Extubation attempt

Just off the phone with David, 12pmEST

They are going to try and extubate Steve (remove the breathing tube) within the hour.

The measurements that they’ve been able to take suggest that the swelling has gone down and he *may* be able to breathe on his own. There are also significant risks in keeping him intubated for this long… one of which is he could loose his voice.

Once they extubate, they will take measurements and determine how well he’s breathing. If the extubation is successful, they can reduce his sedation meds and he could talk. If this is not successful, then they will need to re-intubate him.

Please pray for a successful extubation, and that Steve would be able to breathe and talk on his own.

The surgery is schedule for this Wednesday, but that is entirely dependent on the fever, etc.

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  • Margot Owen

    Awake and praying the extubation is a success. Love you all. To Him be glorified!

  • julie

    lifting pastor steve up and the whole medical/surgical team in charge of his care. praying he tolerates the extubation, gains more motor and sensory control and fights the infection.

  • Tawnya Schoolitz

    I have heard of Steve through Barry Marshall and am praying for his recovery and for strength and love to Michelle. Hugs and prayers from Arizona!

  • Peter Schiller

    Thank-you for the updates. This will certainly help us pray for specifics. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Steve!

  • Jolly A. Morata

    Thank you Sean for keeping us all updated! My family and friends are continuing to pray for Pastor Steve, Michelle and the boys. Praying that God will supernaturally direct everything about his extubation and surgery and rehab later! Hugs from Manila :-)