about you so deeply.

    Mary Braden
    Seattle, Wa

  • Penny Carothers

    Steve and Family: I am here in Seattle, having learned of your accident and recovery from folks at MSA. I thank God for the goodness that has already transpired, and will continue to lift you up in prayer. God Bless. Penny Carothers

  • Gary-melody_dubois

    I've known for a week or so that I (and others) would need to see photos in order for all this to actually seem real… but I was still unprepared for the flood of tears. Yet each tear is a prayer, and so I don't begrudge them. And each prayer is multiplied by so, so many people who are gathered in spirit before God's throne of grace on Steve's behalf. This is a privilege, and a grace, even amid the tears. To intercede for family members, joined by Jesus Himself.

  • Achbach Molly

    Steve, Michelle, and your family,
    I have never met you, but I have followed your story over the past couple of weeks. Over the past few years, I have become less and less in touch with my spiritual side. Over the past few weeks, I have thought of you all, your spiritual depth and strength, and immense love. There are no words to describe the incredible struggle you have gone through and continue to experience. The reason that I wanted to write something on your guestbook is because of the a direct result of you sharing this experience for me has been a truer appreciation for life. I was recently at a park with my family and irritated with something trivial that had annoyed me. I truly thought of your family– how much you would do anything to be able to walk through a park together as a family, and the love for life, people and family that you so clearly exude. It honestly changed my whole perspective that day in such a positive and incredible way. You have changed my perspective at so many times over the past couple of weeks. This past Sunday I went back to church after many months, possibly over a year, of being inactive. Thank you for sharing your strength, depth, and love. I can not imagine the struggles that you are constantly going through, and I pray for the best for you. I really wanted you to know how all of this has affected my life.

    Thank you for being the shining lights that you are.

    Love and peace,
    Molly Achbach Dayton, OH

  • Jhorlacher263206

    Praying the name of Jesus over your whole situation today. Your family. Your friends. Your ministry. Your kids.

    His name is Jesus – wonderful counselor, mighty friend, perfect healer

    Kris horlacher

  • Ann Thomas

    Steve, Michelle, and your dear family
    Your names are on the lips of our congregation– as individuals, in groups, over dinner, on the road, in worship. Steve, I'm praying for freedom from pain, for sleep, and for unfathomable faith. I see that strangers are holding you up in prayer… and that God is speaking to them through your love and witness. I'll keep praying.

  • Jim and Sue MacFarlane

    Dearest Ones,

    Jim and I are your brother and sister-in-Christ, friends of the Allenders and privileged to committed prayer for you and your family. We pray expectantly for the Great Physician to provide your every need and are filled with hope knowing that “those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 41:31) In His great love and trust, Sue and Jim MacFarlane, Bainbridge Island, WA

  • Ethcas12

    Dear Steve and family,

    We have been reading and keeping updated on your progress through this website. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. If there is anything we can do to help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.

    Dan and Ethel
    Charleston, SC

  • Barbara Burkard

    Dear Steve and family,
    Your Mom, Darlene, just emailed and shared about you accident and injury. We are friends of your parents and just want you to know we have already lifted your needs to our LORD and will continue to pray for you.
    In Christ, Barbara and John Burkard

  • juliacm

    Dearest Michelle, Thank you so much for continuing to share from your heart! Reading about your & Pastor Steve's journey is like going through a great book, being inspired and moved by each rich, vivid chapter and anticipating with hope how it will gloriously end!
    My thoughts turned to you both when the UCM choir sang this two Sundays ago:
    There is strength in the name of the Lord
    There is power in the name of the Lord
    There is hope in the name of the Lord.
    Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

    Love & prayers, Jolly

  • baby

    We live in faith, hope and love that Pastor Steve shall be with us again here at UCM. God bless you Michelle for your steadfastness in love and care for your family. You shall be forever be in God's loving care. Our prayers continue.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    I find myself at a loss about what to say, how to pray. I just want it all to be different! As I read your entries Michelle, I am so grateful that you have each other, loving each other so much, and continually choosing to rely on God together…there's just no other way to bear it all. I want to be praying for and encouraging you…yet your words and your lives continue to inspire me. Going through my breast cancer treatments was one of the hardest, scariest, darkest times of my life. Yet I miss the intimacy that I experienced with God and the all encompasing compassion and love of my husband and friends and family. God worked mightily through them and touched my soul in a way that I would never have experienced had I not been so afraid and so completely incapable of handling it all on my own. It has changed me…I won't ever forget it. I am glad that you are being cared for by One who is far more capable than me to know your needs and of touching your hearts at the very core. I pray for more moments of hope for you both…and send warm hugs your way until I can hug you myself.

  • Kristina Hornett

    Although you do not know me, nor may never meet, please know that I have been praying for you and have brought your needs to be prayed for by my church in Ladysmith, BC.

  • Elizabeth

    2 Corinthians 12:10
    That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
    Sometimes in our deepest trouble that's when we start to turn trust God fully. I believe God is teaching all of us about faith and love. I pray sweet Jesus to embrace both Pastor Steve and Michelle and give them strength to keep on. We thank you Lord for all the people who have shown kindness to Pastor Steve's family.

  • Debbie Spitler

    Hi Steve, It is your elementary art teacher. I am saddened to hear about your accident. I have added you to the prayer chain at my church and my prayers will also be with you. With God, anything is possible…
    Mrs. S

  • Noemi R. Andalis

    I am in Union Church for 3 years, but Pastor Steave in his messages inspires me to go back to my home church and share with my home church what i experienced and learnt from him. I am so sad to hear about this accident, i shared this news to my home church and we all spent several days in our prayer meetings & during the Pastoral Prayers on Sundays praying for Pastor Steve's healing, provision, comfort and strength for his lovely wife and wonderful children. I believe nothing is impossible to God and I pray that we'll all experience the presence of the Lord in this situation. God bless and keep you always.

  • Debbie Spitler

    Hi, it is me again. Just looked at your photos and you have a beautiful family! The boys are just adorable!
    Mrs. S

  • Jhorlacher263206

    I have been thinking and praying about your journey with hope and want to share something with you. 3 years ago I experienced a life threatening medical situation while in the hospital. Long story, but the short version is I nearly died. Totally unexpected and out of the blue. One minute I was recovering fine from an operation, the next minute (literally) I was fighting for my life. I had developed a condition that was almost 100% fatal. No way to treat it either. I was surrounded by an outstanding medical team that was totally helpless to assist me. Had I followed the expected path, I would have been dead in a minute or two. Instead for approximately 2 hours I hovered between life and death. Those around me have their own story about it to tell, but my story includes physical suffering that I cannot adequately put into words. I had no sense of time only suffering. I was aware of those around me in a really unusual way. I saw and recognized everyone, even those I had never met. I understood everything that was going on around me even though those with me did not think I was capable of hearing.
    Much happened in that time period. The part I would like to leave with you is that at the moment when it was time for me to die (according to my body), my spirit did indeed begin to leave my body. At that moment I was aware of the presence of God only. All of the immense pain and suffering was over. The chaos in my room was over. I was in a quiet, perfect place where my body was as real as ever only perfected. No worries at all. I saw part of my earthly body on the bed where I had left it. surreal. In that moment God spoke to me these words, ” You shall not die, but live and declare the good works of the Lord”. Psalm 118:17. At that moment, my condidtion instantly changed. Those around me saw me go from death to life in the blink of an eye. Well… here I am. Took a long time to recover, and am not totally back physically yet. Have gained far more than I lost. More that I can explain.

    Praying that God lets you know that He controls everything. When God speaks all illness, all pain, all paralysis, all despair, all fear – everything bows in submission. Medical science can only predict so much. Thankfully we do not base our hope on predictions and current circumstances.

    The hospital where this happened hired a production company, and made my story into a video. It has been shown to thousands of people. I speak several times a year at this same hospital to large groups of professionals about my situation. Many have come to Jesus just hearing it. Others have had their faith strengthened.

    Wait on the Lord. He sees your situation. He is so close to you right now that if He spoke out loud to you as HE did to me, you would feel His breath on your cheek as I did. He stands with you against what has come against you.

    kris horlacher

  • Fred Davis

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    “that you may know the height, breadth, and depths of God's love through Christ.” ( Ephesians 3:14 my paraphrase)

    This was my prayer for you this morning as you face another day of pain, struggle, and uncertainty. I pray that it would also be filled with a sense of intimacy with God and between the two of you and your children – that you would all be drawn close together in the arms of God.

    Judy and I continue to lift you up in prayer as you travel this incredible path. God's plans are indeed a mystery at times and yet his call and his gifts are irrevocable. God still has plans and a future for you.
    People kept telling me, “God must have something big in store for you.” What I have come to realize was that God had my accident and my weakness for me. If that can, in fact, be helpful to anyone, then I feel it was why we were allowed to experience what we did (and do)

    Michelle, I agree, you can't begin to fully understand Steve's pain and frustration. I encourage you, at the same time, to own your own pain, fear and sense of trial because it is every bit as real as Steve's – just different. And God has special care, love and plans for you as well.

    I hope we can have the chance to speak when Judy and I get back to the Seattle area. In some way, perhaps our experience can encourage and strengthen you – at the very least – know that we stand with you every day in prayer. The pictures you sent earlier really brought back our journey through those early days/weeks and helped us identify even more closely with you.

    We did identify with Job, but in reflecting back, I find myself thinking a lot about Jacob – “I wrestled with God and yet he let me live.” Don't give up the struggle and seek the blessing and the face of God somehow in the midst of it.

    Our love and prayers
    Fred and Judy Davis
    Calvary Presbyterian Church
    Enumclaw, WA (a blog version of the book we wrote chronicling our experiences)

  • Mary and Tim Loo

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    You have been in our hearts since we learned about the accident. We know that God will continue to bless you and your family as you progress through this period of recovery. Thank you for the updates, Michelle. We appreciate your faith, courage, and wisdom.

    With much love,
    Mary and Tim Loo

  • Chef Jackie Laudico


    Heartfelt prayers to your beautiful family. I know that God will take the best care of you. As the past days have been very encouraging. The strength of your faith and all the greatness and generosity you've shown will all be given back to you ten folds.

    Jackie Laudico and family

  • Roger and Jerri Oliver


    Thank you for your perserverance in this matter. Again, the beautiful love for each other demonstrated in the Ruetschle family.

    Much love,
    Roger and Jerri Oliver

  • Naomi Diaz (UCM)

    We continuously pray for God's generous provision on the financial concerns like insurance, trust fund, and many others. Lord God have mercy on us that we are all able to gather our resources and put in our help for Pastor Steve. With your faithfulness, nothing is impossible. We pray for Pastor Steve's medical state at this time. You alone know how progress will be gifted and we trust that you will restore him in time. We pray for strength for everyone engaged in getting back Pastor Steve's family secure in many ways. We praise you Lord for your faithfulness. Glory to your Name. Amem & Amen.

  • Stephanie Johnson

    I've never met you, and just stumbled across your website, but was brought to tears by your story.
    I was in a car accident a few years ago and I fractured c3 and c4. By the grace of God (and I do not say that lightly) my life was spared, and the only bit of paralysis and lasting damage I have had was some nerve damage in my left arm.
    Ever since then, every time I hear about someone with a neck injury, my heart speeds up and I want to reach out. So, please know, that you even have total strangers praying for you.

    And Michelle, first off, your family is absolutely beautiful! Secondly, I'm praying for you. Praying that God will grant you strength, peace, and wisdom. Praying for patience for the long, hard days ahead. Praying that even in this, somehow, he will give you his joy unspeakable. Praying that He will be your Provider and Sustainer. Praying that He will give you rest.

    I have complete confidence that our God will get you through even this and will be petitioning heaven on your behalf. He has promised never to leave us comfortless, and for that I'm so thankful…

  • Amelita

    Michelle, the first rays of sunshine start to peep through the clouds of suffering…. your house where you hope to eventually live is one manifestation of God's love, through the people that are preparing it for you. How God loves you.
    Amelita Guevara

  • berniceharding

    We foun out about Paster Steve and his accident last Sunday and my paryer is that God will heal him and allow more feeling to come so he can walk again.
    I won't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God didn't

  • Anita Lamm

    dear steve and michelle
    you dont know me, but i am Linda Ruetschle's oldest friend., and good friend of John and Darlene.
    i , and my army of prayer people have you all in our prayers, and will continue until the miracle we are praying for manifests itself.
    Peace and Love
    Anita Lamm Waynesville ohio

  • Amy Sutherland

    Steve and Michelle,

    You are ever present in our thoughts and prayers and we grieve with you through all you are experiencing each day. We have been so touched and blessed by your steadfast faith, hope and love amidst such a painful and difficult trial in so many ways. You are a witness and testimony to all who know you and who have been touched by your story. Be encouraged that even in the intense pain, God is being glorified in ways you probably can't even imagine. We continue to pray for the peace of God, healing physically and emotionally and grace to face each new day.
    Recently a new song (which you may have heard) has greatly ministered to us and I thought of you both when I was listening to it today. I have included the lyrics below:

    Healing is in Your Hands:
    Verse 1
    No mountain, no valley
    No gain or loss we know
    Could keep us from Your love

    Verse 2
    No sickness, no secret
    No chain is strong enough
    To keep us from Your love
    To keep us from Your love

    How high, how wide
    No matter where I am
    Healing is in Your hands
    How deep, how strong
    Now by Your grace I stand
    Healing is in Your hands

    Verse 3
    Our present, our future
    Our past is in Your hands
    We’re covered by Your blood
    We’re covered by Your blood

    In all things, we know that
    We are more than conquerors
    You keep us by Your love

    We love you,
    Collin and Amy Sutherland (Denver, CO)

  • Karen Harper

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    I took the Artist Way class from Steve. It was life changing for me. I was so sad when I heard our family was moving to the Philippines and at the same time I was happy for you all. Your family richly blessed me at University Presbyterian Church. You are all in my prayers. You are a precious family. Blessings of healing and peace in our Lord Jesus Christ, Karen Harper

  • Eva Oreta

    To Ptr. Steve, praying for your fast recovery and provision to all your needs. May God give Michelle and kids strength and good health so that they can take care of you. GOD bless you and your family.

  • Robyn Fullerton Ramseyer

    Steve and loved ones,

    Thank you for continuing to share your incredible story – you have a truly amazing circle of love, faith and family! Our daily prayers include all of you; please feel our hugs as well.

    From my dad (who doesn't have a computer) – he's certain you've already gotten “plugged into” so many resources, but he wanted me to pass along one of Joni Eareckson Tada's websites so to share in her victories after a spinal cord injury in '67:

    Keep Smiling and Keep Healing
    :)Robyn Fullerton Ramseyer

  • Lara van Leeuwen

    Dear Michelle and Steve,

    In our minds we're with you and say our prayers for you!
    Much love from all of us!

    Fam van Leeuwen from Holland

  • Enrique Panganiban

    Michelle be strong and we know that pastor Steve survive this am still praying for all of you take care

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Yes!!!! Way to go STEVE!!!!! I am so proud of your inner strength and determination!!!!! God is so good, and He is with you, and He has such a bright future instore for you and your family!! Keep up the good work, and bless you for enduring the pain in order to move forward, and get strong!! You and your family are so incredibly loved! Prayers will continue! Heather Balent

  • Joy

    prays for your speedy recovery and more patience in every pain and frustrations you may feel….

  • Cecille C. Baron

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    I am so sorry to hear about your motorcycle accident. When my sister-in-law Olga told me about it, I really felt so sad. It never dawned on me that something so bad could happen to a very good man like you, more so to someone I consider my spiritual inspiration. You may not know me personally, Pastor Steve, but yes, you have made a positive impact on my spiritual life. You have helped me sharpen my faith and my life became richer because of the blessings of your ministry. Since you became our pastor, I started taking down notes on your sermons. I keep a journal of them – I learn a lot from them; I try to apply and make it a habit to follow them.

    My prayer is that God will perform a miracle – that He will restore your health at once and make you well again. I pray that God will protect your body from any complications. I also pray for Michelle that God will contnue to take care of her, give her good health and take away all her worries and anxieties. May you find your strength in God. He is our constant Companion and I know He will see you through all these. Ever since I learned about the accident, I have been praying for you and Michelle and I will continue to pray for both of you everyday and I am confident that God will grant my prayer. GOD HEARS AND HE HEALS!

    I have one more URGENT REQUEST from God, though – I hope that God will still send you back to UCM as our Pastor. The whole Baron family can't wait for the day to see you back at UCM and hear you preach to us again.

    Love and prayers,
    Cecille Baron

  • Msclazarte

    dear Pastor Steve,
    I felt so sad when I heard about the accident. I have been thinking about you and what you're going through right now. Hang in there, Pastor. I know God will take care of you. We need you to come back to Union Church. You have been such a blessing and inspiration to me and to many. We love you and my prayers are with you and your family. God bless you!

    Cherri Lazarte

  • Joselle and Wayne Culp

    Dear Steve and family, we are a part of your Sarasota family and pray for God's hand for your steady and strong recovery and for his love and peace for your family and friends. In Christ. Joselle and Wayne Culp

  • Bebeth_329

    To Michelle & Ptr. Steve,

    “God is too wise to be mistaken.God is too good to be unkind. So when you don't understand, when you don't see His plan, when you can't trace His hand………….TRUST HIS HEART”.
    I am joining hands with those who are praying worlwide, for your fast recovery Ptr. Steve. God loves you and your family…..Bebeth T Domingo

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    You are so strong Steve….Keep it up….one hour at a time!
    Love you,
    Linda and Thad

  • Snocap10

    Dear Steve,

    This is absolutely incredible, what a uplifting thing to see. Keep up the hard work Steve we know this has been such a challenge for you but with Gods grace and all the prayers from every one of us every
    single minute , we have so much faith and feel encouraged. Take a day at a time and just want you to know our thoughts and prayers are with you, Michelle and your children. With love to my outstanding nephew. Linda and Dan

  • craig gus

    Love you brother

  • Kathie

    Steve and Family- Though it has been about ten years since I've seen you, Steve, you have always had a warm place in my heart from my time at Mars Hill Grad School. I knew you then to be a man of incredible integrity, honesty, love, faith, and a deep desire to serve those around you.
    I pray that our Lord will strengthen the champion's heart and spirit He has gifted you with. No matter what the situation of your life is, I am quite confident our Lord will be allowed to shine forth through you as only He can. Be assured of my prayers for you and yours. You are loved – Kathie Reynolds

  • Bruce Leland

    Steve and Michelle,
    You are in our prayers tonight. We are a small group from Dayton, Ohio that meets with the Toothman's. Have been praying for you and Michelle and feel so ministered to from your posts. God be with you and your family.

    God Bless
    Stillwater Small Group

  • Helen Ackerman

    Pastor Steve, this moment you are in the fellowship of His suffering, I imagine Jesus nailed to the cross and not being able to move, His whole body writhed in pain, bleeding from the beatings and the crown of thorns, abandoned, even crying “God, why have You forsaken Me”….you are experiencing some of this — getting to understand His suffering on an even greater level than before — OH HOW HE LOVES U AND ME ….May God send His angels to lessen your pain, in His mercy, may He grant you sleep, may the outcome be like Job's ……He is Able !!!

  • Douglaskraus

    Our prayers are with you and your family,
    Doug, Trisha, Aidan, Drake, and Benham Kraus
    Kettering Fairmont '90

  • baby

    Bless your soul Michelle. Your blogs continously keep me spiritually enriched and make me all the more realize that there is ONE GREAT GOD who is with us in our everyday lives. Keep them coming. My day cant be complete hearing from you.

  • Linda S.

    Steve, you might not remember me – Linda Shoubridge – from way back when you lead worship and Eric played guitar in the band with you for the junior high group. Our family has been and will continue praying for you and your family. I was waiting to write until I felt I had something to say. However, Michelle has supplied all the words that are needed in her frequent postings. She has blessed me and many with her love for and trust in the Lord. With that same trust in Jesus, we will pray daily for healing, praise Him for each encouraging moment, and for each time He reveals Himself to you in your struggle.
    Linda (and Simon, Eric, David, and James)

  • Bong Pinpin

    Pastor Steve / Michelle,

    We are one of the many in the UCM congregation who faithfully attend Sunday services but are not church members, and so one of the many you wouldn't know personally. We continue to lift you up in prayer, asking that if the Lord wills you will be back with us so we can once again enjoy your Sunday sermons. Bong and Linda Pinpin

  • Germaine

    Hi Steve and Michelle,
    We are so encouraged to hear that Steve can move some toes, that your boys will be with you soon, and that Steve can sit up for so long. The Lord is to be praised! We've been praying for you, and have requested prayer for you at our prayer meetings here at 2nd Mile. God bless you, and we will continue to pray. Love you, Sharon and Daryl Germaine

  • robertcw

    we are praying for steve and you.
    it is tough for the carer like you to cope with all the decisions. dont let them overwhelm you as you cant get them all right.
    i know steve likes the music of john rutter
    can you find-:
    gloria, the sacred music of john rutter.

    it is a CD but no doubt online and can download
    it will help steve sleep i hope

    our prayers
    robert and aurora wilson

  • Sherene

    Steve and Michelle,
    May the LORD surround you and your family with the warmth of His embrace. May you know the tangibleness of His love and may His delight pour over you with singing and fill your hearts with song.
    May the LORD continue to bring healing and hope for each of you and new strength each day as you journey with Him.

    God's blessings,
    ~sherene (ward) melton
    I went to Western Seminary (seattle) with Steve 10 yrs ago.
    Steve, your songs, creativity and presence were always a gift. May the Lord's presence fill you with songs and renew your strength, especially as you watch those who love you ache and long for your healing.

  • Christa Schmeelk

    Thank you for all of the posts and updates. This situation has been on my mind and heart and in my prayers throughout each and every day since I found out through a friend's facebook page the day after the accident. I'm praying for continued sleep, relief of pain, purpose and clarity in life, for recovery, and for the boys. The Holy Spirit is obviously in and around this situation and I'm thankful for all of the intercessors that God has burdened, including myself. Shalom be with you both, truly.
    ~ Christa and Ezrah Schmeelk – We both attended UPC, and I (Christa) took The Artist Way class in 2003 and painted my first oil painting for the final project – and I'm still painting!!

  • Maggie Estes

    Dear Steve and family,

    I am one of your listeners to Union church services via the internet. I was a missionary in the Philippines with OMF for many years and have attended Union in the past. Steve's messages were refreshing, real and always heartfelt and leading to decision making of some kind. I will pray for you all the healing that is God's will for you. all the grace for pain and discomfort, all provision for insurance and living expenses, etc. etc. Your God will supply all your needs. Just now I listened to Steve being prayed for at the morning worship service at Union (July11) there but still July 10 here in Penna. Love from a sister in Christ, Maggie Etes

  • Roger and Jerri Oliver

    Steve and Michelle,

    You are two beautiful spirits and through this event have re-opened many of our eyes to the blessings in the midst of trial.

    We celebrate more and better restul sleep, less pain, and the willful wiggling of those toes!
    We will pray that God's guidance will provide the much needed home and that the details will continue to be met. We know our God is a loving god and will provide beyond our dreams.

    Much love,
    Roger and Jerri Oliver

  • Dwilli2830

    Steve, Michelle and Family:

    I do not know you and you do not know me. My name is Daniel Williams and I am an acquaintence of Rob Turner. Anyway, I am a Pastor and also ride a motorcycle. Your story caught my attention. I will be praying for your recovery Steve. Michelle, I will be praying for strength and comfort for you and the children. Our God is good. He does all things well. May God refine you and establish a stronger love in your family and with Him. His grace is sufficient and as you have said in your blog, He indeed is our portion forever.

    By His grace,


  • florina chan

    dear steve and michelle,

    you may not remember me. you rented my mom's house in dasmarinas village, makati city, the philippines.i learned of the accident from my cousin diana ibarra today and i just had to tell you that from across the pacific, prayers for strength for you and the rest of family are definitely on their way. keep the faith always…the sun will shine so much brighter tomorrow.

    florina chan

  • alynn prasad

    From the Hawaiian Islands,
    I am extending my warmest ALOHA to Pastor Steve, Michelle & their children.
    I continue to pray for Pastor Steve speedy recovery.

    Alynn Prasad

  • Genrideout

    Praising God for the miracles He is showing you daily. And weeping for the losses with you. Steve and Michelle you are in my prayers. I hold you up to Jesus who suffers and loves and changes lives along side you. May you have sweet peace in your sleep tonight and reunion with the boys tomorrow. Genevieve Rideout- I was in practicum 1 at western seminary with Steve and private practice in Redmond with same supervisor

  • Batesdays

    Dear Steve,
    Who am I that I can pray for you?
    God, said He would give. Who am I, to question that?

    I am committed to praying for you. Who can comprehend, or fathom the glories God is working throughout this event? I surely can't. But, I know one thing…it is big. It's huge.

    Dear God,
    Praise You, God the Father of Joseph.
    Praise You, God the Father of Steve.
    I worship You with a thankful heart for Steve's current and future movements.

    I pay tribute to You for Steve's diminishing and elimination of pain.
    I see the display of Your glory.

    I anticipate the future announcements of Your brilliance.
    I pray for Steve's tremendous preaching skills as he displays Your grandeur when he communicates this story with his explosive passion for You. I pray for the audience, and that they are blown away and “get it.” I pray that You care for Steve when he totally exhausts himself, when he takes to the altar to preach, in complete praise and admiration at the phenomenal healing and compassion of his Father. I wonder what scripture he will use for that sermon. I anxiously await and wonder. Thank you, Father.

    Joseph had a coat of many colors; his Father blessed him.
    Steve is a man of many talents, blessed by his Father.
    Joseph was thrown in a pit, left to die.
    Steve was thrown from a bike, left without movement.
    Joseph was used to save a nation.
    I cannot wait to see what You have planned for Steve, but all I can say is Wow! You are truly an awesome God.

  • Jireh Grobler

    Dear Steve and Michelle, we are so glad you will be able to watch the World Cup final with us tonight. Please be reminded that here in South Africa we are praying for your recovery too. We are inspired and in awe of your courage and continuous praise and thankfulness to God. Love, Eugene and Jireh Grobler

  • Ernie C del Castillo

    Mabuhay from Manila!

    Steve's picture on a 5-hr Wheelchair Rehab bespeaks of his burning desire to return to “Normal Life” – in God's Time. Considering that Steve was in a near-death motorcycle accident just 3 weeks ago, miracles do happen according to God's Plan indeed. May you get well soon.

    Ernie & Grace del Castillo
    Emy Reventar's Brother-in-Law

  • Chipsg

    Dear Steve,

    It is remarkable the kind of improvements you have been making. The Lord is truly working in your life! Akiko and I are praying for a complete and total recovery, and we do so every night. Last night I had a dream about you, that you were up and about. Akiko and I were with you and Michelle and your boys. I can't remember the details so much, but what I do remember was that you were walking around as if the accident never happened. We miss you very much Steve. – Chips and Akiko

  • Cory Ruetschle

    Hello Steve,
    Here in Florida we've been praying for you, BIG TIME. We keep up with details on your recovery through facebook and this website. We are sooo grateful on your recovery so far. You have been doing great with the help of GOD. Please, keep up the hard work and DO NOT EVER give up. Be strong, for it is the Ruetschle's way. GOD bless you, your family and the entire Ruetschle family.
    Your cuz, Cory and family. We love you.

  • Grace Tan-Lee

    Hello! Steve. I was once an attendee at Union Church of Manila. Now, I am living in South Korea with my husband. I do read your updates. I am praying for you. I am so happy to know that much of our prayers for you have been answered. God allowed this accident, so you can experience miracles after miracles and in these God will be glorified and many people will see God's power in your testimony.

  • Fam Molnar93

    Steve, I don't know you personally, but am encouraged by your faith and your family's faith. I will pray God touches every area of your being needing healed – in Jesus Name! Stay strong in your faith…your pain is not in vain.

  • ARod Scheinreshine

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    Evie and I send our prayers for your recovery path. Michelle, your reflections renew my committment to be doing God's best these next precious years after my open heart surgery this last January. Evie and I can appreciate a bit of what you are both experiencing and that helps us pray for you.
    We wish you both, God's best.
    Rod & Evie Schein

  • RRaya L. Dugganayalynne

    Hi Michelle and Steve: I am a close friend of Manfred and Barbara Kohl, and just received your story via email. Dear Heavenly Father: Lord we draw even closer to You this moment; your love endures forever. Father I pray your healing Blood of Jesus into Steve right now, and I proclaim with all I am in Jesus Christ that Steve is receiving healing, wholeness and wellness in Your Strong Name. I pray that their boys will adjust to this new life with their dad, and that You will give to Steve amazing sermons and experiences to share with all about the Glory of God. I pray for Michelle, who is the mainstay in her family right now. Infuse her with joy, strength, endurance, determination and grace to walk this out with her loved ones, and especially You, dear God. I say that they will know a more abundant and richer life in the future than they could have imagined in the past. All these things we place in your Hands, your Mighty outstretched Hands, and offer them to You Lord as a gift. May they see You as never before and live to tell!!! In Jesus's Name, Amen.
    Blessings and prayers,
    Raya Duggan
    Bedford, Nova Scotia, Canada

  • Sonia Andraous

    Dearest Steve,
    Your love and passion for God always shined, your determination to climb the mountain have always been and will be one of your ways to live.Step by step you will reach the top of the mountain as HE is next to you and nothing is hard for him.

    “Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”- Jeremiah 32:17
    Beloved Michelle,thinking of you and praying for you to,may your amazing strength and love flow abundantly as you walk side by side with Steve.May your gentle spirit always be filled with the Lord's peace , comfort and Hope to endure and later on rejoice in victory.
    Tons of hugs and Love.
    Sonia Andraous/and the Sorial family

  • Marietta and Jeanette

    Dear Steve,
    How are you feeling now? I pray everyday for you and the family. At the Sunday services Pastor Alex never forgets t0 pray for you an the family together with the congregation.
    I have taken a break with the small Discipleship Group. We will start again in August.
    Lieverds, totspoedicziens. I pray for that and many with me. May you draw inner peace and comfort from His presence.
    much love, Jeanette
    Marietta, Eduard and Daphne send their love. You are all in our prayers.

  • Helen Cheng Costales

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    Be strong and keep going! Twenty-one years ago when Lino had the stroke, the physical therapists kept telling him “no pain, no gain”. We know the pain you are enduring every time you undergo rehab. We will be cheering for you for every gains you've made and will keep on praying for you, for Michelle and for the children.

    Pastor Steve, thank you for touching our lives thru your caring wordsand prayers. We pray with God's help you will overcome the rehab difficulties and be back soonest at Union Church. We feel deeply your absence and we miss you.

    We hope to hear your voice and not just the video. Looking forward with great anticipation more news on the progress of your rehab towards full recovery.

    Psalm 46:1 “Be still, and know that I am God.”

    We miss you,

  • Anita


    Praying for you and your family!

    from your Artist's Way class

  • Rachael Mendonsa

    Steve, I continue to pray for you and your family- glad you have this website to keep us up on you. I noticed that the writer before me attended your Artist's Way class- I did too- at UPC. -Rachael Mendonsa

  • Ashlie and Michael Unruh

    Just wanted to let you know we continually ask God to hold you close. We thank God that your boys are reunited with you. Praying for comfort, for peace, for strength. You are impacting people who don't even know you. Thank you for your willingness to share your story as it is happening.

  • Janelle & Abigail Emmett

    Dear Uncle Steve, We're praying that you get better soon and enjoy playing on the WII with your boys. God Bless, Janelle and Abigail Emmett.

  • Angel

    Get Weill soon, Pastor Steve. The LORD is Great, HE will HEAL you!

  • liz and dale whitney

    Fresh from a week at the ocean, we pray you the power of the waves, the smell of the sea, the feel of the mist and wind on your skin, and the serene solitude of the stars. All God. We are grateful for a house in Edmonds, your amazing families and friends, and your life with Christ. Resistance in Steve's leg and resistance to distraction. Amen Lord Jesus!

  • Fred Davis

    Good morning,
    We are just returning from our vacation time away and will be passing downtown Seattle and Harborview. This will be another good reminder for us to lift you up in prayer.

    Each description of Steve's condition and progress reminds us of what it was like to face issues like continence, possible life in a chair, pain, etc. Yet in the midst of all that, God is good and will keep you in the shelter of the most high, he never slumbers nor sleeps, he will be your shade at your right hand and your moon by night. (Ps 121 – my paraphrase again).

    I think it was about 3 1/2 weeks before I was able to wean from the heaviest of the pain meds. Just that in itself helped me put new perspective into the situation. Sitting for six hours is incredible; resistance in leg is awesome, wiggling one little toe is a major accomplishment, and, yes, we will pray for complete healing of Steve's body. God is able. I read with marvel at the accounts in the gospels of Jesus healing paralytics so completely that not only do nerves refire and enervate muscles, but people are able to stand, walk, jump with out Physical Therapy. All things are possible. So we pray for complete healing.

    We also pray for grace to live in the moments that God has given you – a house that is accessible, life-filled children, deep love, family ties, and the incredible amount of prayer that is going up before our heavenly father on your behalf each day.

    Blessings and grace for the journey
    Fred and Judy Davis
    Enumclaw, WA

  • Molly McCue

    “There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, God is within her, she will not fall, she will not fall…” The song Steve taught us based on Psalm 46 has been in my head today. And so I will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the sea. All my love, my friends.

  • Dtopliff

    Praying and rejoicing for each of your posts. I especially love David's “Michtam” Psalms #56-60 which means, “Golden Psalms,” and especially 56:9 which specifies: “When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.” My rallying cry for you precious ones tucked into Him is that we are calling and enemies are fleeing BECAUSE He is FOR you (and so are we.) He has been and IS for you, and more will be seen each and every day. With much love, Delores

  • Mon and Eunice Espia

    Psalm 119:49-50
    Remember the word to Thy servant,
    In which Thou has made me hope.
    This is my comfort in my affliction
    That Thy word has revived me.

  • baby

    Dear Steve and Michelle: We have included you in our intentions during our prayer meeting last night. Rest assured that we are all with you in bombarding heaven with prayers. We believe you will be healed and be with us again. God is the Divine Healer. We really miss you on Sunday service and we look forward to your return.

  • Tony Fessel

    Steve and Michelle, I just wanted to say that Beverly and I send our heartfelt wishes to you, Michelle, John and Darlene, and your brothers and sister and their families. I can't even imagine the anguish and pain each of you are experiencing at this moment. Please know that we think of you each and every day….knowing that the strength and integrity of a family such as yours will empower you through this uncertain time in your lives. We are blessed to know all of you….and continue to pray for your recovery. May God bless you. Tony Fessel

  • Kathleen Barry

    Michelle, Steve: Please continue to pray for complete healing, and as you say, do so humbly. It is a difficult balance to praise God and wonder at his absolute power to reverse this situation completely, while recognizing that for whatever reason, that may not be his intention here. I don't know the whys and wherefores of who gets the “complete” miracle and who doesn't (I do know that it is not based on the quality or sincerity of prayer, or somehow “doing it right”) but I know God's miraculous hand can heal each of us completely, as we need to be healed. In my own case, it's been 13 years since my son's illness and while he continues to suffer obvious effects, while at the same time I am witness to the fact that each day is a complete healing both for him and for me. There is no simple line in God's way, where you are broken on one side and healed on the other. God exists completely on both sides; God loves us completely on both sides; God straddles the middle with the blood of his son and offers us complete life on both sides. You are so right to recall humility as you pray, for who of us can understand this grand design, let alone claim the right to benefit from his awesome love? Well, by the grace of Christ, we all can.

    I continue to pray for you all daily. May God richly bless you in these incredibly difficult days.

  • Harold J. Sala

    Dear Steve and Michelle, on Sunday evening we had dinner with the Pridmores who brought us up to date on the events in your life. We deeply regret the dark days that you have experienced; however, we want you to know that our staff at Guidelines along with Darlene and myself will be praying you through to complete recovery. I am reminded that Isaiah 43:1-3 begins with the word “when” not if, asserting that God will walk with us through the deep waters, the flood, and the fire. Rest assured we hurt with you an care. — Harold and Darlene Sala /Guidelines International

  • Dave and Sheryl Ginter

    Hi Michelle,

    Union Church of Guatemala, The Bridge International Church of Kuala Lumpur and I have been following Steve's progress with prayer. We will continue to pray along with so many others,for Steve's total recovery and for your continuing strengthening. God will supply all your needs according to HIS amazing riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

    Dave and Sheryl Ginter

  • Tiffany Megargee

    It is a wonder to witness the rescuing happening amidst this calamity… and He certainly does delight in His faithful son, Steve. I am so struck by that each time I hear more from Steve. Loving you both and praying tonight for healing, movement, strength, love and life.

  • Dick and Carolyn Leon

    Dear Steve and Michelle, Carolyn and I follow your reports with our love and prayers for your both. God bless you as you discover new signs of God's healing presence each day. Michelle, you've not commented on when it is timely to visit you both in the hospital and I've hesitated to come until you give a signal that it is ok. Do let us know. Rejoicing at the good news you share each day. Carolyn and Dick Leon

  • John and Jody Wilson

    Steve and Michelle,
    We hosted Sarah Booker here from Texas for a day here in Portland where we now live and serve Wycliffe USA. Though we had heard you had an accident, we had not heard of the injuries. Since then and from now forward, you and your family will be high on our prayer list. We remember you all with extreme affection! Perhaps one day when we visit our son's family in Newcastle, we will be able to come and visit. We don't get up often but we will let you know, perhaps in the fall. We would love to see how the boys are growing up!

    Until then we will continue to read the blog, well-written by Michelle by the way! And pray for daily miracles and eyes to see His presence so very near.
    John and Jody Wilson

  • Joy Karsevar

    I don't know if you recognize my name – I am the daughter of Ricardo Tomacruz. You so lovingly ministered to our family during my Mom's last days and her memorial service. We are so grateful for your concern and love for us. I just heard of the accident tonight- I am praying for you Pastor Steve, Michelle and your entire family and medical team. We love you and care for you dearly. May the Lord give you renewed strength, courage and shower you with His total love and care during this very difficult time.

  • Alex Aronis

    Steve and Michelle,

    This morning, one of the staff, a relatively new janitor who works in fellowship hall, got on the elevator with me and asked about “Pastor Steve.” I said “He's doing better and really appreciates the concern of so many like yourself.” And he said, “I've been praying hard for him>' He said it with so much care and sincerity.

    I visited Angela and Neil De Grace this afternoon. It was his birthday, and Angela said how much she appreciated your visits, and then added that she had been praying for you, Steve, even more than for her husband, Neil! You know those Korean prayers have got to count.

    The people of UCM love you guys and have you on their hearts. We keep praying and asking God for his miracle of grace and healing.

    Love in Him,

    Alex Aronis

  • Shirleytiu

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle, we look forward everyday for your blogs – any improvements and prayer requests so we can pray for you. We are learning a lot about God's grace and mercy with you. Indeed, our God is good ALL the time, and He is also so faithful! We miss you and love you.
    From the Tiu Family

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    We're so glad that your family is back together! And that you have such a wonderful home to go to when Steve get's out of the hospital. We think of you both so often each day… Steve, I downloaded one of your sermons one night to listen…just wanted to hear your voice! (And the sermon was really good too. :) ). We love you…hugs from Shoreline….
    Linda and Thad

  • Kelly (Duke) Pollock

    I was shocked and saddened when I stumbled across the news of your accident. I have since read through the blog and am so happy to see that you are improving. While I haven't seen you or Mike since high school, I always remember YF and Young Life and you all were a big part of that.

    Although I don't know you Michelle and haven't seen Steve in 20 years, I am so moved reading your blog entries. You are an amazing writer, especially given the stress you are under. You are a beautiful family and the love and devotion you have for each other is inspiring.

    I am praying for you all.

    Kelly (Duke) Pollock

  • Summer (Smith) McInerney

    Hi, Steve – I doubt that you remember me, but I had a huge crush on you when I was about 8. :) I heard about what happened via my dad, Mike Smith, who heard about it from Dick and Ann Metzgar. I'm so sorry to hear what you and your family are going through, but also so glad that you have such a wonderful support group of family and friends and have encountered a talented group of doctors and therapists. You obviously mean the world to a lot of people, and that will not change. Everyone faces challenges, some steeper than others, and all of us come through our own personal journeys with new perspectives and wisdom. Focus on the present and be well. Love, Summer

  • David and Lois Pierce

    Steve and Michelle we will be praying for complete healing and recovery! So very sorry to hear about your accident! Another sister in Christ sent me this link!(Shelley Meritt) So even though you don't know me or my family, we will be praying for you all! We have 5 children ourselves, so we can not imagine the pain, suffering, or the fear of the unknown future! We will be praying for a peace that passes all understanding and for courage to face the future, whatever that may be! Love in Christ, The Pierce family

  • Craigandjane

    Jesus Draw Me Ever Nearer

    (Keith and Krysten Getty/Margaret Becker)

    Verse 1
    Jesus draw me ever nearer
    As I labor thro' the storm
    You have called me to this passage
    And I'll follow tho' I'm worn

    May this journey be a blessing
    May I rise on wings of faith
    And at the end of my heart's testing
    With Your likeness let me wake

    Verse 2
    Jesus guide me thro' the tempest
    Keep my spirit staid and sure
    When the midnight meets the morning
    Let me love You even more

    Chorus 2
    May this journey be a blessing
    May I rise on wings of faith
    And at the end of my heart's testing
    With Your likeness let me wake

    Verse 3
    Let the treasures of the trial
    Form within me as I go
    And at the end of this long passage
    Let me leave them at Your throne

    Thinking of you and remembering you in our prayers daily!
    Craig and Jane Friesema

  • Peppynan

    Am an acquaintance of his Mom at Curves in Ohio. I am praying for a good recovery with sensation back in his limbs. These accidents are a nightmare and happen so fast. I went through this in “82 and “84 with my identical twins. God Bless. Sincerely, Nancy Peppard

  • Dean & Sue Loomis

    We continue to pray for you daily and cheer with you that you have found a home to rent when Steve is released from rehab center. It must be wonderful to have your lovely children with you in WA & so comforting that Darlene & John are there for a while to help. May God soon ease Steve's pain & aid in his healing.
    Dean & Sue Loomis (friends of Darlene & John & formerly of the Dayton area)

  • Marcy Nygaard

    I still become overwhelmed at every item, every moment you journel as Steve's wife and a women of God. I wonder if you have any idea how you are teaching women through this trial to be women of God. You Are!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Marcy Nygaard

  • Gary Farhner

    Wow! Wonderful news on all the progress, the sacred reunions and the future. I'm, actually listening to some old PDA as I write this and 'Glimpse' and 'Motivated' seem quite appropriate. We are praising and praying with you!

    On a side note, our middle son Daniel is leaving on a 2 week mission trip to the Philippines today with a group from a small Church here in Duvall. They will fly into Manilla and then head out to Bohol. I thought you might be encouraged by this and also welcome your prayers over their trip.

    Que Dieu vou benisse,


  • Rockprod98

    I am so thankful that God provided a way for us to be a part of a friend/family's healing by prayer. It would feel so helpless to just sit and wonder. I know prayer works, I know thousands are praying for Steve and I know God hears. It is so good to hear of the progress and we will keep on praying for God's good and perfect will. Love you guys – Linda Muench

  • Eileen Tellefson

    Thanks for the great update. We continue to pray that Steve will feel whole again, no matter how that might look.
    Eileen and Ron Tellefson

  • Sarah Campbell

    Dear Steve, Michelle and family,
    The Campbell Clan is praying for you every day and so encouraged to hear how God and his people are holding you, loving and blessing you and opening wonderful new doors. Your faith and determination are a powerful witness. Your leadership of our spirits continues through the heartfelt stories on the web.
    With love,
    Sarah Campbell, UPC

  • Homer P. Taguiwalo

    Dear Pastor Steve, Michelle & Ruetschle Family,

    We, the Taguiwalo family, continue as always to keep you guys in our prayers. I continuously ask God to touch Pastor Steve's body – and heart – with His healing hand, and to keep constant watch over Michelle and the boys as they care for him during his period of recuperation.

    This is our way of showing our love for you guys – which continues to grow, especially in this, his [Pastor Steve's] 5th year as Senior Pastor of Union Church of Manila.

    On behalf of my family, I convey to you Ruetschles my love through my constant prayers. I love you all very much. May the blessings of God be with you guys always.


    Homer P. Taguiwalo

  • Jasmein, Nik, Shep,Keanu

    Hi Steve and Michelle ….. I know how precious it is to start to see how life is going to go from here so good luck with the date …. moments of romance are soooo uplifting. I found out my mum has severe cancer 2 days before Steve's accident so my life is once again so similar to your own. We are still waiting to see what form this next year is going to take as we work out how to care for her while I am over here. One desire that came to me to help through this time was moments of romance so it is exciting to see you following similar desires. I wrote a letter today dear Michelle so it is on it's way. Until then hugs of love, peace and joy to you both … and the boys!! Love Always … JaSMeIn xxxxxxx

  • Mon and Eunice Espia

    Blessed be the Lord who daily bears our burden. The God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances; And to God the Lord belong escapes from death. Psalm 68:19-20 (NASB)

  • Barry

    It is too easy and thus perhaps trite to say what you already know: God's grace is sufficient for you, and God's power is made known in weakmess. (II Cor 12) I doubt the apostle Paul had to deal with paralysis, but he did have to deal with dependency on others and that thorn or stake that God refused to remove from him. Paul found, as you testify every day that God is good and that the new reality is not beyond the reach of God. Indeed it is in God's hand, as are you all. We continue to pray for you, the kids, and of course Steve. Blessings, Barry DeShetler, Sr. Pastor, Christ U.M.C.

  • Djohnson

    Hi Steve and Michele: Our hearts go out to you so regularly. We know what it is to travail in ICU. Oh how we ask the Father of all mercies to speak very clearly to you both, to tell you of His love. He specializes in taking His people through such times with grace so faith is deepened. In Christ, Darrell and Sharon Johnson

  • baby

    Yes, God is merciful and everday is a new day for faith, hope and love. We are with you in prayers, Michelle. We had experienced power outage here in Manila, thus, I missed checking the everyday blogs. Am so happy that I have heard from you again.

  • Jmbaltazar_md

    Dearest Pastor Steve and Michelle,You continue to preach on God's love and goodness through your present situation. We are so much blessed and encouraged with the daily progress on Pastor Steve's condition. As often as you come to mind,which is often, I say a prayer for you and your family. Several times since Pastor Steve's accident, I had dreams of him preaching on the pulpit “ON WHEELS” and with the last 2 blog entries (the “NEW STEVE” and the “NEW NORMAL”),all the more the dream seems so real.May God be glorified even more each day through the surprises He reveals to us.We miss and love you!Hugs,Sandy and Jonna (Mangay-ayam) Baltazar

  • Linda Toothman

    Michelle, Please do not think that you are only being carried. You have no idea how your postings are ministering to people around the world who are reading them and hanging onto every word for courage in their own life circumstances. I am teaching a class called Journey to Freedom which is a program created by the YMCA re creating change in one's life. I have shared many of your posts with my class and am able to see what you cannot. Your post today about the new normal is just what they are working to create in each of their lives. In their lives of addictions they lived mostly in isolation and now they are entering this new world of community where they are both being supported and supporting each other. Your words are able to help them see the beginnings of this life of “new normal” for them. Thank you so much for giving of yourself even as you struggle along on your own journey. God Bless, Linda Toothman

  • Thomas N. Odenigbo

    My name is Thomas Odenigbo, I play racket ball with your brother; Mark and have come know about you and your lovely family thru him. My family and I will remember you and your family in our daily prayers.We will always pray for devine healing and love for you and family. I'm happy and encouraged that you are a man that believes and accepts our lord and savior Jesus Christ. I want you to know that greatest surgeon is Our lord Jesus Christ; at his own time he will cure you. Our lord will provide for you and family.
    All the best.

  • John Dryden

    Hey Steve – my mom has kept me updated with your situation, and I just wanted to say 'Godspeed' during your healing process.
    Best regards to you and your family!

  • Bsacook

    Our angels are working overtime to mend the pathways, every marathon must start with small steps as every nerve molicule knows its duty and will find and follow the blueprint of Steves body its own wayand time, just needs Mother Nature, Steves Spirit and ours and his angels to oversee every little miracle in the healing process……Faith will prevail….Bless all

  • Jenny Deis Bowell

    My name is Jenny Deis Bowell. I knew Steve and Mike in high school. My mother lived with polio so I am very familiar with living with a disability. This story has touched my heart. The strength, unity love and faith that all of you show in the face of a such a tragedy is absolutely awe inspiring! I can not stop thinking and praying for all of you and I read the blog daily. I keep trying to think of things I can do to help. I read your post about insurance and wanted to make sure you have checked with the Christopher Reeves foundation- I would guess you already have this information but I know they provide all kinds of assistance for spinal cord injury – anything from resources to information on supplemental insurance. I also remember Jerrold Petrofsky, the professor from Wright State who developed a portable computer system that stimulated leg muscles allowing them to control their lower extremities. He is now a professor of physical therapy at Loma Linda University. I wonder with his ties to Dayton and his experience in the field if he would have any ideas for you. I will continue to pray for all of you that God will send you the people and the resources to help you along the road ahead. I pray that Jesus will hold all of you and carry you through this and that Steve will know that he is loved and cared for all over the world. “Your faith has made you well” Luke 17:19 I know your faith is an inspiration to me everyday that I read your posts. God Bless you all.

  • Suzanne and David Giannini

    Steve and Michelle – we continue to pray – and do a “happy dance” with the news of wiggles. We are so thankful for the news.
    Continued love and prayers!
    Suzanne Giannini

  • Brett Hilliard

    Love having specifics to pray for. Praying for digits to move! Go Steve. Brett Hilliard

  • liz and dale whitney

    So shall we pray for fingers today!! Lovely fingers that tingle and dance in the air or on a joy stick!

  • Ayesukwe Daniel

    Moses once exprienced that in the gusting and the rushing of the wind it was not there! But in the stilness and quiteness of time the lord himself appeared and commune with him. His elucidation changed such that when he arrived the foot of the mountain, his people could not stand the Glory of God in him. Steve and Michelle my family and I pray earnestly for your family at this cross road of faith. Test of faith and the believe in the healing of Jesus the Christ. For our prayer is that Steve will emerge and people shall behold the Glory of God elucidating in him.

  • Laura Bascom

    Hi Steve and Michelle- It's funny how throughout life we become connected with many people within the body of Christ through common friendships and relationships. Although I don't know you personally, I have prayed for your family each day and been kept abreast as to your prayer needs through this site. My sister-in-law's dad is Alex Aronis and my husband was born and raised in the Philippines. So, we have many common threads to tie our lives together. I find myself throughout the day praying for Steve and specifically “wiggles” in his fingers when I turn on the ignition in the car, running my fingers through my hair during a shower, preparing a meal, and within everyday tasks. You can almost imagine the breaths and sighs of prayers of many around the world. How precious to know and worship a God who loves us so intimately and draws us to Him through simple prayers and belief. It's almost as if little webs of common beliefs and connections somehow tie us all together in this world. Thank you for your testament to God's greatness. -Laura Bascom

  • Pastor Doug Aldrink

    Dear Steve and Michele,

    You do not know me but members of our congregation ( Craig and Jane Freisema ) in Racine, Wisconsin, informed me of your accident and I have been in prayer for you. I am a pastor myself, and I give thanks for how God has used you and will continue to use you. A verse that God used to speak to me in a time of great trouble is Psalm 9:10, “Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.”
    In Christ,
    Doug Aldrink

  • emy reventar

    Dearest Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    For every progress of a wiggle or curl in your finger or toe, God tickles us pink with gladness and praise! You belong to the tribe which Daniel 11:32 describes as, “The people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits!” Your faith moves us incredibly to do likewise in our daily walk. We love you guys very much! Dan and Emy Reventar and family

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle,

    Nick, Ryan, and I are praying so hard for you each and every day and night. You are blessings to so many of us, and we appreciate your postings, and letting us know of your specific prayer needs, and also of progress no matter how small. We are so very excited that Steve had “wiggles” today!!!!! Yeah!!!! It gives me goosebumps, because I have known all along, that if God has any way to make a miracle happen He will for YOU!!!! Blessings to you both, and ALL of your beautiful family, we love you all so much, and feel that there is such a bright future ahead for you!!! Big Hugs to you all!!

    Heather, Nicholas, and Ryan Balent

  • Millie Meneses

    I am jumping with joy with you, Michelle, as I read about Steve's steps towards what we all claim FULL RESTORATION – small they may be each day. It brings me back the memories of my son's recuperation from his brain injury- when every tiny flicker of movement literally had me jumping for joy. May I share this verse that came to me & Mer during that time of despair: Psalm 118:17 …I will not die but live and will proclaim what the Lord has done. We keep looking forward to that day when Steve will be standing again infront of his UCM congregation declaring “what the Lord has done”!
    And before you know it, those fingers of his will once more be strumming his guitar:-)
    In prayer and love,

  • Greggfarah

    I giggle for wiggles.
    Love you my bfam.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Oh…the rollercoaster you are on. The grief must come in waves. And then there are moments of hope! And wiggles…. We are praying….
    Love, the Crowes

  • Daphne

    We continue to knock on heaven's door and count the blessings. Thank you for the updates Michelle. It is very encouraging.

  • Pee Wee Tarrazona

    Dear Michelle – Praise God for every miracle, big and small— a prelude to bigger and mindboggling miracles. Please know that Hector and I continue to be inspired by your strength and grace. We thank you and everyone in your family for allowing us into your lives as we unite in our grief, hope,love, and prayer for Pastor Steve. We havent stopped praying for complete healing and restoration for Pastor Steve (may it be His will) and will continue to do so until he is back home with us in UCM, preaching with passion. That will be a glorious day indeed!!! We love you.
    Pee Wee

  • Mac and Rhoda

    Wow, that's good and hopeful – Thank you, Lord. So glad to hear about your wonderful wheels. Thanks fo much for daily news. We are praying daily, often for you both and the boys. So glad you are surrounded by so many who love you and give you support and encouragement. Where else but in the Body of Christ! Mac and Rhoda

  • Glenn

    I've never been so happy for a wiggle in my life.
    Love you Steve,

  • Lee Fitchett

    What great news to learn that Steve's fingers are moving. Progress, our most important product! Keep going and being glad and thankful for the small things. Turtles are slow, but they do get where they're going! You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

    Lee Fitchett

  • Don Gilkison

    Wow!!!! Faye and I pray for you many times each day! We are thrilled with knowing you are nearby and in such great care. Michelle's posts bless us so very deeply and we are thrilled with what God is doing in both your lives, and in your healing. And in every prayer we pray for “fingers”. Today's post was tremendous and such an encouragement.

    Would you welcome us as visitors? I know it must get very busy there! Let us know!

    We love you! Don

  • irenelee

    dear steve and michelle,
    at the rate things have been happening. the best is yet to come. i believe it will be full recovery. we have a great and awesome God. when things such as this happens to God's servant, it meant that God has greater plans for him. He will be using steve mightily.

  • Sharon Grafham, UPC-Seattle

    What an awesome sight! Thank you, Lord.
    We are praying for you and your family as you continue this hard work.

  • Leahponio

    God is so good…He answers prayers…WOW!

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Woo hoo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Allison Henry

    That's such an amazing sight!!! The first of many more to come. xo allison

  • Julian

    Steve, Michelle…I wrote to David to tell him about Antoinette and my new home. He relayed that bad news, and I felt like my heart stopped. And I'm so inspired by both your strength. It must be so hard to be separated from each other for even a minute in this tragic and critical time. I'm so glad to read your blog and see that Steve is moving his finger! I'll pray every day that more and more happens. If you don't mind, I'll pray in our Buddhist monastery and offer up all our merit to his healing.

  • baby

    Isaiah 38:5 “I have hyeard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you.” Lord, we continously pray for the perfect answer to our prayers. For all fingers, Lord. Amen.

  • Metzgar

    Hoorah! On the road through the tunnel to plucking your guitar – doesn't matter how long, because you're on the way. We loved the photo of you and your transportation with that joy stick. Such progress. Seeing the family must be exhililrating, Steve. Those little guys sound (from their mom's description) adorable. God bless you and yours every second of the day and night. Sending love.

    Dick and Ann Metzgar

  • Kara Bernsen

    Excited to see your progress. We will continue to pray for increasing strength and movement in your fingers. Praying that God will keep your entire family in his loving embrace!

    The Bernsen's

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balentbalent

    WAY TO GO STEVE!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! We are so excited to SEE you moving your finger! Soon you will be moving all of them, and you will be able to grasp hold of your loved ones hands, and even play that guitar again!! God's miracles at work through you, blessed one!! We continue to pray fervently for you!

    Hugs and love to you all!! Heather, Nick, and Ryan Balent

  • Ann Thomas

    Praying with all my heart for all of you.

  • Chitvillegas_ctv

    woohoo!!! go pastor Steve go…go fingers go…join the pointing finger!!! how cute!!! praise the Lord!

  • germaine

    I am moved by every progress that I learn from this blog. I have it bookmarked in my internet explorer and I look forward to checking updates. Thanks to Ms. Michelle and Mike.
    I am reminded that God is ALWAYS in control in every situation of the lives of His children. I see now how He is using you to influence the faith of so so so many people, including me. I always end up with tears and praises to the Lord every time I read the latest blog entry.
    Thank you so much for sharing your lives, your sorrows and your joys for the glory of Papa Jesus! :)

  • Lisa Denlinger

    Michelle and Steve–we are friends of the Crocketts and will continue to pray for u and your recovery.My special prayer for you is Mat 6:33-34—especially 34–I think this is what faith is walking in faith every moment and trusting God each moment and letting God handle the next moment. My biggest strugle is learning to live in the “NOW”. I pray this for u. Please for us as we go with the Crocketts to Duke to support them.

  • Indrart

    Our dear Steve and Michelle,
    The Roller Coaster Ride goes on for now. So thankful for finger movement and leg muscle resistance. Praying for all the fingers to join in the exercise started by the thumbs and pointer. Wiggling fingers is our Lord's sign to us, to keep out spirits up, as we pray and beseech Him for the return of our ” Prayer walking, praise song guitar playing Steve Ruetschle.”
    Steve in the wheel chair, this is Steve in TRANSITION, we ask our Lord to keep you strong as you go through this transition stage as well. We boldly ask for more. You have made fantastic progress since the initial stages of recovery. You will continue in the same vein astounding us with your movement and progress as our Lord Jesus leads you. May you both feel His arms around you and hear His message of Comfort and Hope.
    In prayer for fever to drop down to normal, and a peaceful night's rest.
    Love, Saroj and Indra.

  • Toby_gatchalian

    Thinking about you guys,

    TOBY and CHIE

  • Rhonacristyl

    Hello Michelle, my name is Rhona Lopez, and I have right beside me here in California my mother, Celestina Lopez, who is a UCM member and who Steve graciously counseled when my father passed away in 2008.
    My mom just wanted to relay that she has been following Pastor Steve's recovery online through my laptop while she was visiting this past month, and as she is flying back to the Philippines today, she wanted to let you know that she is praying for Pastor Steve and the rest of your family in this crucial recovery & transition period.
    She can truly empathize w/ what you are going through because her husband/my father also had a massive stroke in 1982 that caused a several weeks-long coma, but God-willing my father defied the odds, moved his finger and eventually woke up and lived on fully (albeit in a wheelchair), making a lasting difference in the lives of his wife, his 2 children, his daughter-in-law, and 4 grandchildren for another 26 years till it was truly his time to be upstairs peacefully . . .
    Michelle, I (Rhona) can say as a child seeing my parents deal w/ that medical challenge, I can honestly say that what you are going through will have its stresses for kids and adults alike, but as long as you all remember you are still a strong focused family under God, things will work out great, we are all more than whatever the doctors say or our bodies' limits.
    Thankfully it's the 21st century now, and w/ medical advances & great support you are getting literally from all over the world, we Lopezes know that the Ruetschles will overcome, we are rooting for all of you!
    Love, Celestina and Rhona Lopez :)

  • Dale and Liz

    Michelle — you write so beautifully, with such trust. Yesterday we prayed for dancing fingers — and a thumb woke up! And you feel God's presence — you are aware of His provision… Amen, Lord Jesus!

    Like the Psalmist, I hope you pour out to God all the praise and angst, hope and fear. And find yourselves still heard and understood in the pages of scripture. Manna from heaven, the Voice of God.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    We're praying…..
    We love you, Linda and Thad

  • Dlwhitney

    Yes, we will pray!! Love the updates, Michelle!! SO very helpful for us on the outside.

  • Darlene Smith

    We are praying for you. God is with you. Darlene & Scotty Smith

  • Bob

    I will be praying. Thanks for the update.

  • Staciebruce20

    Steve and Michelle,
    PRAY PRAY PRAY! Never give up! We will pray for you! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Lee Wanak

    Dear Steve,

    We are praying for your recovery! May the Lord give you strength. You have been an inspiration to so many at UCM.

    Lee and Dottie Wanak

  • Robyn Kindlund

    Steve and Michelle, rest assured your Firwood family is thinking of and praying for you. We know that this time will allow you to know even more the width, depth, length and breadth of the love of Christ.
    Robyn (Spout) Kindlund

  • Donnasbarras

    Steve and Michelle, Just wanted you to know your family is in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you well wishes from southeast Louisiana! Faith and positive attitude!!!

  • Chitvillegas_ctv

    Praying …praying…praying Michelle for Pastor Steve's infection…Oh may the Lord bring you out of the hospital soon.

    chit Villegas
    door of Hope Makati

  • Debbie Simsuangco

    We are specifically praying that the antibiotics will banish all infectious agents, and that Pastor Steve's immune system remain strong to resist all others.

    Michelle, know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord bless you with a renewed spirit, and the physical strength to help Pastor Steve along in this arduous journey.

    “Evening and morning and at noon I will pray, and cry aloud . And He shall hear my voice”. Psalm 55:17

  • Cindy Overbay

    I have been praying for Steve's complete recovery. I am glad that he is mobile and that he is having movement in his limbs. I prayed about his fever and hopefully he won't even need the antibiotics. I am praying that God lay his hands on him and heals him soon. Don't ever forget that the Lord is beside you at all times! I wish he wasn't so far from Ohio so I could come visit him(I wonder if he remembers me) and wish him well and meet you Michelle. God bless you all and may he give your whole family comfort and the ability to deal with all of this. With everything you are going through, I hate to ask this, but I have a 3 yr. old cousin named Cheyenne who is in desperate need of prayer also. She has 4th stage cancer and starts her second round of chemo this week. I know you have your hands full, but i would appreciate a prayer for her–and know, that you are all in my prayers. I hope he has a good night and you too!!!

  • baby

    We pray dear God for Pastor's Steve's recovery from the infection. We ask you to please lay your healing hands on the part of his body which needs most your healing. All this we ask in the Mighty Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  • Evangeline Q

    Dear Michelle, Am praying that Pastor Steve's fever disappear so he can continue his rehab and feel and make more movements. You are such a brave and strong person and that is what your family needs now…but please take care of yourself too. Your family is continually in our thoughts and prayers. I will forever cherish the time I had with Pastor Steve and the passion he shared in the Holy Land. Take care…Evangeline

  • Ann Thomas

    Thank you, Lord, for antibiotics– and for Steve's body's ability to quickly respond. Keep him on the healing path.


  • Dale and Annie Roth


    We're praying for the complete eradication of Steve's infection and for a miracle of healing and complete return of function throughout his body. May God bless you with peace, patience, and rest as we wait on him.

    Dale and Annie

  • Flavia

    You have our prayers, and our hearts.

    Love, Flavia

  • Milli Ball

    Dear Steve,
    We are praying that God will give you a brief recovery and much love to you and your family.

    Milli Ball

  • Sandy Gross

    Rest and let your body and medicine fight this infection Steve. We will all be here when it's time to get back to pushing yourself and fighting…..for you, Michelle and the boys. Sandy, Stefanie and Travis

  • violet genotiva

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    Praying for you and your family always! Thanks for the update Michelle. :)


  • Jess

    praying for you pastor Steve and michelle.. keep trusting God's power to heal.

    from pastor Marvin and jessie layug – Philippines

  • Edward Davies

    We are praying for you and your family. We serve a great God who loves and cares for His children!

    The Davies Family (Ed, Dorece, Lauren & Luke)

  • baby

    Pastor Steve, we are so proud of you. God will take care of you for you have been a blessing to a lot of people. We pray for movements of all parts of the body.

  • abigail reyes francisco

    hi pastor steve,

    me and my family is a regular attendee of ucm and we heard about the news. my husband & i continue praying for your recovery and your family. we look forward every sunday to hear the good news of your recovery. God bless you & your family.

  • Solomon Cham

    Pastor Steve ,
    May the Lord's supernatural healing grace and power just flow through your entire body and being , and my He restore you to total health and well-being .
    Prayerfully …
    Solomon and Joanna Cham
    UCM Attenders

  • Lovelyne Mariano


    - lovelyne

  • Bettina

    Each day you both and your family are in my prayers as I bless each meal and the day with gratitude. Michelle, your loving chronicles are truly appreciated by me and certainly all. One day perhaps you
    can publish these as an encouragement to so many that they can embrace the love, support and trust
    in God for any situation and that all things are possible. God bless you, Pastor Steve, Michelle and your
    Bettina Gilbert-Syren, UCM Attendee

  • Scott Dean

    For every little movement, we give you thanks O Lord, and ask that you would multiply them and build upon them until Steve is fully healed: Papa is playing with his boys, Pastor is writing and preaching, artist is creating, husband's body is restored.

  • Rdverver

    What a source of strength children are. My young adult kids were with me daily when hospital rooms were my habitat. We laughed together, wept together, watch ballgames together and just sat quietly together. They were part of that balm that healed my sick body and calmed my weary soul.

  • Jamesbn


  • 5 Edwards

    I prayed this very morning to not be able to count all of the body parts Steve can move…but for them to be too numerous to count! Amen…!

  • Ragamuffingirl (Angie)

    go, big toe, go!!!!

  • Rhcvleon

    Dear Steve and Michelle, Carolyn and I pray for the two of you daily and rejoice at the signs of new strength and muscle control. Here is a verse for your reflection that means a lot to me. Rev 1.9 in which John reminds us that we all live between “persecution” (pain, tragedy, hardship, trouble) and the “kingdom” (the rule and reign of our Lord, already present but not yet fully realisec); and this “in between time” is marked by “patient endurance” (the Greek word for this, as you know!, is hupomone. Hupomone is not passively waiting with patience, but it is the endurance of our troubles with the knowledge that God turns them into blessings; he exchanges beauty for ashes and brings the oil of gladness to the mix of life's tragedies. God bless you both as you live with the hupomone of God's transforming grace. Dick and Carolyn Leon

  • Canucks Lorrie Joke

    TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!! We are praising God with you, as the healing continues daily through such visible signs as now also being able to move your toe! Although the video clip really looks like a few toes moving!
    Steve and michelle, may you be encouraged moment by moment even in these seemingly small healings – truly evidence that God is at work. Lorrie joins me from Uganda in unceasing prayers for radical healing.
    Much love, Joke in Manila and Lorrie in Uganda

  • baby

    God is so good! Am so happy to see the big toe moving. And to see Pastor Steve smiling.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Oh Steve, Michelle, Uncle John, Aunt Darlene, Mike, and all the children! We are so very thankful and excited to watch and hear the video of Steve moving his big toe!!!! I know the shower must have been so refreshing for Steve, and to give you all such hope through moving his big toe!!! Blessings to all of you! Praise to You, Lord Jesus, King of Endless Glory, Savior of the World, Savior of the World!! We continue to pray for your Miraculous Healing! Please hang in there through the pain and frusteration, rejoice in the smallest of successes! We are cheering you on, like crazy!!! Much love and great big hugs to you all!!! Heather, Nick, and Ryan Balent

  • liz and dale whitney

    How wonderful for big toes, smiles, and nephews with faith! I met John Michael yesterday in Sunday School — I was the lady in a red jacket. We could affirm that God is doing mighty things in your family! Amen, Lord!!

  • Angela MC

    I just cried watching the toe video. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm a friend of Heather's and rooting for your family all the way.

  • Sister Marisa Lichauco

    Hello Steve and Michelle from Sister Marisa Lichauco

    We pray for your recovery constantly. God is with you. I have come to Union Church several times
    to get an update on you. Love, Marisa Lichauco

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    What a great toe! Nerves are firing! It is GOOD! And so good to see your face and hear your voice Steve. We love you both and are excited for the time when we can see you! So glad that you're surrounded by family. :)
    Linda and Thad

  • juliacm

    Wow!! What incredible good news – and so good to see your smiling face, Pastor Steve! ! Unceasing prayers still for healing and wellness, perseverance and peace as God unfolds your days. Michelle, please know that you strengthen our own faith as you steadfastly wait upon the Lord through this uphill journey. With love and gratitude, Jolly

  • Shirley Go (UCM)

    Hey, that was cute!! God loves you, Pastor Steve.

  • rachel_vales,UCM

    I found this prayer from Pocket Prayer iPhone app and think it's worth to share with

    Heavenly Father, You have said in Your Word to pray for one another for healing so that we may be healed. I earnestly pray to Your name to heal Pastor Steve with Your almighty hand. Your promise have increased my faith that You will heal him completely and restore him completely. I pray for Your Holy Spirit to cleanse every unhealthy cells in his body and protect him against sicknesses. Heal him now, so that he will know that You are Lord the Healer.

  • Lourdes Cardenas

    Dear Pastor Steve, Michelle and family,

    I seldom attend UCM (being one from Los Banos with Makati as midpoint of route to my 80ish parents whom I visit on weekends). But I have been blessed for decades thru the church and with your coming as a Senior Pastor, it has been been blessing upon blessing. As a Christian sojourner in this world, I could but just thank God for you and your family.
    Praying for your fast recovery and, true, that you may savor this phase of your life to the fullest. God works in wondrous ways. God bless you, Pastor.

  • Rowena E. O.

    my prayer is that our Lord Jesus who is in you will activate all nerves, bones, joints and brain control system….amen. amen.
    Im always excited to see God work in you mightily…for us to grow more in faith. halleluiah.
    rowena e. o.

  • Brad Hutcheson

    Steve & Michelle,
    My reading this morning from 2nd Corinthians:

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.

    We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life. Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.

    Steve, may God bless you with a strength and joy that transcends all understanding as He weaves this incredible circumstance into something amazing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each day as you courageously press on towards the goal.

    I look forward to visiting,

    brad h.

  • Tim Ackerman

    I have only known Steve for less than two years, but have come to love him like my own brother. I began video recording his sermons in church earlier this year and am continually blessed by seeing them more than once. If you would like to see the videos of Steve's last seven sermons before his accident, including his Easter sermon where he amazingly concludes with the story of quadriplegic Joni Eareckson go to:

    I miss you Steve!

    May God's ultimate will be done!

    Tim Ackerman

  • Jeff

    I don't know you Steve but I am praying for you. I have just recieved a new kidney from my wife and know just how great God is and how wonderful is healing powers are. We have felt the prayers of friends and family and are living testimony to his greatness. Praying for your complete recovery. Blessings, Jeff

  • Leefitchett

    Blessings! Every day it seems you're making excellent progress! Moving toes, moving fingers! Moving, moving…I am praying all this moving keeps going! One day at a time and keep moving!
    Christ's Peace….and Joy!

    Lee Fitchett

  • Rogeresox

    Steve and Michelle, our prayers are with you and your family as God's grace comes clearer to you in the days ahead. We have heard many great things about you from Todd and Laura Anderson. We lost them to Manila a few years ago and when they came back they told us of finding you…what a small world God makes for his children.

    Wishing you continued healing and discernment in the days ahead.

    Lynn and Roger Nunn
    Edina, MN.

  • Cindy Overbay

    It is amazing to see his progress. I love to see him in such good spirits and trying with all his might to do his therapy in order to get back to his old self. Prayers are sent his way often and obviously all the prayers seem to be helping. It is amazing!!! Keep your spirits up!

  • Joe and Claudette Hessberger

    Hi Steve,
    We are Joe and Claudette Hessberger from Langley BC, Canada. We used to come to your service at UCM until our departure from Manila in March of this year. We still communicate with many of our friends there. We heard about your accident and feel for you. This is just to let you know that we, like thousands of others, pray for you. I do not feel the need to feel miserable about your situation as I know that God has it firmly in-hand. Knowing you, I know that you feel the same way.
    Steve, you have been a blessing in our life and will continue to affect us deeply. Claudette and I thank you for all you have done for us and, most importantly, we give thanks to God for your gift of interpreting His Word for us in an understandable manner. Bless you and get well again. For this we pray in Jesus' name, Amen
    Joe and Claudette

  • Fred Davis

    We cherished the time we had to visit with you all yesterday – to watch Steve work so hard in PT; to meet your boys; to pray together; and to share as fellow companions with Christ in suffering. While our outcome has been what it is, we can't begin to describe how much we feel the pain and daily struggles that lay ahead for you. Yet we also rejoice for those small signs of movement and for Steve's incredible spirit, hard work and love for his family.

    You mentioned the broken body in today's post and I was reminded of II Corinthians 4:7 – “We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power is from God and not from us.”

    “May you be renewed everyday. “May you not lose heart. May you see the love, power and goodness of God as you fix your eyes …on the unseen and the eternal.”

    We pray again for you today, balancing as I know you are, an unshakable confidence in God to far more than we can ask or think with the day to day realities of spinal cord injury. May God's grace be sufficient for your every need today.

    With love and ongoing prayer
    Fred and Judy

  • Fred Davis

    WOW – that is the most amazing video I have seen. Thirteen years later and I still can't wiggle my toe like that. We are praying that this just a portent of greater things to come. Blessings today to all of you. Our staff paused today at our weekly meeting to pray for you.

    Those that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength – they will mount up with wings and soar like eagles; the will walk and not be weary, they will run and not faint.

    May you learn anew what it means to wait on the Lord and feel his quieting strength.
    We love you
    Fred and Judy

  • Delfa Matic

    Hi Michelle (and of course, Pastor Steve)!

    Sorry we've not been in touch of late as I've been busy with VBS at Glenkirk Church where we had an amazing week ministering to 180 Pre-school and Kindergarten children and 700 elementary kids. Tommy helped me with the story as always (Tom was Paul). It was a joy watching the children worship and praise the Lord in song and seeing their faith grow as they listened and responded to the stories of Paul's journeys.

    But even more amazing is hearing how the Lord is healing Pastor Steve – slowly but surely and the everyday miracles that you continue to experience as the Lord works through family and friends to let you know that He indeed is a personal God who cares for you and every detail of your life . Please know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers. Michelle, you are an amazing woman – both as a wife and a mother.

    Our Love and prayers for Pastor Steve's speedy recovery,

    Tom and Delfa along with Tommy

  • Tim Ackerman

    If you would like to see the videos of Steve's last seven sermons before his accident, including his Easter sermon where he amazingly concludes with the story of quadriplegic Joni Eareckson, go to:

  • Ben & Nalda Bendowsky

    Ben & I are friends of West and Courtney Mathison, Wenatchee WA. We were referred to your website through them. I am a newly retired Registered Nurse of 37 years. My very first patients after graduation all those years ago were two men who had suffered similar injuries. One signifcantly worse and the other somewhat less involved. I can tell you God was precisious to each of them and the outcome for them was a miracle of Love and Grace. These types of injuries are as you so accurrately put it, to be seen over the moments, days, weeks and years and you are so correct. We shall pray for you and your family during this amazing time.
    God is with each of you now just as He was at the time preceeding the accident and has been each moment since then. We do not know you but we do know the Lord who loves us all and has given us our life in Him. He is there and we know He loves each of you.

    Ben & Nalda Bendowsky

  • Janet Fisher

    Dearest Steve, Michelle and your precious family

    I was referred to you by Mandi Els, a dear friend, and have have been overwhelmed by your courageous story as you face this life-changing challenge.

    Today we do indeed give praise to the Father for that big toe :-) how awesome is that and we trust and pray as you move forward each day, the new dawn will bring with it even greater things. We pray that as you take one step at a time in your faith during these challenging times, that the Father will shower you with his mercy and grace. We serve a mighty and powerful Lord and He surely is faithful to his children.

    My all time favourite hymn since childhood and one that when the going gets tough I remind myself of and would like to leave you with is:

    Turn you eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face;
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
    In the light of His glory and grace.

    We give praise for your continued amazing courage, determination and faith as a family.
    Sending blessings in abundance
    Janet Fisher

  • Philippines21stcentury

    I pray, O Father in Heaven, that Steve and Michelle's faith in God will be strengthened even more! In Jesus' name, Amen.

    - Carmencita H. Acosta
    Associate Editor
    EXPAT Newspaper and EXPAT Travel & Lifestyle Magazine

  • Lovelyne

    HA! Finally found a way to watch THE TOE! :-D
    Pastor Steve, just in case you don't know yet, you've made everyone smile by simply smiling. So, if you multiply each person who saw your video, with each day your video is being seen by all of us your friends and family over and over because we miss you so much, do you realize how one smile has made the whole earth smile with it? Isn't that a miracle! All over the world, we're all smiling because of your one smile. God is working through you right now and His face is shining on you and is extending through all the earth. Thank you pastor Steve…for making us smile. :-)

    Michelle, you are a wonderfully blessed woman of The Lord. You are strong. You are courageous. You are The Lord's. Thank you very much for keeping us informed about everything that's happening your side of the world. We greatly appreciate everything you have been doing. I am thankful that God gave you to Pastor Steve. Lock and Key!

  • Yumi Ng (Singapore)

    AWESOME, indeed! Praising God for Steve's toe's movement! Yes, it looks VERY strong and I am sure it signals more movement to come. But most all, like the message below, just seeing Steve smiling is what's made me the happiest today! After the pics with the tense and grim look, seeing him like his usual self has put my mind at ease. Praise God indeed for carrying you through all this and shining through you! You and wonderful Michelle and kids, and whole family, continue to be in our prayers. God's blessings!

  • Fred Davis

    We prayed for you both at Presbytery last night. I have some signed cards from the Presbytery that I thought I would bring by, if its all right, on Friday afternoon again.

    May he, who began a good work in you, continue it to perfection…


  • Sue Dils

    Dear Steve and Michelle, I have read your blog often with tears and many prayers. Though I haven't seen either of you in years, I know you both. I was with Steve at MHGS a few years ago, and I also nannyed for a mutual friends of ours. Another tie I have is that I worked for six years in the Philippines. I know Union Church and have friends that currently attend there. I am writing to let you know that I continue to pray that Steve will “rise again”. And I ask for God's grace to sustain you. Thanks for keeping me/us up-to-date. We are reading and we are praying !!! Yours, Sue Arestad Dils

  • Ricky Oryema Obiya

    Hello Steve and family. My prayers and heart goes out to you in this trying moment. May the good Lord watch over you all the time. We unceasingly pray/hope for a miracle so that you are able to get up and running with the children.
    Ricky O Obiya of Uganda friend to Richenda.

  • Rdverver

    I don't know if you are considering private schools, but if so I recommend Shoreline Christian. It has small classroom sizes and a great staff (my wife is the 4th grad teacher) I can't say what tuition arrangements can be made but it might be worth aa call. The number is 206 524 7777.

  • Rdverver

    Opps ther number is 206 364 7777

  • liz and dale whitney

    Wow — that soccer ball kick was so cool! We are rejoicing with you!! Love Shoreline Christian, but as in teacher in Shoreline Public Schools — we rock, too! (Go Ridgecrest!!) Go God — what do you want to kick tomorrow??

  • Opheliatongco

    Go, go, go Pastor Steve. I continue to pray that God will heal every injured part of your body and I praise Him for the full recovery that is possible in His Mighty and Loving hands. His Name be glorified!

  • Amelita

    Congratulations Steve. That is truly an Olympic Feat to be able to lift your lower leg. After six months, it is only now that I can really walk even while I still feel some discomfort on my knee cap. Every step is a cause for praise to God, like the first time they removed the bandage from my knee, or the knee Immobilizer. Each time one can't help but cry “Praise be to you O Lord!”
    Keep going and never give up.
    Amelita Guevara

  • Cheryl Lontoc

    Hi Steve and Michelle. I only recently heard about your accident. I am glad to hear and see that God is working and and you are improving. I will be praying for your continued recovery as I know we have Big God who loves us and hears and answers prayer. Please tell your boys hello for me. Mrs. Cheryl Lontoc from Brent Religious Studies

  • Nate Bunting

    Pastor Steve, WOW! Every day I sit here on my couch with my computer in my lap and cheer out loud for you and the amazing things God is doing! Your perseverance is incredible. Good job! We miss you all and continue to lift you up in our prayers.
    Valerie for the Buntings

  • Lovelyne


  • Gary and Bev

    Steve … We are friends of the Knapps in Olympia. It has been a joy to pray for you and the family! God is in it and on it!! We know that He is bringing Himself great glory through all that is happening. Think of the countries and lives that are asking our Father to show Himself to be our God of the impossible!

    Hugs and Christ's love to you all,
    Gary and Bev Forrest

  • Joy Karsevar

    I was clapping and cheering with all of you as Pastor Steve lifted his right leg!!!WHOA!!! Praise the Lord.
    Thank you so much for sharing this. We pray for you and think of you always,
    Joy Karsevar (Daughter of Ricardo Tomacruz)

  • Psnanpop

    Hello Steve…just wanted to let you know that our prayer circle is praying for you , Michelle and the children here in the California Desert. Our God is able.
    Susan Lyneis (a long time friend of Elaine Knapp)

  • Rebecca and Mike DeVencenzi

    Great to hear the news Steve! Mike and I are praying for your full recovery.
    Mike and Rebecca DeVencenzi

  • Nancy Crutchfield

    Steve, I'm in tears of joy for you and your progress. It is so good to see your smile. You are in my prayers as well as my huge prayer chain of fellow prayers!

  • Haruya Koide

    Hi, Steve
    I would like to invite you for a very authentic Japanese dinner. So, please get well soon.
    Your fully recovery is in our daily prayer agenda.
    I know you and Michelle will have perfect victory over your “red sea” challange. Haruya Koide

  • Dan Sharp

    Nancy just told me about your situation this morning. I was stunned, as have been many people from all around the world. Rest assured we will join many in regular, fervent prayer on behalf of you and your wonderful family for a steady and determined recovery knowing that the Lord will give you strength for each day…today, tomorrow, and every one after that!

    I'm sure you get lots of verses quoted…so here's one of my favorites when challenges lie before me.
    “Thou wilt keep him in perfect whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusts in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

    The Lord be with you…

  • Dennis

    Dear Brother Steve and Michelle,

    “Dear Lord, please strengthen and encourage this couple with your presence and your love and your healing, in Jesus Name, amen.”

    In Christ, Dennis Folds, Senior Pastor Tokyo Baptist Church

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    OH Steve and Michelle!!!!! Praise God for continued blessings!! We LOVED watching you move your leg, and my sons are happy that you are able to smile and joke about kicking a soccer ball! We love you all, and we are continuing to pray for your Miraculous Recovery. Thank you God for the strength, courage, and love You give to Steve and Michelle. Please Lord, continue to guide and carry them through these days ahead. Much love and many big hugs to you all!! Love, Heather Nick and Ryan Balent

  • Sarah Hedberg

    Wow. Wow! WOW! Such a joy to see your face light up Steve, as you lift your LEG! I am humbled by the power of God. Continuing to pray for you to walk again, which means every step along the way makes me cry with joy. Your faith and love, Michelle and Steve, move me so much, as it does so many of us, because we get a sharp sense of the divine. Of Jesus. Thank you, and keep trusting and fighting: we are pushing from behind.
    Love you, Sarah Hedberg

  • Erik Carlson

    Steve, This is Erik Carlson… I sang w/ the group 2nd Glance back in the day with Brian Coon; he just told me about you and your condition. My heart goes out to you and your family. I”ve been learning alot about God lately as he keeps throwing curve balls; but He is good all the time! Keep it up, and I believe in you!

  • Bsacook

    Hi Michelle and Family, the smile on that mans face in the manual wheelchair was very uplifting for you, his staff, his angels, and last but not least, the Family of Man praying for and receiving miracles, to heal minds, spirits and bodies, bless all who follow the winding, undulating road to complete recovery, please much love from us, the watchers in prayer and meditation….much thanks for your words of wisdom Mich……

  • liz and dale whitney

    Good tears of joy — for self-propelled motion, exhaustion from work, trips to the zoo — fresh air, go-carts — and generosity to warm the hearts of many saints…

  • Sarah Campbell

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I can't tell you the joy it gives me to see Steve moving his leg in the video and beaming from the manual wheelchair. Michelle, I loved reading your description of the boys reaction when Dad showed up at the zoo and gave them a ride. And the donated van! The Lord's grace, love and healing wash over me as I read your stories and see your pictures. Thank you for sharing your prayer requests and answered prayers with us, and for sharing your faith and deep love for each other. My family continues to pray for you each day.

  • Aileen

    Michelle and Steve… As I continue to keep you and your family continually in prayer, I have to admit how very much your shining faith is strengthening me; touching parts of my heart that needed the Salve of Jesus's love afresh. You are both a living example of how God can take the rough and tangled strings of our lives, and weave them into a beautiful tapestry that only a love such as His could create. I truly believe that this “bend” in the road is opening before you all a new door, through which a beautiful unexplored landscape is awaiting your strong and willing hearts…..

  • Lovelyne

    Now, Pastor Steve doesn't really have to write a sermon because you, your life, the incident, the reaction of the whole world have been living sermons, live witnessing for people all over the globe daily!! I always look forward to opening my laptop after work to feel God's blessing through your updates. Thank you really for hanging on and reminding us that Our dear Lord is alive, well and in control!!! Thanks for smiling again, Pastor Steve! Michelle, thank you for never missing a thing!! Know what? Your whole blog could be made into a book. :-) God's blessings!!!

    Today a wheelchair, soon enough a walker! Woohooo!!!! Go Pastor Steve!!! God will lift you up!

  • Gus and Fe Gutierrez

    From the first photo of helplessness to a smiling P. Steve pushing a manual wheelchair with his arms in so short space of time, pushing not only his own weight but with a kiddie's card latched at the back, wow! God is so compassionate and loving! To me this is a beginning for a more miraculous recovery and healing. As I prayed before, God is not done yet with P. Steve – soon he will be back at the pulpit delivering and proclaiming God's messages with more fervency after an experience like this. I would also praise and thank God for Michele's steadfastness in providing love and support for her husband. She is indeed one of a kind – (better express in Tagalog “ibang klase”) hang in there Michele! we are all praying for you also. In His love… Gus and Fe.

  • baby

    Hi Michelle! Your blogs continously inspire me. You are such a wonderful wife and we believe that your steadfastness will hasten Pastor Steve's recovery. We are with you in prayers. Am so happy seeing the smile on Pastor Steve's face. It made my day.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    What WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!!! The picture of Steve smiling in his manual wheelchair, is such a beautiful sight!!!! God's love knows no limits, and His strength will continue to build in Steve!!! Way to Go, Steve!!!! Great Job!!! You are an inspiration to us all!! Michelle, we are so proud of you, and all that you are juggling. You are an amazing young woman, and your faith and strength absolutely amaze us!! Please continue to be strong, God knows the needs of your heart, and of your family, and He does Provide for all that we need. Terrific news about the van!!! There are many angels right here on earth, and the man who donated that van is definitely one of God's angels, blessing you! Sleep well, and much love and continued prayers are coming your way! Love, Heather Nick, and Ryan!

  • Jolly A. Morata

    Wow!!! Beautiful, precious time!!! Brought tears of joy seeing you all together with family and friends enjoying time away from the hospital!!! Praise God!!! Thanks Sean for sharing!!!

  • john dettoni

    Awesome!!! Thanks be to the Lord….and Steve's true grit and the support from Michelle and many, many others!!!

    Keep on keeping on….and soon you will hear, pickup your bed (or get up) and walk!! I have no doubt! I don't say this to be cute nor wishful; I truly believe this. Difficulties ahead? Undoubtedly; future secure, absolutely. Now to see how the Awesome God acts in awesome ways for His children and for His glory alone.

    john dettoni

  • liz and dale whitney

    Very precious. Thank you for letting us share in this very special moment. Sean and Michelle, your energy in these prayer missives are the continuation of the New Testament…

  • Jeanine Langerud

    Hi Steve and Michelle,

    The U-tube video was pretty exciting. I go to UPC and have certainly been praying for your great recovery and for the whole family's encouragement as you see many improvements day by day. It was fun to see Michelle, your cute kids, friends, and of course you! I'll continue praying for your family needs as well as for God's great healing touch on your body. Thanks for sharing this special day.

    Jeanine Langerud

  • Bsacook

    Steves nuzzle of Michelles chest brought on a tears of joy moment, thank you and God for bringing us, the throng into a happy time with the children Blessings on further progress and rest for Steve with waves of healing. Prayers and Love Brian S A Cook…

  • Beth

    How wonderful to share in such a precious and glorious day! Thanks to you, Sean, for making the videos which reveal the miraculous steps in Steve's recovery. Peace and love, Beth

  • Beckysmail

    Wow, tears of joy for Steve and his family.From the walls of confinement in a hospital to a beautiful outing with your loving family. We have no doubt that this is only the beginning of your independence. Steve, your smile is amazing and such a great video to share with us all. I want to just go back and watch it again and again.

  • Kristinebraden

    Hi guys, what a wonderful day! It brightened ours to see you all out together at the zoo. You could see the delight and enjoyment on the kids' faces. Thank you for keeping us all updated on your incredible progress individually and as a family. We'll keep praying for you all. Missing you. Love, The Bradens

  • Gailgrimston

    It was so great great to see your family and mmet Michelle! I had tears in my eyes…thanks so much for sharing…Gail Grimston

  • Marygmeyer1721

    Great to see you all on an outing. Keep up the hard work. We are all routing for you.
    With love from the Henry Meyers in D.C.

  • Edith Lato

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,

    My name is Edith Polistico Lato, cousin of Lorna Polistico Sarabia, at Union Community Christian Church in Manila,Philippines.
    Our prayers is with you and Gods love binds us together.
    Philippians 4:13 ” I can do EVERYTHING through HIM who gives me strength.”
    He is your strength and God had used you to show the world how marvelous He is .
    Keep up the good faith.Prayer moves mountain.
    Philippians 4:19 ” And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Let the whole world know and He will carry you thru.
    God love you and He cares for you.We love you brother!!!!

  • Ace


    The lastest video in the zoo made me soooooooooooo HAPPY(with tears and thanksgiving)!!! Seeing you doing great and getting better day by day…just AWESOME! We are all praying non-stop for you to be back to 100%! Was listening to one of your sermons the other day….. whatever it is we are goin through…. Jesus will always be in that same boat with us. YEAH! :) Thinking of the times i was in trouble back then in UCM… hahahaha… you were always so nice to me and telling me what discipline really meant. Your a big blessing in my life. God Bless and I Love You so much my dearest Pastor. Im always praying for you here in Singapore!

  • Quilterscreek

    Senior Pastor: Such incredible joy in all of your faces in the zoo video! It fills my heart with great peace just to share your day vicariously, over and over.
    There is aboundant Sonshine inside of all of you!
    Love, Pastor Poppins

  • Kathleen Barry

    God is at work in you Steve! What a miracle to see this zoo video – to see your smile and spirit, to hear you talking and being with your precious boys. I know this has been such hard work and I will continue to send prayers your way for stamina and for continuing awesomely positive attitude. As you walk the road ahead (and yes, walk is what I mean) may the memory of the work God has done in these last days give you the energy to face all that lies ahead. You so rock Steve! God bless you Michelle and may he protect your heart and energy also, and give you endless days of celebration ahead.

  • Kamrin

    praying for you all for continued joy and hope. Tara and Chris have been updating me periodically and same with Laurie when she was in town.

    What a beautiful day at the zoo with your family and friends. I'll forward to Laurie. She phoned this morning from Paris. Blessings to you and yours as you continue to trust in the goodness of the Lord.
    Kamrin Wheeler (Tara's sister and Laurie's sister in law)

  • irenelee

    wow you had a big day. you're doing very well in handling the stevemobile.

  • Heather Atkins

    Hi from Heather, now back in the Philippines. I watched the video of the zoo outing with happy tears in my eyes. So much has happened in only five or six weeks–it's hard to process, even from a distance. We continue to check in daily to the site, and pray for all of you. What a great zoo trip! So many answered prayers are evident in those few minutes we were privileged to watch. Thanks for sharing Steve's recovery.

  • Lisa Henry

    I was tearfully and joyfully experiencing your zoo trip with you and your family. What a joyous outing for you all. Prayers are coming to you abundantly and I'm continually in awe at your faith, hope, and strength.

    Lisa Henry, Dayton, OH

  • BSnider1215

    Steve and Michelle,
    I thank you for letting us all in on your personal lives. How precious you are to share such joyous occasions with all of us. I cried all the way through and marveled at the use of your arms that Steve is able to hug with open arms his wife and children. You are all truly an inspiration. God has truly blessed you! Our prayers are constantly with you.

  • emy reventar

    Your family day at the zoo in your Wheelbhorgini in the sunshine! WOW! Fresh air, fresh sights, Michelle's unending love and care, interacting with your boys and friends – we are blessed that you are blessed, Pastor Steve! God loves you very much indeed!

  • lisa fann

    I have tears of joy and hope running down my face. Many blessings on you all.
    lisa fann

  • Amelita

    What a joy to see you all at the zoo. Michelle, your last statement, “To be with my love…” and Steve reacting so lovingly to that remark just touches the deepest recesses of my soul.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve, Michelle, and family,

    What a wonderful and precious gift, to get to watch the video of the zoo outing! Thank you so much for keeping us all informed. I am so thankful that you got to have a day out in the sunshine, and a day of independence, sharing the time with your darling boys! You have no idea how much you all mean to so many around the world. We thank you for the gifts of YOU!!! I pray for rest, strength, continued courage, and many more encouraging moments ahead!! God loves you, and is working in you, every moment of every day! Blessings to you all, and much love! Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Psbryant

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    WhatI felt watching this video was pure joy. My tears were coming down through my smiles.
    It was very heartwarming to see and hear you all and see the amazing progress that you have made, Steve. Your recovery journey and steadfast love of each other and the Lord have lifted my spirit and warmed my heart over and over again… YOur faith even in the darkest days has strengthened mine.

    Love and prayers from my heart,

    Pam Bryant

  • ede

    Steve's situation was passed on to me by Joyce Raveling. Steve used to be Pastor of Worship @ her church. I prayed for Steve as soon as I read the message. I've learned to do that rather than just say, “I'll say a prayer” & later forget to do so. I will be passing this on to many others that will also pray for Steve. Please feel the power of our prayers & know that you are EXACTLY where God wants you to be. I pray that the Holy Spirit gives your entire family the peace that passes understanding. Keep the Faith!!!…….ede

  • Dean & Sue Loomis

    Truly awsome for sure to see you & your family at the zoo & earlier motivating yourself around in a manual wheelchair. Thanks be to God!! We pray for your continued progress.

  • Ingridmijnals222

    Michelle ik geloof mijn ogen niet! Gefeliciteerd met het amazing herstel. Stap 4 stap … Ik heb bewondering 4 je. Bij toeval was ik vorige week het in conferentie oord De Bron. het is een hotel en ik had een kamer geboekt. De naam is veranderd in mooirivier. Anyway.. toen ik daar aan de rivier zat moest ik aan je denken. We hebben elkaar daar voor het eerst zo'n beetje leren kennen.
    Wat is er veel gebeurd vanaf toen tot nu.

  • Brett Williams

    Steve! It is Brett Williams typing feverishly to tell you how much we love you and have been praying for you! It is wonderful to see your smiling face at the zoo. I am now the pastor of Calvary Chapel Whidbey Island! Amazing stuff. Perhaps I can come visit when things are not too busy.
    Cheers in Jesus,

  • Raffy Tima

    Hi Pastor Steve,
    Im just one of the many worshipers at the Union Church of Manila who have been touched by your moving sermons. Although i dont attend church service every Sunday, i always look forward to hearing you whenever i do attend. Your sermons are actually one of the reasons why i attend church.
    With the grace of God, i know you will fully recover. With this accident, i believe God gave you a treasure chest of resources for your sermons, so you will inspire more people, so you yourself become an inspiration.
    I look forward to seeing you again at the Union Church of Manila.
    God Bless you and your family.

    Raffy Tima
    Manila, Philippines

  • Milliball

    Steve and Michelle: Milli Ball and Will Sharp from UPC Seattle wish you to and your family the very best. Our prayers and with you all. Hang in and Keep the Faith!

    Love and Blessings

    Milli & Will

  • Lucy Dy

    Our beloved Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    Our love and warm greetings from Union Church of Manila!
    Alice Pamin, our CARE Ministries Head, was up in the pulpit yesterday in all 3 services. She has shown the video clip of you, together with Michelle, your kids and family. There was spontaneous APPLAUSE from the Congregation, the 2nd service, which Nelson and I attended yesterday. The congregation was moved to see you on the manual wheelchair moving around the zoo with your family. Couldn't help tears welled up to see your SMILE, to hear your VOICE! God is GOOD and He will see you through towards FULL RECOVERY. Love and prayers, Nelson and Lucy Dy PS: Nelson drew SOMETHING for Pastor Steve which will hopefully reach you via courier. LOVE AND PRAYERS.

  • Ilyn Kagawan

    Hello Pastor Steve,
    We're praying for your recovery every day and are encouraged to see that God is working in your life as He continues to heal your injuries. I'm Jenjen, Gloria Ison's eldest daughter living in Concord, California. My daughter Rekah met you when she was in the Philippines last year. Thank you for sharing your journey through this blog and we look forward to what He will do in the days to come.

  • Larry Johnson

    Hello Pastor Steve,

    I want to echo the comments from Lucy Dy on the service on Sunday at Union Church of Manila. I attended first service and had the priviledge to pray for you as part of the “Prayers of the People” . You and your family continue to be in my family's thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. We read each update the comes through on this website, pray for your and follow your recovery.

    God bless, Larry Johnson

  • Jmadmiraal

    Dear Steve,
    We heard of your accident from Nathan & Mary Enns. We are Mary's parents, John & Marilyn Admiraal. We pray that God will give you strength and complete recovery. We serve an awesome God, who is always present during our peak and valley moments. May you and your family feel God's presence during this difficult time. We will hold you up in our thoughts and prayers.
    John & Marilyn A.

  • Bill Hazel

    Steve and Michelle,
    I check your website everyday, morning and night and share your success with the rest of my family. Tina saw Kim at a hockey game here in Springboro over the weekend and was so glad to see everyone.
    We want you to know that everyday we think of your family and pray for a fast recovery, and it is happening! I just watched the video at the zoo and we are all lucky to have Steve.

    Bill Tina Grant Julia Hazel

  • Dtopliff

    Thrilled with the zoo video and thankful with you for each gain and gift, praying and thanking Him for more. Love and blessings to each of you, Delores


    Blessed Bro Steve. I just praise and thank JESUS for introducing you to me, and i am so glad to know how Hard you been working to inherit the KINGDOM of GOD. May our good GOD use u mightily through out the glob… please do keep me in your daily prayer. As i am from INDIA, KARNATAKA CITY BELGAUM. And am an Physically Handicap but GOD out of HIS mercy has chosen me to serve HIM and to do wonders in HIS name. please pray for my ministry ''JESUS REIGNS MINISTRY'' and pray for the CHURCH construction. if you can spend a little time please do visit my blog. Thanks and GOD BLESS… love bro Robert A Dasari.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve and Michelle…we have been out of town this week and couldn't see the videos on Thad's phone. What a treat to watch last night when we got home. It's hard to see the reality of you in a wheelchair…but it is so joyous to see you rolling around the zoo, playing with your boys, seeing your smile and hearing your voice…and seeing the smile on Michelle's face. It was so wonderful to be able to share a moment with you all…outside of the hospital in the beauty of the zoo. We are so happy about all of the steps that you took this week. It's got to feel so good to you. We think of you so often each day and continue to pray.
    Love you…Linda and Thad

  • Faye Luckett

    Angelove Mariano Moore, one of our members, brought Steve's accident to our attention shortly after it happened and asked for our prayers. He has been listed in our church bulletin and is being prayed for by our prayer chain. I believe Angelove's mom is a member of Steve's church. So you're right, prayers are coming from many different directions yet all directed to the One true and loving God. May you both continue to be encouraged and strengthened and know that even on days when there's no one to visit, you are being remembered.
    Faye Luckett, Admin. Asst., Trinity Lutheran Church, Bradenton, Florida

  • Lindsay

    Steve, Haven't posted in awhile but prayers continue coupled with praise re: the Lord's working in your life.

  • Sarah Campbell

    Dear Sean, your recent posting is one of the most beautiful statements about the meaning and power of prayer I have read. Thank you for putting into words what God put in your heart, and for sharing the wisdom of Metropolitan Bloom. Your note was a blessing. May you be blessed as you are blessing all of us with your faithfulness to God and your faithfulness to your friends Michelle and Steve and to all of their friends.

    • Sean

      thanks Sarah.

  • baby

    Sean, you are God sent.

  • Heather Crummett

    My dear friends Steve and Michelle,

    At the bowling alley for a friend's birthday tonight I ran into a woman who attended Union Church, and now I know the latest chapter in your story. It was really good to see the video of you at the zoo – to see you smiling and hear your voices. I will wholeheartedly be praying for God's abundance in your life right now, for providence and health and joy and strength. If any of us has the faith to move a mountain, we would move it for you. If love is enough to heal, you will be well indeed.

    So much more I have to say, but for now, know that I will join the throng.

    Heather Bufford Crummett

  • Aveillette

    Bro. Steve:

    Awesome to see your progress (thank you Sean :-) and to see your beautiful family. We continue to have you on our hearts/in our prayers. May His joy, peace, comfort, strength, love & encouragement be yours my friend. I look forward to standing in line to one day be allowed to visit you. Until then, I will continue to look at your picture with the kids from my Kirkland Heights Ministry when you sang at our community dinner :-)!

    Love you bro!
    Al V. 3
    Antioch Bible Church

  • Marianne Weber


    We have never met, I am an Architect in Dayton, Oh. I have known your brothers Mike and Mark and your Dad for years now and think very highly of them. Our families lives have crossed paths in years past. I attended Miami U at the same time as Mark and knew him there before I knew of him in Dayton. I even interviewed with John for a job right out of college. Also my brother, Ken Weber, worked for a man named Jess and together they helped build your Dad's house, so he knows your parents as well. And now I've come to know you and your family via this blog. I can't imagine what you're going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Many thanks to those who keep this page updated. Reading through all the posts yesterday was very moving and inspiring. Our God reigns.

    Blessings, Marianne Weber

  • Mavis

    I just saw the video of y'all from the zoo…probably the coolest thing I've seen in ages!!! I'm so excited that you had this trip and for all the improvements and good news I've read about. I'm praying for ongoing healing and blessings every day!

    Steve – if you go to the zoo again, I want to ride in that wagon…LOL!!!

    Much love,

  • Fred Davis

    Hi Steve and Michelle,
    I got a chance to go play golf today. I don't know if golf is your thing, but I thought to myself “I hope and pray that Steve will be able to do this or the other activities he enjoys someday.” I remember talking with someone who described golf carts that could be adapted for sci persons allowing them to swing from the cart. There are adaptive programs for skiing, biking, and much more. Know that I pray that you will be able to be up on your feet doing those things. If not, life opens up all sorts of new possibilities. Take heart. Be strong and courageous. God is with you as you journey into this new “land” and he has promised to be with you.

    Judy and I send our love and prayers

  • Catherine Foote

    Dear Steve and Michelle-
    I am one of the pastors at the church next door to you, University COngregational. I also commute to work regularly by motorcycle from Whidbey Island. I just learned of your accident and want you to know I am praying for you and your family. I also have forwarded information on your accident to our prayer chain here. I know that God is with you in this time.
    Catherine Foote

  • Faith Price

    I live in Nelson, New Zealand and attend the home group which Caroline Cliff goes to when she is back in NZ. Have been praying for you and keeping up-to-date with the messages ever since. I have found it quite inspiring to read about how you and Michelle are coping, and your wonderful trusting in God in the midst of what would absolutely shatter many people.
    Prayerful best wishes

  • Peg & Paul Stuckey

    Hi Steve,

    How shocked we were to hear of your accident. We just wanted you to know of our love and prayers. We're praying for the fullest possible recovery and for God's amazing grace to surround you and sustain you through all you are facing.

    We're proud to be a part of your life and will always remember your energy, enthusiasm and beautiful spirit. May God continue to use you in the ministry to which he has called you.

    We'll keep praying and God will keep on being right there with you and for you.

    Peg & Paul Stuckey

  • Tom Diederich

    Steve, you look, sound and act just like your father! I haven't seen you in some years — you look great, pal!
    -Tom(my) Diederich

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Aunt Darlene, Thank you so much for your posting of God's Perfect Timing. You are such a beautiful family, and any and all who know you (The Ruetschle Family) have felt your love, generosity, and grown from your example of true faith in Our Lord. Now in your family's time of need, all those who you have made such a wonderful impact on, are coming to surround you all with prayers, love, support, and encouragement. Thank you for YOU! You have made such a tremendous difference in my life, and when I think of the people who have set great examples for me, or been there for me in some of the most difficult times of my life, the image of you and Uncle John and your whole family come to my heart and mind. You and your entire family have been such an inspiration to people all over the world….How Absolutely Awesome is That!!! It is time for all of us, to thank you and show our love for you!! Blessings to you all, and I hope that you are finding rest, and that God will continue to hold each of you in His loving care. With Much Love and Many hugs, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • emy reventar

    Hi Darlene! This is Emy Reventar. Sometime ago last year we exchanged emails regarding the possibility of you and John joining the UCM trip to Israel. Somehow Steve was still looking forward for you both to join the UCM trip in 2011 before all this happened. Anyway, I just want to thank you for being the Mom that you are to Steve. You inspire me. As a mother of sons myself, I feel your heart deeply and believe in the divine purposes of God and His perfect timing in all things. I share your faith and optimism that God will continue to manifest the power of His faithfulness in Steve's circumstance. Praying for you continually. Emy Reventar – UCM

  • Miabond

    Hi Steve! Although we have never met (particularly since my husband prefers the nosebleed seats up in the balcony), I wanted you to know how much I was inspired by a “talk” you gave several years ago before moving on to the Union Church of Manila. If I remember correctly, you talked about how folks often want to move on to something new or different when they are unhappy in their current situations. Then, just when things were wonderful, great and comfortable in your own life, you got “God's call” to potentially take a position in the Philippines. I was struck by your willingness to take a great risk and step into a new opportunity, in spite of how happy and content you were in Seattle at the time. I have played your story in my head many times (and shared it with others) and came to this conclusion – that our contentment can't be based upon an address or an occupation or future goals or our physical health…etc – that true contentment comes from a relationship with Christ. Seeing you on that video with your children at the zoo, I was amazed by how content and at peace you were in that moment, in spite of how much you have been through. God is truly walking alongside you and for that I am thankful! And, I wanted you to know how much your words have been a comfort to me in times of change in my own life. My family will be praying for you! Angela Bond -UPC

  • Ann Thomas

    We are following day by day. Praying day by day. Believing day by day with you and for you. Power and strength of the Holy Spirit to you, Steve– punctuated with rest, and peace for you and Michelle and your whole family.


  • Jody Samala

    God bless your whole family, Mrs. Darlene Ruetschle. Everyone in my family is praying for your son, Pastor Steve. May he be healed completely and back to his physical self before the accident.

  • Cindy

    I only met you a few times in Manila, we were parishoners at Union Church and friend of the Marshalls, but through this blog I feel like I have come to know your family.

    A long time ago, my family experienced a terrible tragedy in the murder of my only brother. I will never forget the chaotic time that followed in our lives emotionally, logistically, and spiritually. I must say that I read your posts in utter amazement at your ability to verbalize and commit to the page the essence of the unbelievable range of thoughts and emotions everyone is going through. You are truly a gifted writer.

    I also wanted to acknowledge that while God is the glue holding the tenuous strings of our lives together, as the 'mom', your are the one holding everything together. I remember how hard it was to try to keep everyone 'outside' informed, to care for my children in the way they deserved even though most days I just wanted to stay in bed and cry.

    I am brought to tears many times reading your updates and I hold you and your family in my prayers. You are an amazing person and I wish I had had the chance to get to know you better in Manila before we returned to the states. (Cindy North, Omaha, NE)

  • baby

    We are praying Michelle. And we know that God has always been there. I have always been looking for updates and now this one will keep me still for the rest of the week. You are such a blessing to those who read your blogs. It is amazing how you can verbalize the sequence of events making us feel as if we were there close by. God bless you Michelle. God bless Pastor Steve and the boys.

  • Kelly (Duke) Pollock

    I've been reading your blog regularly and am so pleased about your progress. Watching the video from the zoo was touching and Michelle's joy at having “her love with her” and Steve's response was the most devoted love I have ever witnessed. On a lighter note, I thought you might enjoy knowing that my two children (ages 6 and almost 3) were watching over my shoulder while I checked the blog and now always ask to watch “the finger” and “the toe”. Even after watching several times, they beg for more. So keep those videos coming!

  • Matt Cadora

    I have not seen Steve since he and I were in seminary together eleven years ago but, just tonight, I was telling someone in my church (I am the pastor of a church in Cincinnati, Ohio) about Steve's artwork. In order to show them Steve's artwork, I went online and found the artwork I was looking for but also found this website. I am saddened for Steve and his family but am heartened by the many evidences of God's goodness to the Reutschle's in the midst of this very, very difficult time. Steve, please know that I will be in prayer for you and your family and will ask our church to do the same.
    Grace and peace,
    Matt Cadora

  • Trish

    Hi there. I was directed to your site by one of my co-workers in Wenatchee, Gail Dix. I am struggling right now to remember how she knows of your injury but as I recall it was through her dear friend, the late Tricia Hopkins, and her daughter. She told me about your website because a dear friends is at Harborview following a spinal cord injury after a biking accident on the way home from our church picnic the Sunday before last. He moved to the 4W trauma rehab Tuesday afternoon and I am thinking that you both may be on the same unit. His name is Mark Lindman and his wife is Amy. I was there yesterday, as we are all from Wenatchee, but I can't remember what his room number is. It is at the end of the hall when you walk straight into the unit and he is the only one in his room as Amy is staying there with him. They are just beginning their journey but as I read your posts about the sustaining grace of the Lord I have heard much of the same from Mark. If it worked out, I was wondering if you might be able to look them up, as being fellow believers it would be encouraging to them to meet you. As I look at your picture, I think that Amy and I may have even saw you out on the 2W terrace when Mark was still in ICU and in surgery. Not entirely sure if that was you but it looked like you and someone we thought might be a brother. I remember watching this person in his wheelchair and Amy and I both wondered if this is the kind of chair that Mark would be in one day. Amy is planning on coming home to Wenatchee next Sunday for a few days for the first time since Mark's accident but otherwise she is pretty much there most of the time. I will mention to her tomorrow that I wrote you here. May God's grace continue to be sufficient for each day of your journey. Blessings, Trish McKee from Wenatchee

  • Marievann

    Dear Steve, Michelle and family,
    Today I was so saddened to hear the news of Steve's accident. In your message you wrote about the “mystery of grace” leaving each person profoundly changed. Twelve years ago my first daughter, Annabelle, passed away very suddenly as the result of an undiagnosed heart condition. It was just a few weeks before her third birthday. First, I felt disbelief and then a pain which often felt too difficult to endure. Now, I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to both know and love such a beautiful child. In her loss I have learnt to recognize what is important in life and be grateful for the many blessings which I have.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    Marie Vann
    P.S. Please tell Aidan that I hope I wasn't part of the inspiration for his “silly british accent”.

  • rowena

    Hi Pastor Steve, i enjoy talking to God about your assignment, it is indeed a God-sized assignment and He who called you on that task will also be the one to provide for accomplishment….your every day life since your accident was a vivid preaching for us who always pray and love you and are expectant of God's moving.. God bless you all.
    weng otanes

  • Rosie

    We are not acquainted except as part of the Family of God. I heard of your injury from Carol Dettoni. Your courage and faith are inspiring. And, although I know there are down days, please know, that is when you will especially be lifted up in prayer to our loving Father, who holds you gently in His care. You are being bathed in prayer by God's family, so take heart each day that no matter what, you are not alone or forgotten. God bless you continually!

  • Todd Kernan


    It has been 25 years since we last crossed paths and after these many years you may not remember me. I am currently living two miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains outside of Burnsville, NC. I heard of your accident just today and wanted to drop you a note imparting my prayers and thoughts for you and your family. I recall Troop 236's tragic loss of Jon Dittmar and how at that age it brought home how truly fragile life is. I had no doubt then what a great person you were and that you would accomplish great things. Perusing through your website/facebook, I see I was spot on. You have a beautiful family and it seems the network of support for you all is steadfast. I wish you and yours only the best in your recovery.

    God Bless –

    Todd Kernan

  • Kelli Maruna

    All of you are in our constant prayers. We also told our church about Steve and they will add him n our prayer list. All 3 of my children constantly ask how our friend Steve is doing. God bless you all!

    Kelli Maruna and family

  • Travis

    Steve, we haven't talked in years and somehow i stumbled upon this update of your situation. i have no words to express the emotions i'm feeling for you and your family at this time but just want to say how much i have loved and appreciated you ever since we spent that Summer together serving the youth in Bellingham. God used you in my life in ways you'll likely never know until heaven and I just thank God so much for you. I will be praying for you and yours. You are such a dear, dear man and brother in Christ.

    Much gratitude and love in Christ,

    Travis Messer

  • Dave Ginter

    Michelle, your quote on grace ambushed me today with God's special supply: “The writer Ann Lamott wrote: 'I do not understand the mystery of grace — only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.' ”

    Thanks a bucket-full of grace for that quote!

  • Dorothy Drysdale

    hi Steve and Michelle. Dorothy Drysdale, George's daughter here. I learned of your horrible accident when I arrived in Manila for my regular family visit. I cried when I saw the video during church on Sunday. There are no words to express my emotion for your current situation. Flametree Fellowship lifts you up in prayer every Wednesday. Michelle, you are a beautiful and gifted writer. Steve, I pray for your recovery. My daughter, Lauren, whom you baptized, sends you a big hug.

  • Halinarath

    Hi Michelle and Steve,
    Great picture from the zoo in Seattle. Continued great progress ,you have our love ans support.
    Halina, Michael and family

  • Cindy Edwards

    Amazing Grace…how sweet the sound!!! We hope and pray along with you each and every day!
    Cindy Edwards, Dayton, OH

  • Adabelle

    Hi, my name is Adabelle. I am a nurse that works with David in Antioch Kaiser. I just wanted to send my thoughts and prayers towards your family.

    Adabelle Quintos

  • Lee, Bok Yull

    I was shocked when I heard Pastor's accident, and had a severe agony why this tragic happened to him. Almost everyday, I prayed to God to heal him completely and do a wonderful Sermon again. I feel that it works when I see the video today and thanks God. I will continue to pray for their family's comfort and peace. Lee Bok Yull

  • Kim Johnson

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    It was great to hear your voice and see you via video this morning at church. Thank you for your message to us. We just want you to know that this weekend the Faith Academy staff met for the staff retreat and we all lifted you both up in prayer. We are also praying for you everyday! Larry, Kim, Lydia and Hannah Johnson

  • Dr Genevievehuang


    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    Please ask your doctor about stem cell treatment for you. One may harvest stem cells from your own healthy cells and also from umbilical cord so no controversy here. Filipino doctors know a lot about this. Here's an article from the NYTimes from last night:


    Search Health 3,000+ Topics
    Stem Cell Trial Wins Approval of F.D.A.


    Published: July 30, 2010

    The world’s first authorized test in people of a therapy derived from human embryonic stem cells has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration.
    The clinical trial could offer the first glimpse of the safety and possible effectiveness of a technology that has been hailed for its vast medical promise but also embroiled in political and ethical controversy.
    The trial will test cells developed by the Geron Corporation and the University of California, Irvine in patients with new spinal cord injuries.
    The F.D.A. had initially cleared the clinical trial in January 2009. But before any patients could be treated, the agency suspended the trial after cysts were discovered in some rats injected with the cells. Geron had to do another rat study and develop better ways to check cell purity.
    On Friday, the company announced that the F.D.A. had lifted the hold. Geron’s shares rose 17 percent, to $5.63.
    Embryonic stem cells can turn into any type of cell in the body. Scientists envision one day making replacements for injured or diseased tissues to treat a wide variety of illnesses.
    “I think it’s a very important milestone for the whole industry,” Alan Trounson, the president of California’s stem cell agency, said Friday, adding that the hold on the trial had been a cloud over the field. “It’s very important that they get on and treat the patients and demonstrate the safety” of the therapy.
    But the cells have been controversial because their creation has involved the destruction of human embryos, though some researchers claim they can now avoid that.
    The politics of embryonic stem cell research has shifted from one presidential administration to another, set in sharp relief by religious conservatives who opposed destroying or using human embryos.
    President George W. Bush limited federal funding for research to certain colonies, or existing lines of cells. President Obama lifted those restrictions and is gradually approving more lines to qualify for federal funding.
    Geron, based in Menlo Park, Calif., turns embryonic stem cells into precursors of neural support cells called oligodendrocytes. The precursor cells would be injected into the spinal cord at the site of the injury.
    The hope is that the cells will repair the insulation, known as myelin, around nerve cells, restoring the ability of some nerves to carry signals. While this is not expected to allow people to rise from their wheelchairs, it may conceivably restore some movement or sensation.
    The first trial, a so-called Phase 1 study, will have up to 10 patients and is mainly aimed at testing the safety of the therapy. Years of further testing will be required before the therapy would be proven and ready for widespread use, assuming it works.
    Dr. Thomas B. Okarma, the chief executive of Geron, said that the ethical review boards at two of the seven proposed trial sites had already approved the trial, so that it was possible the first patient might be treated in the next few months.
    Dr. Okarma would not identify the trial sites, saying the privacy of the patients must be protected from what could be intense interest from the media.
    “We can’t let that happen to disrupt the integrity of the trial,” he said in an interview. “The bright lights are going to be on this.”
    That concerns some experts, who say that Geron’s therapy does not have that good a chance of working and that a failure or a safety problem could set back the whole field. The biggest safety concern is that if there are any embryonic stem cells left in the mixture that is injected into patients, they could possibly form tumors.
    Dr. Okarma said critics had not seen the 28,000 pages of data that Geron had submitted to the F.D.A. “The degree of heavy lifting and turning over every possible stone is not appreciated,” he said.
    Patients in the initial trial will have a so-called complete injury, with virtually no chance of spontaneous recovery, Dr. Okarma said. That way, if there is any improvement in their movement or sensation it could be attributed to the treatment.
    Another company, Advanced Cell Technology, is trying to win approval from the F.D.A. to test retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells as a treatment for Stargardt disease, an eye condition that causes severe vision loss.
    In the last few years scientists have become excited about so-called induced pluripotent stem cells as an alternative to embryonic stem cells.
    Those cells can be made from an adult skin or blood cells, doing away with the need for human embryos. And if a patient’s own cell could be turned into new tissue it would eliminate the chance the transplanted cells would be rejected by the patient’s immune system. (Geron’s trial will involve temporary use of an immune-suppressing drug.)
    Still, some recent laboratory studies have suggested that the induced pluripotent cells might not be quite as versatile as the embryonic cells in turning into different types of tissues.

    End of article.
    Best and lots of love,

    Geneviève Béatrice Huang, M.D.
    Diplomate of Dermatology, University of London
    Fellow of the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service)
    Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology
    Member of the Philippine Dermatological Society
    Author: Dermatology: An Introduction; Dermatology: An Encyclopedia; The Beauty Book, Deluxe
    Edition; Planet Pig
    10, San Ignacio
    Urdaneta Village
    1225 Makati
    by appointment

  • Fegusss

    Sunday church service 10:30am Aug 1 Manila time. You could hear the pin drop as your full bloom face appear on the screen- you look healthy, well shaven, articulate as ever, except in several parts toward the end of your talk you had a hard time holding back your tears; I looked around and there were a few kleenex's in several attendees' faces. Pastor Caldwell had just given a report of his visit with you and family in Seattle before you appeared on the screen; doctors' prognosis and all that and your return to UCM August next year. Regarding doctors' prognosis, I told my wife “they ain't seen nothing yet”, for how could anyone know fully what God has in store for you? “My grace is sufficient for you” keep turning and turning in my head. More than sufficient to heal, He surprises us all the time with his love the least we expect it. It happens to us all the time. His grace is not a mystery – we enjoy it everyday, we see it, feel it, experience it, we witness it all the time – God answers fervent prayers from those who truly love Him. No, the jury is still out, more surprise blessings are still enroute to you in the days ahead. My wife and I continuously pray for you and your family… Gus and Fe

  • Ann van Wijgerden

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    You write and speak with such wisdom – in the fires of suffering – I find it breathtaking.
    Divine love and grace pour through you both as you share your journey with us, and let us glimpse something of God's awesome loveliness.
    Thank you!
    Continuing to pray with much love,
    Ann van Wijgerden

  • Angel & Gigi

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,

    You should have seen the faces of the UCM congregation this morning at the 10:30 service while listening to your message. Awe in God's grace, sadness on your condition, smiles when you kissed your arms (your sense of humor is always there), happiness on your progress, hope in God's living miracle…

    We're so pleased that you will remain to be our Senior Pastor. Because you really ARE our Pastor…now, even more so. In your struggles, you have shown us and are showing us how to call out to God and trust in Him to do His work — unconditional and complete faith in His healing. Your cause has united the congregation in prayer and deeds in a way you could never have dreamed of.

    So Pastor Steve, rest assured you are still doing God's work by being a living proof of His love and grace. In you, we are witnesses to a living miracle.

    We miss you so much. But we know the day will soon come when we will shake your hand once again in UCM Makati.

  • Ammiarmas


    Thank you very much for blessing me and many others as you update us about Pastor Steve and your “new normal” life. May He continue to strengthen both your inner person. God bless you with lavish grace as the weeks and months unfold.

  • Carole Telly

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I just received your mother and dad's email. I had not heard about your accident. Michelle's writing was so beautiful and every word was God from sent. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 46:10:

    “Be still and know that I am God.”

    And then break it down.

    “Be still and know that I am God.”
    Be still and know that I am….
    Be still and know….
    Be still….

    This scripture has truly held me steady when my world was reeling. We serve a faithful God, and he will never leave us nor forsake us. He carries us in the palm of his right hand.
    Our lives go back many years. I am so thankful for that gift alone. Bethany and Renee` send their love.
    Know that our prayers are constant. God bless you and your beautiful family.
    In Christ's ever present love,
    Carole Telly

  • Metzgar

    Hoorah! Live beyond the hospital walls, with much beauty ahead to anticipate – and God continues to provide so much. Michelle, you are such a gifted writer and we absolutely love being one of the many recipients of your gift.

    Dick and Ann in GA

  • baby

    Yesterday's video of Steve at UCM brought a lot of people into tears, both tears of joy and sadness. Tears of joy because we saw Steve doing well and sadness because we miss him a lot. We are eagerly looking forward to seeing him next year. We believe he will be sent back. We shall continue to pray for you and Steve and the family. God is with you and will never abandone you. Yesterday's homily was on Psalm 23 – it is so fitting for the ongoing events.

  • Michael Adeney

    You have been in my prayers in a feeble way. Last month we reopened the bookstore- 2nd floor of house owned by UPC on the corner of 47th and 16th NE.- next to UPC. So I have been working 70-80 hour weeks and ignoring important things like prayer. Glad to discover you are in Seattle now. You have frequently been an encouragement to me in the past and expect that will still be true in the future.
    Michael Adeney

  • Rodericktiburcio

    Hi Pastor Steve i just watch your video, God is Good for you and your Family for giving you a second life hope you got better and better God bless your whole family, Im praying for you Pastor Steve. May you be healed completely and back to your physical self see you soon.
    UCM video editor erick of Community Cable Los Banos

  • Michael Adeney

    Recently I was reading THE BRAIN THAT CHANGES ITSELF. It deals specifically with one man's recovery from major brain stem damage. I will give you a copy if you would like it. I will also provide you with the relevant quotes that start around page 20. Quite likely you know this already since this is a very well known book. We carry 2 copies and I think it is in the UPC library too. Published by Penguin.
    I apologize if my information is redundant.
    Michael Adeney
    I trust the encouragement you gave so many others is rebounding (by God's grace) to you.

  • Peg & Paul Stuckey

    Hi Steve & Michelle,

    We had a great dinner time with your folks and the Fellers last Wednesday> We talked much about you and prayed much for you. You are our role models as you cope and move forward not letting your current situation get you down. We're proud of you both. May God continue to give you strength and healing.

    Peg & Paul Stuckey

  • Fred Davis

    Just a note to let you know I continue to think of you and pray for you. I hope to visit again soon. I relive each description of progress and setback and continue to pray that the progress will far surpass all expectations – God is a great and mighty God. May he sustain you in faith and grace as you continue to endure. Thanks for your post today.
    Fred and Judy

  • Joyvirata

    Steves message to UCM last Sunday and the announcement of the Council was an answer to a prayer of some sign that he was going to come back. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Your prayer requests are always part of my daily prayer.

  • Larry Cannon

    We will continue to pray that the same Spirit who raised Christ from the dead, and who dwells in Steve, will strengthen his mortal body. That He will course through every muscle, every nerve, every fiber and cell, renewing them all and giving them strength.

  • Cbsample

    Thank you, Michelle, so very much for your persistence in updating us. You have a gift for communicating in writing, and it helps us all. You are a touching, encouraging, convicting example of functioning by God's grace under stress. Judy and I were delighted with your account of the museum decaf art-critic date. I am helped in facing my own minor difficulties by your example. God bless and encourage you in any late, low moments by his grace. Chris in Maine

  • Helen Ackerman

    Pastor Steve's video last Sunday was just amazing, I cannot help crying and crying while watching it — wish you can post it here too as an encouragement to us all and to the watching world – what it looks like being filled with the grace of Jesus Christ under Job-like circumstances, choosing to be grateful to God instead of being bitter, never stop loving the Lord through all these, The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh but always choosing in your heart to say “blessed be the name of the Lord !!!!!”

  • Germaine

    It was good to read your update on Steve's progress. I've been reminded to be thankful for the things that my body can do, which I too often take for granted. I'm working on excercising regularly, but it isn't something that I enjoy much. I need to change my attitude and be thankful. I read today in Gal. 2: 20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I continue to pray for you and yours, Sharon Germaine

  • Carol M. Dettoni

    We continue to pray for you all daily. Thank you for living your lives as an “open book” so that each of us who read your thoughts and reflections, can see and learn from your experiences. We pray daily for that time when we will all praise God for what He has done through you two and those surrounding you in this still unbelieveable journey.

    Your words, Michelle, are so profound and grab our hearts and minds and emotions. (Sean and others around you who blog here, too!) May each of you be encouraged each new day. May God keep that hope in your hearts. He is still “on the throne.”

  • Mlv

    Dear Michelle,
    Thank you so much for your update. We are out of Hong Kong at present and logging on when we can.
    Praying for you all now. Thanks so much for the update. our Lord God is good and merciful and is holding everything together at present.
    Thank you for your testimonies.
    with love, Mary and Nury et al

  • Karol and Russ Hadick

    Steve and you are in our prayers daily and we are so joyful at each accomplishment of Steve's as he begins this new journey in his life. Your words Michelle are an encouragement to all you read them. We cheer with each victory and cry when there is a set back. We are praying for the strength and power of The Lord Jesus to flow through Steve and you both.
    In His Love
    Russ and Karol Hadick
    (Darlene and John's friends)

  • baby

    Every little success in Pastor Steve's recovery is God's blessed assurance. You and Pastor Steve are well remembered. You just dont know how everyone rejoices with you for the little yet significant improvement in his condition. We shall persist in our prayers. We know everything will be for God's greater glory.

  • Lovelyne

    Michelle, we have realized you shall be the wind that would lift Pastor Steve up and back to his old self, but yu ought not worry for our good and faithful Lord and Father shall be lifting YOU up on His shoulders as you do this. Isn't that such reassurance!!! We pray for you sooo much as we can imagine in our hearts how challenging this is to you too.

    Dear Superwoman of The Lord, fly high and strong. Let His spirit lift you higher and higher and higher!!!

  • LaShieka Taylor

    May GOD continuously bless and keep you all as you continue along the path that is set before you. Each and everyday is precious and we thank GOD for YOU AND YOURS STILL BEING IN IT! BE BLESSED!

    III JOHN 1:2

  • Marilyn Thompson

    Dear Steve and Michelle: I do not know you nor you me. Our daughter, Debi Mangiameli sent me (her mom) your latest update. We rejoice that God has spared your life for the sake of your family and the great ministry He still has for you, regardless of where or what that will be. He never makes mistakes. Debi and her family were greatly blessed through your ministry in Manila. They are on faculty at Faith Academy. Husband, Allen, and I will be praying for you both for courage, endurance, patience and inner peace. Marilyn Thompson, Poulsbo, WA

  • Ted and Edna Zabel

    Ted and Edna Zabel
    We are good friends of your parents, Steve. We check your letters often, Michelle. You are a wonderfully expressive writer! Your letters are a reminder to pray for you and your family, and that is what we do. Our love and best wishes to you all.

  • Jerry

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    Wow! Thanks for the pictures of those darling boys! They are wonderful!
    Just want you to know that we hold you all very close in our hearts and prayers. We will be praying specifically for your prayer requests.

    Our love to you. Jerry and Ann

  • Barry

    Dear Steve and Michelle, It was good to return from vacation and read of the progress that is being made. It may be incrimental, but at least it's in the right direction. Please know that your prayer requests are ours here at Christ UMC in Ketering. Bless you all. Barry DeShetler, Lead Pastor

  • Jmangayayam

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle…we are so happy to hear each progress and improvement in Pastor Steve…We continously lift you both in our prayers. We know the Lord is with us and He hears all our prayers and petitions. He will not fail us. We love you …Rod and Jean

  • Dean & Sue

    We continue to think of you all daily & pray for you then also. We so admire your strength & determination (Michelle & Steve) & pray for your strength to as you continue to deal with all your challenges & responsibilities. May your moves go smoothly & your house sell quickly. We greatly admire both of you. We also were moved by Darlene's entry. Your sons are adorable. May God continue to watch over all of you. Dean & Sue Loomis (friends of Darlene & John)

  • Wynn Adam

    Steve: Your mom and dad stopped by tonight to wish us well on our bike ride next Saturday in Wisconsisn, Minnesota and Iowa for Juvenile Diabetes Cure. They share their giving spirit with so many. They are hopeful that you have continued progress in healing no matter how slowly it occurs. We have heard from your folks about the generous Seattle ” family” you have and also the support you have in Manilla. Your parents asre so proud of you and your families.
    Your parents' across the tennis court neighbors, Wynn and Jeff Adam

  • Quilterscreek

    Thank you for constantly thinking of all of us with grace and love even in the midst of the challenges and activities in your busy lives. You bring God's breath into our world, blessing us even as we struggle to share with you just how much we love you. We're enriched by the treasures you share each day, and pray that God will show us just how we can live out His will for all of us as we journey together throughout the coming days and years. By His grace and for His glory, Pastor Poppins

  • Joykarsevar

    Thank you for ministering to us – Steve and Michelle, we love you. You are such a wonderful gift from the Lord- you are awesome!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
    Love, Joy Tomacruz Karsevar and family

  • Bsacook

    Thanks for your ever loving words Michelle, that little boy is having to grow up very quickly, bless him…I can feel their Guardian Angels ever present..hand in hand too along the long winding road to recovery…..Ze and his Dad together is an inspiration to the watching praying throng that miracles do and are happening…..Bless you all with the love of Family of Man..

  • Dtopliff

    Michelle, awake for some reason around 3 am here, I prayed for you, Steve, boys, and all you have to do in these busy days, yet rejoicing as you see so many gains and answers unfold. The scripture passage that came to me is of Joshua leading the people over Jordan, in flood stage, and going in to take possession of the land, though of course there were some skirmishes as they occupied. But so many times, enemies fled without engagement because they heard that the God of Israel fought for these people. Sending much love to you all!

  • Druetschle

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    What a precious moment that must have been in room 457. You are such an amazing witness to the whole world. How we would have loved to be in your room singing praises with you. God bless the singing angels from UPC. The picture of Zephyr and Steve holding hands is priceless.
    Our prayers will be mighty for you today as you move to your new place.
    A dear friend gave me the book by Anne Graham Lotz entitled “Why?” and I want to share a quote in her book from Jean Paul Richter that was very touching. “The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks, while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to keep down the diver while he is hunting for pearls”. We're with you in spirit and heart. Love and prayers. Mom and Dad

  • Homer P. Taguiwalo

    Dear Pastor Steve,

    Although your absence on the Sunday I officially turn 32 (this coming one – the 8th!) kinda saddens me, seeing you up and about – and hearing you speak to us for the first time since your accident – overall, the progress of your recovery is a good enough birthday gift you give me.

    I shall continue to pray for your continued recovery. Also for God to continue as always to keep watch over Michelle and the boys as they care for you over this period.

    May the blessings of God be with you always.


    Homer P. Taguiwalo

  • Kelliwilley

    Steve, we were friends many years ago, while working with the high schoolers at Antioch. We loved your fun music and your incredible art work, and of course just hanging out with you. Thanks to your wife's wonderful updates, we've been able to now lift you up in prayer. Although we cannot imagine your suffering, we share a faith in a Savior who does! Praying that you have continued healing and encouragement today. Blessings – Kelli and Jim Willey

  • Jack Talley

    Hello Michelle and Steve,
    I'm watching and praying for you. thinking about you both on a fairly regular basis since it happened.

    Your fan and friend, Jack Talley

  • Bethany Telly Mills

    Steve and Michelle,
    I just heard the news of the accident, and to say the least I have done nothing but pray for understanding and strength for the two of you and your beautiful family. Steve, I have known you almost my entire life and if there is anything that I am certain of it is that you are truly one of God's children and He Will see you through this. Your life has been nothing but a blessing to all who have known you. Your faith has been so pure. You are an inspiration and you are deeply loved. God knows the plan that He has for you. He has known it since the beginning of time. We love you! In Christ's Amazing and Healing Love, Bethany (Telly), Scott, Corban, and Samuel Mills

  • Betty Guthrie

    Steve and Michelle,

    You do not know us, but we are familiar with Jana Raymond and her sweet boys, who are spending the summer in Jacksonville near their grandmother and are visiting our church. Those dear boys made us all aware of your situation last week, and you and your family will certainly be in our prayers in the days to come.
    God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, and I believe that He will use your circumstances to preach volumes to anyone who will observe and listen to your lives. He will be glorified through the way you live your lives. He will see you through! What a precious family you have!

    In Christian love,
    Doug and Betty Guthrie
    Argyle Church of Christ

  • Lizziekay41

    Michelle, I was Blessed to read your account of what is happening to you all, & to see the photo of your little boy walking by his Dad's side holding hands-! just so Precious! I could see the Smith Tower poking up, so brought to mind my time in Harbourview in '91 when I was taken there unconcious after a car accident which broke lots of bones(could've been a quadraplegic if the fractured cervical vertebrae was not discovered & mended-but the Lord still had things for me to do…) But UPC was such a loving family to me(mine were/are all in Australia) & I will never forget that.
    So now I am a leader in Genesis, the Sr group at UPC & we have all been praying for Steve & you all & it is great when you have a moment to let us know where you are at. with hugs from Kay

  • Elaine Farah

    Steve and Michelle:
    Wow! That was the sweetest thing today looking through your blog and seeing little Zephyr holding Daddy's hand.
    So sorry that my sisters and I couldn't come and see you guys-but hi from us all!
    We love ya!
    Love and many blessings,

  • Greggfarah


  • Allison Henry

    I sent an earlier post from my phone but it didn't work.
    I am in awe of your constant grace and eloquence. You are on my mind all of the day, you and Steve are in my prayers non stop, the boys are in my heart always. I am so inspired by your and Steve's faith, hope and strength. I am here for you for anything that you might need. It wasn't too long ago that you took care of me and my baby in order for me to have another healthy baby, and I want you to know that what ever it may be that you need, I'm here for you. I love you, I ache for you, I am beyond moved by you and I am and will always pray for you, for Steve and for your precious 3 boys. All my love… Allison

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    It's been awhile since I've written anything here…but it doesn't mean that you haven't been in my thoughts. I think of you both so often each day. The reality that you find yourself in is so surreal to me. I ache to think that you are in it every day…with each victory and each struggle, each wonderful moment and each moment of pain. I pray for healing and I pray for wonderful, encouraging moments, and I pray for the supernatural hope and endurance that will get you through this. I love to hear the hope and strength in your posts that show how grounded you are in the only One who is bigger than every obstacle you face. I smiled at the pictures of the worship team singing in your room. I'm sure it filled the room with joy and peace and comfort. All of those wonderful faces…and I can hear the music. I am thinking of you both right now knowing that God is caring for you now and when you read this. And I send hugs and love to you….

  • Eileen Gray

    I felt compelled tonight to thank you. You see, we too our members of UPC and we have great friends in common – the Coons. I met your Aiden last week at their house. He is simply adorable. I have been praying for you daily. Tonight I find your hope inspiring. I lost my mom last Thursday and I have been immersed in my own grief this past week. Thank you for being so hopeful, positive, and sure of God's goodness and grace. I needed your words tonight as I have been crying on and off all day, wanting to call my mom and tell her I love her. You are an amazing family and I look forward to meeting you again soon.

    Eileen Gray

  • Ann Thomas

    It is so wonderful to see these pictures of the UPC worship team and Gospel Choir members. They are singing with you to God for the Body who wasn't in your room! The posts below this are so rich with blessings for all of us. You are giving life to us– ministering in your trial. Thank you for letting us love you from near and afar.

    When Zephyr reached out his hand to take Steve’s we are there.


  • Lovelyne

    “..Love among strangers, Joy amidst ashes..”

    This is the title of the book you have been writing…

    Ahh Michelle, you make us all smile. Thank you!

    We miss you and Pastor Steve and the boys soooooooooooooooo much!!!

    Kamusta to Pastor Steve!!!

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Michelle and Steve, I think of you so often through out the day. My heart goes out to you, in so many ways. I cannot imagine all that you are juggling right now, and yet your faith never wavers. You are such beautiful examples of God's love. I continue to pray that He will give you peace that passes understanding, strength, courage, and determination. I know that Our Lord is carrying you through this, but I also know that you must walk the journey before you, and not give up hope. I pray that the new house is coming together well for you, and I am so hopeful for you all when I check your posts, or talk to one of your family members here in Kettering. Thank you for the gifts of YOU in our lives! The picture of your 3 beautiful boys is just darling, and the picture of Zephyr holding his Daddy's hand warms my heart for all of you! Many blessings and much love to you all! Hugs too! Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Nancy Crutchfield

    Steve and Michelle, thank you so much for the updates and as well as the pictures and videos. You have a gift at bringing us all into your presence to experience the joys and sorrows with you. Someone posted the meaning of intercessory prayer about a week ago. That so blessed me and has blessed many from my prayer team. I'm not sure when but Mel and I will be up in Seattle sometime soon and hope to see you. I still chuckle over that caricature drawing you did of the Antioch staff. That was a great piece of artwork, though Mel is much more handsome than portrayed!! :-) You are in our continued prayers and praises.

  • Stephanie

    Dear Pastor Steve & Michelle,
    You probably don't know us because we are rather shy and quiet attendees at UCM. For a time, your children and ours were also schoolmates at the Summit Preschool. Just wanted to let you know that we are one of those constantly praying for you all the way from the Philippines! We offer up our daily struggles to be one with yours. Though we are halfway across the world, we are firmly behind you; we are in this together!
    Love from Mark & Stephanie Frondoso with Amarene & Matthew

  • Kristine Braden

    Hi guys, thanks for continuing to keep us updated with your beautifully written posts. I just wanted to let you know that you're loved and UCM is doing fine though we do miss you. I'm amazed on this side of the pond how God continues to work through the UCM family and each person individually. Your story is rippling outwards and bringing a renewal of faith to many. Even little Hannah reminds us to pray for you and is watching God at work in and through you. Your story is impacting many and while I'm sure it's incredibly hard, rest assured God is at work all around.

    On a separate note, I wanted to let you know that your things dropped off by Darren & Deborah are safe and sound. Even more, they are a blessing to us! Indeed, just the night before we got the call from them, I thought to myself – “'wouldn't it be nice to have a rug in our bedroom”. Now we have one! Hannah said at dinner tonight – I like our new rug mommy! I had to smile and remind her it's on loan for a short while. Thank you for blessing us! They remind us daily of you guys as well as being beautiful so we're thankful!

    Blessings and love, Kristine for the Bradens

  • Rodin G. Lopez

    HI Pastor, I'm Rodin Lopez son of Celestina Lopez a regular member of Union Church Manila. She wishes you well and hope you recover soon. Your brethren here at Ellinwood Malate Church also pray for your speedy recovery. God bless.

  • Mobola

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    My name is Mobola Peters and in 2007 i lived in Manila for a year. Even though i never met Pastor Steve personally, i considered him my spiritual teacher. He's sermons were so inspiring for me, and without inteding to sound too dramatic, they did change my life. Three years on and thousands of miles away, Pastor Steve is still teaching me.
    When i first heard about the accident i was shocked and saddend, and i excpected to feel the same way coming onto this site. Instead i'm hopeful and humbled. Thank you both so much for your generosity in sharing your journey with us. Thank you for showing me how a family should behave in times of adveristy. What a gift it is to have a family like yours!
    I just wanted to say that i am joining my faith with yours in prayer and supporting Steve's complete recovery.

  • cindy overbay

    Hi Steve and Michelle. I have to say that after reading the last few posts, I began to cry–not of sadness, but of hope. Hope that all will work out and that Steve will continue to get better and return to his original self. I am happy that Steve has made so much progress and that he is still in high spirits for the most part. More prayers have been sent your way! I think of you all often and pray for your strength and continued recovery for you all. Your beliefs in the Lord at this time in your life is very reassuring to me. I am the one who wrote and asked for prayers for my 3 year old cousin who has cancer. I am happy to report that all is going well there also. She is in her 2nd round of chemo and they are giving her meds to keep her from getting sick, so she is in high spirits and wants to run around and play. Thank you for your prayers for her. It is so touching to read about both of you and your recoveries. May God Bless you all!!!!

  • Dale and Liz

    Dear Steve and Michelle, and precious family — greetings and prayers from us, and our Side by Side praying teams. You were upheld by people who walk on shadowy paths, with their own griefs as well as sharing the heavy burdens of others on the cancer journey. His rod and staff comfort us. You are facing the abyss — from acute to chronic — so very gratefully and humbly approached, but nonetheless, daunting. How we can all relate to to the immediacy of life in the hospital!

    Steve, praise be to God, for nerves at the end of the spine that bypass log-jams elsewhere!!

  • Rdverver

    Dear Steve and Michelle, Saturday my youngest daughter Teri got married. It was a comedy of errors in maany ways. My wife went to the spa to get her nails done on Friday, fainted, was rescued by EMT’s and brought to the ER. She was not able to go the rehearsal or rehearsal dinner but was well enough to attend the wedding, which was outdoors in a West Seattle park. Remember Saturday’s weather? We tranfered the wedding guests and all to Salty’s on Alki, our reception venue and with the help of Dave Rohrer and Salty’s staff, pulled off a great ceremony and a fun day. Seven years ago this seemed like an impossible dream. I was scheduled to die. But with God’s grace dreams happen; amazing things happen; comedies of error happen; rich tapestries are woven and life continues to become the surprising miracle we hope for.

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Oh Steve….that is HUGE !!!!!!! Thank you for sharing Michelle…it has been a specific prayer request from the beginning and we are so thrilled for this miraculous step. Wow…. I can’t believe that you are home in 8 days. It doesn’t seem possible. It’s got to feel so exciting and terrifying all at the same time. You will be so close to us i Edmonds… We went to your new home for one of Matt’s shows. It is a great space and I hope that it will become a haven for you there. On Sunday I saw the bulletin board upstairs with pictures and copies of newspaper articles about Steve. It’s such a wonderful tribute to you Steve and to Michelle and the boys and a reminder to continue to pray. We continue to pray for healing and for all of the dozens of details to continue to fall into place…. Hugs to you

  • Mary

    Dear Michelle, Steve, and family. You do not know us. We lived in the Philippines for only one year, but it was the year that Steve first preached at Union Church of Manila. We are still in contact with many families still living in the RP and that is how we heard about Steve and began reading your blog. I cannot in words describe how reading your entries, seeing your pictures and videos, and hearing your story has affected my often “rusty heart”. God is very much shining through your beautiful family! You are in our prayers !!
    Mary and Nathan E.

  • Roger and Jerri Oliver

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    As we try to grasp the profound number of details, decisions, and logistics that you must handle, we pray for the for peaceful, recuperative sleep for both of you. This seems rather simple, but the largesse of the circimstances you find yourselves can only be handled with rest and strength. So, for tonight that is our first prayer, that God will handle the details in a way that continues to astound you and that in this knowledge you can find restful, recuperative sleep.

    We do give grateful thanks for the continued healing that is taking place within Steve. It is brave and inspiring that you share some of the more initmate aspects of this journey. It is also a reminder to all of us, how much we take for granted with regard to our amazing physical bodies.

    We send our love and prayers for all of your requests, but especially, a private, quiet time for you and Steve…the beauty of you both is testimony that you are, indeed, two of God’s precious children. We love you and thank you for being a part of our lives.

    Roger and Jerri (Yoakam) Oliver

  • Elisabeth Williams

    Dearest Michelle and Steve,

    How I can relate to being inundated by school and insurance adjustments, since we, too, are transitioning to life here in these United States! I found out on a Monday that our insurance would run out on a Wednesday…the options, costs, questions, etc. swirled about me in such a surreal way. Shortly after deciding on what I thought was the best option, I re-injured my neck and none of the PT or expensive medicine was covered! Couldn’t we just go back to RP where health care makes sense to me? Sigh.

    But we are experiencing the same Good God you are. I was able to buy the needed medicine while in Nicaragua on a mission trip…and then yesterday, I was offered a really good job…after months and months of looking. David is officially unemployed as he tries to start a new company so this was huge…an incredible, timely answer to prayer.

    Michelle, I can feel the enormity of the weight that is on you! There is just no getting around that these next few years will be tough, with the boys so young. My prayers are with you, dear, beloved lamb of our Good Shepherd. I pray that you will experience His daily provision, not just for what Steve and the boys need, but for what you need (a clear mind to make all of these decisions, rest, peace, energy, a cup of coffee with a friend, and yes, a movie with Steve!).

    Much love to all of you from all of us.

    David and Elisabeth Williams

    P.S. When I told my physical therapist about Steve and his progress, she told me that there could be continued healing in a situation like Steve’s for 9 months to a year. I have been really praying along those lines and rejoice in this latest HUGE answer.

  • Nvanfossan621

    Dear Michelle — you don’t know me but i have been following your letters and just want to let you know i have been praying for all of you. Ironically what you wrote today in your letter quoting Eph 3:20 was something i needed so very much to read and attach it to my heart as i am going through a very difficult time. Thank you for your beautiful letters — they touch many people’s lives. nancy

  • Lovelyne

    Deart Michelle, from the start of all this, i felt the biggest load to bear would be borne by you, thus my unceasing prayers for strength and God’s arms holding you ever so highly as He holds you up on His shoulders to rise up above it all. My sister is an ocupational therapist in Florida and i have been updating her of Pastor Steve’s condition and she has commented that he is progressing really well for such an injury. Imagine Pastor Steve can pee!!! Isn’t that good news. Isn’t that a “small thing” we all take for granted?! But see? It’s not. Every small thing is a big thing for our Lord and maybe through Pastor Steve He wants us to be reminded of that. In the whole hullabaloo of things, you and your family and the whole earth are being witnesses for Christ. Isn’t that grand! There would be times that everything would seem and would definitely feel discouraging, but please hold fast, Michelle. It’s all gonna be okay. And everything is for God’s glory so lift ALL things to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He will hold you up and even when times seem really rough..please don’t worry, He is still holding your hand. Keep in mind the sparrows, the flowers in the fields, how much more…you…
    One day at a time…Just keep on going One day at a time… =)

  • Mdlncallender

    Dear Ruetschle Family,

    It’s amazing how we learn of each other’s journeys in life –both good and bad! I learned of Steve’s accident yesterday from my beautician (Carla) and learned that Steve’s mother, Darlene, goes to her as well! We were friends in BSF and relatively close neighbors in Kettering, OH! My heart goes out to you all. My husband died in a motorcycle accident 17 years ago. The memories are still fresh, but the way God’s love reached out to me is also evident in your story and this incredible blog. Please know that you are in my prayers and that His love will also bless you in countless ways, not only through Steve’s healing process, but also in terms of the wonderful human connection that He brings to all who get involved and see His love shine through you! Thank you for your trust and hope in the Lord which shines through in your “gentle” words.

    Maddie Callender

  • baby

    Pastor Steve, you are such a blessing and you exude that with your mere presence. We are persisting in our prayers and we know great things shall happen. God bless you Pastor Steve.

  • Janine Farah

    Hi, Michelle and Steve,
    I’m writing from my Mom-in-law’s account to say THANK GOD for your good news. I continue to pray with you. May He be your strength, and may He resolve what seems impossible re: insurance, care, schooling, in His extraordinary ways. Continued strength, endurance, joy and unity to you all.
    Praying with you and sending our love, Janine Farah

  • Svillaraza

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    I just watched your video message. It was so comforting to see and hear you speak to us once again, and we are especially grateful that you can still pray with us! Like a lost sheep that has been found, we felt refuge in the familiarity of your presence. We hope you can communicate with us more often in this way.
    Love and prayers through thick and thin, Stephanie from UCM

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle,

    Bless your sweet hearts! You have been through so much already, and yet there is much more to come. I pray that God will be in All of the details, and that you both can continue to rely on your faith, the kindness of others, the help of all that love and want to support you, and never forget how much you are loved! We are so thankful for your updates! I wish we were closer, because we would be there to help, give hugs, and do whatever we could to make your lives simpler. My heart reaches out to you both, and your precious boys. I am so thankful for all of the people that live in your community, who are pouring out their love, help, and encouragement to you. Our God is an Awesome God, and He will never leave you, He is carrying you in His loving arms each and every moment of each and every day! Please remember that when you are weak, He is there and He is strong! Thank you for sharing your experience going to church this week! I am so thankful that you could go together, there is Healing in the House of Our Lord, and Strength in Prayers. He hears all of the prayers for you all over the world, and Steve may continue to be a moving target for the Drs., but God grants glorious Miracles to those who believe in Him. I know there is a God given Miracle happening in Steve each and every day! Have Faith, Sleep well, and Believe that God DOES have you and your family in His Ever Loving Care. Blessings any Much love to you all! Many hugs too! Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Flavia

    We love you, too, Mama Michelle and Pastor Steve! Flavia

  • Lizgparker

    Pastor Steve, seeing you in that condition on a video at ucm was unnerving yet at the same time hearing your voice was consolling, for instead of us feeling dismayed as any human may with what you are going through, you encouraged us and made us laugh. Thank you for such faith. Standing with you and Michelle in prayer for continued success in your recovery and for every miniscule detail that Michellle is dealing with pertaining to the situation. Liz Parker

  • Maelknoll

    Dear Aidan,

    I wish that your father gets better. I miss you and wish I could play with you.

    Love, Mael

  • Heather Crummett

    Dear Michelle, Thank you for updating us again and letting us know that Steve continues to gain strength and movement little by little. I heard that 200,000 nerves end in the feet, and we lift up each one, along with the many more that still need healing. Bless you as you learn to give Steve his injections – courage to you, who have already shown so much. Love, Heather

  • Marisa Aponte

    Hi Michelle,
    I´m Marisa Aponte. I’m not sure if you remember me, I´m Emilio’s mom. Emilio was in Jude’s classroom at Brent School last year.
    I’m writing this note to tell you that as soon as we received news about your family we start praying with my 3 kids…and you know, kids prayers are multiplied!!
    I was reading your notes in this web page, and I notice how special you and all your family are, you are an example for all of us. I didn’t had the opportunity to know you too much here in Manila but I remember the first time I met you at Kendall’s party, that day I felt a special energy from you, I was just arriving to Manila and for me was so special to meet you at that moment, you made me feel comfortable in those specials days when you arrive to a knew country.
    I’m sure that with all that positive energy and courage that you have, and with the help of all of us continuing praying, God will give to you, to your husband and to your lovely kids the best in His perfect timing (as your mother in law said).
    With love,
    Emilio, Marisa and all the Aponte family

  • Brad

    From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

    Steve, I wept with gratitude this morning as I read about (and watched) your progress. This verse caught my eye, and heart, as Paul through God’s grace so eloquently shares, the degree of detail God has in our lives. I look forward to seeing you and your family.

    brad h

  • Sonia Andraous

    Beloved Michelle and Steve,

    Speechless,my inner soul is leaping and dancing,my body is trembling but with Joy and Praise……
    Our Mighty Daddy is awsome…..can’t stop my tears from all these wonderful amazing news.
    Love you.

    See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.Isa 49:16

    Do you not know? Have you not heard?
    The LORD is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
    He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
    Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
    but those who hope in the LORD
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.

    Isaiah 40:28-31

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle!!!

    I am SO EXCITED as I watch the videos of Steve!!!! WAY TO GO!!! There is always hope for more, and I will continue praying for all that you need, and Yes, deserve! You both are just so courageous, and inspiring, Thank You for YOU!! We love you, and we pray many times a day for you. We wish we could give you the hugs from our hearts, that we would love to give! Please know that we will never stop praying and hoping for a full recovery. Steve, hang in there. The road is long, but God is with you and carrying you during your hardest times! I am so proud of you and the progress you are making! Michelle, you are one amazing woman, and I don’t know how you are keeping all of the juggling going. Blessings to you my dear, and have faith, that all of the details, every one of them will some how work out, just as they are supposed to. You are both so incredibly loved, and we thank you for being such an inspiration to us! Keep Moving Forward!!! Much love and many hugs! Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    So many encouraging steps! So amazing to see you in the pool Steve. It’s got to feel so good to be so bouyant…water’s so cool. You are both so strong…perservering one step at a time. We are praying for the perfect school situation for the boys. We are praying for many more new steps. We are praying for moments of laughter, moments of peace, moments of rest, moments of joy with your boys, moments of time alone together, moments of amazement, moments of comfort, moments of love.
    Hugs to you….

  • Jdgrubbs

    As I watched the latest videos of Steve, my heart sang. What an awesome God we have and he is working so well with Steve. Keep up the good work. You are in my daily prayers. Michelle has also accomplished a lot in a short time. I am sure the right school for the boys will appear soon.
    Love and blessings,
    Nancy Grubbs

  • Sierry

    We are glad for the development in your recovery. We will miss you in the International Chrysalis Institute for the Young Leders, nevertheless we will continue to pray for you. May God’s ealing touch be upon your body. May God’s miraculous healing be upon you.

    God bless,
    Bishop Ef and Sierry Tendero

  • Steven Muncy

    I spend a lot of time in the conflict-affected areas of Mindanao, which means I miss a lot of Sunday services and participation in a small group. As such, I don’t think you will remember meeting me and I am not sure that I recall correctly what I am about to share with you. So bear with me please.
    Someone at UCM–and I think it was you–taught us the background of the song “It is well with my soul” by Spafford. Spafford reportedly wrote the words to that well loved, powerful song during what can only be called the darkest moment of his life. His faith and example during this time of great pain and sadness, led to enormous and lasting impact–a message of hope for people all over the world, generation after generation.
    Not so long ago, I shared this story with a friend of mine who teaches social work in the United States–as well as in Mindanao, occasionally–and has long been involved in work with special, as well as needy, Palentinian children in Jerusalem and the West Bank through the Spafford Foundation. To my great delight, I learned she is the great-granddaughter of that very same Spafford. Talk about a small world!
    She asked me how I knew Spafford (her great-grandfather) wrote that song. That gave me the opportunity to tell her about UCM in general and, specifically, your amazing ministry–both pre-accident and post. She was moved and is now tell her relatives and friends.
    It is well with my soul, Pastor Steve, in part because it is well with your soul.

  • Lizandbillf

    Dear Michelle and Steve,

    I’m thinking of you and following how you are doing on your lovely site. I’m thrilled to read of your progress, and feel for you in how daunting the many challenges still seem. But you’re doing it! I checked out your house site – it looks great! Someone will snatch it up. It’s funny, your house looks just like our house we sold when we moved to Manila. Small gray bungalow with a little white trim, and I painted the door dark red, and the landscaping looked the same. Ours was just south of yours in Greenwood, almost the same cross street. I’m praying for you both as you leave the hospital and begin to adjust to life on your own in your new home, and especially praying that you find the right helpers, as I know how they can make such a wonderful difference. If there is anything I can do in Manila, please let me know. Lots of love, Liz

  • Helen

    Life-changing ideas pdated June 25, 2010
    By studying lamprey eels scientists are developing life-changing therapy to help people with spinal injuries walk again.

  • Helen Bartholomew

    May this post brighten your day. . . .I picked this up from CNN’s news. . .

    By studying lamprey eels scientists are developing life-changing therapy to help people with spinal injuries walk again. day

  • Marissa Quigley

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
    I am a long, ago friend through Christ United Methodist Church Youth Group. The group was 35 or so high schoolers and I remember many wonderful times together. Steve might not even remember me, as I wasn’t necessarily a close friend of his and I was a bit reserved. My memories of Steve from group (kind, accepting, charming) are shallow in comparison to the man and life he has built with you. I am following your letters which share such humble love, devotion and magnificant faith. I am praying for Steve and you and your three boys. I see the hardwon progress Steve is making and I do hope the well of strength of spirit will continue to be present for all of you. With love, Marissa Quigley (Centerville, Ohio)

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve, Michelle, Aidan, Jude, and Zephyr,

    I realize today is a huge day, with Steve/Papa coming home! I have been praying specifically for strength today, for all of you. I know it will be wonderful to be under the same roof now, but I also know there are so many concerns regarding care. Be strong and know that God is with you through all of this. You are an amazing family, and we love you! I also am praying for comfort, that Steve might be able to have a restful nights sleep, and that all of you can take comfort in knowing that you have made it this far!! The prayers of many are lifting you up to Our Lord every moment of the day! Blessings to you all, and a Hopeful Homecoming for Steve! Many hugs, and much love, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Kikomnl

    thank you allen for your update, the videos and your sharing. how blessed your time with the ruetschle’s and blessed we are to hear about. we are encouraged, moved…and will never cease praying for them and praising god for the everyday miracles. akiko

  • lowie

    hellow sir steve and mam michelle.. in as much as i wanted to be there to support you personally in some on-going rehab of sir.. i can feel that this is the right time for me to give back to you my help perhaps if i am there. with the help from you sir when you were still here in the philippines was i always remember..God be with you and your family sir.

  • Dick Leon

    Dear Steve and Michelle, I was expecting this to be your first night at home but it looks like that will wait for a few more days. You both are in our prayers as you go through this next transition to home and all the new routines that will mean for the two of you and your three boys. God bless you in that move. Steve, if there is anything further regarding church that you would like to talk about, please give me a call. My thoughts may not be of much use to you, but I am glad to be there for you. Blessings to you all: Carolyn and Dick Leon

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle,

    As I wrote to you the other day, I thought that you would be moving on Wednesday. I am relieved for you that the hospital stay has been extended. Bless you both, for all that you are going through, makes my heart heavy with concern. Please know that you are loved so much, and God truly does get us through the most difficult of times. Your scripture verses are just so exactly selected for what you are going through, and I am in awe of how strong and determined you both are. We lift you in praise and in prayers. I enjoyed reading the posting from Allen, and I am so glad he and his wife could be there with you to help, and inspire you. Steve you are such a remarkable man of the Lord, and full of His goodness. May God grant you the strength and perserverence to continue on this extremely difficult road, filling you with His goodness and replenishing your body, mind, and spirit. Michelle, bless your sweet heart, I pray just as much for you. You have so much to juggle and handle right now, but God is showing you and helping to realize an inner strength that you didn’t even know you have. You are just remarkable in your own right, and Our Lord is carrying you and providing you with the will, determination, and spirit to not just follow this course, but to shine in His Glory while running the marathon! You are going up a steep hill right now, preparing to bring Steve home, but you will find a routine that works, and you will start to “coast” down the other side of the steep hill, with everyone cheering you on along the way, and reaching out to help as you need them. I just wish we were somehow closer, to offer help. I am sending you both the biggest hugs and so much love and encouragement. Be strong, keep believing that All Things Are Possible, Through Him Who Strengthens Me, and know that we are all pulling for you! Much love and continued prayers, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve and Michelle…it seems unsustainable…I ache with you. Yet I am so thrilled with the school for the boys and the doors that have been opening and funding that is coming through. So many prayers answered. And somehow….inexplainably…He will carry you through this next transition…one tiny moment at a time. Please remember that we are such a short distance away…call us anytime. I promise that I will say no if I can’t help…but would be honored and thrilled to help any way that I can whenever I can. I will be praying through the day today. We are traveling home from Boulder today…you are traveling home from the hospital….may the journies be safe and uneventful for us both. We love you…. and when it seems that you cannot go a step further and are seemingly at the bottom of a pit…remember that we are praying for you and the Holy Spirit is praying “with words that we cannot comprehend or understand”. One moment at a time…..
    Linda and Thad

  • Joey Walker

    STEEEEEEEEEEEVE! It’s Joey Walker from Antioch. Dude. I heard via James Hansen preaching a sermon a couple of weeks ago. MAN YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU, BRO! So sorry to hear about your accident but I am so glad you are still here. I’m throwing up big prayers for you and your family. You are STILL the man. I’m sure new life in a chair is going to be a challenge but know that all the work you did with your hands and feet has had a world impact. Just look at the global visitors, bro. That’s mad deep. I don’t even have that and I way better looking that you LOL. Just look at all that Filipino love you’re gettin. So this next chapter in your life is going to be about you getting ministered to. looks like the door does swing both ways. I’m sure that you’ll chill here until you can figure out how to serve the Lord in a new way then you’ll wind up doing something else that will amaze everybody again. I’m aching for you man but I know you got this smile on your face going, “dude, i got jacked up. but i’m still livin!” Word to y’mama! I love you, dawg!
    Phil 1:21

  • Chris and Tina McCarty

    Steve, it’s your “Dot Buddy” from Fairmont High School. Please know that I have been praying for you and Michelle every step of the way during this extremely difficult journey you two are on. I pray for God’s presence to be so evident in your lives every day. I have drawn the “dot” on my hand, Steve. I ask that you do the same today. I know that my “dot” power was for fun all of those years ago, but just know that I am praying for God’s infinite power to surround you today! How awesome to think that we will not only be lifelong spanish “Dot Buddies”, but what a joy to know that we will be eternal friends in Christ forever! Praying for you, Tina (Mardis) McCarty

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Hi Steve and Michelle,

    I know you are trying to manage being home, and I am so thankful that Kim and Greg could help the first few days, and now your mom and dad are there. Hi Aunt Darlene and Uncle John! I saw Laura on Thurs. and she is eager to come and help next week. I just want you to know that you continue to be in my heart and on my mind. I pray for strength, courage, and peace. You are a beautiful family, and although this is extremely difficult, you are getting through it, and God is always with you. He loves you, and will never forsake you. I just want you to know you are loved, and we are sending hugs to you all! Love, Heather Nicholas, and Ryan

  • Ann Thomas

    Hello Steve and Michelle,

    I am just now getting back to this blog after a couple of weeks of transition from UPC to my new role as Director of Ministries at the Hearthstone Retirement Community on Green Lake. As you know, leaving UPC is no minor matter. It’s a place of creative wonders and deep pockets of prayer. I know there continues tons of prayer & support on your behalf from that quarter. I add mine this day. I am praying fervently for the caregiver who is now being prepared by the Lord to come to you. I’m praying for an “Epaphras-partner”. Someone whose comfort, zeal, and camaraderie will bring you all joy and outrageous peace.

    May you all experience rest, peace, and progress!

    The sincere and genuine updates on this ongoing report are inspiring and are essential to inform our prayers. Thank you — and the others who are taking the time to share your news. The

  • Pat Sanvik

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I am a former member of UCM and have learned of your circumstances from my dear friends Deborah Gustafson and Jeri Gunderson. Our Prayers and Squares group at Snohomish First Presbyterian Church is creating a quilt of support for you. As we stitch and connect fabrics, we pray for Steve’s healing, for courage and comfort to wrap around your family, for support from friends and community to help you all through each day, for joy to permeate where troubles abide, and for God to turn this tribulation into triumph. I look forward to delivering this quilt to you in the near future, but know that our prayers are with you daily.
    Pat Sanvik
    Snohomish, WA

  • Mairi Sewell

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    I am in Seattle just till next Saturday, 11th then fly back to NZ. I would love to make contact either by phone or visit if possible as I know Alan and Harriet (Sewell) would love to hear first hand, we have been constantly praying for you both. I am staying on Mercer Island with my son Kere(Kerry) phone 236 0415. He would be able to take me if I knew your address. You may remember, Michelle, I spoke on the phone at the hospital 2 months ago just after the accident. I have been in Madison WI since then. With love and great memories of the Israel trip last year, Mairi Sewell

  • Andrea Braun

    Dear Ruetschle Family –

    You don’t know us, but my husband and I, along with are two boys, are a UPC family. You have been in our prayers during this ordeal of yours. God bless you as you move forward!

    The Braun Family (Tim, Andrea, Mark & Evan)

  • Erna H. Dimaya

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,
    I hail from Davao City, but I worship at UCM whenever I am in Manila and I listened to the UCM service in the DXFE radio on sundays. My husband Pete, is a paraplegic (T8 spinal cord injury) and has been in a wheelchair 25 years so I know how the now seems so scary and the future uncertain. God has worked wonders in our lives and I am confident that He will do so in your lives as well. I know the Lord will bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you.

    Erna Dimaya for Pete, Tisha and Ayn

  • Ann Krestakos

    Hi my friend Emilio Bombita ask me to pray for his Steve and family you are now on my list. I believe that God is the great healer and hears our prayers. Your friend Ann Krestakos (California)

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve!!! That is phenominal! You were bending your knees too! I’m amazed!
    We think of you both so often and continue to pray throughout the day. This transition is so huge. I pray for more and more sweet and encouraging moments, stolen time together for the two of you, and amazing people to help you in the home. I pray for strength and encouragement and patience and rest and sleep and comfort and joy.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    WOW STEVE!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!! So many blessings to you all! Thank you for sharing these moments of progress, with all of us! I am so incredibly proud of you both, you are on a journey that, as you said, you may not know how or where the next step is, but you are doing it!!! Please hang in there, and know how much we continue to pray for perserverence, strength, courage, and healing rest for you. Laura, it is so good to see you in the video with Steve! I am so glad you can be there with them to offer love, encouragement, help, support, and your own strong faith! Please give eachother big hugs from me. I cannot imagine all that you have to do, just to get through one day, but you are very strong and very determined. So many are pulling for you, and praying for you. Never give up hope, and when you are weak, and not able to go another step, remember that Our AWESOME God is carrying you. Looking back over all that you have been through, you have made amazing strides, not just Steve, but Michelle too! Look at how proficient you are at attending to Steve’s needs! You are an amazing woman, and you need to be very proud of yourself. Please ask for help, from those in your community of friends, church, neighborhood etc. You cannot possibly juggle all of this, and noone expects you to. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and give some of these duties to others, when they are willing and available. You are so loved, and those precious boys are your light and inspiration! Keep moving forward, and believing that “Through Him all things are possible”, “We can do all things through Our Lord who strengthens us”. I love you all, and am sending many hugs, and continued prayers. Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Linda and Jeff Enkema

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We continue to read your updates, and we marvel at your calm spirit, Michelle, and Steve’s resiliency and determination. I have not written since the early days following the accident, not knowing what to say. Tonight, while reading about the challenges of everyday life, seemingly mundane tasks yet now all-consuming, a couple of things popped into my head. Holy Spirit moments? I’m paying attention to these thoughts, which are not quite my thoughts so perhaps Holy Spirit thoughts, and I wanted to share them with you.

    I love scripture and often create cards with a verse or two to give my small group or a team I work with or my friends. I ran across one today, wedged unobtrusively in a drawer by my computer, a treasure of the moment. It is from Joshua, a book I don’t often study. Joshua 1:6 “No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.

    And Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    These are words I take seriously, when challenges seem overwhelming. 7 years ago I had a condition that threatened my sight, and I remember some tearful and fearful conversations with God. It was indeed terrifying, yet God gave me comfort. I pray that you both will trust the truth of these verses. Actually, I observe that you are living them, day by day.

    Everyday you are in our prayers, wishing that closer proximity would enable us to do more. But prayers it is, from the depths of our hearts, faithfully and confidently.

    With love,

  • Sonia Andraous

    Dearest Michelle and Steve,

    Praising God for both of you,speechless , just watching Steve standing on his own and hearing him with his loving voice “honeyI m trying to stand on my own” ,then Michelle Hearing your gentle awsome faith expressed in “AWSOME”.

    We do miss you loads and tons……….wish I could be there next to you both and help. Standing in the Gap with you continuesly.

    You are defenitely walking by true Faith ,your Faith rests in God’s only Power, not by might or power BUT by the Lord’s Spirit.
    Michelle,I am praying fervently for your perseverance as you pass through this time, that your love and patiance will never stop for a second. That Gos will strenghten your human body/your human soul to keep on Shining…You are and Amazing and Awsome ,I know the little deatils you didn’t even mention,just what I have seen/done/felt with my Dad when I had to take care of him alone for 2 months.
    Steve ….always arising above your circumstances, your calm loving spirit shines….I KNOW that you will not only stand but will danceand leap soon.
    Just wanted to share 2 songs with you , for my beloved Steve and Michelle
    It’s my prayer for you.





  • Dlwhitney

    So glorious. Thank you for your perseverance!! For your upomeno!!

  • Isaac Moreira (Ecuador)

    I don’t know if you remember me…but we met in the Philippines at UCM. I didn’t know about this unpleasant accident. It really saddens me to see what has happened. At the same time it makes me so happy to see in the video that the Lord our God, whom we trust, is “making a way…where it seems to be no way”. Please know that you’ll be included in my prayers as well as your family. I do hope for a quick recovery of your health. Blessings

  • Scott Mann

    I am following closely and praying for you all as you request. I figure at this stage it’s more helpful to watch and pray with you than visit and add complication. I know you know that many are praying for you. I only wish you could hear the various prayers that I hear prayed for you around First Pres Bellevue and the Committee on Ministry and Presbytery as well as in my home and family. May God bless you as you continue to work and wait and hope and heal. See you when the time is right and the way is clear. Thank you for your posts. They are a lifeline for us all. Love, Scott Mann

  • Dick Leon

    Dear Steve and Michelle, you both are in our thoughts and prayers regularly. I cannot fathom all you two (and kids) have to go through every day just to meet the basic needs of living! You are an inspiration to all of us in the manner with which you persevere in it all. I think of visiting you but cannot imagine what time of day a visit would add to the burden rather than lighten it. Do let me know by email or phone if I can be a help by visiting and when would be the best time. God bless you both, we love you and are so proud of your tender care for one another and your steady trust in the Lord!

  • Kirsten Foot

    Steve and Michelle, thank you so much for letting me know about this site and offering to share so much of your hearts with Ralph and me via this site even though we have just met this week as neighbors here in Edmonds. Over the last few days I have read through all of the posts, weeping most of the times I was reading, entering into the intense waves of grief and gratitude you are living in. I have a deep sense of “kindredness” with you for several reaons, including that my favorite hymn is Michelle’s: *In Christ Alone*:-) Ralph and I look forward to coming alongside you in whatever ways would be helpful during the year ahead.

  • Emy Reventar

    Dear Michelle, the way God honors your faith and Pastor Steve’s continue to encourage mine. Truly He is the Living God and His purposes are good even if our limited minds cannot comprehend them at the moment. Trusting in Him supplies us with His strength and the joy that we need to sustain our day. I would like you to know that The “Songs for Steve” Concert slated for October 25 is progressing very well. The loving responses of many are truly overwhelming. This Sunday, I will be officially announcing the 2nd Holy Land Spiritual trip which Pastor Steve has scheduled for March 2011. As you very well know, this is his special project and I am thankful that the Council and Pastor Scott have decided to push through with it. Please tell him that Eunice and I will surely miss him on this trip. Please keep on keeping on. Our prayers and love are always with you. Emy Reventar

  • Fegusss

    Wow, God’s blessings to P. Steve are incredible. Michele your posts are so inspiring and uplifting. You are a master in word crafting, you can make a rose several days old still to smell sweet. What if you decide to compile a series of your posts with a foreword. It could serve an inspiration for anyone experiencing the same challenge as you are in now. My wife and I are so thankful for your posts. There is no doubt in our minds P. Steve will make a comback. Looking forward for his sermons in UCM in Aug 2011. Gus and Fe

  • Lizandbillf

    Hi Michelle and Steve, I am still following your blog postings, to learn how you are doing and to get my fill of inspiration, because you are both so amazing; I am sure I would not be weathering so well. Your stories are a gift to me and I’m sure many others, and you are such a beautiful writer Michelle (and all your friends and family as welll)! The every three hour waking sounds so much like those hard months after having a new baby. Just as you’ve described, at first the adrenaline and energy of the new-ness and challenge keep you going. Plus there are many friends and family around and offers of help. But after a couple months, your adrenaline wanes and you feel the effects of long term sleep deprivation, which is different from short term tiredness. It affects not just being physically tired, but your mental outlook. We can handle crises and short term anything, but the longer haul is really hard. One of those emails that goes around the internet comes to mind. It said a professor held up a glass and asked the class “how heavy is this?” And the students guessed “6 oz” or “12 oz….” The professor said “The answer is – it depends on how long you have to hold it.” Please remember to pace yourselves to the extent possible (that’s what the marathoners do (so I’m told ;-) ) and take whatever chance you can to take care of and be kind to yourself. This may help you get through to the other side more comfortably. I know you will get there for sure, I am just praying it will be as comfortable as possible for you. And don’t forget to remind yourselves how awesome you are. Really, truly, you should inspire yourselves, because you have impressed and inspired everyone who knows you, and thousands more all over the world who don’t! Liz Fischelis

  • Kari Carpenter Hale

    I heard about the accident not long after it happened. Yesterday, I was talking to my girls as we tried to think of a a good name for our future dog and when the name BOB came up, I thought of you, Steve, and I knew it was time to reach out. I am relieved to find that so much progress is being made and that even in the midst of such tremendous trial and pain, that you are surrounded by profound love. I am not sure what to say except that my prayers are with you, Steve. I wish so deeply for your healing. Blessings to you, Kari (Carpenter) Hale

  • Katerina Hickey

    Dear Michelle and Steve! I was reading your blog after some time with my mouth open. You have progressed so much with your recovery it’s just amazing. I don’t know why but I had to think of you guys this morning. I believe this might be a good sign :-) for you Steve to get even better. I don’t have many more words to say because I just can’t imagine how hard it is/was. But my thoughts and prayers are still with you, wishing you to achieve good state of you physics and mind. Steve, you have the most amazing wife, she is so strong. A real woman to me. Please keep going with your exercising it seems you have great chances to walk again. I am not sure if we’ll see you back in Manila again … but we always remember you as very inspiring couple we should learn from. From all of our hearts, Katerina Hickey

  • Sue Bodensteiner

    Dear Michelle and Steve, you and your family continue to inspire me. I’m learning so much from you about grace, perseverance, and prayer. My husband and I look forward to seeing you at the concert/benefit at UPC on Oct. 15.

    “May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ” (2 Thess. 3:5). With love, Sue Bodensteiner (UPC)

  • Inxlouie

    Dear Michelle and Steve , Id like to send you a message on the behalf of my parents Ulf and Chris Erlandson. They were expats in Manila and are presently residing in Sweden. They are praying for your recovery. I will help them follow your progress.
    /Ingrid E del Castillo

  • Isabella332

    Steve and Michelle,

    Wow. Amazing. Breathtaking. Spectacular and oh so Inspiring. Congratulations on your fledgling steps! You might be dreaming of a day when you get back to your pulpit – but from my vantage point, you’re already there :)

    As always, you are in my prayers. Kristin (Sky’s cousin)

  • Wendy Weston

    Dear Ruetschle Family,

    Praise God for the miracles that you have been blessed with thus far. We think of you and pray for you daily. It truly a blessing and beautiful story to watch unfold. You can see God’s hand in all that transpires. Your journaling is beautiful and I know will be cherished when you look back all of your experiences. We miss you all here in Manila and look forward to your return. If ever you need antyhing from Manila, please don’t hesitate to ask. I would be happy to assist. Until then, hugs to all of you and God Bless! The Westons: Scott, Wendy, Drew and Caleb

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle,

    “Praise to You, Lord Jesus, King of Endless Glory, Savior of the World, Savior of the World”!!! I thought of this refrain from one of our church songs, as I was reading about Steve Walking!!!!!!! Blessings to you both, you are absolutely REMARKABLE!!!!! My prayers all along have been for Steve to be able to walk again, but if that wasn’t possible, then I at least wanted him to be able to move his arms, to be able to hold you, Michelle, and the boys in his arms, and be able to continue on with his ministry! But here, just like you said, way sooner than anyone expected, Steve is WALKING!!!! Nothing short of God’s Glorious Miracles!!!! You are both so deserving of the Love our Our Lord and all of His Blessings!! He is shining His Light and His Glory down upon you and look how you Shine For Him!!! We love you and we are sending so much love and so many great big hugs to you all!!!! Way to Go STEVE!!!!! Love, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Louise MacGregor

    It’s been a privilege to share in a small way the incredible journey you have been experiencing with all its many emotions, joys and challenges, stretching of your faith and also that of all of us with whom you have so graciously shared via Caring Bridge and this website. Today I’m jotting you a note to say how much tears of joy and well up in me as I see Steve walking. Indeed, there is so much that is difficult and complex in your day to day lives but what the progress bit by bit that is happening is wonderful. Louise MacGregor of SIL-Philippines and former member of UCM now residing in Texas.

  • Sofia/The Stork Studio

    Hi Steve and Michelle!

    This is Sofia of The Stork Studio, Manila. We have been following your progress and praying for you and your family. We want you to know that we are 100% behind you and if ever there is anything we can do to help from here – let us know. Spoke to Mandi Els and told her we are willing to do fundraisers too! – will coordinate with her for more details. Wishing you all the blessings always. Hugs to the boys too and can’t wait to see you walking home soon so we can do another photoshoot of our favorite family!! :)

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve!!! I am completely flabbergasted! I keep playing the videos over…called Thad into the room and watched them again… I can’t believe how amazing you are! The difference in your confidence and the speed with your steps, just since the first video is huge! And I giggled at the last one. Michelle and the therapist chatting about a concert…while you’re jsut “walkin” in the backround. Wow!! You are so strong. And you are walking!!!!!!!!! Some of my patients post epidural can’t walk as well as you are! It’s just so cool. We are thinking of you so often. And Michelle, I met your friend Tiffany. Our girls have the same pink glasses…and we’ve been enjoying visiting as our paths keep crossing. We’re here when you need us! Love and hugs to you both!!

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!! JUST MIRACULOUS!!!!!!! Praise be to GOD!!!! Steve and Michelle, I am jumping for joy, and giggling when I watch these videos!!! Blessings to you both!!! Steve, I realize that it takes every bit of effort you have to make those feet move, and take those steps, but YOU ROCK!!!!! Oh how it must boost your spirits each day that you make so much progress! I am so happy for you all, and will continue to praise and thank God and pray that all of your progress continues! I am sending gigantic hugs to you all!!! We saw your family at the Noodles and Co. night out for Steve, and you have the very best family! We love you all! Mike said he will give great big hugs to you all from me, and I hope you know that we pray for you many times through out the day, and my kids will LOVE getting to watch these videos when they get home from school today! You inspire us all, and the strength and determination, and faith you have is just blowing us away!!! Much love and many hugs to you all! Heather Nick and Ryan :-) :-) :-)

  • Gary

    Videos are inspiring!! God is good!! Obviously, both of you are working so hard. Eye of the tiger, man.
    I hope I can make it to greet you at the concert a week from Friday.
    Que Dieu vous benisse,

  • Kmaruna

    Dear Steve and Michelle, I love seeing and reading about the progress that Steve makes daily in addition to how strong, loving, caring, and supportive you are to him. You both keep up the hard work. God is definately good!!! My children who are 11, 9, and 5 love hearing the updates and pray daily at the dinner table for all of you. It is the sweetest thing ever. Take care and God be with you!!

    Kelli, Mike, Matt, Megan, and Kayla

  • Rachel

    Steve, my favorite Space Fighter: Now I know why you kept coming to my mind this summer. What anguish. Still there is something precious I feel even in this intense, extreme change in your life – thank you for allowing your excruciating experience to be a public one – you are so courageous. My heart is humbled by your fight, your hope and your pain. God bless each cell of your body. I am cheering for you and grateful to God that he saved your life in that accident. ~ Rachel Badgett

  • Fred Davis

    Hi Steve, Michelle and boys,
    We are looking forward to being at UPC this Friday- not just to hear some great music but to just “be there” in a symbolic way as we continue to hold you up and support you in our prayers and love. The videos are amazing Steve – I know it must seem slow progress but remember where you have been and it is truly remarkable. Don’t lose heart. We walk by faith not by sight and each faltering step you take, is a gift from God and a metaphor of what it means to live through this difficult season in your life.

    I remember the day I shocked Judy. I had been practicing at PT. When she got home, I had stepped out of my bedroom using my walker to meet her in the hallway. It was still a long, tedious journey forward from that moment, but it did give us both a boost.

    I don’t know if we”ll get a chance to talk Friday. I am sure you will be surrounded with friends, family, and well wishers. Just know we will be in crowd – along with a great cloud of invisible, silent witnesses – cheering for you as you continue to persevere and run the race before you.

    Blessings, peace and strength in Jesus
    Hebrews 12:1,2

  • Todd Panning

    Hi Steve.

    Your brother just told me about you!! He and I have been playing Monday night volleyball for 20 yrs or so now. And, I was stunned that I recalled taking a cartooning/caricature class of yours in the early 90′s at Riverbend. Just know that I’m praying with the strength of every superhero created for your complete recovery. From the looks of the comments below, you must be progressing.
    Great news to hear. Keep it up!! ~~~Todd Panning (the guy the class drew as a vampire) :)

  • Caroline Quinn

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    The concert at UPC last night was the gift to everyone who attended. The program itself was so beautifully put together… encouraging and so inspiring. Steve is right when talks about the prayers of friends and family that bring hope, strength and healing. It was amazing to hear him speak. We will all have this special evening as a precious memory for our heart box. What a pastor’s heart. I know that God is writing his story and that we must wait to see His plan. We will wait and pray on for all of your family. We are grateful for Michelle’s writing and know that everything will come together. Enjoy the sun. May the God of all comfort give you hope and easy moments today with your dear family.

    With prayers,

    Caroline and Tom Quinn

  • Anya Johnson

    Steve, I only heard recently about your universe shifting. Michelle, I’ve not met you, but from what I’ve read in your blogs you are a woman who knows God’s heart.

    I know how to pray. So shall join the company of your warriors.

    I want you to know that I think of your 12 Apostles and how God used you to help me not only begin to understand abstract art, but how that form of art illustrates another facet of God’s hiddenness/mystery. Brought me even more joy in knowing God.

    Also, I remember your patience with me in walking through the Seattle Art Museum with others from MHGS – patience in helping me discern paintings I was walking by rapidly because I did not understand. What you taught me that day still sticketh and makes a difference for me.

    Thank you for not giving up.

    Anya Johnson

  • Mindy Smith

    Michele and Steve,
    I am so happy to hear the concert was everything you could have hoped! I was so disappointed to be out of town and miss out on this wonderful opportunity to show our love and support for you. Thank you for having such a public event and giving people the chance to be with you. It sounds like a spiritual, inspiring, awesome night – exactly what I would expect!


  • Lucyhuang

    Michele and Steve,
    Michelle.your strength, courage, Pastor Steve’s indomitable,as well as your stories always make us move and inspire…we will continue pray for your family,especially for you and pray for Steve. May God grant strength! – Lucy Huang

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve and Michelle,

    Oh how marvelous is our Lord! I am so glad that the concert not only lifted you up, and praised God, but also reaffirmed Christ’s love of church, human kind, and all of the blessings we receive in this life. You are so incredibly loved, we are the ones being ministered to by both of you. In your determination, your unwavering faith, your ability to write and share with us. The outpouring of love, support, friendship, and giving is just a reflextion of all of the love, caring, and giving you both have done for so many! We love you and continue to pray many times daily, for your strength, faith, determination, and continued progress. Please know how blessed we all are to know you, your family, your ministry and gifts! Blessings to your family, and hugs to you all! Heather, Nick, and Ryan

  • Handel

    Dearest Rabbi Steve,

    We did not just have a concert (Songs for Steve) but we had a wonderful worship that night here. Tears rolled over our cheeks to many of us as we watch your baby steps progress with matching music of …”There can be Miracle when you believe”….As I observe some of us are even shouting, clapping, crying and hoping to see you give us another wonderful story about Jesus. We never even thought that you would be there to give a short message of this paralitic man. It was indeed a wonderful and meaningful worship. Even Gary V sung… the chorus “You know better than I” was very touching and revealing of His everlasting love and wonderful plan for you and for us here in UCM. We are all excited to see you next year. I hope someday you could deliver another message via video again because it doesn’t just inspires us but also boost our maturing faith of hearing you and watching your progress…The Lord is indeed very gracious to you and has a lot of plan for you. We may never know but He meant it for GOOD.

    Thank you very much for teaching us about the scriptures. We always feel like we are present on that time of Jesus whenever you deliver His message. We love you Rabbi Steve!

    Handel and Neli

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Oh to watch that video!!!!!!! I was crying then moved to joy-filled praise as I watched. You are just an absolutely amazing couple. The power of prayer and the love of God is just AWESOME, and you, dear friends are such a reflextion of God’s love, suffering, and presence in us. Bless you for all you have been through, and bless you for your determination and strength. To watch that video, and to know how far you have come is truly a God given miracle. Anyone who questions their faith, needs to watch this video. How truly Great Is Our God!!!! He gave us you, and your family, and look where your future is headed!!!! Thank you for YOU!!! We love you, and I will watch this video again and again. You are such a testiment of God’s love abounding. You give us strength, hope, and you are so inspiring!! Much love and continued prayers for you both, and your beautiful family! God is Good and what an AWESOME God we have!!!! Many hugs to you both and to those boys of yours! Heather, Nick, and Ryan

  • Stella Robertson

    Steve and Michelle,
    I heard about you through our son who has been working in Manila for two years. He had attended your church there. He sent me your website. I have viewed your video and I can sense your commitment to Christ. We are so very sorry this has happened to you and slowed down your work for God, but He will use this to channel many to Himself.
    A couple from our church had the same thing happen to them except it is the mother that is paralyzed. They have been a real witness to our whole congregation and many in their community. She is a nurse and he is a city fireman.
    I’ve have asked for your emails and will enter your name and family on my daily prayer list. God bless you and your family.

    Stella Robertson
    Akron, Ohio

  • Amber

    ~*Dearest Steve and Michelle*~-
    Thank you for opening your lives and sharing your encouraging story with the world!!!! I heard about your guys’ story today, while attending Apex Community Church in Centerville, Ohio…and, boy…were my husband and I absolutely enthralled by your family’s strength, hope, strength, and perseverance!!!!
    We will definitely be praying for you guys, as you continue to strive towards a “normal” life again…but…know that throughout the chaos, pain, doubt, questions, etc…you sure have inspired and encouraged a whole heck-of-a-lot of people throughout the world…and God has been glorified to the fullest!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep on keepin on-:0)
    Amber and Joel Mattern

  • Linda and Thad

    Continue to think of you all so often….get little updates from Tiffany when I see her….loved seeing the video posted. I was so sad to miss the celebration/worship service. I’m so awed by your progress and stamina and diligence and joy. Sending you hugs….and continuing to pray….

  • Robyn Ramseyer

    Thank you Steve and Michelle. Thank you for showing and celebrating your unconditional love for each other, for your family, this community, for God. Thank you for sharing your story in such a beautiful way, thru pictures, thru words and passages. Thank you for your spirit, for your courage, your fight. Thank you for making a difference in this world :)

  • Sspeicher

    My daughter was in your church in the Philippines-she forwarded your website to me and I have followed with praise and tears your journey. What an awesome God we have! I have so enjoyed your journalling, Michelle. You have an extraordinary gift of communicating your heart and I am blessed because of it.
    Praying your trail of faith continues to touch thousands, and that they will clearly see God’s hand upon you and your family.
    Susan Speicher- Indiana

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Michelle and Steve,

    I am hurting for you right now. You are right, this latest news is very much like that point in a marathon when you just don’t think you can go on, everything hurts, and you just want to quit…..But…YOU CAN’T QUIT!!!!!! Too many people are cheering you on, too many people love you and pray for you!!!! We want you to “win this race”!!!! There is a song by Twila Paris (christian inspirational singer) called God is In Control and another one called Runner. I hope you can try to find those songs on u-tube or I-tunes. During an extremely difficult time for me and my family, those two songs were so encouraging, and sent such a deep and strong message to me. I want those songs to uplift you, give you strength, and determination. We do also have to remember that part of this huge healing process for Steve, is also the REST that his body needs. Sometimes as a runner, we push ourselves so hard, to get those extra miles in, or to beat our best time, but that can push our bodies too far, and we have set backs. The only way to heal and mend our bodies is to rest. As hard as it is to have patience when we are on that road to “victory” , it is the only way to get our bodies back on track so that we can finish the race. Please know that you are in our prayers so often. We love you and send so many hugs your way. I am glad your mom could be out there with you during these difficult set backs. Your family loves you so much, and all of the friends and acquaintances you have love you too! May the Lord Bless and Keep You, May God’s Face Shine On You, May God Be Kind To You and Give You Peace. Much love to you and your family, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Mattwoll

    Steve and Michelle,
    The Matt Wolls are standing with you in prayer as you guys continue this mammoth fight! I think about and pray for you guys often, and as I read this latest post on discouragement and lament I’m reminded of Psalm 34:18. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” God is with you and for you even when you’re frustrated or mad at him. Steve, you taught me that once. We love you guys so much and continue to pray for healing, provision, and continued tangible expressions of his faithfulness. Having spent a time at Harborview ourselves this year, we only have a glimpse of what you’re going through but are so thankful you’re here getting the BEST care possible. Everything we do preaches, and the transparent way you’re navigating this fight is one of your greatest teachings to all of us. Love you guys. Matt, Wendy, Cooper, Ava.

  • Svergien

    I am so thankful that I decided to check a piece of luggage from my return trip from a long weekend in Albuquerque to vist family. While I waited for my luggage to come down the ramp, I looked up and saw Steve’s smiling face in an advertisement. Because I waited a while, I had the opportunity to see it more than once. That was such a blessing! Steve’s smile and his incredible attitude has been such an inspiration to me as well as countless others. Michelle’s faithful and joy filled entries have continued to inspire me as well as countless others as well. As I reflect upon Thanksgiving, I realize how you are living this daily, giving thanks.
    Blessings on your days ahead,
    Maggie Vergien

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve, Michelle, Aiden, Jude, and Zephyr

    Happy Thanksgiving!! You are a beautiful family, and we love you! I know it has been a struggle each and every day, but you are remarkable in the way you have handled all of the challenges. Please know that you are a blessing to so many people, it is AMAZING the lives you have touched and impacted. Today, we count our blessings and are thankful for so much. I am thankful for all of you, and the ministry that you are doing even in the depths of this valley that you are in. I hope you can enjoy a day of laughter with the children, good food, and the comfort of the love of each other! Stay warm and cozy today, we are sending much love and many hugs to you all! Heather Nick and Ryan

  • carol and Rachelles mom

    Hi Steve, Michelle,Aiden, Jude,and Zephyr

    Mike sent Rachelle your web page on her caringbridge page and we were catching up reading her notes and we thought we would pop on over and say happy thanksgiving and read your journal and guest book

    Have a great day

  • Neilhazel

    Dear Steve and Michelle and boys,
    Our prayers continue to be answered for His continued healing touch through all of Steves’ care givers. How fortunate to have such talent and helping hands to aid others. We are excited about Steves’ progress and are impressed with his determination. Michele, we pray each day for you as well and for the boys. Steve, keep up your determination and know we think of you each day. We know you will somehow overcome and be of service to your fellowman. ….God Bless you all. Neil and Jeanne, Dayton, OH

  • Matt

    Hi Steve,

    It’s been about twelve years, I think.

    An old friend of mine from Seattle asked me about you yesterday. Not having heard your name in a good number of years, I googled you. The ‘Steve’s Recovery’ FB page came right up. My immediate thought was, ‘wow, I’m surprised that he got hooked on something…. but at least he’s getting help.’ I kept reading, and found out that for you, the word recovery presents a far greater challenge.

    I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since yesterday. Memories of banging on guitars, smoking cherry-flavored tobacco from Sherlock Holmes-ish pipes on the dock of your place at the lake, and making you walk backwards through pike place market while singing at half speed for that music video that never really was.

    While I’ve not met Michelle, I can tell from reading her words that she is a truly remarkable person – and a kindred spirit of yours. I’m floored by the amount of hope and faith that have been poured out both here and on your facebook page.

    Wherever you are as you’re reading these words – maybe it’s a good day, maybe it’s a hard day… maybe it’s both. Just know that an old friend is thinking of you. And I hope that I’ve made you smile.

    Strength, Steve. Strength.

    Matt McColl

  • Mary Dallas

    Steve and Michelle, I am not sure you remember Roger and Mary Dallas from the Philippines. We met at Hank and Donna’s at a small group and we were in your congregation .. umph… once in awhile. Donna informed us of your accident and i have been praying and following your progress all along. It sounds from Michelle’s writing that God has been so good. We will continue to pray.
    We have been living in Kuala Lumpur for three years now. I am ready to move back to states but this is where work is so I must be patient. Keep up the fight, mary and roger dallas

  • Dick Leon

    Dear Steve and Michelle, Carolyn and I are now back from Tucson for a few weeks and want to pass on our love and prayes in this Advent Season that I’m sure means more to you both this year than ever before. We are thrilled to hear you are using the walker more and more and the progress that implies in strength, stamina and muscle control. God bless you both, and your energetic sons, in this season when the Lord comes again, and again, and again. With love, Carolyn and Dick

  • Elaine Farah

    Ruetschle Family,
    You guys are the ULTIMATE family for believing. You encourage me daily!!
    All my love,
    Elaine Farah
    PS- GO STEVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rbsmith45

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We heard about the accident while we were in the US and have been praying for you all. Now we are back in the Phils visiting the grandchildren and learned of this blog- great job, Michelle. Miss seeing you but are thrilled with your progress. Thanks for all your spiritual support in the past and to come via the internet. May we be able to support you as well. Merry Christmas to all, Mike and Reggie Smith

  • Gretchen Valentine

    Steve, Michelle and Boys –

    I woke up tonight about midnight to the sounds of wind and rain and thought of you. How are you, dear ones? I know you are so very busy, with Steve’s ongoing treatment, the boys’ activities, and the slog of what, for now, is the new normal. May your healing continue, Steve. May you all remain healthy and well and be spared from colds and flu. May you find time to get the rest you need, Michelle. May you all continue to know that you are loved and cared for. And may our Lord give you a special gift this Christmas – something that only He can give – to bless and encourage you.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Steve, Michelle, Aiden, Jude, and Zephyr,

    Blessings to you all!! I am so sorry about the rains, and the river running through your garage and basement. I am so glad that you are taking it in stride, and realizing that in the grand scheme of things, it is just a mess that will get taken care of. We will pray for Sunshine for the days ahead!

    OH!!!!!! To watch the video of Steve WALKING!!!!!! You are AWESOME STEVE!!!!!!! How wonderful is our Lord, and how mighty!!!! Your strength, faith, endurance, determination, and the love you continue to share with eachother and all of us, through your postings on here are just remarkable! We love you and are sending great big hugs to you all!!!! What a miraculous time this is with Christmas, and what a miraculous gift you have been given, with Steve’s continued healing!!!! I have prayed from the very beginning of this journey for you that God would some how give you a complete healing, and my Aunt in Texas has been praying for your complete recovery!!! The power of prayer throughout this country and the world for YOU is AWE INSPIRING!!!!!!!! thank you for YOU!!!!!

    Many blessings to you this Christmas and continued progress and good health in the New Year!!!

    Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Linda

    WOW!!!! I am crying happy tears! I really didn’t think I’d ever see that! It is miraculous. Continue to pray for you all so often. Hugs to you….

  • Stephanie Crutchfield

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    Thinking of you this Christmas Season and rejoicing in your progress Steve! Michelle your blog reads like a daily devotional giving hope and inspiriation. You are not far from our thoughts and prayers. Love to the boys.
    Love, Kim and Stephanie

  • ally coyle

    Dearest Steve and Michelle,
    Thank you. Your gifts are beyond words. As the tears pour down my face this Christmas morning, God’s Glory in you amazes and astonishes me.
    Much love, prayers, and blessing, ally

  • Jasmin Jamora

    Dear Pastor Steve, Michelle and kids,
    Happiest Christmas and a blessed 2011 ahead! May our Good LORD continue to work His miracles in your life! May you continue to glorify Him by praising Him through your adversity. We are always praying for your recovery, good health and for strength and comfort and joy for Michelle and the kids. God bless you all!

  • Dianepresser

    Hi Steve and Michelle,

    I kind of know you through Allen Wolf. He was trying to make arrangements for your travel to California. I own Comfort Coach Transport. We were going to pick you up at the airport. I asked Allen how you were doing and he told me you were in New York. I wish your family a very blessed Christmas. When I have gone though tough circumstance, it took a day or years to see what God had use the experience for and it always was to for my benefit in the end.

    My prayers are with you and your family.

    Diane Presser

  • Dina Roki

    Hi Michelle and Steve, you have no idea who I am. I was at Faith, Manila for a couple of years and came a few times to Union. A prayer request came through an email from Faith after the accident and I have been praying for you and am being blessed enormously as I follow your journey. Our gracious Father never ceases to astound us and to stretch us. I want to share the scripture that impresses itself on my mind as I think of you guys – Matthew 5 – you are the light of the world – let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. The transparency of your trust in the midst of incredible circumstances has been the light which he has given you to carry at this time and He is being glorified, for in your words the Father alone shines. Thank you for living out this scripture. How wonderful to be in his family even if here we are strangers to one another. I look forward to the book that will be written at some point about your journey and of the wonderful works of His hand. Michelle, what a gifted writer you are and am sure that your words have been used to touch many.
    May the Lord’s abundant blessings be yours this new year as he continues to heal and to strengthen Steve and build His mighty purposes in your lives.
    Dina Roki from Oz.

  • Delfa Matic

    Hi Steve and Michelle!

    Thank you for being such an encouragement to us in the midst of adversity. Although we don’t keep in touch as often, we’d like you to know that you and the boys are always in our thoughts and prayers.

    May we allow Jesus to be our “Emmanuel” in the coming year.

    All our love and God’s abundant blessings,

    Tom and Delfa Matic

  • Mindalaman

    Dear pastor Steve, Michelle,and kids,
    It is such a joy to learn about you continued healing. God id indeed so good and sovereign. Inspite of your situation, you remain to be strong and an inspiration to all those who follow up your story.your joy is expressed so intenselyin your sparkling and kind eyes.reflecting your trust and love for our Lord and continue to be an inspiration to all of us who read your story.We love you and will continue to lift you up in prayer. You bring Isaiah 40 to life… that he who waits in the lord shall renew their strength, they will soar on wings like an eagle, they shall run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint.God’s recovery plan for you is set. slow at the moment but definitely sure. will continue to pray for your unwavering faith and trust in the Lord.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Happy New Year!!!! Steve and Michelle, I just want you to know that I am thinking of you, and have had you in my continued prayers. I talk with Mark and Laura, and I saw your mom shortly before she and your dad came out to see you. You are just a remarkable couple and your determination, strength, and faith lift us all up, Thank YOU!! Your mom shared a bit about their visit, and your time together, I am so thankful for the blessings you do have, and that you were able to spend some much needed time together!! I am sending you great big hugs, and I am so thankful for all the progress you have made!! I have no doubt the progress will continue—-you amaze us all!!!! Your Christmas picture is just darling, and it is so good to see you all together and all the smiles!!! Love to you all!!! Heather, Nick and Ryan

  • Raallender

    We love you. We love you. We love you. We love you.We love you. You bring us to a higher place. Only the two of you have this great power. We love you. Love, Becky and Dan Allender

  • nancy grubbs

    Congratulations on your anniversary and being able to celebrate. What an accomplishment. God is with you and our prayers continue for perfect and complete healing. Keep the faith you have and feel God’s hands in your life.
    Nancy and John Grubbs

  • Jperrow

    I have followed your story closely and pray for your family whenever God brings you to mind. Michelle, you are an amazing writer. Perhaps down the road your blog entires will become a published book—your family has such a story to tell (and so many chapters of that story still to unfold!). Blessings to all of you.

  • Darrell

    I agree with Jennifer. You have a gift as an author you really should consider at some point to see who would be willing to publish your blog Even uncomplete, it is a story full of love, compassion, grace and reality. God I know would be glorified

  • Conrado Bataller

    I am a Pastor from the Phil and I read your story when I visited UCM site. Last 2007-2008 I also had a spinal injury/surgery. I was almost paralyzed waist down. It was the most difficult moment for me and my wife. I thought I will not recover and we thought of closing the church we pioneered. But God has another plan. After months of slow therapy, I am now back pastoring the church (but moves carefully due to the titanium screws). This experience brought me and my wife to a sweeter experience of love and serving the Lord. You can make it Steve.. We will pray for you. Pastor Conrado Bataller,

  • Fred

    Dear Steve and Michelle, I know it has been so long since I have last posted. Please don’t mistake that absence of greeting for having forgotten you in my prayers. I remember you daily – giving thanks for the incredible answers to prayer and asking for continued reenervation of nerves, strengthening of muscles, deepening of faith, experiences of joy, and opportunities to be blessing to others. I am reminded right now, in a season of change and trial at our church, that God let’s no trial be for naught. Each is redeemed and used by the Lord to open our hearts in new ways and to share in the burdens of others with compassion and mercy. I identify with how people dismiss their pain in comparing it to yours when in fact each persons experience is, as you note, universal and particular at the same time. And God is at work somehow in all of them. Judy and I pass on our love and our continued prayers as you continue this journey. Love, Fred and Judy

  • Yumi Ng

    My dear, dear Michelle. Thank you for your words and for sharing your and Steve’s journey with us all. I’ve been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers all these months, and have been amazed at our Lord’s wonderful providence and work in your lives. There’s much about your current situation that I can relate to: I too was in a motorcycle accident years ago and hospitalized for 2 1/2 months; Steve’s treatment and therapies remind me of my dad’s, after his stroke; and much more that I will share with you some time. Thank you for opening up to us all and for your loving willingness to share in our burdens. Please know that it has been, and continues to be, a privilege and a blessing to share in yours. Yumi (in Singapore)

  • Celia Kacho

    Michelle: I have thought of you and Steve and the boys many times. I am so glad that he is making such determined progress. Your comments have helped me today. My husband Mike has had 5 heart procedures since Sept, severalwith complications, so I understand deeply your comments. Dealing with the insurance, etc is enough to “age you” as you need a “degree” to navigate it. So, continue to hang in there with the support of your family and friends. Celia Kacho

  • Brad

    When I read what you share in these “letters to everybody”, a fuse is ignited inside me. I know that when I finish reading, I will be praying for Steve and you and the boys. Here’s the strange bit: When I reach the “with love, Michelle”, it seems that in the reading, while my mind is rapt with evoked meanings and feelings, my heart has just completed a most sincere prayer into the very ear of God. My mind is mostly too wild and unkempt to EVER participate in what these letters cause to freely emerge from my heart. More than in any conscious prayer, I felt the nearness of the Lord’s listening . Stranger still, was the sensation of having RECEIVED a blessing, as if an entreatment was made on MY behalf. How does THATwork? My heart both breaks and swells for you guys, and in wishing from the Lord a tsunami of Grace on you, I have been splashed myself. …like the idea of duality or interdependency you shared, though as drop is to an ocean. Love to the Ruetschles.

  • Macrob3

    Thank you, Michelle, for sharing your heart with us. God’s amazing presence in your lives blesses us all. Good for Steve to launch out in such an awesome way – he must have felt he sprouted wings! Love and Miss you all so much. Rhoda

  • Julene Pommert

    Steve and Michelle, I have been introduced to you by my professor, Dan Allender. I am honored to have the benefit of reading your story in motion. As I read this latest entry about Michelle’s numb lip I was reminded of when I was 21 and told that I had cancer. I had surgery in which all the lymph nodes were removed from my left arm, and resulted in numbness in that arm that has slowly lessened over the last 29 years. There is still a strip that doesn’t feel. It was amazing to experience all at that time that went into that diagnosis and treatment, and reading your blog reminded me of that part of my journey. Professor Sittser put it well in describing the complex relationship of grief and joy. Thank you for sharing your experiences of this. Blessings, Julene Pommert

  • Richard Garcia

    The Children’s Esquipping Center Ministry in Denver Colorado are in Prayer for Richard Garcia

  • Tom Hardeman

    Steve and Michelle, I know one more voice is just one more voice, but I wanted to say how much I am moved by your ongoing journey as related through your writings Michelle. God is using you to expand the hearts and visions of countless others through your openness and transparency. Thank you so much for allowing us the privilege of journeying with you. Every time I read your entries I am moved in my spirit and propelled into praying for you, for Steve’s recovery and for your family. I look forward to the day of seeing you all face to face once again here in the Philippines….if that is indeed what God has in store…and if not, I will anticipate the time in eternity when we can visit at our leisure. ~tom hardeman

  • Anne Zaki

    Michelle, your beautiful and honest writing expands my heart. Thank you.
    I missed seeing you with Steve in Grand Rapids in January. I told Steve that we’d love to have you two and the kids visit us at our orchard in Kelowna (only 6 hours away from you). Next time we’re in Seattle, we’ll stop by to visit with you guys.
    I was so happy to see Steve and witness first hand God’s healing power. What a testimony!
    As you re-enter the world of books and reading, may I recommend an excellent book by Nicholas Wolterstorff titled Lament for a Son. One of the top 5 books I’ve ever read. Every time I read your writings, I am reminded of Wolterstorff’s in its deep, faithful and thoughtful vulnerability.
    Our prayers for Steve, and you and the boys are constant.

  • Anne_west

    Thank you so much for your beautiful Eternal Weight of Glory, Michelle. To both of you for showing us God. As I read what you write, I pray that many, many will learn from it. Anne West, UCM member

  • Nikkizf

    Steve and Michelle,

    We are so uplifted by your continuous and recent accomplishments in regaining the use of your body. We have prayed and cried out to God on you and your family’s behalf for the months following your accident. Michelle your updates and comments are a lesson in thankfulness to all of us in our daily, seemingly mundane lives. We know God loves us and wants the best for us, but we also know in this world there are troubles, accidents, disease and premature deaths we may have to travel through before we enter our heavenly home with our precious LORD.

    Michelle, your writings are so tender and your relationship with your family and your Savior are so touching, I often find my self crying as I read of Steve’s challenges and progress. Knowing your Aiden and Jude from Day Camp gives me another glimpse into your loving family.

    Our prayers continue for Steve and all of you as the possibility of returning to the Philippeans becomes more of a reality and not just a hope.

    I hope you may be able to publish your story as it is a wonderful example of a miracle of faith, hope, prayers, and modern medicine.

    Also you are a gifted writer and are able to convey your thoughts and Steve’s recovery in such a way that we are encouraged to remember to turn to our LORD in times of trouble.

    Nikki Folmar

  • Gretchen Valentine

    How wonderful to hear of your progress! Thanks so much for sharing. I have been thinking of you and wondering how you were managing without the regular therapy that you have relied upon. Praise God for his continuing provision for you. Steve, may Jesus continue to walk ahead of you, beside you, behind you, and remain in you as you faithfully move forward. And Michelle, may you continue to experience God’s joy, grace and peace as you walk beside him. Bless you, dear ones!

  • Peg & Paul Stuckey

    Hi Michelle & Steve,

    We’re so proud of you Steve as you hang in there giving your very best. We’re amazed to hear of your miraculous progress. We’ll keep praying for more of the same.

    Michelle, you are a true saint as you stand by Steve’s side and so beautifully articulate your common journey. Your faith is as beautiful as your well-chosen words.

    Our love to both of you.

    Peg & Paul Stuckey

  • Dave and Cathy Philips

    Hi Steve and Michelle:

    We’re friends of Matt and Margo who told us about you. We pray for you just about every day. God bless you and make you whole!

    Dave and Cathy Philips

  • Scott Dean

    Steve and family
    “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning.” Great is God’s faithfulness.

    With love and prayers,
    Scott Dean and friends at fpcb

  • Marilyn

    Hi Pastor Steve and Michelle
    Can’t help but cry with joyful tears for the abundant grace and love of Christ being displayed in your life.
    “According to your faith will it be done to you” … and a faith like yours surely reaches the heavens and Abba hears every prayer. May we all learn from your living, steadfast faith in good times and the bad times. We miss you!!!!

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Hi Steve and Michelle, We continue to be amazed by all that you are doing!!! Your strength, determination, and unwavering faith are such an inspiration to all of us. Thank you!! Prayers will continue, we do pray for a complete recovery and through God all things are possible. Look how far you’ve come already!!!! WOW!!! You are so loved, and you are precious in God’s sight. He is with you and will never leave you. Michelle, your entries just blow me away. Your words are beautiful, and you are staying so strong and so positive, thank you for the blessing you are in Steve’s life:-) I love the thought of Steve getting to climb up to see where the boys sleep! Worried about how he did it, but absolutely love that he made it!! I am sure the boys are thrilled with Daddy’s progress! Hang in there, and know that we think of you daily, and you continue to be in our prayers. We love you and are sending huge hugs to you all!! Heather, Nick, and Ryan

  • Jeff Baker


    It was exciting to read about your trip and your new ability to walk about without assistance. I’m reminded of you daily and ever thankful for the ways you have helped my own journey with God.

    Blessing to you.


  • Hclifton

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    Haven’t checked in for a while as to the progress, but each time I do I am so surprised! I am a friend of Heather Balent and that is how I know you. Michelle, your writing is so personal and beautiful. You definately have a talent for writing. I will be praying for continued improvement and blessings upon blessings. God is so good!!!

  • Delfa Matic

    Hi Michelle,

    You truly are an amazing woman. God knew that Pastor Steve would need someone with your strength and grace to see him through this challenging time of his life. That’s why he put you in Steve’s life. It is such a joy to read your narrative. You are not only an amazing wife, mother and friend – you also are an amazing writer. What a gift! I hope you never tire of writing as we will never tire of reading your posts. Good to hear about Pastor Steve’s progress.

    Our love and prayers,

    Tom and Delfa Matic

  • Delfa Matic

    Hi Michelle,

    You truly are an amazing woman. God knew that Pastor Steve would need someone with your strength and grace to see him through this challenging time of his life. That’s why he put you in Steve’s life. It is such a joy to read your narrative. You are not only an amazing wife, mother and friend – you also are an amazing writer. What a gift! I hope you never tire of writing as we will never tire of reading your posts. Good to hear about Pastor Steve’s progress.

    Our love and prayers,

    Tom and Delfa Matic

  • Betseyhb

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    After listening to the news of the world tonight , I decided to get an update from your world.
    I was starting to get caught up in the troubles in the world, increasing gas prices, my new aches and pains, and concerns over friends without jobs.
    Thank you for bringing me back to the eternal weight of God’s glory. What a gift on this Ash Wednesday the start of Lent to bring me back to an eternal focus.
    Blessings and joy to you both with Spring around the corner,

    Betsey (House ) Baker

  • Cherry Rueca

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    ..the eternal weight of glory …and what amazing grace these all had been… I lift you both in prayer…as I draw strength from your story. What conviction…what faith and strength to surpass all the challenges…life is indeed beautiful!

    Thank you as I have been blessed by you.

    Cherry Rueca

  • eunice

    Hello Pastor Steve!

    I watched your video during the 3rd service today. I am so excited to see you again this August at UCM! God is wonderful and may He continue to bless you and your family and heal you completely. I’ll be praying for more miracles to come. :)

    Your progress continues to strengthen my faith.

  • Harold Sala

    Wow! I am amazed and grateful that Jehovah Rapha is doing a work of grace in your life. When I was in my doctoral program I put a little blurb over my desk that read, “Inch by inch life’s a cinch; yard by yard life is hard. You’re making significant progress. God bless and strengthen you both. Harold Sala

  • Eileen Johnson

    Dearest Michelle, I wish I could adequately express how you minister to my Spirit. God has given you an amazing ability to glorify Him in your trial and He is bringing forth untold fruit for the Kingdom. Whenever I read your postings, I pray asking God to continue giving you and Steve more of Himself.

  • Ann Thomas

    Hello, Steve and Michelle,

    I am still here with sooo many others–watching, praying. believing. wanting to carry your burdens as you want to carry ours. I’m praying earnestly for Good Grief for both of you. As you noted, Michelle– the only way forward is through. I can’t breathe deeply enough for you on this journey, but I’m out here inhaling to capacity.

    Thank you for your articulate authenticity, Michelle. With every report, the Ruetschle ministry grows in richness and depth.


  • Mark Pulver

    Dear Steve and Michelle,
    We have followed your recovery over the past months and pray for you often… we pray for you today in whatever phase or condition that you find yourself in. Michelle, your penetrating, honest and beautifully-written updates are so appreciated. Steve, we celebrate your courage and strength in these times… and your grace in the struggle. May Christ reveal more of his love to each of you. Thank you for letting us share in your journey.

  • Jody139

    Steve, Michelle, and boys,
    It’s been sometime since I took your worship class at Mars Hill Grad School but I have never forgotten the way you shared your passion for Jesus and your care for your students. I finally finished my degree there recently and about the time of your injury I embarked on the journey of a lifetime–adopting. I have followed your story and been in prayer for you–thanks so much for all the work that has gone into your communications. I wish I had been posting during this same time period all the amazing things God is doing here as well. I’m sure you would find them similarly precious and tragic. My son Kenson is Haitian and has survived cancer, and the earthquake, but has not made his way through the arduous journey of learning a new culture or the compromise of a body that was not the one he wished for. He is courageously learning what he can do on his prothesis since trading his leg for his life a year ago February. He’s a 16 year old boy with an infectious laugh and a genuine love for Jesus. He worships everywhere we go and I’m reminded of these great stories that God is telling. Kenson is planning the “best summer ever”! We would love to catch up with you some sunny afternoon and kick a soccer ball in the park.
    Regardless, you continue to inspire and your family will be in my prayers.

  • Griffithsjune

    Dear Steve and Michelle …. June Griffiths writing from Swansea, Wales, U.K. I used to be the missionary at the Japanese Church, UCM … retired in 2009, though made a return visit last November/December. I rejoice in answered prayer, for a measure of healing and for seeing you walking :) I thank you both for your testimony of God’s faithfulness through this terrible trial, and your example to us all. I continue to pray for you both and your family. I do hope that one day Michelle will write a book … she has obvious gifts of writing and her ministry of the Word through her letters blesses us all.
    God continue to be with you, to bless you and to fulfil all His purposes for you, to His Glory.
    With love and prayers and much appreciation for sharing so much with us all …. June.

  • Svergien

    As always, after reading your blog, I am inspired by your honesty and your faith in God. You may not realize just how much you inspire us with your beautifully written updates. I’m smiling as I picture Steve progressing from a dog paddle to freestyle. Even more, I am picturing Michelle and the boys being Steve’s cheerleaders.
    Please keep us updated about Steve’s preaching schedule in the Seattle area. It would be such a privilege to come and see him preach and greet his “cheerleading staff” (Michelle and the boys).
    Maggie Vergien

  • Lizvinson

    Dear Michelle,
    We have marvelled at you and Steve (& family) as you have been forced to come to terms with your many challenges! I have read your inspiring posts over the months and was really looking forward to meeting all of you today in Venice to take a boat ride up the Intercoastel Waterway. The weather warnings cancelled our plans. As high school friends of Darlene and John, we have shared the journey of Steve’s steadyand miraculous recovery and kept you in our prayers. Hope you’ll continue to enjoy your FL visit and hopefully someday our paths will cross. Liz & Ron Vinson

  • Klay Tan

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    God is so wonderful to continue to watch over you and your family even if in the midst of pain and suffering He has always been there to keep your family strong and faithful to God. We have been praying for Pastor’s Steve’s recovery and I admire Michelle for all that she does. You are an amazing person, a wife and a mom. I was in tears when I read your blog about Pastor Steve bringing you to the same church he proposed to you and ask you to marry him again. The story is so striking that it touched me and inspire me how undying and great love can do. Whatever situation happy or sad, it is true that commiting your life to someone you love is really beyond every thing that life has to offer. You both blessed each one of us in ways so extraordinary. Our prayers for both of you and your family. God bless!

    In Christ,

    Klay Tan

  • Klay Tan

    Sharing you a story how Faith can change your life,

    Meet Faith the Dog

    This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002. He was born with2 legs -
    He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

    His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of ‘putting him to sleep’.
    But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him.
    She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.
    She named him ‘Faith’..

    In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement. Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him for standing up and jumping around.
    Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk.
    Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward.
    After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

    Faith loves to walk around now.
    No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows.

    There is now a book entitled ‘With a Little Faith’ being published about him.
    He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

    His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world to preach that even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul’.

    In life there are always undesirable things, so in order to feel better you just need to look at life from another direction.
    I hope this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone and that everyone will appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day.
    Faith is the continual demonstration of the strength and wonder of life.

  • Heather (Yoakam) Balent

    Hi Steve and Michelle, It has been awhile since I have written to you on here, but not a day goes by when I don’t think of/pray for you. God is incredibly AWESOME, and He has been with you through all of this, and continues to carry you during the difficult days. You and your entire family are such blessings in my life, and we learn from you. You have taught us all how to have unwavering faith, and determination. To never give up, and always believe in God Our Father. THANK YOU!!! I am especially thinking of you this Easter Weekend. Our Good Friday service at church was very moving tonight, and I found myself in tears, for all that Jesus gave up for all of us. Thankful for the love of family and friends, and for God’s love for us all. He will never leave you or forsake you. Keep moving forward, and stay strong!!! You have made AMAZING progress, and I check on you through Mark and Laura. I am so glad you got to be in FL with your mom and dad, even though it brought a bittersweetness with it. Knowing your limitations there, and remembering the fun times, unrestricted from years past. You are a beautiful family, and you touch so many lives in incredible ways. Thank you for what you do for all of us, with your writings, Michelle, and your examples of faith, determination, positive attitudes, and the will to move through what ever life throws your way! Blessings to you and your sweet children this Easter and always. Thank you for the love you show for God and eachother! You help us all! We Love You, Heather Nick and Ryan

  • Rachael Mendonsa

    Hi Steve and Michelle. Praise God for His miracles and what he is doing in your lives, as hard and challenging as life can be. Recently, I had to put my sweet, loving puppy dog of 9 1/2 years to sleep because of a brain tumor and this year I several of my friends’ parents died. I am aware of the pain that we have to experience on this side of heaven. And yet, Jesus suffered for us that we could be with Him in heaven forever. It’s Good Friday as I write this. And why is Good Friday good? Because of what came after- we know that it didn’t stop with Friday and we know that the pain we experience here is temporary. May God continue to work miraculously in your lives and that He’ll allow you to see glimmers of heaven on earth daily. My prayers are with you and your family.
    -Rachael Mendonsa

  • Alex Aronis

    Thank you Michelle for your wonderfully inspirational words of grace and hope. Our prayers continue for you and Steve, and every encouraging word of progress that you are making Steve brings relief and joy to our hearts. Wonderful that you were able to preach at your former church. That must have been an awesome experience for you and for all who were led in worship by you. Wish I could have been there!

    Alex Aronis

  • Linda and Thad Crowe

    Steve…….what a blessing to hear you preach tonight! You were truly inspired! And I was filled up when I left. It felt so good. :) I loved to see the joy in your eyes and the passion just oozing out of you as you spoke. That was what I was most worried about when I first heard about your accident. I didn’t want you to lose that spirit and joy that radiates from you. As I watched the images in the video tonight, I could see when the joy returned…when the pain had eased enough to let it shine again. You are a remarkable human! I’ve always thought so!! I also remember as I’d read Michelle’s blog and saw the unbelievable numbers of people who were reading the blog and praying for you, that I was so sad that you were going through this, yet I knew that you were experiencing the overwhelming love of God showered on you by friends. Isn’t it truly life changing? That is what touched me the most when I was going through the fear and surgery and the chemo. I definately don’t ever want cancer again, and I don’t ever want chemo again….but yet I miss that time in our lives, because I was so totally stripped of everything I depended on in myself and I was left to completely depend on God and my familiy and my friends. There was an intimacy with God that I had during that time, that is just not the same now. But I will always remember it and it changed my life! It gave me joy to see you walk up there tonight and to see you do what you love so much and to know that you will be able to continue to do that for a long time. Hugs and love to you and Michelle….
    Linda Crowe

  • Lynn

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    I am a member of University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, and I am also their Deaf Ministry Coordinator. Steve, we shook hands tonight. I want to thank both of you for sharing your story. I was at church when Michelle gave her witness. I watched the video of Steve’s recovery several times on You Tube and heard his sermon twice today. What a powerful testimony and message.

    I lost my daughter last year, and often wonder why she was never healed. I realize it is a question that can never be answered until I can ask God directly. It is painfully difficult for me to accept that my daughter was never healed, but I am glad to see God’s miracles are at work and other people are being healed. :-)

    I wish you the best. May God’s blessings continue to surround you and your family.

    With warmest regards,


    • Theresa Froehlich


      My heart goes out to you about the loss of your daughter. No words can ever express a mother’s pain for the loss of a child. I can relate to this loss in a different way because I have a daughter in her early 20′s.

      Not sure if we have met. Perhaps we’ll run into each other at UPC?

      Theresa Froehlich

  • Hoppe02


    My family and I came to the 5:00 p.m. worship service today (May 1st) at U Pres to hear your sermon. We were blessed to watch you skillfully weave your story alongside the paralytic man in the NT. Your passion for ministry and your gratefulness for healing really came through!
    Carolyn Hoppe, Harborview Rehab Counseling

  • Robertdgaston

    Steve and Michelle, Your story has touched me so deeply, it is hard for me to put into words how I would like to reach out to you both. I was lucky enough to sit next to Michelle at the 10:00 service on Easter when Michelle delivered a very moving and tender testimonial of her faith and journey since the motorcycle incident last Summer. I would love to be able to talk with you, and assist in your physical needs .

    Blessings to you both and your precious children, Robert Gaston

  • Theresa Froehlich

    Steve and Michelle,

    We’ve never met but my husband and I were in the audience when Steve preached yesterday. Since my two brothers went to University of Philippines, I felt an affinity with you because of the part of the world you have been in.

    As I looked around through my moist eyes while you preached, I saw quite a few women and men wiping the tears from their eyes. Steve’s message was so much more than an exegetical production. In fact his very life, his body, along with his miraculous recovery and traces of the accident, and his very person were exegeting God.

    My experience with losses over the last few years taught me the one very important thing about God and my relationship with him. I have been stripped of so many things I treasured, took for granted or even feel entitled to. What was left was a nakedness that drives me to run to God.

    In the end, He must increase and we must decrease so God will truly be LORD.

    May God’s abounding grace, endless mercy, and boundless love be forever with you.

    Rev. Theresa Ip Froehlich

  • Carol Hass

    Dear Steve,

    Grace, mercy, peace, joy, humility, gratitude. Each spilling through your every pore. From your heart to mine and to so many others at yesterday’s service. When I was recently in the Holy Land, I learned that the word “Gethsemene” comes from the Hebrew “Gat Shemanim” which means “olive press,” “oil press,” or “crushing place.” It feels like that is the way it is with you and Michelle. Pressed. And yet not destroyed. Pressed to squeeze out from both of you all the grace, compassion, love, mercy, joy, tenderness, wisdom, truth, and power that God wants squeezed out. I felt so touched by your message, poured forth in love and passion. Straight from your heart and soul. Tempered with your mind. And using all your strength. I felt like you spoke to each and every one of us. As if you were personally speaking one to one. And through your message I felt God pressing me, spilling forth to Jesus more awe and gratitude, more adoration and worship. Your story brings to mind the heart-rending autobiography, “A Severe Mercy” by Sheldon Vanauken, a young-adult friend of C.S. Lewis. The mercy you’ve experienced is a severe one, indeed. Pressed. But not broken. Thank you, Steve and Michelle. And thanks be to God. Prayer is my offering to you. May you be renewed and refreshed, living in the moment and in gratitude. Reaching out for strength. All in the midst of the “crushing.”

    Carol Hass

  • Sara

    Dear Steve and Michelle:
    My heart is overwhelmed with thankfulness for your thankfulness, for your beautiful words of life this past Sunday, Steve. For the quiet, gentle beauty you exude every time I see you, Michelle. Thank you both for pointing us to the grace of Christ in the most profound and unique way I have ever heard.
    Love to you,

  • Gary

    Steve, it was so great to see you on Sunday. The sermon touched so many people, it was truly powerful. The grace of God and everything you talked about really moved me that day. We have been praying for you over this last year and we have talked about you with our two boys. Ethan wanted to come listen to you that day as well and I was able to share your message with him after his Sunday school. The boys ask about you and we continue to pray for you and the family. I hope to see you soon, thanks again for sharing the message my brother, it was awesome! Blessings, Gary

  • Caroline Quinn

    Dear Steve and Michelle.,

    Although I have only met both of you very briefly, I want you to know how much your story has meant to me. I just posted the video of Steve’s recovery on FB. Many will see it and I pray many will be touched by it. I have many non Christian friends that I hope will take time to watch it. It’s so inspiring.

    Steve, your talk on Sunday AM was life changing. I have told many about the sermon and without sounding too over the top (a British expression…I spent 4 years in Oxford, England), I felt like I was looking into the face of God. Looking at you, there is nothing of self, you were on fire and your face shone. I know it must have been an exhausting time for you but it was the gift that can’t be wrapped for many of us.

    You are so right when you say that we are all paralyzed in one way or the other. And that there is great healing in our Redeemer and that God’s love is UNSTOPPABLE!!!! I loved that thought!!! I just looked at the video and my favourite photo is the black and white one of Michelle leaning over you iwhen you were in your wheelchair. Her long hair is like a veil over your face and it shows the deep love that you have for each other. I know that God has great things in store for both of you. Michelle, you must write a book My hope is that someday your story will be made into a movie. It would touched the world.

    I know that life is still very hard and we will pray on for continued strength as you recover even more. I still don’t have a date for the evening when you will speak to the young people. It may be a church event or we may have a private home gathering. I really want our kids to hear your story. I’m working on it but it all takes time.

    Thank you for your talk. Thank you for singing to us after the talk. There was very few dry eyes at the service.
    We all needed to be touched. We all needed to be healed and your talk breathed hope into our hearts. May God continue to keep you in His care and bless you as you serve His so faithfully.

    Caroline Quinn

  • Carol Greenwood

    Steve and Michelle,

    The words paralytic and friends echo with deeper meaning after Sunday’s service at UPC. AS do the words grace, mercy, and love. We are still savoring the exposition of the text, empowered by the Spirit and delivered from your heart to ours. Words fail us to describe the impact. Thank you, thank you for your challenge to us to receive healing for our own paralysis and then for leading us into worship that drew us to exalted our God together.

    We continue to hold you all in our hearts and prayers….and to thank God for his deep healing love . For what He has done and for what He will continue to do in your lives and the lives of others because of your testimony of our God’s incredible presence and faithfulness.

    Dick and Carol

  • Revscheer

    Steve, What a joy to have been with you at WCPPC this past week. Your life has been an example already. Steve Raines who was at the same conference suffered a stroke Saturday morning and God gave me 2 Tim. 2:13 “Even when we are too weak to have any faith left, he remains faithful to us and will help us, for he cannot disown us who are part of himself, and he will always carry out his promises to us.” (Living Bible). Our family watched the video and gave thanks to the Lord for His faithfulness to all of us. May God continue to grant you strength and set you back into an even more fruitful work. Your friend, Randy Scheer

  • Mac and Rhoda

    Steve and Michelle:

    You back in Manila around August 1 seems too good to be true! I anticipate we are going to witness one of the great turning point in God’s mission to Asia and the world connected to the Steve/Michelle/UCM drama. Rhoda and I surely want to be a part of it!


  • Robert Blincoe

    Hey Steve, ’twas wonderful to make your acquaintance at Mt. Hermon earlier this month. Your smile is unforgettable. I so enjoyed reading your wife’s Easter message on faith. Bob Blincoe, Phoenix

  • Suzanne Williams

    steve and michelle-
    i just finished watching your sermon from first pres.  i have the privilege of being a part of a young life’s ministry to kids with disabilities which we call “capernaum”.  i’ve lived in this passage for years, but listening to you brought the freshness of the holy spirit, especially as i think back to last august and standing in the hospital with you.  
    “and everyone was amazed because they had never seen anything like it”……  so very true of your own life.
    thank you for sharing with us.
    suzanne and christopher williams

  • Carol Dettoni

    Steve and Michelle:  I rejoice when I think of the unbelieveable ways God has answered our prayers these past almost 12 months.  I am also thankful for some new specifics to this journey to add to our prayers for you all.  I say “ditto” to what was just penned on this stream:  to see what God is going to do through you all at UCM, the Philippines and Asia!  How remarkable to see God’s strong hand upon you both.   John and I pray that God will continue to walk with you day by day, with each breath you take!  And may the Holy Spirit go before you in preparing the hearts and lives of the many people who love you and those who are yet to meet you in the future!  We hope to see you in Manila in late Sept./early Oct.  Or at least to worship with you at UCM while we’re there.  Our love to you all as you continue to learn what your boundaries must be, and may God’s peace be with you!  love, carol

  • Delfamatic626

    Hi Michelle! Thanks again for taking time to share. I look forward to reading your blogs as they always   manage to refresh me after a long hard day. Knowing what you have to go through as a family and yet you are able to rejoice in the Lord.  Thanks for reminding me to stop and breathe and to feel God’s presence even in or should I say especially in the hustle and bustle of the daily grind and know that He is all we need. It’s great to know that Pastor Steve is back to what he loves doing best – preaching. I am most certain that the Lord will  use him mightily at UCM to preach his message of hope and renewal. Hoping to hear him preach again someday soon. Tom sends his love.

    As we continue to pray,
    Tom and Delfa Matic

  • Daisy Serrano

    Daisy Serrano

    Thanks so much for reminding us that we need to slow down in our daily race to accomplish as much as we can and to remember the Holy Spirit and be changed for God’s glory. Praise God for inspiring and energizing Steve. His zest and passion for God is so visible in his joyful face. I pray that God will bring your heart’s desire to fruition. I can hardly wait to see you both at UCM. Steve, your ministry will become more powerful as God uses you.


  • Daisy Serrano

    Daisy Serrano

    Thanks so much for reminding us that we need to slow down in our daily race to accomplish as much as we can and to remember the Holy Spirit and be changed for God’s glory. Praise God for inspiring and energizing Steve. His zest and passion for God is so visible in his joyful face. I pray that God will bring your heart’s desire to fruition. I can hardly wait to see you both at UCM. Steve, your ministry will become more powerful as God uses you.


  • Randy Working

    Hey Steve, I wish I was able to be with you at WCPPC, but was busy with my cancer treatment.  We were so glad you were able to be there, and hope it was an encouraging time for you.  What a delight to watch your sermon at Bel Pres online and to be lifted up by your faithful witness.  Our prayers continue to be with you until the day we can enjoy fellowship face to face.  May the joy and peace of the Savior be with you, Michelle and your clan.


  • Russ and Karol

    It is so wonderful to see that picture of Steve Smiling!   It’s hard to believe a whole year has past but such a blessing to see the progress from where you were a year ago to where you are today.  We have been praying all year for you both and can’t wait to hear Steve preach this Sunday at Fairhaven Church. I know you will have many around you but I hope Russ and I can get one hello in there.    God keep you both and we will continue to pray.  Darlene and John will be keeping us posted on your progress.
    Karol and Russ

  • Phil and Sue Burns

    It was so very good to be under your preaching again, even if by video from Bellevue.  I continue to apply many things I learned from my short time at UCM here in Maine.   The man lowered through the roof needed healing but equally we needed him to be healed.  He had so much to be able to give and we had such a need to receive it.   United in Christ.  Centered in Christ and still maturing in Christ.

    Phil and Sue Burns, York Maine

  • Gretchen Valentine

    Steve and Michelle –

    I loved your post!  What a joy for you to have your three boys as witnesses to your renewed marriage vows.  How precious to hear their lively chatter in the background as Steve explains what you are planning to do.  And what a joy to see them standing in the trees.  Praise God, they are normal boys!  Your marriage is a blessing; your children are the fruit of that blessing; and the record you have kept of your journey will mean much to them one day.

    May our God continue to unfold the path before you in amazing ways.  May healing continue to come, Steve – to seep like warm oil into your hands and trunk and legs and feet.  Steve, you continue to run the good race in your spirit.  May God grace you again, one day, to run a good race with your legs.

    Blessings upon each of you, according to your needs – both spoken and unspoken, perceived and unperceived. 

    With gratitude, joy, and expectation, 

  • Heather Crummett

    Steve and Michelle, thank you so much for continuing to share the miracles in your life. I hope you will be able to continue as you travel and eventually return to Manila. This blog is a gift. I missed the chance to send you a card before you packed up – I am doing well at 29 weeks and hoping for a healthy baby in September.



  • Ohiomarine

    Steve, Thank you so much for sharing your story at Fairhaven Church this weekend. Your recovery is nothing short of miraculous but I don’t have to tell you that. It’s hard to see God’s long range plan when tragedy strikes but He is certainly using yours for his glory. May you and your family continue to experience His blessings as you continue on your journey.
    Candy Sparrow
    Fair haven Church
    Dayton, Ohio

  • Bnish

    It was so amazing to see you walk across the stage at Fairhaven Church a few weeks ago. We have been following your progress over the last year. Your message was  amazing and moving. I enjoyed your perspective on your last years experiances. Your story is incredible and uplifting.
    Safe travels back to Manila,
    Brad Nischwitz 

  • Laurie

    I’m pray big prayers for you and your family as I know our God is huge and He is Amazing.  I ask that you also remember me and my husband in prayer, we have been separated and after 1 1/2 years returning to Marriage counseling on August 16th.  I know that He does miracles . . . 
    with love & prayers,

  • Eileenjohnson

    Just as God used Paul’s writings while in prison to bless countless numbers down through the centuries, so He is blessing countless numbers of us through your writings. You are showing us what “abiding in the Vine” looks like in the reality of life. It is an honor to remember you to the Father.
    In His Great Love,
    Eileen Johnson

  • Harold Sala

    Hi Steve, I understand (to a small degree) the importance of staying with the therapy!  I had a knee replacement 84 days ago; however, I leave for Asia for three weeks of ministry on Sunday. I’ll keep praying for you.  I’ll continue to pray for you!  – Harold Sala /Guidelines International

  • Scott Mann

    Continuing to pray for you when you post and when you don’t. Know that I as well as BelPres staff and Seattle Presbytery continue to approach the throne of grace on your behalf, filled with God’s love for you and trusting the Divine Physician and Comforter will sustain, guide and empower you all in all things. Much love,
    Scott Mann
    Bellevue, WA

  • Kathy Fox

    Although your blog is listed under my favorites, I haven’t clicked on it for a while, but tonight I was catching up a bit.  Michelle, God has given you a gift of writing.  You are so open and yet your posts are always uplifting.  Praise God for your perseverance!
    Geri Gunderson was visiting our church here in Norfolk, Massachusetts, on the weekend of the accident and asked us to pray for her pastor.  May you be blessed and be a blessing as you return to Manila.

  • Linda Radach

    Michelle and Steve,
    Following your journey over these last months there have been many times when I considered responding to your posts. In the transparency of your hearts, I have been challenged and often touched in those parallel tender places in my own life. Thank you for the gift and privilege of sharing in your journey.

    Regardless of the circumstances – lingering illness, long struggles with paralysis, the limits of life with chronic pain, or just plain doldrums of everyday living, your realization of the ease with which we can ignore or fail to avail ourselves of the merciful graciousness of our loving Father rings with recognition in my own soul. It is unfathomable to me that one would choose the parched and brittle existence of near dehydration when a pool of deep clear water stands at the ready, and yet I too often repeat that very action within my soul even as the Lord waits with the refreshment I so desperately need. He is the Living Water for which my weary soul is longing.

    My heart resonates with yours in the words of the hymn “Be Still My Soul” It is a forever struggle to trust the purposes of God in our places of discouragement and weakness, and yet we can live in hope and faith as we continue to live in conversation with the One who is determined to take what is hurtful in our lives and turn it toward our good and His glory.

    I do not know who these words should be attributed to, but find them haunting me almost daily as I learn to dance in trust, stillness, and patience. In the face of disappointment, pain, and human suffering, I do not know how to do this dance very well, and my efforts are not a thing of beauty, but I am determined to learn. I pray they will be an encouragement to you as well.

    “Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to that music today.”

    God’s blessings be yours in abundance!     

  • Chitvillegas_ctv

    Hi Michelle,

    I am thinking what words would encourage you….after all you must have received endless words of encouragement. Would letting you know you are walk with in prayers do? But I tell you I have nothing but admiration for you…a woman of faith indeed. I look forward to your updates…but honestly not only to be updated of Pastor’s Steve’s condition but equally to hear your heart speak that always leaves impressions that makes me pause and listen well what God himself is speaking to me. Certainly you bless my heart. Undoubtedly I believe you must be blessing many other hearts as well.

    Yes I agree you only have to grasp His hand…and praying you will continue to grasp His unseen hand.

  • Fritz Menke III

    Good Morning Steve :

    We have you , Michelle and your Family in our PRAYERS each day.  May the LORD Bless you all in ways that you can’t image . 

    Love,   Fritz & Glenda, Fritz IV, Kelli and Jennifer 

  • Todd Panning

    Steve & Michelle…. you are both impressively strong from what I read here. And I can’t write much more to describe what I read. Life is somewhat of a puzzle as we try to figure out pieces that work… and figure out some that don’t work.  Keep your humor up… and we all pray for Steve’s health to return as much as possible.  ~~tpanning

  • Barb Ryburn

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    We were at the Hippensteal Mountain View Inn, Gatlinburg, TN, the week of October 24th.  While there we had the pleasure of meeting your mom and dad, Darlene and John.  You mother told me about your accident and gave me your web site.

    My husband, Glenn, and I pray for your full recovery.  I know it has been a long journey, with many miles yet to go, but thank God you are not alone.  He is with you every step of the way.  One of my favorite verses is also, “Be still and know that I am God.”  When ever it comes to mind, it is usually followed by “Remember to breathe.”  I then take a deep breath and imagine breathing in God’s Spirit and breathing out anything negative.  After doing that a few times, I feel filled with His love and peace and can continue the journey. 

    God bless you and your family.  God bless those you come in contact with.  May God use you in a mighty way according to His purpose.  May He give you an added measure of strength and faith to help you in your journey.  In Jesus name, I pray.

    With love,
    Barb Ryburn
    The Villages, Florida

  • Gamz

    Hello Pastor,

    It’s a great honor to hear your testimony last night at the araneta stadium. Hope you inspire more people and lead them to our Lord Jesus Christ! In behalf of Lifegiver Christian Family Minitries we pray for your complete healing and ministry to our God!

    God Bless!

    Manila, Philippines

  • Daisy

    Dear Pastor Steve,
    I’m praying that on your birthday on Dec. 29,  the desires of your heart will all come true, according to God’s will.  Happppy, happpy Birthdaaay to Youuuu.
    A friend texted me that the safest place in the world is to be in someone’s prayer. With the thousands of friends and supporters around the world who love you and are continually lifting you up in prayer, you are indeed in a warm, safe place sheltered and protected by God.
    The nicest place to be in the world is to be in someone’s loving thoughts. When we think of you, Michelle and the boys, it gives me a warm feeling to know that we are all somehow connected in this big circle of friends, joining hands together to worship and thank God for bringing you back to us in Manila.
    With love and prayers,
    Daisy Serrano

  • Michelle

    Dear Pastor Steve and Michelle,

    I sent you a note on this page a few days ago wanting to find out if you have returned to Manila. Amazingly, I got a greeting from you both just now, stating on the return address that yes you are back!! God is answered my questions quickly. Thank God that you are back. I am looking forward to meeting you once again in UCM. 

    Happy Birthday, Pastor Steve!! All the good health and brighter future for you and your family! Thank you for all your inspirations and teachings that I am able to understand God more.!! 

    Lots of love,

    The Sison Family

  • Dtopliff

    Grateful for your updates to frame prayer thanks and shape further prayer focus. I have checked this site a number of times in last weeks so am happy to hear this now. And of course am also praying much for Darren’s mother and family, close friends of ours through whom we met you.
    Blessings and love to each of you each day, Delores Topliff

  • Ed Schnebele

    Ed & Joan
    Steve, recently I was going through my photos of the UPC Choir in Kiev, re-living that special time, and was struck by your constant smile, particularly when you were unawares background in a photo. The peace and joy you radiate has been put to the test since Kiev, and by God’s grace you shine!  God Bless you, Michelle and all your family.

  • Griffioenbakker

    lieve michelle,
    je loopt nu op de goede weg en daar ben ik heel blij mee.
    ik merk dat het mij (en anderen?) helpt nu ik jouw brief lees.
    liefde en vertrouwen zijn de basis van het leven en jij durft daar over te schrijven!
    Het klinkt poetisch:  je spint een web van liefde en vertrouwen over de hele wereld met deze  brief.

    toch blijf ik zeggen/schrijven: sterkte in alles èn

    hartelijke groeten aan steve en de kinderen.
    en een omarming voor jou

    gemma van Henk Griffioen

    • Cbsample

       “liefde en vertrouwen zijn de basis van het leven”

      Daar heb je toch wel gelijk in!

  • Neilhazel

    Dear Michelle and Steve,
         Tue. Aug. 21, at a meeting with Mark R., I asked of  your welfare.  It was a brief positive response and I indicated I hadn’t seen anything on your blog.  How comforting to receive a fresh one today.  I guess in some way, Jeanne and my dinner prayer, last night, was specifically directed to you, Michelle, for God to provide strength, hope, understanding and His direction for you to continue to be a great mother  and a wonderful nurse, and  a loving supporter, wife.  Your blog is appreciated. Jeanne and I send our love and best wished.   Neil

  • anne_west

    Dear Steve and Michelle,

    I think of you many times a week and pray, but I’m afraid it’s a weak prayer. What would Ido if I were in your shoes? Mostly I just ask God to do for you what He knows is best and to encourage you.

  • Cbsample

    Michelle, you have such a gift for writing, at any length. Thanking God for your gift, and you for sharing it. Blessings to all, Sarah Hedberg’s friends Chris and Judy in Maine

  • Linda Toothman

    As a special education teacher I was blessed beyond measure from my students. They taught me how to enjoy  the sim;ple things of life, to live without regret and to come in each day fresh leaving yesterday behind. In looking back I see how much I grew spiriually from the simple lessons they taught me. While I pray for Steve’s continued healing I also thank God for your ability to praise Him for the simple pleasures you have time to enjoy in your life. God Bless, Linda Toothman (Theron’s Mom)

  • Barbara Peterson

    Hi Michelle and Steve–you have been even more in my thoughts than usual after a life-altering gymnastics accident of a 15year old here. She comes from a family of strong faith. I know from reading your experiences the road will be challenging, yet strewn with blessings from God. Your messages are so transparent and inspiring, reminding again the source of all gifts and the One to be thanked. Blessings on your family Thanksgiving and Advent season ahead. Barbara Peterson, UPC

  • Celine Khong

    Hi Michelle, I am so happy to know that you are still continue to write and thank you for sharing your challenge of ups and down of every day walking with God. You and pastor Steve are the living testimonies of God’s love. You are also an inspiration to me. You and pastor Steve are in my thought and prayer.

    Celine Khong from Jakarte

  • Carol Ngo dela Cruz

    Yes you are right. So happy and touched by the consecutive preaching of Pastor Steve on Galatians. He explained every verse very clearly and ” easy to understand”. Which is why upon learning of his hospitalization I was not able to sleep well that night. Our hearts are with both of you. Praise God he was discharged from the hospital. Both of you are examples of Strength and God’s Love .

  • Ary Pascual

    You are both a living, breathing, walking testimony of a LIVING GOD! We are so blessed to witness the miracles in your life, speaking volumes of God’s AMAZING GRACE!

  • Gary Watanabe

    Greetings Michelle and Steve from NYC! I just recently came across your Facebook post that was in my inbox of emails for the first time. As others have already commented, I have appreciated greatly Michelle’s blogs or monthly updates, especially the most recent one on the “already-but-not yet” in light of the recent typhoon destruction and of course Steve’s amazing but still slow, recovery process from his accident over a year ago. Thank you for sharing with such transparency how you all are experiencing this “already, but not yet” reality of life and faith. Your testimony, like Tim Keller’s recent book and talks on suffering in Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, is both a challenge and comfort to my own faith. Everytime I’ve had opportunity to be in Manila these last few years, it just never worked out for us to get together. I hope that God will grant us that privilege in the near future. May this Christmas season and New Year fill your lives with the joy of His Presence, Emanuel, God with us! Maligayang Pasko and Bagong Taon! Gary Watanabe, Redeemer City to City

  • Anonymous

    It is no accident we celebrate the coming of the Christ when the nights are the longest and coldest. It is then we need the light of Christ the most. God bless you all in this Christmas season.

  • Helen Bartholomew

    I must have seen the Video of Pastor’s Steve for at least half a dozen times, but each time I watch it – I cry like a river and get goosebumps. Last Sunday, August 10th — I just noticed the ambulance that carried our dearest pastor — did you notice? The ambulance’s name — ARC ANGEL’s AMBULANCE!!! I had to tell Pastor Steve – who also did not also notice. God has ways of communicating his love!!!

  • Darlene Sala

    Darlene and I both deeply admire the two of you and how you have used your lives and energy to make a difference in the world. I’m a lousy “waiter” and understand (I think) at least some of your impatience. Thanks for what you are and what you are doing. A friend who was held captive by the FARC guerrillas in Columbia later wrote and said God was making him on the inside what He wanted his captors to see on the outside. May God continue His work of grace in your lives. Harold Sala

  • Barry DeShetler

    Your family continues to embody what Christmas declares – when things are their darkest, it is then that the Light comes. We continue to pray for you. God bless and Merry Christmas. Barry DeShetler, Christ UMC Kettering

  • Sonia Moen

    May the blessings of the season be with you and your sweet family at Christmas and always. Sonia, (UPC/Seattle)

  • Flavia Rousu

    God continues to keep His mighty and loving hands around you and your precious family. You all are living examples of being His lights in the world. With greatest love and hope for your upcoming Manila year together that you so warmly share with us, Flavia Rousu

  • Wendy sale

    What a beautiful family! Merry Christmas! Thanks for your beautiful words drawing us to the God who loves us!!
    We miss you guys !!
    The Sale family

  • precious lim

    thank you so much for your message about waiting truly it’s so hard to wait especially when you are claiming God’s promise, you get to the point where you ask God if you heard Him right or if that promise was really for you. But thank you for reminding me to enjoy the journey, to enjoy the beauty of the path. It may be hard, sometimes disappointing and frustrating but am sooo happy to be rmeinded that HIs promises stands true and that He is not a liar. What He promised He will fulfill/

  • Keri anderson

    Hello I am Mrs Keri Anderson,I am out here to spread this good news to the entire world on how I got my ex Lover.I was going crazy when my husband left me and our child for another woman last month, But when i met a friend that introduced me to Dr LOGOGO the great messenger to the oracle of Ogiso spiritual temple,I narrated my problem to DR LOGOGO about how my ex Lover left me and our child and also how i needed to get a job here in USA.He only said to me that i have come to the right place were i will be getting my heart desire without any side effect.He told me what i need to do,After i had done it, 24hours later,My Ex Lover. called me on the phone and was saying sorry for living me and the kids before now. one week after my Husband called me to plead for forgiveness,I was called for interview by a multinational company here in Minnesota, that I was needed to work as a senior consultant..I am so happy and overwhelmed that i have to tell this to
    the entire world to contact Dr.LOGOGO on his personal email address and
    get all your problem solve..No problem is too big for him to solve..Contact him direct and your problem will be solve,email

  • Jerry Yoder

    As You & Steve know so well, my Testimony regarding Jesus in my life was confirmed by Steve’s miraculous recovery when he returned to fulfill God’s promise to me. That promise was Steve would Baptize me at Union Church of Manila… & the baptism happened just as God promised. May God continue to Bless You, Steve, Your Family… & Union Church of Manila.!!

  • Donnard